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Intuitive Human


Centers, Gates, Keywords & More

by Denise Rolland
A Little About Me &
This Mini-eBook
I have written this from a place that intends the
Highest Good, as I see the Perfected Potential of
the Human Design Bodygraph, as part of my 6th
color Perspective; these coming from my
Envisioning, NN in gate 41. There are many who
share from other Perspectives to guide those
who may need their medicine. We each attract
to us those who resonate with our Frequency
and are on our Fractal.

We have all of the chart so when you embrace

Oneness, you transcend the chart through
integrating it first, then the wisdom gained
blossoms and others are attracted to your

Continued on next page...

When I was still seeking and searching outside of
myself, I drank in a bunch of knowledge and
information. When I stopped seeking and searching
outside of mySelf, I stopped inhaling the knowledge and
information. All that knowledge and information
dropped off and the deeper inner wisdom seeded and
grew, blooming into a fragrant blossom that attracts
those ready to draw from my deep inner wisdom.

This is an example of the Mutable Signs in Astrology

consisting of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. In
Gemini we're gathering information, lots of data, that's
not sorted just yet. This massive inhalation of
information is then sorted through Virgo so we can
discern what resonates within us, which leads to our
inner truth in Sagittarius. As we let go of old truths that
we believed to be true for us, that no longer serve us, all
that which came before drops and the seeds of wisdom
from Pisces spring up and grows until it blossoms into
our deep inner wisdom.
A Little About Me & This Mini-eBook

Intuitive HD Centers ~ Gates & Signs

Astrology Signs & Keywords

64 Gates Keywords

32 Channels Keywords
Cosmic Consciousness
(Head Center)
Pressure Center
Gates & Signs
64 ~ Virgo
61 ~ Capricorn
63 ~ Pisces

Cosmic Consciousness: Source Inspiration

I Intend that I Am always following my inner
Source of Inspiration for the Highest Good.

Head Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Am I thinking about things that don't matter? Am I
still trying to answer everyone's questions?

Mind Talk: I have to think about this. I have to answer

his/her question.

Wisdom: I correctly discern what is important to

think about and which questions to answer or not.
Contemplative Awareness
(Ajna Center)
Awareness Center
Gates & Signs
47 ~ Virgo 17 ~ Aries
24 ~ Taurus 43 ~ Scorpio
4 ~ Leo 11 ~ Sagittarius

Contemplative Awareness: Inner Seer

I Intend that I Am always following my own
Inner Seer for the Highest Good.

Ajna Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Am I still trying to convince everyone that I'm right
and certain about things?

Mind Talk: I have to be right and certain about


Wisdom: I am alright with being uncertain about

(Throat Center)

Gates & Signs

62 ~ Cancer 12 ~ Gemini 8 ~ Taurus/Gemini
23 ~ Taurus 45 ~ Gemini 31 ~ Leo
56 ~ Cancer/Leo 33 ~ Leo 20 ~ Gemini
35 ~ Gemini 16 ~ Gemini

Expression: Art of Manifestation

I Intend that I Am serving others through my
Art of Manifestation for the Highest Good.

Throat Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Are you still trying to attract attention and be seen?

Mind Talk: I have to keep talking otherwise no one

will notice me.

Wisdom: I don't have to do anything to attract

attention or to be seen. It happens naturally when
it's correct for me.
HigherSelf Awareness
(G/Identity Center)
*Awareness Center
Gates & Signs

7 ~ Leo 2 ~ Taurus
13 ~ Aquarius 15 ~ Gemini/Cancer
25 ~ Pisces/Aries 10 ~ Sagittarius/Capricorn
46 ~ Virgo/Libra

HigherSelf Awareness: Spirit Led

I Intend that I Am forever Spirit Led for the
Highest Good.

G/Identity Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Are you still looking for love and direction in your life?

Mind Talk: I have to find love. Who am I? I have to

know where I'm going in life.

Wisdom: I no longer look for love, direction or self out

*We're BEcoming Aware of our HigherSelf
(Will/Ego Center)
Motor Center
Gates & Signs

51 ~ Aries
21 ~ Aries
40 ~ Virgo
26 ~ Sagittarius

Courage: Divine Will

I Intend that I Am always in aLightment with
Divine Will for the Highest Good.

Will/Ego Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Do I still have something to prove so others know
I'm worthy?

Mind Talk: I'll make this promise so I can prove how

great and worthy I am.

Wisdom: I have nothing to prove, I am already

Energetic Creativity
(Sacral Center)
Motor Center

Gates & Signs

34 ~ Sagittarius 9 ~ Sagittarius
5 ~ Sagittarius 3 ~ Aries/Taurus
14 ~ Scorpio/Sagittarius 42 ~ Aries
29 ~ Leo/Virgo 27 ~ Taurus
59 ~ Virgo

Energetic Creativity: Creative Pulse

I Intend that I Am tapped into my Creative
Pulse for the Highest Good.

Sacral Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Do I know when enough is enough?

Mind Talk: I will ignore how tired I am and push


Wisdom: I know when enough is enough.

