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‘Differentiation and Integration Eom 21. From the table given below, find f” (30), f’ (31) and f’ (35). x rot S20 haat ee AS 36 f@) : 8590 8685 87-73 8864 8952 9037 91-1 22. Find y’ and y” at x=1-2 given. x 6219: 12 14> 16 18 20 22 y : 27183 33201 4.0552 49530 60496 7-3891 9-250 A Find the maximum value of f (2) given the table. Ponca. 4 12. 13 14 15 16 Fe) 2 09320 09636 0-9855 09975 09996 NUMERICAL INTEGRATION a 9-7, Introduction We know that f f(x) dx represents the area between y=f (x), x-axis and the ordinates x=a and x=. This integration is possible only if the f(x) is explicitly given and if it is integrable. The problem of numerical integration can be stated as follows: Given a set of (n+ 1) paired values (x,y). 7=0, 1,2, ...1 of the function y=f(x), where f(x) is not known explicitly, it is required to pag Siyae As we did in the case of interpolation or numerical differentiation, we replace f(x) by an interpolating polynomial P,(x) and obtain f P, (x) dx which is approximately taken as the value for fa f(a) dx. aaa %o 9.8. A general quadrature formula for equidistant ordinates (or Newton-cote’s formula) For equally spaced intervals, we have Newton’s forward difference formula as u(u-1) 2 u(u-1) (u-2) (2) =y (xo uh) = yo + u Ayo + Aye EOE 04 eatny Now, instead of f(x), we will replace it by this interpolating formula of Newton. m0; x eres where h is interval of differencing, 4 Since x, =X +h, and u= *o we have P2409 deaf" pa p ete ee Pele P, Gy ae whee (@) is interpolating polynomial * a Z - = of degree n. ” 5 u(u-1)(u-2) , emf (rou ar Ayo+—= 3, 4% 0 to) Adu since dx=hdu, and when x=, u=0 and when x=%9+nh,u=n 2 2 uu =A ot u AY + Sy wie - Bye =h Yo (w) +5 Ayyt—5— 2 3 ty n In 2, [sayaena| myo avea[ 372 J 1f né ee =e Ay, ae Ie n+n Yo (2) : The equation (2), called Newton-Cote’s quadrature formula 1s a general quadrature formula. Giving various values for n, we get a number ov: __ of special formula. 9-9. Trapezoidal rule By putting n= 1, in the quadrature formula (i.e., there are only two Paired values and interpolating polynomial is linear.) +h 1 Z . Se Sf) de= 4 1-yo+ 34] since other differences do not exist % ifn=1. =i[0+30:-9] h =3 00+) (3) 7 tah Srey ace fi F(x) dx 4 aa + +24 +nh = dx I FQ) TT def ped h A $200? ie Cre eee ot ey) Pre) de=4 6,44 ,4,491,0 F If n is an even integer, last integral will be os IP serde=4o,_.44y, 1499 Mand Adding all these integrals, if n is an even positive integer, that is, the number of ordinates yo, y,, ...y, is odd, we have Pore) ae= "p09 c+ p00 ace +f f(x) de *o %y a Aaa =F oo+4y +¥) +024 4y3+y4) + +02 4+4y,_1 +¥,)) ; =F 100+) 42 0.49444 0,494] = [sum of the first and last ordinates +2 (sum of remaining odd ordinates) +4 (sumofeven ordinates)} ‘ €: Though y has suffix even, it is the third ordinate (odd), 9-14. Simpson’s three-eighths rule Putting n=3 in Newton-cotes formula (equation 2, §9-8) foent| mdove (3) sh0e2( tarsal) 9 =[ mos +2e- Wot 3 (e- vo] af od 91 gg 1 a3 Se 264-29 499 ae 1 Braluste ae ss @ Simpson’ is Alle. Verify Nour results 13 actual ‘integration. E Solution. Here y : ax Interval length (b~a)=6. So, we divide 6 - equal ere with ee <3 -2 -1 0° os 2 3 fer Seer! 81 16 1 0 1 16ymumri81 | (i) By Trapezoidal rule, & dx -2 [(sum of the first and last ordinates +2 (sum of the remaining ordinates)]} " =F (1481) +2 (16414041416) =115 (#) By Simpson’s one-third rule (since number of ordinates i is odd) J yar=F 1081 +81)+2(14+1) +4 (1640416) = 98. (iti) Since n=6, (multiple of three), we can also use Simpson’s three-eighths rule, By this rule, Jyde=2161+8)+3.06+141419420) = 99, (iv) By actual integration, we see that Simpson’s true in general; but not Example 2. Evaluate’ ie ie using Trapezoidal rule with h=02. Hence obtain an epproximat formulae in this case. lue of m. Can you use other 28 te cornea bo aping2) 2 levicini sf Solution. Let y (x) = ¢° Numerical Differentiation and Integration 309 Interval is (1-0)=1 *’ The value of y are calculated as points taking h=0-2 { PS pod 02 04 06 08 10 » Sed + 1 096154 0-86207 0-73529 —0-60976 —_-0-50000 () By trapezoidal rule, i ee ole 2 = 2 [(1 +.0-5) + 2 (096154 + 086207 + 0:73529 + 0:60976)] )1) [1-5 + 6-33732] -783732 By actual integration, dx ol+x r 4 = 0-783732 [00+ 9) +201 +y2+ +In—id = (tan™!x)j = 1/4 7 =3-13493 (approximately. In this case, we cannot use Simpson’s rule (both) and Weddle’s rule. (since number of intervals is 5). Example 3. From the following table, find the area bounded by the curve and the x-axis from x=7-47 to x= 7°52. x c 747 748 749 7-50 751 7-52 y=f@) : 1-93 195 1-98 2.01 203 2-06 Solution. Since only 6 ordinates (n=5) are given, we cannot use Simpson’s rule or Weddle’s rule. So, we will use Trapezoidal rule. 7-52 0-01 Area=J_f() dx =~ [(1-93 + 2.06) +2 (1.95 + 198+ 201 +2.03)] 747 = 0.09965. 2 Example 4. Evaluate the integral I le log. x dx using Trapezoidal, 4 Simpson’s and Weddle’s rules. Solution. Here b — a=5-2~4= 1-2. We shall divide the interval into 6 equal parts. Hence, h aa =02, We form the table. x 4 42 44 46 48 30 52 FG) =loge x 13862944 1-4350845 1-4816045 15260563 1:5686159 16094379 1-6486586 (io. ince n= bee peru aane By Simpson's one-third rule, a 1292 [(1:3862944 + 1. 6486586) +2 (i 481604541 5686159) (anion 4 (143508454 1-5260563)] 182784724 (iii) By Simpson, three-eighths rule, I= =302) [(1-3862944 + 1-6486586 + 3 (1-4350845 + (1-4816045 + 15686159 + 1609437942 (1-5260563)) = 182784705 (@) By Weddle’s rule, 1-202) 11 38629444 5 (1-4350845) +.1-4816045 #6 (15260563) + 15686159 +5 (16094379) + 1-6486586] = 182784739 Note: If the number of intervals is a multiple of six, we can use all the above formulae. 1 leo Tax H using (i) Trapezoidal rule if ExGple 5. Evaluate 0 (ii) Simpson's rule (both) (iii) Weddle’s rule. Also, check up by direct integration. a Solution. Take the number of intervals as 6, < il ae 2 & win Blow wile alu I= o (i) By Trapezoidal rule, dx 1 eh Tar Cie-2| (ae a(oseieteded = 202142857 : me 312 _ Numerical Methods~1y_ (ii) By Simpson’s one-third rule (since three are 11 ordinates), 1 (J }ioro+2 (05878 + 0.9511 + 09511 +0-5878) +4 (0:3090 + 08090 + 1 + 0-8090 + 0.3090)] =2-00091 Note: We cannot use Simpson's three-eighth’s rule or Weddle’s rule here, (iii) By actual integration, 1=(~ cos x) =2 Hence, Simpson's rule is more accurate than the Trapezoidal rule, y. Example 7. Evaluate if & dx by Simpson’s one-third rule correct to 0 five decimal places, by proper choice of h. Solution. Here, interval length =b—a= yaeyrae, \ Error =| E| 482 700 826 856 784 13 31. Evaluate [ Vx dr taking h=0.05 by various methods. What is the error 10 made in using Trapezoidal rule. 32. By using Trapezoidal rule, taking sub-interval lengths as h, 2 integral ie sinx dx was evaluated (for a specific h). The values of the 0 integrals are 0-987116, 0-996785,0-999196 and 0:999799, Using Romberg’s method, improve the result 1 33. Find the approximate value of ee by Trapezoidal rule taking holy and then use Romberg's method to get more accurate result. pee Dias 2 44. Evaluate ff Ysin @ ®, using Simpson’s rule taking six equal intervals. 35. A curve passes through the points (1, 0:2), (2, 0-7), (3, 1), (41-3). (5. 1-5). (6, 1-7), (7, 1.9), (8,2:1), (9,2:3). Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the area between the curve; the x-axis and x=1,x=0 about the x-axis. Numerical Differentiation and Integration 321 1. 5-375 cm/sec, — 46-083 cm/sec” x=4-42,miny=2 3B Min at 0, 2 is 0, Max at 1 is 0-25 14. 2:83 15. - 16,4 16. 0-109 17. 98 18. 2:25 19. -16 20. 1:17 ! 21. (30) = 1-403, f’(31) = 0-806, f’(35) = 0-894 22. 3-3205, 3-32 23, x= 1-58. EXERCISE 9.2 Page 317 1. 0-32284 2. 0-6931, 0-6971 3. 0-8145 4, 1-13935 5. 0-9981, 1-0006 6. 0-2310846 7. 4.0715, 4-05214, 4.05145 8. 4.05106, 4.05098 9. 1-0635166 secs, 10640655 secs, 1-0624248 secs 10. 606-66m 11, 53-8733, 53-598 12. 2-819 13. 177-483 15. 0-6949, 0.6931, 0-6932, 0.6932 16. 1713870 17. 0-7428, 0-7467 18. 0-972 19. 0-875468 20. 1-299 21. 091111 22. 6-4481, 63894 23. 0-65901,0.65933 24. 1-305 25. 1-136 26. 0-08409 27. 0-5235989 28 5-16 miles 29. 0-725 units of time 30. 50-8km 31. 0-32147, 0-32149, error = 0-00002 32. 1-000000 33. 0-75, 0-708333, 0:697024, 0-694122, 0.693148 34, 11877 35. 59-68 36. 1-8521 37. 29 minutes nearly 38. 190 sq. m. 39. 3.032 40. 0-6686, 0.6321 41. 1-096 42. 1-6666km

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