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Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice

© 2021 American Psychological Association 2022, Vol. 29, No. 2, 167–178

ISSN: 0969-5893

The Efficacy of Synchronous Teletherapy Versus In-Person Therapy:

A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials

Tao Lin1, Timothy G. Heckman2, and Timothy Anderson1

Department of Psychology, Ohio University
College of Public Health, University of Georgia

Despite the increasing use of teletherapy, it remains unclear if client outcomes differ between remote
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

and in-person settings and, if they do differ, what factors might contribute to these differences. The cur-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

rent study synthesized findings on the comparison between teletherapy and in-person therapy using a
meta-analytic approach. All known RCTs comparing teletherapy (telephone and videoconferencing ther-
apy) to in-person therapy were identified via bibliographic database search (PsycINFO, Medline, and
Cochrane database), manual searches of previously published meta-analyses, and expert contact. We
identified 1,393 studies in the initial search, 20 of which satisfied study inclusion criteria. No significant
difference was found between teletherapy and in-person therapy in treatment outcomes at posttreatment
(g = 0.043) or follow-up (g = 0.045) or in attrition rates (RR = 1.006). Trainee therapists experi-
enced greater client attrition rates in teletherapy than did licensed therapists. Videoconferencing therapy
was at greater risk for client attrition than telephone therapy. Within-group findings showed that tele-
therapy produced a symptom reduction of a large magnitude at posttreatment (g = 1.026) and follow-up
(g = 1.021). These findings provide empirical support for the practice of teletherapy and that client out-
comes in teletherapy do not differ from in-person versions of treatments.

Public Health Significance Statement

Teletherapy produces comparable outcome to in-person therapy. Trainee therapists are at greater
risk of client dropout in teletherapy than licensed therapists.

Keywords: teletherapy, meta-analysis, in-person therapy, attrition, telepsychology

Supplemental materials:

Teletherapy is defined as the administration of psychotherapy same room. The most common synchronous teletherapy includes
using remote technologies (Telepsychology Task Force, 2013). videoconferencing and telephone therapy (Sammons et al., 2020).
Teletherapy can be administered asynchronously and synchro- Many individuals report barriers to accessing psychological treat-
nously. Asynchronous teletherapy, such as computerized therapy ments, such as time constraints, cost-related concerns, transportation
and internet-administered therapy, involves clients accessing inter- inconveniences, and perceived stigma (Marques et al., 2010; Mohr et
vention materials with varying levels of clinician support (Woot- al., 2006). Teletherapy can circumvent these barriers and enable indi-
ton, 2016). The client-therapist interaction in asynchronous viduals to receive therapy regardless of geographic residence (Brenes
teletherapy is not conducted in real-time (Varker et al., 2019). In et al., 2011; Kafali et al., 2014). In addition to its convenience and
contrast, synchronous teletherapy is similar to traditional in-person accessibility, teletherapy is potentially advantageous for patients with
therapy vis-à-vis treatment intensity (Varker et al., 2019), in which disorders that preclude them from attending in-person treatments, such
clients and therapists interact in real-time without being in the as social anxiety and panic disorders (Chiauzzi et al., 2020).
The past decades have witnessed increased research on, and the
practice of, teletherapy (Brenes et al., 2011; Glueckauf et al.,
2018; Pierce et al., 2019; Varker et al., 2019). A nationwide sur-
This article was published Online First December 30, 2021. vey across the US on the practice of teletherapy between January
Tao Lin 2013 through December 2016 found that 43% of therapists admin-
Timothy Anderson istered at least “some hours” of remote therapy weekly (Glueckauf
Research reported in this publication was supported, in part, by the
et al., 2018). In early 2020, due in large part to the COVID-19
National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health,
Award R21DA047893.
pandemic, teletherapy rapidly changed from an adjunct treatment
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Timothy to standard practice (Markowitz et al., 2021; Pierce et al., 2021;
Anderson, Department of Psychology, Ohio University, 22 Richland Sammons et al., 2020). The proportion of remotely administered
Avenue, Athens, OH 45701, United States. Email: clinical services increased to 85.53% in 2020 and will likely


