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Proposals for the residues recovery: Orange waste as raw

material for new products
K. Rezzadori", S. Benedetti", E.R. Amante'''*
^ Department 0/Chemical and Food Engineering, Federal University 0/Santa Catarina, EQA/CTC/UFSC, 88040-900 Florianópolis, SC,
'' Department o/Food Science and Technology, Center 0/Agricultural Science, Federal University 0/Santa Catarina, Rod. Admar Gonzaga,
1346, Itacorubi, 88034-00 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil


The production of orange juice on an industrial level leads to a considerable quantity of solid and liquid residue
(around 8-20 million tonsy"^ globally), which is still considered as waste or used as a complement in agriculture.
In general, orange residues have no economic value, even though their composition is rich in soluble sugars, cellu-
lose, hemieellulose, pectin and essential oils that could form the basis of several industrial processes. In this study,
information was collected on the technological potential of the solid and liquid residues generated in the processing
of orange juice. Possible applications include human consumption, fertilizer, animal feed, charcoal, adsorption of
chemical compounds, bio-oil production and extraction of essential oils and pectin. In this preliminary study, alter-
natives are proposed for the minimization and recovery of solid and liquid residues generated in the production
of orange juice with a view to the implantation of industrial plants which can reuse this material, in order to add
value to this solid and liquid waste and provide environmental benefits. The alternatives were proposed based on
information and data available in the literature and the concepts of clean technologies.
© 2012 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Residue; Orange juice; By-products; Bio-oil; Pectin; Added value


1. Introduction 607
2. Residue characterization: orange waste 607
3. Proposals for the use of orange waste 607
4. Case study 608
5. New products from orange waste: proposals and yields 608
5.1. Production of ingredients for animal feed - System 1 609
5.2. Bio-oil and charcoal production - System 2 609
5.3. Essential oil extraction - System 3 609
5.4. Pectin production - System 4 610
5.5. Solid residue as adsorbent - System 5 610
5.6. Integrated process for production of ethanol, biogas and limonene - System 6 612
5.7. Benefits of the proposed systems 612
6. Final considerations 612
Acknowledgments 612
References 612

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 48 3721 5371; fax: +55 48 3721 9687.
E-mail address: (E.R. Amante).
Received 2 March 2012; Received in revised form 28 May 2012; Accepted 17 June 2012
0960-3085/$ - see front matter © 2012 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
FOOD A N D B I O P R O D U C T S P R O C E S S I N G 9 0 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 606-614 607

