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Sports Technology

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Experimental analysis on parameters affecting

drag force on speed skaters

Luca Oggiano & Lars Roar Sætran

To cite this article: Luca Oggiano & Lars Roar Sætran (2010) Experimental analysis on
parameters affecting drag force on speed skaters, Sports Technology, 3:4, 223-234

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Sports Technology, November 2010, 3(4): 223–234


Experimental analysis on parameters affecting drag force

on speed skaters


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Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

In sports where high speed is reached and drag is the main force acting on the athlete’s body, the posture highly influences the
total drag. In speed skating, due to the fact that the total drag is proportional to the frontal area, the athletes minimize their
frontal area keeping the trunk parallel to the air flow. In this study it is shown that the aerodynamic resistance acting on the
legs counts up to 1/3 of the total drag. In order to reduce the drag, rough textiles with different patterns have been used in
sport suits. However, a certain number of parameters need to be considered in order to optimize the aerodynamic
performance of a textile. These parameters are: speed, diameter of the leg, yaw angle, distance between the legs and
roughness of the textile. This study shows a quantitative effect of the different parameters on the aerodynamic performances
of textiles. Tests have been carried out on cylinder models and cD-speed curves for each case have been acquired.
The contemporary effect of roughness and the diameter, roughness and yaw angle and roughness and distance between the
legs have been highlighted with the main conclusion that rough textiles are not always beneficial in terms of drag reduction.
However, an accurate choice of the different materials for different speed, yaw angles, size of the model and distance between
the legs could improve the overall aerodynamic properties reducing the drag.

Keywords: aerodynamics, apparel, textiles, drag, speed skating

The inertia (I [kgm/s2]) becomes important only

1. Introduction
when accelerations are present. This leads to the fact
Considering sports where the main goal is to cover a that the inertia force has a higher importance in short
certain distance in the shortest possible time (cycling, distance competitions where the speed of the athletes
speed skating, skiing, running, etc.) a number of forces is constantly increasing.
are acting against the athletes during their motion. A deeper look at these forces is important in order to
The power generated by the athlete is then spent to understand when the aerodynamic resistance (or drag)
overcome these negative forces in order to reach the becomes important and thus a drag reduction would
highest possible speed. be beneficial in terms of performances.
Narrowing the attention to speed skating, three
forces play a major role during a race: drag, friction and 1.1 Drag
inertia The drag can be written as:
The drag (D [kg·m·s-2]) is a function of the speed and
it increases with the speed and it is always negative. 1
D¼ AP cD rV 2 ¼ KV 2 ð1Þ
The friction (F [kg·m·s-2]) between blade and ice is 2
both a negative force which oppose to the skater’s where Ap [m2] is the frontal area r [kg·m-3] is the air
motion but it is also used in order to transfer the density, V [m·s-1] is the wind speed and cD [– ] is the
power to the ground and thus increase the speed of non dimensional drag coefficient. It is common to
the athlete during the pushing phase. simplify the case including Ap [m2] r [kg·m-3] and cD
In order to simplify the picture, the pushing phase [– ] into a constant quantity K [kg·m-1].
will be discarded and the friction will be only This was mostly due to the fact that the athletes are
considered as a negative force. believed not to be able to reach the critical speed

Correspondence: L. Oggiano, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dept. of Energy and Process Engineering, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway.
ISSN 1934-6182 print/ISSN 1934-6190 online q 2010 Taylor & Francis
224 Luca Oggiano and Lars Roar SÆtran

VTRANS [m/s]which cause the fall in cD [ – ] due to the Van Ingen Schenau, 1992, 2005; De Koning & Van
change from laminar to turbulent regime and the Ingen Schenau, 2000; Hennekam, 1990).
consequent reduction of pressure drag.
However, Pugh (1971) predicted that the flow
1.3 Inertia
around the athletes could experience the transition
from laminar to turbulent regime with a consequent The inertia acting on the athlete can be written as:
drop in terms of drag. His prediction was not
I ¼ mV_ ð6Þ
supported by the results he obtained since he was not
able to reach the critical speed value during his tests. _
where m [kg] is the mass of the athlete and V[m·s -2
] is
A few years later DiPrampero, Mognoni, & the acceleration. The power that the athlete has to
Saibene (1979) showed that cD is not constant but spend against the inertia in order to reach a certain
dependent on different factors. Among these factors speed can be written as the rate of change of the
also the speed is mentioned. kinetic and potential energy (De Koning et al., 2005).
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These two assumptions leads to the fact that the