remain very high after the pandemic (Pierce et al., 2021). The therapists (Lin et al., 2021, in press). This pattern may exist because
greater practice of teletherapy necessitates an evaluation of the ef- older therapists have sufficient clinical experience and competency to
ficacy and suitability of teletherapy compared to in-person therapy adapt their skills to remote technologies. Furthermore, videoconfer-
and the identification of factors that facilitate or hinder its efficacy. encing therapy may be preferable to audio-only therapy given that it
can provides visual cues and is more similar to in-person communi-
The Efficacy of Synchronous Teletherapy cations. Treatment length is another potential factor when determine-
ing teletherapy appropriateness because it may more challenging,
Previous clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of syn- thus requiring more time for therapists to build alliance with the
chronous teletherapy for a variety of mental health disorders, patients in the absence of interpersonal contact and physical presence.
including depression (Egede et al., 2015), anxiety (Stubbings et Thus, it may be valuable to examine whether these factors regarding
al., 2013), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; Acierno et al., patients, therapists, and treatments may moderate the efficacy of
2016, 2017), panic disorder (Bouchard et al., 2004), and eating teletherapy.
disorder (Mitchell et al., 2008). Several reviews of synchronous The present study (a) extends the literature and synthesizes the
teletherapy treatments have been published (Bee et al., 2008; Bol- research on the efficacy of synchronous telepsychology (telephone
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ton & Dorstyn, 2015; Mohr et al., 2008; Osenbach et al., 2013; and videoconferencing therapy) compared to in-person therapy at
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Varker et al., 2019; Wootton, 2016). For example, Mohr et al. posttreatment and follow-up, (b) identifies potential predictors of
(2008) synthesized 12 telephone therapy trials and found signifi- the efficacy of synchronous telepsychology compared to in-person
cant effects of telephone therapy for depression. Osenbach et al. therapy, and (c) examines differences in attrition rates of synchro-
(2013) updated the findings by including 14 studies of videocon- nous telepsychology compared to in-person therapy.
ferencing and telephone therapy for depression and found similar
results. In a meta-analysis of eighteen studies of remote cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT), remote CBT resulted in significant
improvements for obsessive-compulsive symptoms (Wootton,
2016). Further, Hilty et al. (2013) reviewed the effectiveness of Protocol Registration and Search Strategy
telemental health and found that telemental health is effective for Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
diagnosis and assessment across different age and ethnic groups and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA; Moher et al., 2009), this meta-analy-
and across various settings. sis was preregistered with PROSPERO (CRD42020183998) with rel-
While previous meta-analyses suggest that teletherapy is effica- evant methods of review specified in advance. We conducted an
cious, it is unclear if it is equally efficacious as in-person therapy. extensive systematic search of the literature to identify published and
Previous meta-analyses, however, included studies comparing tel- unpublished studies from 1964 through May of 2020 for inclusion in
epsychology to various types of control groups, including treat- the meta-analysis. First, three bibliographical databases (PsycINFO,
ment-as-usual (TAU), wait list controls, and in-person therapy Medline, and the Cochrane Library) were searched on 07/24/2021,
using the same or a different treatment manual (Mohr et al., 2008; with a focus on titles and abstracts by combining terms indicative of
Osenbach et al., 2013; Wootton, 2016). For example, in Wootton’s teletherapy, in-person therapy, and randomized clinical trials (RCTs):
(2016) meta-analysis, only four of the eighteen included studies Searched in PsycINFO and MEDLINE (all years): (tele-
compared remote therapy to in-person treatment. To date, no phone or phone or audio or tele* or videoconferenc* or
meta-analyses have examined whether teletherapy and in-person video) AND (psychotherapy or counseling or therapy) AND
therapy produce different outcomes in head-to-head comparisons (trial or RCT or randomi*ed) AND (face to face OR face-to-
while controlling for other relevant factors (i.e., with similar sam- face OR traditional OR onsite)
ples, clients, therapists, and treatment manuals).
The large number of teletherapy studies published since the Search in Cochrane Library (all years): (telephone or phone
most recent meta-analysis, along with the rapid uptake of telether- or audio or tele* or videoconferenc* or video):ti AND (psy-
apy in response to COVID-19, warrant the conduct of a present chotherapy or counseling or therapy):ab AND (“face to face”
day meta-analysis (Pierce et al., 2021). Additionally, previous OR face-to-face OR traditional OR onsite OR in-person OR
meta-analyses have focused primarily on a single diagnositc cate- “in person”):ab
gory (Wootton, 2016) and on a single telecommunication tool Second, a manual search was conducted of relevant articles by
(i.e., telephone-only; Mohr et al., 2008). Potential moderators of reviewing the cited literature of earlier meta-analyses and systematic
the efficacy of teletherapy compared to in-person therapy, such as reviews on teletherapy. Experts in the field were also contacted for
diagnostic category and teletherapy format, remained unstudied ongoing or recently completed trials that satisfied the inclusion crite-
(Chiauzzi et al., 2020). It has yet to be determined for which ria of the meta-analysis (described below). Additionally, a forward-
patients presenting with which conditions teletherapy is most effi- referencing search was performed to identifies articles that cite
cacious—perhaps even more efficacious than in-person therapy. included articles. Finally, we cross-checked our search results against
For example, Chiauzzi et al. (2020) suggested that teletherapy previous meta-analyses and reviews related to teletherapy.
may be preferable for female clients due to their responsibiltiy of
family care. Additionally, older clients may experience more chal- Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
lenges when trying to access and use teconologies and, therefore,
might prefer in-person therapy. Each included study satisfied the following inclusion criteria:
Young therapists report greater concerns in delivering teletherapy (a) the study was a randomized clinical trial of telephone-adminis-
and poorer common therapeutic skills in teletherapy than older tered therapy or videoconferencing therapy compared to in-person

therapy, (b) the intervention included four or more individual ther- by a third investigator, with an initial agreement of 90.89%,
apy sessions, (c) therapy was provided by health professionals, resolved to 100% agreement after discussion.
such as licensed therapists, psychologists, counselors, social work-
ers, nurses, psychiatrists, and students who were receiving clinical Data Analysis
training, (d) the in-person treatment and teletherapy treatment fol-
lowed the same treatment manual, (e) the RCT’s design included Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (version 3.3070; CMA) was used
pretreatment and posttreatment evaluations of mental health symp- to calculate pooled between-group effect sizes of a teletherapy
toms using a validated measure, (f) patients were adults ($ 18 group versus an in-person therapy group. A positive effect size indi-
cates that the teletherapy showed greater efficacy than the in-person
years of age) with mental health symptoms indicated by symp-
therapy whereas a negative effect size indicates that the teletherapy
tom measures or clinicians’ diagnoses, and (g) there were 10 or
showed lesser efficacy. Effect sizes at posttreatment and 3- to 6-
more patients in each treatment condition.
month follow-up were calculated. We also calculated the pooled
Studies were excluded if (a) they included patients in inpatient
between-group risk ratio (RR) of attrition, which indicated the attri-
settings; (b) treatment was administered through a telephone hot-
tion rate in the teletherapy group divided by the attrition rate in the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

line, crisis counseling service, or other short-term psychological

in-person therapy group. A risk ratio of 1 indicated that the attrition
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