1. Introduction Orange

Orange is a citrus fruit consumed in high quantities all over Reception

the world in the natural and peeled forms and as a juice. It
is associated with a low cost and contains many nutrients
including vitamin C, A and B, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, Cleaning Rejected orange—»-Composting
potassium), dietary fiber and many phytochemicals, includ-
ing flavonoids, amino acids, triterpenes, phenolic acids and 50% juice-« Juiee extraetion | — • Orange waste—*• Reuse
carotenoids (Melèndez-Martinez et al., 2008; Roussos, 2011) I I
Oranges are one of the most important commodities in 45.5% 0.5%
I solid vvaslc liquid waslc
terms of global agricultural production, ranked in 20th posi- Pasteurization
tion in 2008 and representing around 10.5% of the world fruit
production (Faostat, 2010; Usda, 2010). Brazil is responsible for I Blending |
around 53% of the orange juice produced worldwide and for
80% of the international trade in this product (Abecitrus, 2008). I
Freezing packing
According to Faostat, in 2009 the Brazilian orange production i
was almost 18 million tons, representing approximately 49% I Storage/Shipping |
of the total fruit production in this country. Fig. 1 - Flowchart showing orange juice process.
Duringorange juice production, only around the half of the
fresh orange weight is transformed into juice (Braddock, 1995),
generating great amounts of residue (peel, pulp, seeds, orange in products with high added value obtained through chemical
leaves and whole orange fruits that do not reach the quality or enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent biological conversion
requirements), which accounts for the other 50% of the weight (Rivas et al, 2008).
of the fruit and has a moisture content of approximately 82 g The soluble sugars present in orange peel are glucose, fruc-
100 g-i (Abecitrus, 2008; Garcia-Castello et al., 2011). This huge tose, and sucrose. The insoluble polysaccharides of the cellular
amount of waste is, in most cases, spread on soil in areas wall of the orange peel are composed of pectin, cellulose, and
adjacent to the production locations, for its final use as a raw hemicelluloses. Pectin and hemicelluloses are rich in galac-
material in animal feed, or else it is burned (Martin et al., turonic acid, arabinose, and galactose, and also contain small
2010). This method of waste handling produces highly pol- amounts of xylose, rhamnose and glucose (Grohmann et al.,
luted wastewater in terms of chemical and biological oxygen 1995).
values which can negatively affect the soil and the ground and After the extraction of juice from the oranges, the peel,
superficial waters (Braddock, 1995). seeds, and pulp are usually transformed into pelletized bran
One alternative to improve the management of these for animal feed. Among the liquid residues spilled into the
residues is the implementation of new processes for their environment the residue known as "yellow water" is of major
recovery, for instance, through the production of organic concern since it has a high content of organic matter, making
fertilizers, pectin, bio-oil, essential oils, and antioxidant com- it an agent with high pollution potential (Tavares et al., 1998).
pounds, or as a substrate for the production of several Some by-products of the citrus industry have expressive com-
compounds with high added value, such as microbial pro- mercial value: the essential oils obtained from orange peel are
teins, organic acids, ethanol, enzymes and biologically active notable for their use as ingredients in foods, beverages, cos-
secondary metabolites and adsorbent materials. These are metics and perfumes, aromatic essences; d-limonene is used
excellent alternatives to avoid environmental pollution and in the production of inks and solvents; the bran of citric pulp
to add value to these substances (Abecitrus, 2008). is employed in the production of animal feed; and orange pulp
is used by the food and beverage industries (Pereira, 2008). The
Due to the great amount of residues generated at orange
industrial processing of orange juice is detailed in Fig. 1.
production and processing sites this study aims to offer rec-
ommendations for investors or orange processors by gathering
information regarding the technological potential of these 3. Proposals for the use of orange waste
solid and liquid residues. Also, the levels of economic invest-
ment required and the benefits available to industries able to A vast number of promising proposals for the use of orange
process this waste and increase its value are discussed, along waste have been described in the literature. These include the
with the environmental issues. The results are presented in use of the waste to produce fertilizer, essential oils, pectin,
the form of a review, contemplating the waste characteriza- ethanol, industrial enzymes, single cell proteins, pollutant
tion and alternative uses of this material, information which absorbents and paper pulp supplements (Siles et al., 2010).
is then used as a basis for calculating the volumes generated In the search for alternative solutions to the problems asso-
in an orange juice processing company. ciated with the discarding of residues, many industries have
been opting for the use of microorganisms as agents to reduce
the organic matter of such materials and eliminate or reduce
2. Residue characterization: orange waste toxic compounds. Anaerobic digestion, in which both pollu-
tion control and energy recovery can be achieved, is another
The valorization of residues requires knowledge of their chem- possible way to treat and add value to the abundant orange
ical composition. Orange waste contains 16.9 g 100 g~^ soluble peel waste. This process is defined as the biological conversion
sugars, 9.21 g 100 g"^ cellulose, 10.5 g 100g-^ hemicelluloses, of organic material to a variety of end products including 'bio-
and 42.5 g 100 g"^ pectin, which is its most important compo- gas' whose main constituents are methane (65-70 g 100 g"^)
nent. Due to its composition being rich in soluble and insoluble and carbon dioxide. Martin et al. (2010) have shown that the
carbohydrates, this by-product shows great potential for use anaerobic digestion of orange peel waste after a d-limonene
608 FOOD A N D BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING 9 0 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 606-614

