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Among the social customs of the black community is respect for elders especially the aged. It is

considered impolite not too greet an elderly person. Bowing the head down is usually a

nonverbal sign of respect and a single hand fist is used to communicate unity, solidarity or

agreement. In addition, squinting eyes often indicates suspicion of what the other person is

saying. The language used in the black community can sometimes be mixed with slang of other

nations such as Jamaica, for example the use of ‘finna’ in place of going to. They enjoy regular

home cooked meals and some fast foods. The most common taboo is eating without thanking

God for the meal or wasting food. Most people seek medical services from regular healthcare

centres, however others believe in the healing power of natural components such as different

herbs. Some of the spiritual practices the black community engages in is using sage to purify


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