service; (c) the psychological intervention was adjunct to other

rate in teletherapy was comparable to the attrition rate in in-person
treatment (e.g. physical therapy, pharmacotherapy); (d) the treat-
therapy. A risk ratio greater than one indicated that the attrition rate
ment was speech therapy, language, or occupational therapy or
in teletherapy was larger than the attrition rate in in-person therapy
limited to social support; or (e) the study was duplicated in one or whereas a risk ratio less than one indicates that the attrition rate in
more included studies. Because researchers sometimes publish teletherapy was smaller than the attrition rate in in-person therapy.
multiple studies based on the same data, we followed recommen- Furthermore, we calculated the within-group effect sizes for tele-
dations by Wood (2008) for strategies to detect duplicative studies therapy at posttreatment and follow-up. A random effects pooling
to avoid the problems of multiplicity. If duplicate studies were model was used in all analyses because heterogeneity is commonly
identified, the study with most comprehensive data was included assumed across clinical studies. We also calculated the Q and I2 to
and the others were excluded. test the homogeneity of effect sizes.
Additionally, subgroup analyses were performed for the follow-
Risk of Bias Assessment and Data Extraction ing characteristics of the study: treatment format (videoconferenc-
ing vs. telephone) and provider license status (licensed vs. trainee)
Each study’s risk for bias was assessed using the Cochrane
to examine whether any were associated the pooled effect sizes.
Library risk of bias assessment tool and Cochrane Handbook (Hig-
Sensitivity analyses were also conducted to assess risk of bias to
gins et al., 2020). The following sources of bias in each study
compare the pooled effect size of studies with low risk of bias
were judged as high, low, or unclear risk: sequence generation
(low or unclear risk on all bias items) to studies with high risk on
(whether the study used appropriate methods to generate compara-
at least one of the eight bias items. Furthermore, the “one-study
ble groups); incomplete outcome data (the completeness of out- removed” method was used to examine whether systematically
come data for each main outcome); selective outcome reporting removing each study impacted the overall effect size. Finally, for
(the possibility of selective outcome reporting); baseline difference continuous variables, metaregression analyses were conducted to
(did baseline differences exist across treatment conditions); treat- examine whether patients’ average age, gender, and treatment
ment compliance (whether patients’ compliance to the treatment length were associated with the pooled effect sizes at posttreat-
was acceptable); attrition bias (whether the attrition rate in each ment and follow-up as well as attrition.
treatment condition is acceptable); intent-to-treat bias (whether all
patients were included in the analysis regardless of the number of
follow-up surveys they completed); and preregistered (whether the
study was preregistered).
Characteristics and data of each study were extracted using a pre- Study Selection
developed codebook (see online supplemental materials). The fol- A total of 1,751 studies (1,393 after removal of duplicates)
lowing information was extracted from each study: paper descrip- were identified via the procedures described above. After
tion (study type; year of publication; titles; authors; country), abstract screening, 82 full-text articles were assessed for eligibil-
treatment description (format: videoconferencing, telephone; ses- ity (see Figure 1). Twenty studies that directly compared tele-
sion length; modality; provider characteristics; setting), patient therapy and in-person therapy and satisfied all inclusion criteria
characteristics (age; gender; diagnoses; ethnicity; region: urban or were included in the meta-analysis. The PRISMA flowchart
rural), primary outcomes, secondary outcomes, and attrition rates. described the inclusion process and reasons for exclusion (see
Means and standard deviations of pretreatment, posttreatment, and Figure 1).
follow-up evaluations of main outcome variables were extracted to Of the 20 studies, 3 did not provide sufficient data to calculate
calculate effect sizes. If these data were not reported, other relevant effect sizes and 2 did not report attrition rates. Therefore, 17 stud-
data were used (e.g., effect sizes of change and confidence intervals, ies with 18 comparisons were included in the meta-analysis of
ratio of remission). Study authors were contacted if the data pre- effect sizes (including 35 unique samples and 2,004 participants),
sented in the article were insufficient to calculate effect sizes. The and 18 studies with 19 comparisons were included in the meta-
inclusion of studies, assessment of risk, and data extraction were analysis of attrition rate (including 37 unique samples and 2,159
conducted by two trained investigators independently and checked participants). Additionally, 11 studies that included follow-up at 3

Figure 1
Selection and Exclusion of Studies

Records idenfied through Addional records idenfied

database searching through other sources
(n = 1094) (n = 415)
PsycINFO (n = 251), MEDLINE (n =
576), Cochrane Library (n = 509)

Records aer duplicates removed

(n = 1393)
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 1393) (n = 1311)

Full-text arcles assessed Full-text arcles excluded (n =

for eligibility

62) with reasons:

(n = 82) - Duplicates of included
studies (n = 15)
- Not individual therapy
Studies included in - Different treatment in
qualitave synthesis control group (n = 6)
(n = 20) - Not on mental health (n=6)
- No available data (n=5)
- Not synchronous therapy

Studies included in - Not randomized (n=4)
quantave synthesis - Not compared to in-person
(Posreatment: n = 17; treatment (n=3)
Follow-up: n = 11; - Adjunct treatment (n=2)
Arion: n = 18) - Less than 4 sessions (n=2)

Note. See the online article for the color version of this figure.

and 6 months were included to calculate the longer-term effect of diagnosis of mental disorder. Treatment lengths varied from 5 to 20
synchronous teletherapy compared to in-person therapy. session, and each session ranged from 30 minutes to 90 minutes.

Characteristics of Included Studies Risk of Bias Assessment

The characteristics of the 20 included studies are outlined in Table Among the 20 studies, eighteen studies were determined to have
1. Of the 20 studies, 6 compared in-person therapy to telephone ther- adequate sequence generation, while two studies had high risk for
apy and 13 compared in-person therapy to videoconferencing ther- inadequate sequence generation. Fifteen studies had acceptable attri-
apy; one study compared both videoconferencing and telephone tion rates (,30% for treatments with less than 8 session; ,35% for
therapy to in-person therapy. The 20 studies were conducted in the treatment with 8 or more sessions) whereas three studies had higher
United States (n = 11), Canada (n = 3), the United Kingdom (n = 2), attrition rates; two study did not report attrition. Eleven studies con-
New Zealand (n = 1), Spain (n = 1), China (n = 1), and Australia ducted intent-to-treat analyses while seven did not. Ten studies had
(n = 1). The majority of studies tested CBT (n = 12); other specified been preregistered whereas ten had not. Seventeen studies were
treatment modalities included cognitive processing therapy (CPT; determined to be at low risk for significant baseline differences
n = 2), behavioral activation (BA; n = 2), exposure therapy (n = 1), between groups while three had higher risk of baseline differences
and problem-solving therapy (n = 1). In terms of diagnostic category, between groups. Fourteen studies had lower risk for poor treatment
the included studies have primarily focused on PTSD (n = 5), depres- adherence or patient compliance; 6 did not provide any information
sion (n = 4), generalized anxiety disorder (n = 1), eating disorder (n = on treatment adherence. In terms of selective outcome reporting, 17
1), panic disorder with agoraphobia (n = 1), gambling (n = 1), and were at low risk. Sixteen studies had low risk for incomplete out-
dementia (n = 1). The others (n = 5) did not focus on any specific come data. Overall, fourteen studies were at risk for some biases and
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Table 1
Characteristics of the Included Studies
Contain in-person % Control # of
Study Country Format Modality Therapist Expertise contact Diagnoses/problems M age (SD) female Group n session Follow-up