extraction reveals higher methane production, providing an microwave, Farhat et al, (2011) studied a new process for the
excellent opportunity to integrate this waste into orange juice extraction of essential oil from orange peel called microwave
manufacturing using a biorefinery approach, steam diffusion and eoneluded that it is an efficient method
Agroindustrial residues, such as those generated in citric for the extraetion of essential oil from orange peel, providing
juice production plants, have also been used as a substrate for good yields.
the production of enzymes, Nighojkar et al, (2006) studied the The application of alternative materials in the adsorp-
use of orange peel as a substrate and indueer in the production tion of chemical compounds and toxic metals present in
of polygalaeturonase by microorganisms and concluded that industrial effluents, particularly in research laboratories, are
orange peel is a very good indueer. Mamma et al, (2008) con- scarce; however, some studies have shown that this strat-
cluded that it is possible to produce pectinolytic, cellulolytic egy has potential. As an example, it has been demonstrated
and xylanolytic enzymes from the fungal strains of the genera that orange pulp is effective for removing heavy metals from
Aspergillus, Fusarium, Neurospora and Pénicillium and generate industrial effluents. According to Ajmal et al, (2001), the use of
multienzyme activity using a simple growth medium con- orange bagasse as an alternative adsorbent is effective in the
sisting of a solid by-product of the citrus processing industry removal of Ni from electroplating effluent, where more than
(orange peel). 93% of the metal was adsorbed, Pérez-Marín et al, (2008) eval-
These residues also have high energy value, and they can uated the use of orange waste in the biosorption of cadmium,
help to reduce the dependency on energy purchased for the zinc and lead and obtained good results, Biswas et al, (2008)
generation of heat, vapor, or electricity. Despite the great studied the removal and recovery of phosphorus from water
opportunities for the use of such residues, there are few exam- by means of adsorption onto an orange waste gel loaded with
ples in the literature of the application of residues from the zirconium and concluded that it is a promising and potentially
orange agro-industry for energy generating purposes, either attractive adsorbent for treating wastewater contaminated
in the form in which they are produced or after their trans- with inorganic phosphate and consequently provides a step
formation (Widmer et al,, 2010), Before they are used in the towards a sustainable society.
generation of thermal energy, the solid residues from oranges The bran of citric pulp, or orange peel bran, is another
can be converted into charcoal and into the by-products of very important by-product. This bran is obtained through the
carbonization, which would widen their range of uses and treatment of solid residues and liquid remaining after juice
at the same time facilitate their transportation, storage, and extraction. The pelletized bran of citric pulp is used as a com-
handling. According to Tienne et al, (2004), the pyrolysis of plement in animal feed, and is well accepted as an ingredient
orange peel is possible based on the gravimetric income asso- in bovine feed (Corazza et al,, 2001), The use of industrial
ciated with the coal and carbon obtained and eoneluded that residues derived from citric fruits in animal diets reflects the