Intuitive Awareness
(Spleen Center)
Awareness Center

Gates & Signs

48 ~ Libra 32 ~ Libra
57 ~ Libra 28 ~ Scorpio
44 ~ Scorpio 18 ~ Libra
50 ~ Libra/Scorpio

Intuituve Awareness: Secure Spontaneity

I Intend that I Am always Secure in my
Spontaneity for the Highest Good.

Spleen Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Are you still holding onto what's not good for you?

Mind Talk: I can't let go of this relationship/job/etc

that is not good for me cuz I won't find a better

Wisdom: I know what is healthy for me and what's

Spirit Awareness
(Solar Plexus Center)
Motor & Awareness Center

Gates & Signs

36 ~ Pisces 49 ~ Aquarius
22 ~ Pisces 55 ~ Pisces
37 ~ Pisces 30 ~ Aquarius/Pisces
6 ~ Virgo

Spirit Awareness: Emotional Wisdom

I Intend that I Am steeped within my Emotional
Wisdom for the Highest Good.

Solar Plexus Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Am I still avoiding confrontation and truth?

Mind Talk: I'll just tell them what they want to hear
so I don't rock the boat.

Wisdom: I can experience the whole spectrum of

emotions and survive.
Time Portal
(Root Center)
Pressure Center
Gates & Signs

41 ~ Aquarius 53 ~ Cancer
39 ~ Cancer 54 ~ Capricorn
19 ~ Aquarius 38 ~ Capricorn
52 ~ Cancer 58 ~ Capricorn
60 ~ Capricorn/Aquarius

Time Portal: Divining Time

I Intend that I Am patiently Divining Time in
my endeavors for the Highest Good.

Root Center MindTalk & Wisdom:

Am I still in a hurry to get things done to be free of
the pressure?

Mind Talk: I have to hurry up and get this done so I

can be free of the pressure and rest.

Wisdom: I know which pressures are good for me or

Aries & Libra
Aries Libra
Fire Element Air Element
Cardinal Sign Cardinal Sign

Keywords: Keywords:
Beginning Others
Instinct Relating
Purpose Relationships
Exploration Extremes
Curiosity Balance
Discovery Give & Take
Pioneer Interchange
Unknown This & That
Uncertainty Inclusion
New beginnings Counseling
Taurus & Scorpio
Taurus Scorpio
Earth Element Water Element
Fixed Sign Fixed Sign

Keywords: Keywords:
Sensuality Death & Rebirth
Fortitude Metamorphosis
Stability Commitment
Values Shared Resources
Survival Investments
Beauty Merging
Consuming Empowerment
Resources Trust
Foundation Vulnerability
Nourishment Transparency
Self-sufficiency Secret Knowledge
Gemini & Sagittarius
Gemini Sagittarius
Air Element Fire Element
Mutable Sign Mutable Sign

Keywords: Keywords:
Labels Adventure
Data Nature
Information Fun
Reading Expansive
Writing Philosophy
Duality Knowledge
Words Intuition
Patterns Ideologies
Languages Faith
Connection Optimism
Communication Beliefs
Messenger Cosmology
Curiosity Truth
Discovery Teaching
Cancer & Capricorn
Cancer Capricorn
Water Element Earth Element
Cardinal Sign Cardinal Sign

Keywords: Keywords:
Home Definition
Nurture Time
Family Priorities
Heritage Boundaries
Conditioning Direction
Security Self-mastery
Safety Consistency
Familiarity Reflection
Protection Building
Ego Structure
Identity Maturity
Personality Discipline
Emotions Elder, Crone
Vulnerability Wisdom
Leo & Aquarius
Leo Aquarius
Fire Element Air Element
Fixed Sign Fixed Sign

Keywords: Keywords:
Illumination Unique
Generosity Individuality
Leadership Liberation
Recognized Differentiation
Validated Innovation
Colorful Technology
Vibrancy Insights
Sunshine Nervous System
Attention Detachment
Subjective Non-linear
Creativity Decondition
Self-actualization Multidimensional
Virgo & Pisces
Virgo Pisces
Earth Element Water Element
Mutable Sign Mutable Sign