Acierno et al. (2016) USA VC BA Master’s level counselors No PTSD 45.6 (14.9) 5.60% F2F VC: 111F2F: 121 8 Pre- and posttreatment,
3 m and 12 m
Acierno et al. (2017) USA VC Exposure Licensed master's level No PTSD 41.8 (14.5) 3.80% F2F VC: 65F2F: 68 10 Pre- and posttreatment,
therapy counselors 3 m and 6 m
Alegría et al. (2014) USA TP CBT Psychologists, licensed social No Depression 44.9 81.71% F2F; TAU TP: 87F2F: 84TAU: 9 Pre- and posttreatment,
workers, and counselor 86 2 m and 4 m
Arnedt et al. (2021) USA VC CBT Psychologist No Insomnia 47.2 (16.3) 70.80% F2F VC: 31F2F: 31 6 Pre- and posttreatment,
Bouchard et al. (2004) Canada VC CBT Psychologists, PhD candi- No Panic disorder with 37.99 71.40% F2F VC: 11F2F: 10 12 Intake, pre- and post-
dates, and psycho- agoraphobia treatment, 6 m
Burgess et al. (2012) UK TP CBT Trained nurse therapists Yes Chronic fatigue syndrome 37.4 (10.1) 78.75% F2F TP: 45F2F: 35 14 Pre- and posttreatment,
3 m, 6 m, and 12 m
Choi et al. (2014) USA VC PST Master's level social workers No Depression 64.8 (9.18) 78.48% F2F; CC VC: 40F2F: 45CC: 6 pretreatment, 12 w, 24
31 w, and 36 w
Cuevas et al. (2006) Spain VC CBT Psychiatrists No NS 40.21 66.43% F2F VC: 70F2F: 70 8 Pre- and posttreatment
Day and Schneider (2002) USA VC & CBT Doctoral students No NS 39.35 (15.88) 65.00% F2F F2F: 27VC: 26TP: 5 Pre- and posttreatment
TP 27
Egede et al. (2015) USA VC BA Licensed master's level No MDD 63.9 (5.1) 2.48% F2F VC: 120F2F: 121 8 pretreatment, 4 w, 8 w,
counselors 3 m and 12 m
Germain et al. (2009) Canada VC CBT Psychologists No PTSD 42.33 60.40% F2F VC: 16F2F: 32 20 Pre- and posttreatment
Maieritsch et al. (2016) USA VC CPT PhD-level psychologists and Yes PTSD 30.9 (6.05) 6.70% F2F VC: 25F2F: 26 10 Pre- and posttreatment
social worker
Mitchell et al. (2008) USA TP CBT Psychologists No BN or unspecified eating 29.02 98.44% F2F TP: 62F2F: 66 14 Pre- and posttreatment,
disorder 3 m and 12 m
Mohr et al. (2012) USA TP CBT PhD-level psychologists No MDD 47.7(13.0) 77.54% F2F TP: 163F2F: 162 18 Pre- and posttreatment,
3 m and 6 m

Morland et al. (2015) USA VC CPT NS No PTSD 46.4 (11.9) 100% F2F VC: 63F2F: 63 12 pre- and posttreatment,
3 m and 6 m
Poon et al. (2005) China VC Cognitive Social worker No Cognitive impairments Unclear Unclear F2F VC: 11F2F: 11 12 Pre- and posttreatment
Robillard et al. (2017) Canada VC CBT Doctoral students No GAD 41.15 82.05% F2F VC: 52F2F: 65 15 Pre- and posttreatment,
6 m and 12 m
Stubbings et al. (2013) Australia VC CBT Doctoral students Yes NS 30 (11) 57.69% F2F VC: 14F2F: 12 12 Pre- and posttreatment,
Tse et al. (2013) New Zealand TP CPT Social workers and No Pathological gambling 44.6 (12.3) 67.39% F2F TP: 46F2F: 46 6 Pre- and posttreatment
Watson et al. (2017) UK TP CBT NS No NS 50.42 72.03% F2F F2F: 58TP: 60 4 Pre- and posttreatment

Note. BA = Behavioral activation; BN = Bulimia nervosa; CBT = Cognitive-behavioral therapy; CC = Care call; CPT = Cognitive processing therapy; F2F = Face-to-face therapy; GAD =
Generalized anxiety disorder; MDD = Major depressive disorder; NS = nonspecified; PST = Problem-solving Therapy; PTSD = Posttraumatic stress disorder; TAU = Treatment as usual; TP =
Telephone therapy; VC = Videoconferencing therapy

six showed low risk for all biases (see Supplemental Figure 1 for pooled effect sizes at follow-up ranged from 0.065 to 0.005 after
details of individual study). removing each study, indicating no change to the effect size.
Attrition Rate in Teletherapy Compared to In-Person
Between-Group Analyses Therapy
Posttreatment Effects of Teletherapy Compared to In- Table 3 presents the risk ratio of attrition in teletherapy versus
Person Therapy in-person therapy. The pooled risk ratio of attrition in synchronous
teletherapy versus in-person therapy was 1.006 (k = 19; 95% CI
Table 2 shows the pooled effect sizes of teletherapy compared to
[0.850, 1.191]; p = .797), with no heterogeneity (I2 = 0; Q =
in-person therapy. The pooled between-group effect size of synchro-
16.149, p = .582). Specifically, the pooled risk ratio of attrition in
nous teletherapy versus in-person therapy at posttreatment was
videoconferencing therapy versus in-person therapy was 1.249 (k =
hedges’ g = 0.043 (k = 18; 95% CI [ 0.137, 0.051]; p = .367),
12; 95% CI [0.971, 1.607]; p = .084). The pooled odds ratio of attri-
with zero heterogeneity (I2 = 0; Q = 12.634, p = .760). The pooled
tion in telephone therapy versus in-person therapy was 0.852 (k =
between-group effect sizes at posttreatment ranged from 0.066 to
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