the charcoal produetion and utilization of the by-products importance offibersin the maintenance of the ruminai motil-
from the pyrolysis of peel and orange pulp allow value to ity and also to motivate rumination. However, thisfiberneeds
be added to this agroindustrial residue. In addition, the pulp to be in the appropriate condition. It has been emphatically
fruit can be used for bio-oil production also employing pyrol- stated that the use of fiber in human nutrition is correlated
ysis (Özbay et al,, 2008), According to Embrapa (2009), orange with the prevention of diseases (Mendonça et al,, 2006),
waste is a good biomass for bio-oil production, yielding up
to 60 g 100 g"i by weight compared to the raw material used,
i,e,, a ton of solid residue can yield up to 600kg of bio-oil 4. Case study
(Embrapa, 2009),
The quantitative data on the residues generated by the orange
The citrus processing waste can be used to produce
processing industry were obtained from the literature and
ethanol, limonene, and other co-products. Extensive work has
from information supplied by a local orange juice production
been carried out vnth enzymatic hydrolysis to liquefy this
plant. The proposals to increase the value of the orange waste
residue and maximize the monomeric sugar content. These
will be presented asflowcharts,mass balances and yields for
sugars can be subsequently or simultaneously (Wilkins et al,,
each system, based on calculations and production data relat-
2007a,b) converted into ethanol by fermentation, Widmer et al,
ing to a large orange juice plant with a daily proeessing rate of
(2010) studied the use of citrus processing waste for ethanol
approximately 16,0001, This production will be considered to
production by saccharification and fermentation processes
estimate both the amount of solid and liquid waste proeessed
and observed that the ethanol yields based on the sugar
and the derivatives produeed,
content after enzymatic hydrolysis following 48 h of simul-
taneous saccharification and fermentation ranged from 76%
to 94%, 5. New products from orange waste:
Another quite profitable alternative for the residues gen- proposals and yields
erated during orange processing is the extraction of essential
oils, that is, volatile oils extracted from the citric fruit peel The characteristics of solid and liquid orange residues suggest
(Donsi et al,, 2011), These essential oils have several applica- that these waste materials can be used for the development
tions in the pharmaceutical and food industries, d-Limonene of new products. This paper proposes six products which
is an oily fraction and it is considered to be one of the purest ean be obtained from the solid fraction and four from the
sources of monoeyelie terpene (Corazza et al,, 2001; Viuda- liquid fraetion of the orange waste. The eompany under
Martos et al,, 2008), Also, these oils ean contain compounds study produees 8000 tday"^ of pasteurized and eoncentrated
with biological activity, such as limonoids and their gluco- juice, using 16,000 tday~^ of oranges, with the generation of
sides, which cause the inhibition of cancerous tumors induced 80001 day~^ of orange waste (considering 50% of the raw mate-
in rats, mice, and hamsters (Reda et al,, 2005), Various tech- rial).
niques can be used for the extraction of essential oil, such The alternatives are presented as systems for the use of
as supercritical extraction, hydrodistillation, distillation and residues from the orange juice industry.
FOOD A N D BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING 9 O ( 2 0 1 2 ) 606-614 609

