The Secrets of Photo 51 Video Questions

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The Secrets of Photo 51

1. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for work on the structure of DNA?
2 Why did Wilkins think that Watson’s portrayal of Franklin was inane?
3. What was Franklin’s main interest as a child?
4. What did Franklin study at Cambridge?
5. Explain how x-ray crystallography is used to reveal molecular structure.
6. What work did Franklin do during the war?
7. What technique did Franklin perfect in her time in Paris? How was she different from many other
8. What risks did she expose herself to?
9. What was to be Franklin’s project at Kings College?
10. What did Oswald Avery and his team do?
11. What was known about DNA at this time?

12. What confusion existed about the roles of Franklin and Wilkins and who was responsible for it?
13. What road did Watson think needed to be taken to discover “the secret of life”?
14. What was Francis Crick’s area of expertise?
15. What did Franklin discover in her first few months at Kings? How did this discovery help her to
obtain clearer images of DNA?
16. List the differences in the 2 forms of DNA
17. What does the cross in the middle of the B form of DNA indicate?

18. What approach did Watson and Crick take to solving the structure of DNA?

19. How did Franklin feel about model building? What did she think a more appropriate strategy was?
20. Describe the difference between modern crystallography and the work done in Franklin’s time.
21. What was Pauling’s proposed structure of DNA?

22. What inference did Watson make about Franklin’s abilities when he visited her to show her
Pauling’s paper?

23. What deductions did Watson make from photo 51?

24. What did Crick find out from the medical research council paper?
25. What 2 clues helped Watson and Crick find the position of the bases?
26. What giant leap did Watson make on the basis of Donohue’s advice?
27. What was the second eureka moment?
28. Why did Watson and Crick need to publish quickly and what stood in their way?
29. How was their dilemma solved?
30. List those who had a role in Franklin’s “unknowing and unrecognised collaboration” with Watson and
Crick and explain what the role of each one was.
31. What was Franklin’s new position after Kings College?
32. What is the purpose of the Rosalind Franklin Award?
33. How does Sir Aaron Klug feel that Franklin pointed the way for other scientists?

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