7; 95% CI [0.669, 1.085]; p = .193). The pooled risk ratio ranged

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

0.026 after removing each study, indicating no change to the effect from 0.970 to 1.092 after removing each study, indicating no
size. Specifically, compared to in-person therapy at posttreatment, changes to the effect size.
the pooled between-group effect sizes for video-conferenced therapy
was g = 0.077 (k = 12; 95% CI [ 0.201, 0.046], p = .219) and g = Subgroup Analyses and Metaregressions
0.004 (k = 6; 95% CI [ 0.141, 0.148]; p = .960) for telephone-
Table 4 shows differences in posttreatment and longer-term
administered therapy.
effects and attrition rates of teletherapy compared to in-person
Longer-Term Effects of Teletherapy Compared to In- therapy when studies were grouped by treatment format, overall
Person Therapy risk of bias, and therapist license status. None of these factors
significantly moderated the effect sizes at posttreatment and
At 3- to 6-month follow-up, the pooled effect size of synchronous follow-up of teletherapy versus in-person therapy. Of note, the
teletherapy versus in-person therapy was g = 0.045 (k = 11; 95% risk ratio of attrition in teletherapy compared to in-person ther-
CI [ 0.151, 0.082]; p = .411), with zero heterogeneity (I2 = 0; Q = apy varied by treatment format (p = .032) and therapist license
6.579; p = .765; see Table 2). Specifically, compared to in-person status (p = .045). Compared to in-person therapy, videoconfer-
therapy at follow-up, the pooled effect size of videoconferencing encing therapy had greater risk for client attrition compared to
therapy versus was g = 0.02 (k = 7; 95% CI [ 0.160, 0.121]; p = telephone therapy. Compared to licensed therapists, trainee
.785) and the pooled effect size of telephone-administered therapy therapists experienced greater client attrition when administer-
was g = 0.055 (k = 4; 95% CI [ 0.263, 0.154]; p = .607). The ing teletherapy.

Table 2
Between-Group Effect Sizes Comparing Telepsychology to In-Person Therapy at Postttreatment and Follow-Up
Pretreatment to
posttreatment Weight of included Pretreatment to follow-up Weight of included
Study Treatment format study study
g 95% CI g 95% CI
Alegría et al. (2014) TP 0.169 [ 0.130, 0.468] 23.363 0.092 [ 0.207, 0.390] 12.724
Burgess et al. (2012) TP 0.210 [ 0.303, 0.723] 7.946 0.239 [ 0.306, 0.785] 3.819
Day and Schneider (2002) TP 0.053 [ 0.474, 0.580] 7.529 0.105 [ 0.563, 0.352] 5.417
Mitchell et al. (2008) TP 0.187 [ 0.622, 0.248] 11.033 — — —
Mohr et al. (2012) TP 0.064 [ 0.294, 0.166] 39.440 0.236 [ 0.470, 0.001] 20.608
Watson et al. (2017) TP 0.098 [ 0.540, 0.344] 10.689 — — —
TP 0.004 [ 0.141, 0.148] 0.055 [ 0.263, 0.154]
Acierno et al. (2016) VC 0.035 [ 0.311, 0.240] 20.027 0.006 [ 0.269, 0.282] 14.932
Acierno et al. (2017) VC 0.174 [ 0.514, 0.166] 13.151 0.162 [ 0.502, 0.178] 9.821
Arnedt et al. (2021) VC 0.094 [ 0.575, 0.387] 6.579 0.047 [ 0.528, 0.433] 4.915
Bouchard et al. (2004) VC 0.473 [ 0.370, 1.316] 2.139 0.200 [ 0.636, 1.037] 1.623
Choi et al. (2014) VC — — — 0.052 [ 0.332, 0.435] 7.701
Cuevas et al. (2006) VC 0.067 [ 0.409, 0.275] 12.993 — — —
Egede et al. (2015) VC 0.242 [ 0.576, 0.092] 13.612 0.126 [ 0.481, 0.228] 9.036
Day and Schneider (2002) VC 0.030 [ 0.501, 0.561] 5.387 — — —
Germain et al. (2009) VC 0.706 [ 1.350, 0.063] 3.672 — — —
Maieritsch et al. (2016) VC 0.090 [ 0.633, 0.454] 5.148 — — —
Morland et al. (2015) VC 0.095 [ 0.253, 0.442] 12.606 0.109 [ 0.238, 0.457] 9.405
Poon et al. (2005) VC 0.041 [ 0.846, 0.764] 2.346 — — —
Stubbings et al. (2013) VC 0.348 [ 0.458, 1.154] 2.340 — — —
VC 0.077 [ 0.201, 0.046] 0.020 [ 0.160, 0.121]
Overall 0.043 [ 0.137, 0.051] 0.045 [ 0.151, 0.062]
Note. TP = Telephone therapy; VC = Videoconferencing therapy