Keywords: Keywords:
Work Fantasy
Skills Spiritual
Routines Surrender
Organization Completion
Discernment Ocean
Digestion Oneness
Integration Void
Efficiency Nothingness
Analyzing Dissolving
Selective God-connection
Growth Purification
Self-improvement Meaning
Service Clarity
Competence Illusions
1 ~ Creative Spark
2 ~ Receptive Life
3 ~ Sprouting Seed
4 ~ Mature Wisdom
5 ~ Nurished Patience
6 ~ Intimate Harmony
7 ~ Balanced Discipline
8 ~ Unifying
9 ~ Surrender Details
10 ~ BEing
11 ~ Peaceful Ideas
12 ~ Releasing
13 ~ Deep Listening
14 ~ Shining Prosperity
15 ~ Authenticity
16 ~ Enthusiasm
17 ~ Example
18 ~ Critique
19 ~ Approachable
20 ~ Contemplative
21 ~ Discernment
22 ~ Graciousness
23 ~ Merging
24 ~ Mindfulness
25 ~ Benevolence
26 ~ Poised
27 ~ Nurturing Vision
28 ~ Purposeful
29 ~ Depth
30 ~ Clear Seeing
31 ~ Influential
32 ~ Commitment
33 ~ Retreat
34 ~ Potent Power
35 ~ Enlighten
36 ~ Radiating Light
37 ~ Gentlness
38 ~ Thriving
39 ~ Flowing
40 ~ Liberation
41 ~ Envisioning
42 ~ Expansiveness
43 ~ Insightful
44 ~ Encounters
45 ~ Network
46 ~ Ascend
47 ~ Blissful
48 ~ Inspire
49 ~ Transformation
50 ~ Values
51 ~ Activation
52 ~ Fortified
53 ~ Blossom
54 ~ Independence
55 ~ Fulfilled
56 ~ Explorer
57 ~ Intuitive
58 ~ Joyful
59 ~ Seeding
60 ~ Architect
61 ~ Inner Truth
62 ~ Simplicity
63 ~ Regeneration
64 ~ Dynamic
1/8 creative contribution
2/14 innate resources
3/60 creative pulse
4/63 confidence
5/15 flowing river
6/59 harmonic dispersion
7/31 harmonious leadership
9/52 stilled focus
10/20 awakened BEing
10/34 powerful BEing
10/57 intuitive BEing
11/56 peaceful ventures
12/22 graceful opening
13/33 akasha
16/48 honed wisdom
17/62 seeing all
18/58 discernment
19/49 fusion
20/34 charismatic
20/57 intuitive knowing
21/45 benevolent service
23/43 weaving together
24/61 trusting inner truth
25/51 seed planter
26/44 self discovery through others
27/50 nurturing values
28/38 what's worth thriving towards
29/46 deep ecstatic surrender
30/41 intending a new experience
32/54 inner integrity
34/57 intuitive response
35/36 penetrating life's experiences
37/40 tender connections
39/55 spiritual fire
42/53 expanded development
47/64 supernova
Human Design is like mind candy, and the mind loves to
figure out complex things. In this section I'm sharing
different ways of creating a MyStory to help you
embrace weaving together a MyStory for yourself,
using the new Keywords in the previous section.

My Desire (3rd Color Mind) is for you to weave together

your Gate Keywords in whatever creative way that
inspires you. I also encourage you to take any or all of
these Keywords and look up other words you may
prefer to use, such as synonyms & antonyms. Whether
you create something with them or only contemplate
on them, it's the right way for you. Easy Is Right is my
Mantra (My GK Life's Work 10).

I like to play with the Keywords to create different

MyStorys. You can do this with as few or as many
elements from your Human Design chart. The sky's the
limit! Allow your mind to expand beyond limitations
and play creatively with your imagination.
This first example shows perfectly how I created this
ebook using two of my own gates...

Gate 60 the Architect: the architect is building the

structure within any perceived limitation through
realism. Bringing forth high ideals into the material
plane through creating a structure to anchore it.

Gate 41 Envisioning: envisioning the material to cover

the structure created and anchored in gate 60.

After the structure is brought into form, then it's time

to envision the materiels needed to cover the
structure we're bringing into form.....or dress it up, like
this ebook I've created.

The ebook format & Canva are the structures, the

limitation is doing it on my phone instead of a
computer and the design is what I envisioned for it.
(Conscious Venus & NN)
My place of service is to simply BE in my
naturalness, empower myself while being
Authentic with myself and others, standing in my
Integrity and Truth. When I am this, I radiate
deLIGHT and All-versal LOVE, as my aura is
magnetic and shines beyond the beyond,
rippling out to my fractal the healing love I
myself have BEcome within.

I Am a Magician. A Pioneering Visionary Leader.

Change-Agent. BEing AWEthentically Me while
following my Own Convictions. I Love to share my
Spiritual Insights and Powerful Intuitive Knowing.
My Self Empowerment Empowers others to Know
and Love Themselves through Compassion and
Unconditional Love. Life Lives and Moves and has
its BEing through Me.

I have the Courage to Live my Truth and Lead

mySelf Lovingly into my Dreams. I am doing this
in my own unique way. I accept no one's
definition, but define myself creatively.
There's a delightfulness to naturally BE
myself, grounded in my authenticity with full
acceptance and love of ME within my body,
Spirit, and humanity. I am lovingly living out
who I Am as an Intuitive impactful awakened

As I Retreat in my environment, others

Approach me and I Influence them with my
Envisioning of their chart(s) through my
Personal Perspective.

Sovereign BEing that I Am

Broke Free from my Cage
Empowering MySelf
With Self Love
Following My Own Convictions
Rhythmically Flowing
River of Life
Powered by My Intuitive Awareness Now
Loving Life As IT IS - ITness
I Am Witness
It Is I Unwaveringly
Thank you for reading what I created
to Express my Intuitive Human Design &
Astrology Keywords as I *Envision them
through my Inner Vision & Personal
Perspective* for the Highest Good.

My Beyond Human Design Blog

*Envision ~ 41-NN; Inner Vision ~ Environment Tone 4; Personal Perspective ~ Color 6*

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