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This is your basic step wedge. Generally the .

5” section of the block is used for Cal VEL to get your thick,
then use the .1” section for Cal Zero to get your thin.
Before doing calibration, adjust your range to be able to fit your A-Scan on screen ie., if you are using
the .5”-.1” step wedge set the range to 1”. Then adjust your gain dB to bring the A-Scan to 50% of the
screen. I prefer 80%, but the main point is that your machine will give an accurate read out of what you
are inspecting, without “blowing the readings out” you can tell this by a rapid spike in the A-Scan and
read out numbers that are grossly inaccurate.

Follow this section as basic rules for calibration and when to check cal of the machine. An important
thing to remember while doing boiler surveys is that energy company’s usually have their own
procedure for when the machine needs to be recalibrated. This is usually after a certain number of
elevation rows on the wall of a furnace ie., after 2 elevations of readings have been logged, pull out your
call block and check your meters reading and make sure it accurate.


Use 2D grid for your basic walls of a boiler ie., just rows and columns with one point for each tube.
When doing LEFT CENTER RIGH, or anything similar use 3D grid and put start point as 1 and end point as
3. This will allow you 3 data points to save to per tube.
You need to enable DB grid so that the machine shows you the save points for the file you have created.
Otherwise you will only be able to tell which file you are on by the display at the top of the screen.

Once your reading is correct hit save and follow in order of that your file is set up. If a bad reading is
taken, hit ID and used the D-Pad to move back to the box you want to remeasure. Press the red measure
button, then save.

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