simple way of representing K as a constant is not PI ¼ ð7Þ
sufficient in order to have a complete picture of the dt
drag acting on a athlete. A more complex represen- In order to consider all the forces acting against a
tation of K, where K is dependent on the speed and skater during its performance, a balance of the forces
on the different suits used, has been proposed by acting against the athletes during their motion have
Oggiano & Sætran (2008). In their work, tests were been proposed by (De Koning et al., 2005;
carried out in the wind tunnel with a full scale De Koning & Van Ingen Schenau, 2000). In this
mannequin model, VTRANS has been reached and the power balance equation, the power generated by the
fall in cD occurred. A dependency on the type of suit athlete is spent to overcome the three main forces
used and on the speed was found. previously mentioned (drag, friction and inertia):
K ¼ K ðV ; suitÞ ð2Þ Pu ¼ PF þ PD þ PI ð8Þ
2 -3
In order to be able to quantify how much power an where Pu [kg·m ·s ] is the power generated by the
athlete has to spend in order to overcome the drag the skater, PF [kg·m2 ·s-3] are the frictional losses
power can be written as: averaged due to the ice/blade friction, PD [kg·m2·s-3]
are the frictional losses averaged due to the drag
1 (D) and PI [kg·m2·s-3] the rate of change of the kinetic
P D ¼ DV ¼ AP cD ðV ; suitÞrV 2 V ð3Þ
2 and potential energy.
In most long distance races, the athlete’s speed
1.2 Frictional forces tends to increase in the initial part of the race and it
stabilizes on a constant level for the rest of it.
A representation of the frictional forces has been Focusing the attention on the second part of the race,
suggested by Bowden & Huges (1953) and it has it can be postulated that Pf is going to be proportional
been used successively (De Koning, De Groot, & Van to the speed, PI is going to be zero and PD is
Ingen Schenau, 2005). proportional to the cube of the speed.
The frictional force can be generically written as: This lead to the fact that, the higher the speed is,
F ¼ mN ð4Þ the more relevant the percentage of drag on the total
forces will be.
where m [ –] is the coefficient of friction and N And thus, the higher the speed is, the more a
[kg·m·s-2] is the force normal to the ground. Thus, reduction in drag is crucial in order to use the power
the power that an athlete has to spend in order to generated to reach a higher speed.
overcome the frictional force can be then written as: Considering the example of speed skating, at
P F ¼ mNV ð5Þ 10 m/s, the drag is ca. 80% of the total forces acting
on a skater during its motion and it rises up to 90% at
The friction coefficient m [– ] has been widely 15 m/s (Figure 1).
analyzed but the results are controversial. In order to manipulate the drag acting on the
Bowden & Huges (1953) found out that m athlete by using different textiles (which is the main
decreases with the velocity and he explained this scope of this work) some simplifications are needed.
decrease with a higher surface melting under the The complexity of the geometry of the human body
blades and thus a better lubrication. De Koning et al. adds a number of variables which do not give the
(2005) found the exact contrary. Despite these possibility to accurately evaluate the effect of the
findings, it is common to consider the friction forces different textiles. One way to simplify the human
independent on the speed (De Koning, De Groot, & body has been suggested by Hoerner (1965) first and
Parameters affecting drag force on speed skaters 225

Figure 1. Influence of drag in speed skating.

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Figure 2. Camera setup and frontal area calculations.

Shanebrook & Jasczak (1974, 1976) later. In their Already in 1929, Fage & Warsap found out that the
separate works, they approximated the drag force on size of the roughness present on a cylinder could affect
the human body with the help of a model consisting its aerodynamic properties stating that a cylinder
of series of circular cylinders with different shapes could be considered smooth if the excrescences do not
and inclinations which were used to simulate arms, affect the flow around the cylinder itself.
legs and trunk and a sphere to simulate the head. The concept was further elaborated by Prandtl
The concept behind this model was to link the (1961), who said that the roughness does not affect
shape of the human body with shapes with known the flow if they are completely embedded in the
aerodynamic characteristics. laminar boundary layer.
This assumption was successively adopted by a However, when characterizing the roughness on
number of scientists (Brownlie, 1992; Oggiano, the cylinder surface, not only the size of the
Sætran, Løset, & Winther, 2007) in order to estimate excrescences is important, but also their texture
the influence of textiles on the total drag of the (shape, distribution, etc).
athletes and be able to compare the results with Different kind of roughness texture and shape have
classical literature about bluff bodies aerodynamics been studied and applied to cylinders: tripping wires
(Achenbach, 1977; Bearman & Harvey, 1993). and separation wires (Alam & Zhoua, 2003; James &
Some of the previous studies present in the Truong, 1972; Naumann & Quadflieg, 1968),
literature (Achenbach, 1977; Bearman & Harvey, tripping spheres (Mizuno, 1970), eddy generators
1993; Fage & Warsap, 1929) show that roughness is (Joubert & Hoffman, 1962), sand roughness
able to generate turbulence and affect the flow (Achenbach, 1977), dimples (Bearman & Harvey,
around the cylinder. 1993). (James & Truong, 1972) found out that the
226 Luca Oggiano and Lars Roar SÆtran

