Lesson Plan

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Comuna Platoneşti, Str. Feteşti, Nr. 2

Telefon/Fax: 0243279078
Cod fiscal: 33559743


School: Şcoala Gimnazială, comuna Platonesti

Teacher’s name: Mihaela Marin
Date: the 14 th of October , 2022
Class: 5 th Grade
Level: Beginner
Type of lesson: Combined lesson of communication of new vocabulary, fixation and of developing skills and abilities
Lesson title:” Wh” question words
Skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
Duration: 50’

Class Description

The class is made up of 13 students of 11 years old. The students are very active, their learning rhythm is very fast and they are thrilled
when it comes to interactive games. They have a strong personality and they also enjoy learning new words and new structures.

General aims:
Comuna Platoneşti, Str. Feteşti, Nr. 2
Telefon/Fax: 0243279078
Cod fiscal: 33559743

to encourage students to focus on the new vocabulary;

to enable students to use different patterns in solving exercises;
to practice and consolidate the „Wh”question words ;
to develop communication during class by encouraging students to talk and have fun with English;

Specific aims and objectives :

Competences: 1.1, 2.2, 3.2

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- to study relevant words and to understand their meaning;

- to study „wh” question words;
- to be able to use the new vocabulary in a context of their own;
- to develop and practise the productive skills (writing, speaking) and the receptive skills (listening, reading);
- to reinforce vocabulary, to promote discussion and to practise language in a particular context ;

Didactic Strategies:

Methods: Conversation, explanation , brainstorming, exercise , game , dialogue, picture exploration

Materials: worksheets, board, chalk, smart TV, computer, internet, picture
Assessment: oral, systematic observation.
Human resources: mixed ability class
Comuna Platoneşti, Str. Feteşti, Nr. 2
Telefon/Fax: 0243279078
Cod fiscal: 33559743


Activity I: Starting the lesson- preparation 5’

Procedure : The teacher greets students and checks if everybody is present.

Teacher writes who is absent in the register, then she checks the homework and the students correct the mistakes, if necessary.

Activity II: Warm up – name me five warming up flashcards


Procedure: Teacher invites the students to pick up a flashcard and name the five things he / she is asked to name . This simple activity will
encourage them to talk and will create a relaxing and positive environment, while continuing with the questions about them and introducing
the topic of the lesson .

Activity III: Relating the new material


Procedure: Teacher will ask students some general questions about them and not only. ” What day is today? What’s the weather like
today ? What season is it? What do we celebrate in autumn ? ” . The students will answer the questions and they will be asked if they can
name other question they know in order to fiind information .

Activity IV: The topic of the lesson 2’

Procedure : Teacher will announce the topic of the lesson and the objectives and she will write on the whiteboard the title: „Wh” question
Comuna Platoneşti, Str. Feteşti, Nr. 2
Telefon/Fax: 0243279078
Cod fiscal: 33559743

Activity V: Presentation 7’

Procedure: In order to familiarize the students with the new vocabulary, the teacher will ask them to watch two powerpoint presentations .
After watching the presentation , they will complete and answer short questions based on it: What is your name ? Who is your favourite singer
? When do we study English?

Activity VI: Practice 5’

Procedure : Teacher will invite students to explore a picture and give the answers to the questions .

Activity VII: Practice 5’

Procedure : The students will have to solve exercises from the given worksheet, practicing the new vocabulary. ( WORKSHEET 1).

Activity VIII: Practice 6’

Procedure : The students will watch a video from a fictional TV show. The video is based on an interview. The students will watch the video
twice in order to solve the given worksheet based on it. ( WORKSHEET 2)


Activity IX: Production 8’

Procedure : With the help of the teacher, the students will play some online games :
Comuna Platoneşti, Str. Feteşti, Nr. 2
Telefon/Fax: 0243279078
Cod fiscal: 33559743

https://wordwall.net/resource/233355/english-questions (while we play we will eliminate the questions which are not related to our topic
from today’s lesson . ) They will practice and consolidate the new acquired knowledge.

Activity X: Assignment 3’

Procedure : The teacher gives the assignment to the students: textbook, exercise 9, page 38.

Activity XI: Evaluation 1’

Procedure : The teacher appreciates the students’ activity verbally.

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