Table 3
Between-Group Risk Ratio Comparing Attrition Rate of Telepsychology to In-Person Therapy
Attrition rates of telepsy-
chology versus in-person Attrition rates of
therapy Weight of included telepsychology
Study Treatment format study Weight of included study
RR 95% CI AR 95% CI
Alegría et al. (2014) TP 0.841 [0.502, 1.409] 19.207 0.310 [0.193, 0.427] 15.995
Burgess et al. (2012) TP 1.667 [0.680, 4.088] 6.929 0.333 [0.165, 0.502] 12.082
Day and Schneider (2002) TP 2.266 [0.440, 11.678] 2.141 0.156 [0.019, 0.293] 14.398
Mitchell et al. (2008) TP 0.828 [0.468, 1.464] 16.085 0.339 [0.194, 0.484] 13.790
Mohr et al. (2012) TP 0.638 [0.414, 0.981] 26.150 0.209 [0.138, 0.279] 19.819
Tse et al. (2013) TP 1.071 [0.640, 1.793] 19.267 0.652 [0.419, 0.886] 8.442
Watson et al. (2017) TP 0.642 [0.309, 1.334] 10.220 0.218 [0.095, 0.342] 15.474
TP 0.852 [0.669, 1.085] 0.289 [0.204, 0.375]
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Acierno et al. (2016) VC 1.452 [0.705, 2.992] 12.156 0.057 [0.001, 0.113] 12.231
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Acierno et al. (2017) VC 1.770 [0.892, 3.514] 13.505 0.229 [0.117, 0.341] 8.720
Arnedt et al. (2021) VC 1.939 [0.176, 21.388] 1.102 0.246 [0.121, 0.370] 8.002
Choi et al. (2014) VC 0.875 [0.326, 2.349] 6.508 0.333 [0.165, 0.502] 5.871
Cuevas et al (2006) VC 0.667 [0.188, 2.362] 3.967 0.333 [0.102, 0.564] 3.884
Day and Schneider (2002) VC 1.933 [0.354, 10.555] 2.204 0.338 [0.197, 0.480] 7.104
Egede et al. (2015) VC 1.186 [0.621, 2.265] 15.188 0.061 [ 0.023, 0.145] 10.474
Germain et al. (2009) VC 1.222 [0.500, 2.990] 7.933 0.125 [0.032, 0.218] 9.922
Maieritsch et al. (2016) VC 0.882 [0.441, 1.767] 13.171 0.133 [0.003, 0.264] 7.662
Morland et al. (2015) VC 1.192 [0.567, 2.504] 11.510 0.157 [0.086, 0.228] 11.334
Robillard, et al. (2017) VC 1.621 [0.752, 3.492] 10.774 0.167 [0.094, 0.240] 11.179
Stubbings et al. (2013) VC 1.286 [0.215, 7.695] 1.983 0.214 [ 0.028, 0.457] 3.617
VC 1.249 [0.971, 1.607] 0.176 [0.123, 0.230]
Overall 1.006 [0.850, 1.191] 0.219 [0.169, 0.269]
Note. AR = attrition rate; RR = risk ratio; TP = Telephone therapy; VC = Videoconferencing therapy

Table 5 presents the results from metaregressions of the effects Discussion

of teletherapy and attrition rates in teletherapy compared to in-per-
To the best of our knowledge, the present study was the first
son therapy. Patients’ age and gender, and treatment length did not
meta-analysis to compare teletherapy to in-person therapy in
moderate the effects at posttreatment and follow-up or attrition
terms of posttreatment effects, longer-term effects, and attrition
rates in teletherapy compared to in-person therapy.
rates. Overall, synchronous teletherapy demonstrated compara-
ble effects to in-person therapy at posttreatment (g = 0.043)
Within-Group Analyses and follow-up (g = 0.045). Within-group analyses found that
Table 6 shows the pooled within-group effect sizes of tele- teletherapy produced large pooled effect sizes at posttreatment
therapy of studies included in the meta-analysis. The pooled (g = 1.026) and that these effects were maintained at 3- to 6-
within-group effect sizes of teletherapy were large (k = 16; g = month follow-up (g = 1.021). Given the potential for lower asso-
1.026; 95% CI [0.795, 1.256]; p , .001) from pretreatment to ciated costs and easier access of teletherapy (Crow et al., 2009;
Egede et al., 2018; Kafali et al., 2014), the remote delivery of
posttreatment, with a high level of heterogeneity (I2 = 82.002;
psychotherapy appears to be particularly promising and equally
Q = 83.343, p , .001). More specifically, the pooled within-
effective as in-person therapy.
group effect sizes from pretreatment to posttreatment were g =
These findings are consistent with previous comparisons of tele-
0.833 (k = 6; 95% CI [0.537, 1.130]; p , .001) for telephone
therapy to in-person therapy. In a meta-analysis of synchronous
therapy and g = 1.196 (k = 10; 95% CI [0.830, 1.561]; p , .001) teletherapy for depression (Osenbach et al., 2013), the pooled
for videoconferencing therapy. effect size of six studies comparing remote therapy with in-person
The pooled within-group effect sizes of synchronous teletherapy therapy was -0.11 (i.e., a nonsignificant difference). Additionally,
were maintained (k = 9; g = 1.021; 95% CI [0.773, 1.269]; p , Wootton (2016) synthesized four studies that compared remote
.001) from posttreatment to follow-up, with a high level of hetero- CBT to in-person CBT and found that the effect size differences
geneity (I2 = 80.108; Q = 40.217, p , .001). More specifically, were not clinically meaningful but marginally statistically signifi-
the pooled within-group effect sizes from posttreatment to follow- cant at posttreatment (g = 0.21; 95% CI [ 0.43, 0.02]) and fol-
up were g = 0.946 (k = 4; 95% CI [0.689, 1.203]; p , .001) for tel- low-up (g = 0.28; 95% CI [ 0.58, 0.00]). This may be because
ephone therapy and g = 1.118 (k = 5; 95% CI [0.658, 1.579]; p , two of the four studies utilized asynchronous teletherapy treat-
.001) for videoconferencing therapy. ment, which produce smaller effects (Wootton, 2016). Compared
The pooled attrition rates in teletherapy were 0.219 (k = 19; to previous findings, this studied identified a larger number of
95% CI [0.169, 0.269]; see Table 3), with a high level of heteroge- studies and found smaller between-group effect sizes between two
neity (I2 = 74.066; Q = 69.407, p , .001). Attrition rates ranged treatment formats. Notably, the effect sizes differences in this and
from 0.057 to 0.652. previous studies, though not at traditionally significant levels, do