Juiee produetion Juiee produetion

S.OOOt Solid residue 8.0001- Solid residue
Hoi gas
T methods chemical and/or
T power generation
Pressing Milling
Gas-liquid separation
Drying Drying

Citric pulp •miergasJ Downflow reactor
7.2001 700 °C
700 "C I -L
Bio-oil 4.8001
Pelletized 864 t Charcoal

Fig. 3 - Flowchart showing process involved in bio-oil and

charcoal production.
Fig. 2 - Flowchart detailing the process involved in the use
Although research in this area is still in the initial stages, bio-
of orange peel for animal feed.
oil has great potential to replace petroleum, with advantages
in various applications. The bio-oil is a renewable organic fuel
5.1. Production 0/ingredients/or animal feed - System derived from the processing of agricultural and forest residues.
1 It is a black oil with a characteristic odor and high perfor-
mance and can be obtained not only from pyrolysis but also
Solid waste generated during orange juice production can be thermal degradation (Embrapa, 2009). Bio-oils may be used
used to produce ingredients for animal feed (fresh or dried for many applications for example as a transport fuel or as
orange pulp). This system includes the most common proce- an additive to conventional fuels and to feedstock chemicals.
dures applied by orange juice production plants regarding the According to Haykiri-Acma et al. (2010) and Rutkowski (2011),
destination of the residues. Most plants make use of almost the biomass used as an energy source is mainly a mixture
all the residue generated in the industrial process for the pro- of three main components, i.e., cellulose, hemicellulose and
duction of animal feed (Moreira et al., 2004). lignin. Due to the high content of these components in the
The dried pulp it is obtained after two pressings (which orange waste, the residue generated from orange juice pro-
reduces the moisture content to 65-75 g 100 g"^) and drying duction is considered a good biomass for the production of
(resulting in up to 90 g 100 g^^ dry matter), before being pel- bio-oil.
letized and marketed (Teixeira, 2001). According to the same Fast pyrolysis processes are the most commonly used for
author, to facilitate the separation of the water and lessen the production of bio-oil. This process converts thermochem-
the hydrophilic nature of the pectin, the main carbohydrate ically ground particles of biomass into bio-oil. It also produces
present in the pulp, calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide is bio-charcoal, which can be used as a fertilizer, even in organic
added before the pressings. Due to the high water content in production systems, and many other applications, such as
the fresh pulp it is difficult to dry in common industrial drying the prevention of environmental pollution and decontami-
devices, while its high content of organic matter means that nation of water bodies and soil affected by toxic metals. In
it cannot be disposed of easily (Crupi et al., 2001). However, this process, biomass particles with less than 5 mm in diam-
there are chemical and/or enzymatic methods available that eter are used. These are fed into the system, with the aid of
facilitate the pressing of this waste and reduce its water con- a carrier gas, at a temperature of 700°C and at high speed,
tent sufficiently to permit it to be dried in a normal industrial which can reach 400 m s"^. The flowchart in Fig. 3 shows
drier (Tripodo et al., 2004). the alternatives proposed in this system and the processes
As shown in Fig. 2, the solid orange waste obtained could used.
be used as an ingredient for animal feed due to the high con- According to Embrapa (2009), the bio-oil yield represents up
tent of sugars, fiber and other residual substances. According to 60 g 100 g"^ (by weight) of the raw material used, i.e., 80001 of
to data found in the literature, in the production of orange orange residue can yield up to 48001 of bio-oil. The remainder
juice the residues correspond to 50% of the raw material. can be used for charcoal production (Embrapa, 2009). The use
Therefore, since the processing plant investigated in this case of waste orange (peel and pulp) for energy is of great interest
processes 16,0001 of oranges day-^, around 80001 of solid since every 100 kg of such waste can provide around 27 kg of
and liquid residues are generated daily. Considering that the charcoal (Tienne et al., 2004). Thus, the 32001 of waste remain-
liquid residue ("yellow water") corresponds to 0.5 g 100 g"i ing after bio-oil production could be used to produce 8641 of
(by weight) of the total residue, 401 of liquid residues and charcoal.
79601 of solid residues are generated daily at this plant.
Considering that the feed produced from that residue has 5.3. Essential oil extraction - System 3
10g 100 g-i moisture, from 80001 of solid residues 72001 of
bran can be obtained daily and used as an ingredient for The orange residue (solid and liquid) could be used for the
animal feed. extraction of essential oils. The solid residues remaining after
the essential oil extraction could be reutilized to obtain cellu-
5.2. Bio-oil and charcoal production - System 2 lolytic fibers which can be used as a support for semi-solid
fermentation, as proposed by Yasar et al. (2007) and Rivas
Currently, the pyrolysis of biomass is of particular interest et al. (2008) or for dietary fiber production (Chau and Huang,
as a means to produce bio-oil, which is a valuable product. 2003; Bortoluzzi and Marangoni, 2006; Bicu and Mustata,
610 FOOD A N D BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING 9 O ( 2 0 1 2 ) 606-614

Juice production Juice production

8.0001- Solid and liquid waste Solid residues 8.0001 Orange waste

Wet milling
12.81- Essential oils
Dry milling
Sieving Enzimatic inativation

Dietary Tiber - 5.2001 Filtration Solid residues

/ \ Hot water - 120 °C • Extraction

Insolubleßber Solubleßber Compost
2.191t 10761 342 Pectin

Fig. 4 - Flowchart showing process to extract essential oil

Fig. 5 - Flowchart showing proposed process for obtaining
from orange waste.
pectin from orange waste.