drag coefficient (cD) could vary by 40% depending on affect the flow transition on bluff bodies. However, if
the type of protrusion used on the cylinder. The data fabrics are coated and thus their surface is smooth,
showed that the protuberance shapes, a trip-wire and then the roughness will not be enough to induce to
an overlap, are nearly identical in their effect on the flow transition. The importance of a tight fit has also
aerodynamic characteristics, and that their effect been addressed by Brownlie (1992) which found out
depends much more on location than on size. that coated Lycra suits are able to keep a tight fit
An even higher drag reduction in terms of cD has to the body even when the body is in movement.
been obtained by Alam & Zhoua (2003) positioning Porosity has also been taken into considerations by a
tripping rods of 5 mm in diameter at 308. At this number of authors. Watanabe, Kato, Kamata, &
angular position of the tripping rods, cD was reduced Ondera (1989) found out that textiles with high
by 67%. Farell & Fedeniuk (1988) used wire-gauze permeability had higher drag than textiles with low
shaped roughness for their experiments. The tests permeability. The same results were presented by
were carried out on a cylinder with a diameter of Holden (1988) who justified this increase of drag
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5.08 cm and steel wire cloths were used as roughness, noticing that porous materials move the separation
in two sizes, with wire diameters 0.165 mm and point in the front side of the model and this leads to
0.254 mm leading to a k/Diam ¼ 0.65% and higher drag. A third reason for increase of drag is
k/Diam ¼ 1% respectively. A considerable decrease that the ventilation through porous fabrics traps
of the ReTRANS has been found. the air inside the fabric and it leads to an increase of
Buresti & Launaro (1980) used emery cloth to the skiers mass. This assumption has also been
simulate the roughness and noticed that the critical confirmed by (Brownlie et al., 1987) which suggested
regime could be reduced (and even eliminated) the use of coated fabrics in order to reduce the
depending on the roughness size. Their results also
problem. Focusing the attention on speed skating, it
showed that it is not possible to characterize the flow
is known that speed skating suits rapidly evolved
by means of a Reynolds number based on the size of
during the last few decades, after researchers and
the roughness.
scientists noticed that drag reduction on the athletes
Dimpled surfaces (considered as negative rough-
was possible by using different suits. Brownlie (1992)
ness) have been proven to be able to lower the cD at
in his PhD thesis work analyzed the effect of different
high Re, in the post-critical flow phase being the most
textiles. Tests have been carried out on different
efficient type of roughness in terms of drag reduction.
dimensions cylinder models and on mannequins.
Experiments carried out by Bearman and Harvey
In his work, Brownlie addressed the problem of
(1976, 1993) showed how dimples can affect the
aerodynamic properties of spheres (Bearman & understanding how the textiles roughness can be
Harvey, 1976) and cylinders (Bearman & Hennekam, expressed. His final finding was that skin suits can
1993). give high advantage in terms of performances due to
These results created the substructure which the lower drag.
pushed scientists to investigate possible methods to A list of the milestone changes in terms of speed
reduce the drag on human bodies by optimizing suits skating apparel has been given by (Kuper & Sterken,
and equipments. 2002):
Kyle (1988) and Brownlie (1992) noticed that
loose clothing increase the frontal area of the athlete 1976 – Skin suits are introduced by Krienbühl.
leading to an increase of drag of about 40% with the 1998 – Dutch team used zig-zag stripes.
direct consequence that tight skin suits are highly 2000 – Nike introduced the skin swift suit with
recommended in order to lower the drag. rough patches on legs and arms.
Kyle in particular noticed that a suit two size larger
could increase the drag of 3% on a Nordic skier. In the same work, they analyzed the effect of speed
Van Ingen Schenau (1982), already in 1982, found skating suits on speed skating performances basing
out that different materials are able to reduce the their work on the data collected during the Olympic
drag on the athletes. He noted that a wool suit has Games in Salt Lake City in 2002, focusing the
less drag than a lycra suit for speed below 7 m/s while, attention on the new Nike suit with rough patches on
for higher speeds, the lycra suit has lower drag and he the arms and legs.
explained his results affirming that the rough textile Their main findings were that for men there was a
present in the new suits is able to trip the transition to significant positive contribution to skating speed of
turbulent regime of the flow around the athletes. Kyle the Nike suit for most distances. For women, a
(1988) found out that a lycra suit was able to reduce significant positive contribution of the Nike suit was
the drag of a cyclist of ca. 7%. Further experiments found especially for the longer distances (1500 m or
carried out by Brownlie, Gartshore, Mutch, & more), while for the other suits they did not do not
Banister (1987) showed that textiles are able to find any positive contribution.
Parameters affecting drag force on speed skaters 227

