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18103100 (Pages: 2) Reg. No..

Second Semester
Common Course I-English

IFor all UG. C.B.C.s. Programmes)

(2017 Admission onwards)
Time Three Hours Maximum : 80 Marks

Part A

Answer any ten of the following

Each question carries 2 marks.
1. Why was Arnela reluctant to teach Sentila that craft of pot making?

2 Identify the historical context of the poem "Refugee Blues"

3. Define a refugee based on the UN convention on the Status of Refugees.

4. How is the flood' of the presént age different from the biblical Great Flood of Noah ?

5. How do young ones die according to the stoic traveller in the story "War".

6. What plan did Juan conceive to outsmart the censorship mechanism ?2

7. What was it that prevented a Mahar from being independent, according to grandfather in "The
Poisoned Bread"

8. Why did Mesoba return home with a heavy heart after meeting the elders ?

9. What does Auden mean when he says that being human hinders one's freedom ?

10. What did the mnysterious bird reveal to Hagar?

11. What happened to the author's brother in "A Trip Westward"?

12. How did the prisoners fare in the old prison ?

(10 x 2 20 marks)

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2 18103100o
Part B

Answer any six questions.

Each question carries 5 marks.

13, Describe how the narrator got the five pound bill in the story "The Child Goes to the Camp"

'an angry bee' in "The Old Prison"?

14. Why is the wind called
15. What were some of the measures taken in the twentieth century to protect the rights of refugees ?

16. What was the water covenant that was born in the desert ?

17. What is the symbolic significance of roots in "On Killing a Tree"?

18. Whst is the future ofHemo Sapiens according to Leakey ?
19. How did Onula help Sentila with pot making on the night of the music band's visit ?

20. Describe the terrain of the 'homeward trail' of Zitkala-sa.

21. How did Juan get his promoti ons ?

(6x 5 30 marks)

Part C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 15 marks.
22. How does Leakey establish the fact that Homo sapiens have a key responsibility to preserve
23. Briefly explain the conflicts and themes raised through the story "War".

24. Bring out the element of satire in the story "The Censors" citing situations.

25. How does Oe represent the dualism

ofgood and evil through the essay "The Unsurrendered People"
(2 x 15 = 30 marks)

Reg No
QP CODE: 19101797
Name ********* **


Second Semester
Common Course I- EN2CCT03 -

(Common for all UG programmes)


Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Part A

Answer any ten questions.

Each question carries 2 marks.

Why does Oe say that what happened in Hiroshima after the A-bomb was not horrible?

2. Why does the husband, in the story War, feel that his wife deserves the pity of the fellow passengers?

3 How do the young one's die according to the stoic traveller in the short story War?
What according to Toni Morison are the two human responses to the perception of chaos?

5. W h e r e d o w e l o c a t e t h e w r i t e r in t h e p o e m w h o r u s h e s t o h i s d e s k " t o w r i t e f i e r c e l e t t e r s t o t h e m o r o n s in p o w e r ' ?

6. In the story A Trip Westward where did the authors mother live?

"My mother had never gone to school, and though she meant always to give up her own customs for such of the
Whiteman's ways as pleased her, she made only compromises." Explain the context.

8. Why does Arenla feel that weaving is a better craft to learn than pot making?

9Why does the poet call the roots 'the strength of the tree'?

10. What did the mysterious bird reveal to Hagar?

11. What is the diference between refugees and other immigrants and ethnic minorities?

12. What does the speaker in the poem "Refugee Blues" say about his passport?
Part B
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

13. In the poem "The Old Prison" why is the song of the waves 'bitter?

14. Reflect on the sarcasm in the passengers' discussions about paternal love in the story War.
15. How was Juan able to join the Censorship Bureau?

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attitude to Bapu Patil's humiliating ways?
was Grandpa Yetalya's
16. What
Grandma when Grandpa Yetalya throws away the crumbs.
reactions of
17 Comment on the
after Arenla left her alone in the shed?
experience while making pots
18 What did Sentila

of thee alarmists and

anti-alarmists to the fossil records available ?
19. What are the responses
it takes much time to kill a tree?
"On Killing a Tree" say that
the poet in the poem
20. Why does
on the roadside smoked in the snow./On your forehead
mother said you are a refugee./Our tent
21, "When I was born my
Describe the life world depicted in the given lines.
there is an R embossed my teacher said."
between your eyebrows
Part C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 15 marks.

22. Justify the title of the essay The Unsurrendered People.

23. Describe how Rushdie puts forward an effective proposition against censorship using comparisons and literary

24. Does the preservation of biodiversity really matter? Substantiate your views on the basis of the arguments raised by

various prominent alarmists and anti-alarmists.

25. Comment on the repeated use of 'a hostile time' as a trope of humari pathos and irony in highlighting the lives caught

in the lsrael-Palestine conflict.




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