2011), The liquid residues remaining after the essential oil 5.4. Pectin production - System 4
extraetion ean be used in eombination with the fibers, as
a substrate for the production of enzymes for semi-solid Pectin is a soluble fiber that can be obtained from the
fermentation. residues of orange processing. It is a natural food additive
The production of essential oils from orange peel is eco- used extensively in the food industry. The world market
nomically viable, since this by-product has high added value demand for pectin is in excess of 30,0001 annually and is
(Anagnostopoulou et al,, 2006), Citrus essential oils are used growing by around 4-5 g 100 g~^ y~^ (Partos, 2006; Yeoh et al,,
in a wide variety of applications in the food and pharma- 2008),
ceutical industries. They can be used directiy as flavorings The industrial process employs extraction of pectin acid
in foods and beverages as well as in the production of or hydroehlorie sulfurie aeid, whieh generates toxie waste
medicines, cosmetics, and cleaning products (Raeissi et al,, (Kimball, 1991), Hot water extraction can be considered as an
2008), alternative proeedure for the extraetion of peetin from orange
The maximum extraction yield for citrus oils is 0,4 g 100 g~^, pulp (Soler, 1995), The idea is to use a proeess that generates
i,e,, for every ton of fruit processed 4 kg of oil are produced nontoxic waste which can then be utilized. The production of
(Bizzo, 2009), Thus, from the total amount of solid residues peetin from the residues of oranges proeessed to juiee has a
generated in the produetion of juiee (80001) and eonsidering yield of approximately 25 g 100 g~^ (on a dry basis) (Kar and
an extraction process with 40% efficiency, approximately 12,81 Arslan, 1999), Considering that 80001 of residues are gener-
of essential oils can be obtained. ated daily and that these residues are submitted to drying
Among the many sources of dietary fiber, citrus by- until reaehing 10 g 100 g"^ moisture and that the yield in the
products have a high potential for use. There has been mueh peetin extraction is around 19 g 100 g~^ (Calliari and Gómez,
interest in the use of the fibers from the peel and dehydrated 2004), approximately 3421 of pectin can be obtained. The
membranes. The washed pulp has been demonstrated to be a remaining solid residue could be used to make compost. The
good souree of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber and its spe- proposed process to obtain pectin from orange waste is shown
eifie teehnologieal funetions and functional properties allow in Fig, 5,
its use as an ingredient in foods (Marti et al,, 2011), Consid-
ering the solid residue is approximately 70 g 100 g"^ fiber (on 5.5. Solid residue as adsorbent - System 5
a dry basis) and after drying the fiber shows 7 g 100 g~^ mois-
ture (on a dry basis), the fiber 3neld is 52001, Bortoluzzi and Adsorption is a technique which has been used successfully
Marangoni (2006) deseribed a similar proeess, but the fiber for the effective removal of heavy metals and chemical com-
was obtained directly from the dry residue after juice extrae- pounds from wastewaters generated by the chemical and
tion, and obtained yields of 47,9 g 100g"^ from 20,7 g 100 g"'' textile industries. The first step to an efficient adsorption
insoluble fiber and soluble fiber (Bortoluzzi and Marangoni, process is the ehoiee of an adsorbent with high seleetivity,
2006), high eapaeity and long life. This should also be avail-
Carau et al, (2007) studied the antioxidant capacity of able in large quantities at low cost (Pérez-Marín et al,,
the dietary fiber of orange by-products and it exhibited 2008), According to Ströher (2010), these low-cost adsor-
high antioxidant capacity, Garcia et al, (2002) showed that bents have been investigated in laboratory scale to treat
the addition of cereal or fruit fiber, specifically 1,5 g 100 g~i wastewater with varying degrees of efficiency. An example
orange fiber, to dry fermented sausages gives organoleptic of this class of adsorbents is orange pulp, whieh has natural
characteristic similar to those of a conventional high fat adsorption eharaeteristies whieh resemble those of aetivated
product. carbon.
In this context, the flowchart in Fig, 4 shows the alterna- Another alternative for the removal and reeovery of ehem-
tives proposed in this system and the processes used. ieal compounds from water is by means of adsorption onto
FOOD A N D BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING 9 O ( 2 0 1 2 ) 605-614 611

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612 FOOD A N D BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING 9 O ( 2 0 1 2 ) 605-614

Juice production Juice production

8,0001 — > • Orange waste

8,0001 Orange waste 1
Hidrolysis reactor
1 71.200 L
To remove adhering Expansion tank Condenser/deeanter |—>•] Limonene
din and soluble
components such as \ hydrolysaie
solid liquid
Washing tannins, resins, Filier
reducing sugar and \ 1
colouring agents. Biogas digestor Fermenter