These results are somehow matching with what

Brownlie found in 1992 where he compared the aver-
age change in times between the skaters’ Salt Lake City
performances and their previous pre Salt Lake City
personal bests (Brownlie, 1992) and he found out that
the Nike swift suit used by the USA team and by the
Dutch team were respectively 0.91% and 0.93% faster.
In a successive study, Kuper & Sterken (2008)
stated that the suits, even if they give an advantage to
the skaters in terms of drag reduction, do not affect
Figure 3. The three textiles used. The smooth cylinder is marked
the final performance. with the white color.
The aim of the present study is to first understand
which body parts counts most on the total drag of an In the following part Af [m2] refers to the images
taken from the front and Ab [m2] to the photos taken
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athletes and what kind of textiles should cover these

parts in order to reach a considerable drag reduction. from behind. The setup used in order to acquire the
In order to do that, drag measurements on a real size pictures used to calculate the frontal area is shown in
mannequin and on cylinders have been carried out Figure 3.
and a number of parameters which are able to affect The camera was mounted on a locked tripod which
the drag acting on a skater have been analyzed. was removed from the test section before each round
of experiments and two pictures, one from the front
and one from behind where taken.
2. Experimental apparatus and methods
The pictures were then imported into a CAD
The tests carried out had the goal to understand how program (AutoCAD Electrical 2007), and for each
the drag acting on an athlete is distributed on the image an outline around the mannequin was drawn,
different body parts and successively figure out what and the area within the ACAD-outline was
kind of textile would help in order to minimize the measured. However, the Area value measured with
drag on each body part. All the tests have been Autocad is in number of pixels per cm and it needed
carried out in the NTNU wind tunnel. The test to be converted before it could be read out. Using a
section of the wind tunnel is 12.5 m long, 1.8 m high, correlation function G between a given reference
and 2.7 m wide. The wind tunnel is equipped with a length set in AutoCAD hCAD and a the physically
220 kW fan that can produce a variation of speeds measured value hreal [m] (placed in the back side of
between 0.5 – 30 m·s-1. the pole used as a support for the mannequin), the
The balance used (Carl Schenck AG) is a six com- frontal area Ap could then be measured using the
ponent balance capable to measure the three forces following formulas
and the three momentums around the three axes. Af ¼ G2f AfCAD ð9Þ
The first part of the experiments was focused on
Ab ¼ G2b AbCAD ð10Þ
measuring how much each body part of a skater
counts on the total drag. A real size mannequin where Gf ¼ hfreal/hfCAD and Gb ¼ hbreal/hbCAD.
(170 cm tall and 75 kg heavy) was used for the The reference lengths hfreal [m] and hbreal [m] were
experiments. The mannequin has fully adjustable both 200 mm long and measured on the support for
joints. The posture chosen for the mannequin was the mannequin (Figure 2).
derived from previous experiments carried out by Since the reference length (hreal was placed behind
Van Ingen Schenau (1982). the mannequin was Af , calculated with Equation 9,
Defining u0 [8] as the angle between the upper and larger than the actual area Ap, and Ab, calculated with
lower leg (sometimes called knee angle) and u1 [8] as Equation 10, smaller than A (Figure 2).
the angle between the trunk and the horizon, The frontal area Ap calculated from the outline
u0 ¼ 1108and u1 ¼ 158 where chosen for the tests. curve was considered to be in the vertical plane at
From this position, an adjustment has been done. distance l3 [m] from the support centerline.
The right arm has been kept in a vertical position in In the scheme shown in Figure 2 the frontal area Ap
order to simulate the skater’s posture in a curve. is expressed as a function of Af , Ab (measured from
The mannequin was connected to the force the pictures acquired and imported in AutoCAD)
balance with a support placed on the back. and the distances lf and ld (which are characteristics
The frontal area (Ap [m2]) was calculated based on of the photo setup).
two digital photos taken for each round of The area Ap can be defined as:
experiments.  2
l f 2 l 3 þ d2
The photos were taken respectively from the front A¼ Af ð11Þ
and from behind. lf
228 Luca Oggiano and Lars Roar SÆtran