Table 4
Subgroup Analysis on Effects at Posttreatment and Follow-Up and Attrition of Telepsychology Versus In-Person Therapy
Moderator (k) Hedges’ g RR 95% CI Q value p value
Effect at posttreatment
Format 0.700 .403
Videoconferencing (12) 0.077 [ 0.201, 0.046]
Telephone (6) 0.004 [ 0.141, 0.148]
Therapist License 1.080 .299
Licensed (11) 0.081 [ 0.195, 0.033]
Trainee (5) 0.044 [ 0.163, 0.252]
Overall risk of bias 0.789 .374
High (13) 0.005 [ 0.131, 0.120]
Low (5) 0.091 [ 0.232, 0.050]

Effect at follow-up
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Format 0.075 .784

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Videoconferencing (7) 0.020 [ 0.160, 0.121]

Telephone (4) 0.055 [ 0.263, 0.151]
Therapist License 0.508 .476
Licensed (8) 0.080 [ 0.204, 0.044]
Trainee (2) 0.025 [ 0.236, 0.287]
Overall risk of bias 2.251 .134
High (5) 0.063 [ 0.113, 0.239]
Low (6) 0.107 [ 0.240, 0.027]

Format 4.611 .032*
Videoconferencing (12) 1.249 [0.971, 1.607]
Telephone (7) 0.852 [0.669, 1.085]
Therapist License 4.035 .045*
Licensed (12) 0.948 [0.782, 1.150]
Trainee (5) 1.587 [0.998, 2.525]
Overall risk of bias 0.076 .783
High (13) 1.063 [0.857, 1.318]
Low (6) 0.999 [0.682, 1.464]
Note. RR = risk ratio; TP = Telephone therapy; VC = Videoconferencing therapy.
* p , .05

slightly favor of in-person therapy, suggesting that more studies equivalent efficacy to videoconferencing therapy, suggesting that key
examining the effects of teletherapy are needed. therapeutic ingredients can be conveyed by therapists and perceived by
Treatment format and patient demographic variables did not signifi- clients despite the lack of visual cues. It should be noted, however, the
cantly moderate the between-group pooled effects sizes in teletherapy included studies have merely focused on cognitive and/or behavioral
versus in-person therapy. In particular, telephone therapy showed treatments and limited kinds of psychiatric disorders. Many potential

Table 5
Metaregression on Effects at Posttreatment and Follow-Up and Attrition of Telepsychology Versusi In-Person Therapy
Moderator Coefficient 95% CI Z value p value
Effects at posttreatment
Intercept 0.114 [ 0.568, 0.795] 0.33 .744
Age 0.003 [ 0.016, 0.010] 0.46 .643
Gender: % of female 0.212 [ 0.090, 0.509] 1.40 .162
Treatment length 0.013 [ 0.036, 0.009] 1.16 .247
Effect at follow-up
Intercept 0.361 [ 0.443, 1.165] 0.88 .378
Age 0.004 [ 0.017, 0.009] 0.63 .526
Gender: % of female 0.187 [ 0.122, 0.497] 1.19 .236
Treatment length 0.028 [ 0.057, 0.001] 1.87 .062
Intercept 0.732 [ 0.407, 1.872] 1.26 .208
Age 0.008 [ 0.030, 0.012] 0.76 .448
Gender: % of female 0.399 [ 0.934, 0.136] 1.46 .144
Treatment length 0.012 [ 0.052, 0.027] 0.60 .546
Note. TP = Telephone therapy; VC = Videoconferencing therapy.
* p , .05

Table 6
With-Group Effect Sizes of Telepsychology at Posttreatment and Follow-Up
Pretreatment to post- Pretreatment to fol-
treatment low-up
Study Treatment format Weight of included study Weight of included study
g 95% CI g 95% CI
Alegría et al. (2014) TP 0.731 [0.489, 0.973] 18.878 0.852 [0.599, 1.105] 29.011
Burgess et al. (2012) TP 0.879 [0.455, 1.302] 14.985 0.885 [0.429, 1.342] 17.765
Day and Schneider (2002) TP 0.548 [0.153, 0.942] 15.619 — — —
Mitchell et al. (2008) TP 0.715 [0.376, 1.054] 16.837 0.713 [0.357, 1.070] 22.725
Mohr et al. (2012) TP 1.378 [1.156, 1.601] 19.244 1.244 [1.014, 1.474] 30.499
Watson et al. (2017) TP 0.641 [0.192, 1.090] 14.436 — — —
TP 0.833 [0.537, 1.130] 0.946 [0.689, 1.203]
Acierno et al. (2017) VC 1.225 [0.970, 1.480] 12.243 1.304 [1.043, 1.565] 22.542
Arnedt et al. (2021) VC 1.789 [1.244, 2.334] 10.099 1.861 [1.302, 2.420] 17.894
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Bouchard et al. (2004) VC 1.231 [0.473, 1.989] 8.350 1.036 [0.323, 1.749] 15.362
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Choi et al. (2014) VC — — — 1.062 [0.732, 1.392] 21.603

Cuevas et al. (2006) VC 1.783 [1.354, 2.212] 11.040
Day and Schneider (2002) VC 0.619 [0.209, 1.029 11.190 — — —
Germain et al. (2009) VC 3.094 [1.921, 4.268] 5.568 — — —
Maieritsch et al. (2016) VC 0.967 [0.498, 1.437] 10.718 —
Morland et al. (2015) VC 0.454 [0.197, 0.710] 12.236 0.454 [0.198, 0.711] 22.598
Poon et al. (2005) VC 0.893 [0.223, 1.563] 9.063
Stubbings et al. (2013) VC 0.879 [0.261, 1.497] 9.492 — — —
VC 1.196 [0.830, 1.561] 1.118 [0.658, 1.579]
Overall 1.026 [0.795, 1.256] 1.021 [0.773, 1.269]
Note. TP = Telephone therapy; VC = Videoconferencing therapy.

