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Republika ng Pilipinas

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon
Dibisyon ng Aklan


1st Quarter Examination

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human

Name: Section: Score:

Multiple Choice. Write the correct answer on the space provided.

1. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?

a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
2. These are the lessons that were learned from experience.
a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Wisdom d. Aesthetics
3. This word means to “overflow nonstop”.
a. Elenchus b. Abundance c. Logic d. Facts
4. What is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations?
a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
5. It is the art of questioning and answering until we arrived at the truth.
a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Elenchus
6.The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally means to leave everything to God
which is Bathala?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban
7. This means “to know what you do not know”.
a. Docta Ignorancia b. Gnaritas contientia est c. Cognitionis d. Elenchus
8. Which Filipino values is helping others in times of need?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban
9. Which is reciprocating or paying debts of gratitude or giving
back favor. together?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. utang na loob
10. A term that show sharing of one’s self to others?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban
_____ 11. Which of the following statements explain why do we need to have HOLISTIC
perspective in doing philosophy?
a. It gives us biased judgement in each problem or situation.
b. It makes us consider few things before making any conclusions.
c. It helps us arrive at logical, sound, and unbiased reasoning.
d. It can not be used to know other’s history.
_______ 12. Anne is an incoming college freshman student; she has chosen architecture
as her course because most of her friends are taking that course. What kind of
perspective did she employ?
a. Holistic perspective c. Faulty perspective
b. Partial perspective d. Logical perspective
_______ 13. Elsa decided to enroll in a prestigious university in Manila, before she made
a decision, she considered the financial capacity of her parents, her ability to
adapt in a new environment. In this situation, what perspective did Elsa use?
a. Holistic perspective c. Faulty perspective
b. Partial perspective d. Logical perspective
________ 14. Which of the following statement best defines PARTIAL perspective?
a. All aspects are given importance when making conclusions
b. All aspects are tied together to form a general overview.
c. It looks at limited perspective of a given problem or situation.
d. It looks at all aspects of the problem or given situation
_________ 15. Which of the following statements explain the importance of philosophical
a. It enables thought to be investigated using a deeper, holistic perspective.
b. It gives us misperception on the different problems that we are facing.
c. It creates confusion on what are the things to consider.
d. It makes us more trustful in times of problems or crisis.

Identification. Write the letter on the space provided before each number.

a. Argument c. Conclusion e. Fallacies g. Opinions i. Biases

b. Knowledge d. Beliefs f. Facts h. explanations j. Claims

1. These are statements that express convictions that are not easily explained by
2. These are statements that assume claim is true and provide reasons to support
3. This is a series of statements that provide reasons to convince a person that a claim
or opinion is truthful. A
4. These are arguments based on faulty reasoning. E
5. These are tendencies or influences that affect the views of people. I
6. It is the clear awareness and understanding of something. B
7. These are statements which need to be examined to determine whether they are
true or false. F
8. These are statement which are observed to be real or truthful. J
9. This is a judgment based on certain facts. G
10. These are comprised of statements that provide views on a certain matter. C
a. fallacy of composition b. ad hominem c. ad populum d. petitio principi
f. Ad Baculum g. ad antiquities h. ad misericordiam i. fallacy of division

Identify what kind of fallacies in the following sentences:

_______ 11.“If we have all the best players on our team, we will always win.” A
_______ 12. “I have a right to free speech; therefore, you cannot stop me from talking “ D
_______ 13. “Yes, I believe in God because people have believed in God almost since
humanity existed. A belief of such ancient origin, if it were wrong, would have
long since disappeared”. G
_______ 14. Men Should Propose To Women (Not The Other Way Around) G
_______ 15. Accept this position, or I'll punish you." F
_______ 16. “All murderers are criminals, but a thief isn’t a murderer, and so can’t be a
criminal.” B
_______ 17. “ Trees are made of atoms, and atoms are not visible to the eye. Therefore, trees
are not visible to the eye either. A
_______ 18. The United States is the richest country in the world. Therefore, everyone in the
United States must be rich and live well. I
_______ 19. “No one is permitted to use the gymnasium on weekends, since people are
permitted to use the gymnasium only on week days." D
_______ 20. “These days everyone (except you) has a car and knows how to drive; So, you too
should have a car and know how to drive.” C

Encircle the correct letter of your answer. Choose between truth and opinion.
1. My Mom likes my new haircut.
A) Opinion 5. I think Christmas is the best holiday
B) Fact of the year.
2. I am a grade 12 senior high school A) Fact
student of PIS. B) Opinion
A) Fact 6. I think bananas taste wonderful.
B) Opinion A) Opinion
3. The religion of Muslims is Islam. B) Fact
A) Opinion
B) Fact 7. I feel learning to skate is very difficult
A) Fact
4. I think apple pie is the best dessert ever B) Opinion
A) Opinion 8. My car has four tires.
B) Fact A) Opinion
B) Fact
9. I think Boracay is beautiful. B) Fact
A) Fact 14. Monkeys are so cute.
B) Opinion A) Fact
10. We celebrate Valentine’s Day in February. B) Opinion
A) Opinion 15. There are three main islands in the
B) Fact Philippines: Luzon, Visayas and
11. Japanese are Asians. Mindanao.
A) Fact A. Opinion
B) Opinion B. Fact
12. I think that Filipinas are beautiful.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
13. Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. is the
president of the Philippines.
A) Opinion

MATCHING TYPE. Match Column A with the correct answer on Column B. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.

______ 1. cause-and-effect relationship between a. ad hominem

unrelated events. B b. cause-and-effect
______ 2. attacking the person presenting the c. conflict of interest
argument instead of the argument itself. A d. cultural bias
______ 3. Analyzing an event or issue based on e. fallacy of composition
one’s cultural standards. D f. correspondence bias
______ 4. focusing on a certain aspect of a problem g. ad misericordiam
while ignoring other aspects. K h. ad antiquities
______ 5. a person or group is connected to or has i. ad baculum
a vested interest in the issue being discussed. C j. fallacy of division
______ 6. tendency to judge a person’s personality by his k. framing
or her actions, without regard for external factors
or influences. F
______7. assuming that what is true for the whole is true
for its parts
______ 8. using the threat of force or an undesirable event
to advance an argument A
______ 9. the idea is acceptable because it has been true
for a long time H
______10. using emotion such as pity or sympathy G

Prepared by:

Teacher I/Subject Teacher
Checked by:


Teacher II/Department Head –
Curriculum and Instruction

Noted by:


Assistant Principal II/SIC

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