And was 12 m·-1 (Van Ingen Schenau, De Groot, & De

 2 Boer, 1985) and the suit used for the test was a
l b þ l 3 þ d2
A¼ Ab ð12Þ speed-skating suit made of a uniform Lycra textile
lb which resulted to give a constant cD value at different
thus speed values.
 2  2 The lower legs (calf) resulted to count up to ca.
l f 2 l 3 þ d2 l b þ l 3 þ d2 32% of the total drag acting on the mannequin.
Af ¼ Ab ð13Þ
lf lb This is particularly important because the lower
legs are the only part of the body which is almost
and then
" # always perpendicular to the air flow in many
2  2
1 l f 2 l 3 þ d2 l b þ l 3 þ d2 disciplines. However, the right calf resulted to have
Ap ¼ Af þ Ab a lower influence on the total drag. This might be due
2 lf lb
to the right arm of the mannequin which was
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vertically placed close to the right leg and was then

In order to evaluate the contribution of each body shielding it. Looking at the area reduction, it can be
part to the total drag, different body parts were seen that right calf and left calf have the same frontal
removed from the mannequin in each test. The surface. The same effect can be noticed when
mannequin was dressed with a standard reference comparing left and right thighs: the left thigh counts
suit made of a single uniform textile. The area more on the total drag than the right thigh but they
measurements were acquired during each round of obviously have the same frontal area.
measurements. A large difference can be noticed from the data
In order to understand how different textiles acts relative to the left and right arm. This is due to the
on different body parts, additional tests were carried fact that the right arm was placed in a vertical
out on cylinders and the main parameters (VTRANS position in order to simulate the posture of the skater
and cDMIN) which characterize a cD -speed curve for a in a curve. With this configuration, the right arm
cylinder were derived. counts up to 21% of the total drag while the left arm,
Three different textiles with different roughness which is attached to the body, counts up to 3%.
have been used. To determine the roughness The head does not have a high influence on the
coefficient k [mm], a model based on length between total drag and it counts only up to 3%. The
the dimples present in the textiles and dimples depth turbulence trigger strips placed on the forehead by
has been used (Oggiano et al., 2007). many speed skating suits producers in order to
k can be defined as: reduce the drag, will then have a negligible effect on
pffiffiffiffiffiffi the total count.
k ¼ wd ð15Þ
where w [m] is the distance between two dimples and
d [m] is the depth of the dimples 3.2 Textiles
3.2.1 Yawed cylinder test. The tests have carried out on
3. Results a 20 cm diameter cylinder which horizontally
mounted in the wind tunnel and connected to the
3.1 Body parts
force balance with a support.
Ten different tests were carried out removing Three different textiles have been tested and
different body parts in each test. The speed chosen compared with a smooth cylinder. cD-speed for five

Table I. Drag, Area, cD and cD –A values measured.

Test Round D [N] Ap [m 2] cD [–] cDA [m 2]

1 Full body (Round 1) 25.51 0.339 0.70 0.24

2 Full body (Round 2) 24.96 0.340 0.69 0.24
- Average Round 1 and Round 2 25.24 0.339 0.70 0.24
3 Left calf removed 20.59 0.303 0.64 0.19
4 Right calf removed 21.71 0.300 0.67 0.20
5 Both calf removed 16.81 0.265 0.60 0.16
6 Both calf and left thigh removed 14.03 0.233 0.57 0.13
7 Left foot removed 18.74 0.269 0.66 0.18
8 Left arm removed 24.50 0.327 0.71 0.23
9 Right arm removed 19.90 0.305 0.62 0.19
10 Head removed 24.48 0.327 0.71 0.23
Parameters affecting drag force on speed skaters 229

Table II. Influence of each body part on the total drag. (1) placed on a model with high yaw angle (a . 308)
Calculated by the difference in drag between the left-lay removed does not give advantage in terms of drag reduction
and left foot removed. (2) Calculated by the difference in drag
between two-post removed and the left thigh and removed – both
but it increase the total drag.
places. For lower values of a (a , 208) there is an
advantage in using rougher textiles so that transition
Body part Drag reduction [%] Ap reduction [%] can be shifted at lower speed.
Left calf 18.4 10..7 Considering the roughness k, results show that,
Right calf 13.9 11.6 while For a ¼ 408 a smooth texture on the cylinder
Left thigh (1) 11.0 9.5 permits to obtain a lower drag.
Left thigh (2) 7.3 10.2 Results are summarized in Figure 4 where it can be
Right thigh – –
Left arm 2.9 3.8
seen that for a range of speed between 10 and 16 m/s
Right arm 21.1 10.3 the two roughest textiles tested (T2 and T3) are
Head 3.0 3.7 effective in order to reduce the drag but only for
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Upper body 18.7 41.0 a , 308. From a speed range between 10 and 13 m/s,
the cylinder covered with T3 is the one with the
different yaw angles a [8] (from a ¼ 08 to a ¼ 458 lowest drag, while at higher speeds (between 14 and
have been acquired and from them the parameters 16 m/s) T2 is able to lower the drag around the
which define the transition (VTRANS and cDMIN) have cylinder. These results were expected and they are in
been correlated with the yaw angle a. Results show good agreement with the results presented in a
that yaw angle a affects cD-speed curves. When the previous work (Oggiano et al., 2007)
yaw angle a increases, the drag crisis and the The plot in Figure 5(b) shows the dependence of
consequent drag reduction gets smaller for all the cDMIN from the yaw angle a. A clear decrease in the
textiles tested. value of cDMIN can be noticed for all the textiles
While for a ¼ 08 a noticeable difference between tested. A parabolic correlation of the type:
the textile is shown and the rough textiles reduce the
C DMIN ¼ aa 2 þ ba þ c ð16Þ
drag in the cylinder model, for a ¼ 458 (Figure 4)
textiles have the opposite effect (they increase the was found to interpolate the limited number of data
drag) leading to the conclusion that a rough textile available with good R2 values.