moderators (e.g., clinical setting) for determining which venues and therapy. A recent survey study evidenced that, compared to older
factors are most amenable to teletherapy remained unknown. therapists, young therapists’ skills in building alliance and repairing
It is premature to conclude that teletherapy is as efficacious as in-per- ruptured alliance were more affected by telecommunication (Lin et
son therapy across all conditions, symptoms, and patient populations. al., in press). Whereas experienced therapists may be competent in
Patients with severe psychiatric problems may require more therapist building a strong alliance remotely and leverage advantages afforded
engagement and therefore may show better outcome in in-person ther- by teletherapy, trainee therapists may find it challenging to build a
apy (Koblauch et al., 2018). For example, Mohr et al. (2011) found no strong alliance and sufficiently engage in teletherapy, which was fur-
significant benefits for a 16-session telephone-delivered CBT over ther associated with client dropout (Sharf et al., 2010). It may be
TAU and attributed the null results to the unique nature of the sample necessary to provide relevant and more real-world training for less
(veterans), who might have been more refractory to treatment in general experienced therapists to enhance their teletherapy skills.
than other populations. In another RCT with specific treatment charac- It is worth noting that, in spite of the documented successes of tel-
teristics (patients with bulimia nervosa), Mitchell et al. (2008) found etherapy, many psychological professionals continue to doubt its ef-
that in-person CBT produced showed significantly greater reductions in ficacy and reported preferences for, and greater competency in, in-
certain symptoms compared to telephone CBT. Researchers and practi- person therapy (Perle et al., 2014; Perry et al., 2020). There may be
tioners may not provide teletherapy to patients who, in their opinion, several explanations for this phenomenon. First, therapists’ preferen-
are unlikely to benefit from or not suitable for teletherapy, which may ces for in-person therapy may be based more on what is traditional
and convenient and based less on empirical evidence. For example,
have resulted in selection bias. Therefore, more research is needed to
therapists may be unwilling to use teletherapy due to potential tech-
examine potential moderators of efficacy in teletherapy.
nical inconveniences and teletherapy-specific policies (e.g., obtain-
Teletherapy did not significantly differ from in-person therapy in
ing telepsychology consent). Second, teletherapy may be inferior to
terms of attrition rates. Attrition rates did, however, vary as a func-
in-person therapy in some aspects of therapy (e.g., expressing emo-
tion of treatment format and therapist experience. Videoconferenc-
tions), even though these issues may not be necessary for positive
ing therapy evidenced higher attrition rates than in-person therapy
client outcomes. Additionally, whereas therapists in RCTs typically
whereas telephone therapy showed lower attrition rates than in-per-
receive trainings and follow intervention manuals, these same sup-
son therapy. Perhaps telephone therapy is easier to access and oper-
ports may not be available in community practice.
ate technically than videoconferencing therapy. Videoconferencing
has more disparities among patient use of technology than telephone
uses, including disparities in quality of personal device equipment,
Limitations and Future Directions
internet access, clients’ attitudes toward technology (e.g., Schuster et Several limitations of this meta-analysis should be noted.
al., 2020). For example, clients can attend telephone session from First, several potential moderators of teletherapy were not exam-
venues without networks and equipment requisite for video calls. ined. For example, we were unable to examine race/ethnicity as a
In addition, whereas licensed therapists had comparable attrition moderator because some studies did not report race/ethnicity and
rates in teletherapy to in-person therapy, trainee therapists had some studies were conducted in other countries with different
higher attrition rates during teletherapy than during in-person racial/ethnic distribution. Likewise, the included studies only

covered limited types of psychiatric disorders and clinical settings. Alegría, M., Ludman, E., Kafali, E. N., Lapatin, S., Vila, D., Shrout, P. E.,
The comparability of teletherapy to in-person therapy for other Keefe, K., Cook, B., Ault, A., Li, X., Bauer, A. M., Epelbaum, C., Alcantara,
disorders and in other settings should be further investigated. C., Pineda, T. I. G., Tejera, G. G., Suau, G., Leon, K., Lessios, A. S.,
Because most studies included in this meta-analysis used cogni- Ramirez, R. R., & Canino, G. (2014). Effectiveness of the engagement and
tive and behavioral approaches, more research is needed to exam- counseling for Latinos (ECLA) intervention in low-income Latinos. Medical
ine the efficacy of noncognitive and nonbehavioral therapy Care, 52(11), 989–997.
Arnedt, J. T., Conroy, D. A., Mooney, A., Furgal, A., Sen, A., & Eisenberg,
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D. (2021). Telemedicine versus face-to-face delivery of cognitive behav-
vidual therapy for adults. Future research should examine whether
ioral therapy for insomnia: A randomized controlled noninferiority trial.
teletherapy can achieve equivalent effects for children and adoles- Sleep, 44(1), 1–11.
cents and when delivered in group format. Bee, P. E., Bower, P., Lovell, K., Gilbody, S., Richards, D., Gask, L., &
Third, although this meta-analysis synthesized efficacy of tele- Roach, P. (2008). Psychotherapy mediated by remote communication
therapy at 3- to 6-month follow-up, we were unable to examine lon- technologies: A meta-analytic review. BMC Psychiatry, 8(60). https://
ger-term effects because only a limited number of included studies
included long-term follow-up measurements. Furthermore, this Bolton, A. J., & Dorstyn, D. S. (2015). Telepsychology for Posttraumatic
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

study synthesized findings from RCTs. Given the potential chal- Stress Disorder: a systematic review. Journal of Telemedicine and Tele-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

lenges in delivering remote treatment in community practice, future care, 21(5), 1–14.
meta-analyses may also include findings from naturalistic settings. Bouchard, S., Paquin, B., Payeur, R., Allard, M., Rivard, V., Fournier, T.,
Finally, the current meta-analysis only included a limited number Renaud, P., & Lapierre, J. (2004). Delivering cognitive-behavior therapy for
of studies that were conducted prior to the pandemic. The results of panic disorder with agoraphobia in videoconference. Telemedicine Journal
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apy to determine which situations may be most optimal for tele- ity outcomes of in-home telehealth problem-solving therapy for
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ment to experience the full “dose effect.” Our meta-analysis Meise, U. (2006). Randomized clinical trial of telepsychiatry through
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