Biogas sUIhse

344.000 ni^ ;
Adsorbent compounds Ethanol 3I7.200L

Fig. 6 - Flowchart showing proposed process for obtaining

Adapted from Pourbafrani et al, (2010)
adsorbent material from orange peel.
Fig. 7 - Flowchart showing proposed process for complete
orange waste gel loaded with zirconium, as proposed by utilization of orange waste.
Biswas et al, (2008), These authors suggested the use of
orange waste immobilized with zirconium (IV) to investigate value to this residue and reducing the microbiological con-
its feasibility for phosphate removal from an aquatic envi- tamination and the environmental pollution as well as the
ronment. Using this method, the prepared gel was found to cost of exploration of natural resources, as mineral bio-oil and
be an effective adsorbent for phosphate removal with a rea- ethanol obtained from non-renewable sourees. The proposals
sonably high Sorption capacity of 57mg-P/g, whieh is four for uses of the orange waste presented herein may be a initial
times higher than that of zireonium ferrite. The adsorption step to evaluate the eeonomic feasibility and environmental
capacity has been compared to that of two commercially impact of the implementation of the proposed systems in the
available adsorbents: zireonium ferrite and MUROMAC XMC pilot scale and future industrial application.
3614, Fig, 6 presents a method for the production of an
adsorbent of metals and chemical compounds from orange Acknowledgments
This paper was first presented at the 2nd International Work-
5.6. Integrated process for production of ethanol, shop Advances in Cleaner Production (Sao Paulo, May 2009) and
biogas and limonene - System 6 its presentation was assisted by the organizers for whieh we
are grateful.
An integrated proeess ean be used to produce ethanol, biogas
and limonene from orange wastes. Depending on the mar- References
ket and the profitability of the process, pectin can also be
recovered as a by-product of the proeess, Pourbafrani et al, Abecitrus, 2008, Historia da Laranja e Subprodutos da Laranja,
(2010) suggested the application of this new process to produce Available from: www,abecitrus,com,br/ (accessed 06,08,08),
ethanol and biogas and provided a configuration for its indus- Ajmal, M,, Rao, R,A,K,, Ar, A,J,, 2001, Adsorption studies on Citrus
trial application. Their proposal was based on the simplicity reticula (fruit peel of orange): removal and reeovery of Ni(II)
from electroplating wastewater, J, Hazard, Mater, 79,117-131,
of the proeess and low priée of the biomass eompared to other
Amante, E,R,, 1997, Proposiçôes metodológicas para a
ethanol proeesses involving the use of lignocelluloses, making minimizaçâo de residuos de fecularias e das industrias
this process unique and favorable. By applying this proeess, processadoras de aves, suinos e pescados do Estado de Santa
the same authors found that 39,64 L of ethanol, almost 45 m^ Catarina, Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal de Santa
of pure methane, 8,9 L of limonene can be produced per ton of Catarina,
the wet citrus waste. Fig, 7 shows an adapted flowchart of the Anagnostopoulou, M,A,, Kefalas, P,, Papageorgiou, V,P,,
process proposed as an alternative for the complete utiliza- Assimopoulou, A,N,, Boskou, D,, 2006, Radical scavenging
tion of the waste generated in the orange juiee industry. For activity of various extracts and fractions of sweet orange peel
(Citrus sinensis). Food Chem, 94,19-25,
the ealeulation, we considered 80001 of orange waste obtained Bicu, I,, Mustata, F,, 2011, Cellulose extraction from orange peel
from the juice produetion, using sulfite digestion reagents, Bioresour, Technol, 102,
5.7. Benefits of the proposed systems Biswas, B,k,, Inoue, K,, Ghimire, K,N,, Harada, H,, Ohto, K,,
Kawakita, H,, 2008, Removal and recovery of phosphorus from
water by means of adsorption onto orange waste gel loaded
Table 1 shows the proposed systems and their respective with zirconium, Bioresour, Technol, 99, 8685-8690,
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