Figure 4. Resuming graph for the yawed cylinder test. In this figure the textile with the lowest drag is marked by a color referring to Figure 3.

Figure 5. (a) Correlation between VTRANS and Yaw angle a. (b) Correlation between cDMIN and Yaw angle a.
230 Luca Oggiano and Lars Roar SÆtran

The values of a, b and c and R2 respectively for T1, placed in the wind tunnel and connected to the
T2 and T3 are: balance with a support.
From the tests carried out, the diameter of the
T1: a ¼ –0.0003, b ¼ –0.0002 and c ¼ 0.8211 cylinder clearly influences VTRANS and CDMIN.
with an R2 ¼ 0,9912 Figure 7(a) shows VTRANS and Diam are linearly
T2: a ¼ –0.0003, b ¼ –0,0009 and c ¼ 0.7670 correlated and Figure7(b) shows the same behavior
with an R2 ¼ 0.9958 for CDMIN and Diam.
T3: a ¼ –0.0002, b ¼ –0,0013 and c ¼ 0.7046 These linear correlations can be expressed in the
with an R2 ¼ 0.9985 form:
V TRANS ¼ d · Diam þ e ð17Þ
The roughness parameter k influences the curves
acting on the curvature parameter b and on the between VTRANS and the cylinder diameter (Diam)
parameter c which defines the intersection of each and in the form:
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curve with the cDMIN axis thus the cDMIN value for
C DMIN ¼ f · Diam þ g ð18Þ
a ¼ 08.
A simple correlation shows that the higher k is between cDMIN and the cylinder diameter (Diam)
(rougher textile), the lower are the values of b and c The values for d, e, f and g are reported for the
while a is not clearly affected. three textiles tested:
VTRANS is not strongly affected by the yaw angle a
(Figure 5(a)). However, the roughness parameter k T1: d ¼ 0.5667, e ¼ 3.7667
influences VTRANS at any yaw angle a. It can be then T2: d ¼ 0.3625, e ¼ 4.7425 (R2 ¼ 0.9864)
postulated that VTRANS is determined by the type of T3: d ¼ 0.1993, e ¼ 5.8804 (R2 ¼ 0.9967)
textile used but not by the yaw angle a. T1: f ¼ 0.0056, g ¼ 0.5389
T2: f ¼ 0.0091, g ¼ 0.5045 (R2 ¼ 0.9375)
T3: f ¼ 0.0125, g ¼ 0.4959 (R2 ¼ 0.9852)
3.2.2 Different diameter cylinder test. For what concerns
the size, experiments on different sizes cylinders have The roughness coefficient k influences all the
been carried out (11, 20 and 31 cm diameter). parameters (d,e,f and g). A higher k leads to a
The setup was similar to the one used for the yaw lower VTRANS for the same diameter and to a higher
angle experiment: the cylinders were horizontally cDMIN.

Figure 6. (a) Influence of cylinder diameter on VTRANS. (b) Influence of cylinder diameter on cDMIN

Figure 7. Resuming graph for the different diameter cylinder. In this figure the textile with the lowest drag is marked by a color referring to
Figure 3.
Parameters affecting drag force on speed skaters 231

Figure 8. Resuming graph for the side by side cylinder test. In this figure the textile with the lowest drag is marked by a color referring to
Figure 3.

The parameters d and f which represent the increases, however, for L /Diam ¼ 4 T3 has lower
angular coefficients of the linear correlation are drag than T2 only until the speed is 16 m·s-1.
strongly affected by k. An exponential correlation of the type
The higher k is, the lower is f. This correlation  i
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shows that the roughness parameter k is somehow V TRANS ¼ h ð19Þ
dependent on the diameter. Diam
The R2 values reported are affected by the low was found to correlate VTRANS with L/Diam. The
number of points present in the curve. values of h and I found for the different textiles are:

T1: –
T2: h ¼ 21.316, i ¼ –0.271 (R2 ¼ 0.92623)
3.2.3 Side by side. A third important parameter which
T3: h ¼ 20.462, i ¼ –0.495 (R2 ¼ 0,8925)
needs to be taken in consideration is the distance
between the legs. The legs of the athletes constantly
In this test the textile the transitional speed VTRANS
vary their distance during a competition and
has not been reached with the textile T1.
depending on the discipline.
If for L /Diam ¼ 1 the advantage of using rougher
The experiments have been then carried out on a
patterns [T2, T3] to shift the transition at lower
model consisting of two vertical cylinders (placed
speed is almost negligible, already for L /Diam ¼ 2
side by side) with variable distance between them.
the trend changes and a considerable gain in terms of
From the experiments carried out results show
drag reduction can be noticed.
that there is a correlation between L [cm] and the
aerodynamic properties of the textiles.
When L increases, both parameters (VTRANS and 4. Discussion
cDMIN) decrease (Figure 9). However, while cDMIN
4.1 Body parts
decrease slowly while L increases, VTRANS drops
from passing from L /Diam ¼ 1 to L /Diam ¼ 2 for From the test carried out in order to evaluate how
both T2 and T3. each body part influences the total drag of a speed
For low speed (from 6 to 18 m·s-1), T3 is the model skater, some results needs to be discussed and
with the lowest drag while for V . 18 m·s-1 the analyzed.
model T2 is the one with the lowest aerodynamic Lower legs and calf counts up to 32% of the total
resistance. This trend is confirmed when L /Diam drag when the skater is in the position tested. Due to

Figure 9. (a) Influence of L/Diam on cDMIN. (b) Influence of L/Diam on VTRANS.

232 Luca Oggiano and Lars Roar SÆtran
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Figure 10. Typical cD-speed curve for a cylinder.

anthropometrical and biomechanical reasons, the characterized by the occurrence of transitions

frontal area exposed to the incoming wind relative to marked by abrupt changes in mean flow parameters.
the lower legs cannot be subjected to large It is known that the occurrence of laminar
modifications when the athlete is in a tuck position. separation-turbulent reattachment bubbles is
However, this frontal area will surely vary during responsible for the low values of the drag coefficient
the pushing phase where only one foot is in contact (cD) which marks the end of the lower or critical
with the ground limiting these results to a static transition.
posture. The cD -speed curve can be divided into three main
The upper body, which counts up to 41% on the regions:
total frontal area, counts only up to 18.7% on the
total drag. This discrepancy between the two values is . Pre critical zone [V , V1]: the boundary layer
due to the fact that the upper body was placed with a around the cylinder is laminar, the cD is constant
small angle between the trunk and the horizon and its value is around 1,1. It is characterized by
u1 ¼ 158 (Van Ingen Schenau, 1982). symmetric pressure distributions, a gradual but
The frontal area data measured are in agreement substantial decrease in cD.
with the data measured by Van Ingen Schenau . Critical zone [V1 , V , V2]: the flow is in
(1982). He measured a frontal area Ap [m2] on six transition from laminar to turbulent regime and
athletes which was varying from 0.23 m2 to 0.33 m2 cD drops from cDPRE to cDMIN. It is marked by
and cD values varying from 0.79 to 0.99. The results intense flow oscillations due to formation and
from this experiments show a slightly higher frontal bursting of a single bubble on one or the other side
area and a lower cD but this can be due to the fact of the cylinder, first intermittently on either side
that the model was a mannequin and not a real then oscillating from side to side. During this
person. phase the cD suddenly drops and it reaches its
minimum value. The size of the drop from cDPRE
to cDMIN depends on a number of parameters
4.2 Textiles
including roughness type, roughness shape, and
An accurate analysis of a typical cD-speed curve for diameter of the cylinder. A specific velocity
cylinders is relevant in order to be able to evaluate the (VTRANS) has been defined in order to give an
performances of each textile. In literature these approximate description of where transition
curves are often represented as cD-Re where Re is a occurs and it is defined as the velocity where the
non dimensional parameter called Reynolds number c D curve has gone through half its drop.
and it is defined as: A simplified model of the critical zone permits to
define the transition with VTRANS and cDMIN.
Re ¼ ð20Þ . Post critical zone: [V . V2]: the flow is fully
n turbulent the wake is formed by two-bubble flow
where V [m/s] is the speed, Diam [m] is the diameter pattern. In this phase the cD slowly increases.
of the cylinder and v [m2/s] is the kinematic viscosity
of the fluid. However, a correlation between textile Speed is then the mean factor which needs to be
properties, drag and speed is more useful for practical considered when trying to lower the drag acting on an
purposes. The flow around circular cylinders is athlete by using rough textiles.
Parameters affecting drag force on speed skaters 233

Other factor needs to be considered when how each textile acts on cylinders with different
optimizing a speed skating suit. diameters Diam. The results show that the diameter
During a speed skating race, the body of the affects VTRANS and cDMIN when the cylinder is
athletes assumes different positions. The air flow will covered with the same textile. An increase in
then invest the different body parts with a certain diameter shifts the VTRANS to a higher value and
angle which depends on a large number of factors. the same happens for cDMIN (Figure 5).
However, the chances to have a perfectly perpen- This lead to the fact that, for the largest diameter
dicular air flow are very low. It is then important to cylinder tested (31 cm), if low drag is needed, it is
evaluate the effect of the side wind on the athlete’s convenient to use smoother surfaces than the one
body and try to understand how different textiles used for the smaller diameter (11 cm).
affect the aerodynamic properties. A practical use of this findings could be that body
The results shown in Figure 6(b) show the parts with lager diameter (trunk, thighs) requires a
dependence of cDMIN from the yaw angle a. A clear smoother textile than body parts with smaller
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decrease in the value of cDMIN can be noticed for all diameter (calfs, arms) in order to minimize the
the textiles tested. The yaw angle also influences total drag.
VTRANS which slowly decreases while a increases for Also in this case, the speed plays an important role.
all the different textiles tested (Figure 6(a)). It can be seen from Figure 7 that at lower speed it is
The physical meaning behind these results is known always beneficial to use the roughest of the textiles
and it can be explained. First of all, the cross section of tested (T3) while when the speed increases (V . 15
a yawed circular cylinder is elliptical. A second m·s-1) the use of T3 would negatively influence the
interesting fact is that the free stream velocity has two drag if compared with a smoother textile.
components. One normal component called VN and A clear picture of the sizes and speeds is then
one parallel component celled VT VN has a major crucial in order to be able to optimize the drag.
effect on the flow compared to VT (Zdravkovich, The last test carried out on side by side cylinders
1997) and it decreases when the angle a increases. showed that the distance between the cylinder
Since only the dependence on the free stream velocity models clearly affect the drag.
V has been considered, a decrease in drag due to the When the cylinders are too close together, a higher
decrease of VN should then be expected. cD value has been measured.
When choosing what kind of textiles should be This behavior has been previously analyzed by
placed on the different body parts of an athlete, high (Zdravkovich, 1997) who showed that two cylinders
attention to the position of each body part respect to in a side by side configuration behaves differently
the free stream should be put. For instance the trunk depending on the distance between them.
of the speed skater is often inclined more than 458 If the cylinders are too close together they behave
and then, the use of rough textiles would be non as a single cylinder with higher diameter leading to a
recommended. On the other hand, the wind stream larger wake and thus higher drag.
often hits perpendicularly legs, arms and shoulders. In order to effectively use the positive effect given
In these body parts it could be useful and by rough textiles athletes should then keep a
advantageous to use rough textiles. gap between their legs and this gap should be large
When testing cylinders with different sizes, results enough in order to achieve the drop in cD and
show that a combined effect of roughness and change consequently reduce the drag.
in diameter affects the aerodynamic properties of the
cylinder. The effect of roughness has been exten-
5. Conclusions
sively covered in the past (Achenbach, 1964; Bear-
man & Harvey, 1993; Fage & Warsap, 1929; Oggiano On a speed skater in a static skating position, the
et al., 2007) and there is a clear agreement on the fact lower legs counts up to 1/3 of the total drag acting its
that almost any kind of surface roughness is able to body in the present test. A large part of the drag was
shift the transition to turbulent regime at lower speed also given by the right arm which was positioned
with a consequent drop in terms of cD. vertically to simulate the athlete posture during the
However, often the roughness coefficient k and the curve.
diameter of the cylinder Diam are linked together in a Rough textiles have been proven to influence the
single parameter called roughness factor r which can drag on cylinders. However, the effect that the fabrics
be written as: have on the aerodynamic parameters has been
demonstrated to be correlated to some geometrical
r¼ ð21Þ aspects. The main outcomes of this study are:
In the present work, the parameter r has not been . Rough textiles are able to shift the transition at
considered but the attention has been focused on lower speed only for low yaw angles.
234 Luca Oggiano and Lars Roar SÆtran

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