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Gaevsky Oleg, 419 group.

Review on the film “Body of Lies” (2008) with Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead role

This is the dramatic action movie directed by Ridley Scott. The budget of the film was $ 70 million. The
fees amounted to $ 115,097,286 million.

CIA agent Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio) is following the lead of Al Qaeda Al-Salim's cell leader. The
only "clue" - a refuge of terrorists in Amman. To oversee the shelter, Ferris needs help from Jordanian
intelligence, led by influential Hani Salami. Hani manages to recruit Mustafa Karami, one of the terrorists
of asylum. Parallel to the work, Roger Ferris for the cover takes care of the pretty nurse Aisha. Boss
Ferris - Ed Hoffman breaks off the operation, the shelter is burnt, the terrorists scattered. After the
failure of the operation, Hani sends Roger from Jordan. Ferris is born with a brilliant plan. Create your
own terrorist. Al-Salim wants to contact a fake terrorist and fall into the hands of the CIA. Ferris chooses
the religious architect Omar Sadiqi, brings him to the small handmaid of Al-Qaeda, transfers money to
his accounts; The religious circle, of which Sadiki is a member, turns into a terrorist group. After that, the
CIA dramatizes the attack on the US base in Turkey. On behalf of Sadiqa Ferris takes responsibility for
the attack on himself. So Omar Sadiqi, without knowing it, turns into a leader of terrorists. Al-Salim
leaves the shelter, but the CIA cannot catch him, Sadiqi is killed. Returning home, Ferris discovers that
Aisha is kidnapped. Roger is ready to exchange himself for a girl. He is trapped in a room full of
terrorists, face to face with Al-Salim. But at the last moment the Jordanian intelligence service bursts
into the room and rescues Ferris from certain death. Al-Salim was arrested. Hani, despite the opposition
of the CIA, turned his operation: using Ferris as a bait, he lured Al-Salim, and Karami surrendered him.

Trend “Apple products”

Recently, the trend of the products of apple has become very popular. Apple products are very diverse,
specializes only for electronics, but it may be soon, if technology is advanced, the development of more
sophisticated bioelectronic devices, for example, built-in hand, eye lenses and so on, will begin. This is
how I see the future of this company. In general, Apple almost every year release a new iPhone, last of
which cost about 100 000 rubles, airpods - wireless headphones, which are also expensive, apple watch -
a clock with a variety of different functions, iPad, iPod, and so on. At least almost half of Muscovites
have this product, and moreover not only in one copy. Why? It is believed that this shows your social
status, financial stability, well-being, or this is just convenient, practical and simply to use, because
Apple products have many useful functions as in any other phones other producers. That's why the app
keeps on the leading position among users, although it’s very expensive, but it’s the most advanced
technology now, I think. And their phones also have specific headphone connectors that do not fit other
products of other companies, which puts a big minus to this production. For example, users of the
iPhone 7+ have a problem how to listen to music and charge the phone at the same time. No way!
Unless you bought airpods of $ 15,000 for this, then you can. The trick is to use advanced technology to
cut money literally out of nothing, instead of making it possible for some things to both charge and
listen to music at the same time without paying anything extra.

Description of the graphs

The blue chart of lone parent is very slowly and slightly grow from 2003 to 2026. The number of
households is about 2 million and from 2003 to 2026 it increases by about 200,000.

The green chart of lone person is significantly, steadly and sharply increase from 2003 to 2021, and then
chart bends at around 2021 and gradually and slowly increase from 2021 to 2026. The number of
households in 2003 is 6 million, in 2021 is about 9 million, in 2026 is 10 million, that is, for 23 years the
number of households increased by 10 million.
The pink chart of married couples is dramatically decrease from 2003 to 2021, then chart bends at
around 2021 and further from 2021 to 2026 slowly decrease as green chart. The number of households is
about 10 million in 2003, about 9 million in 2021 and about 8,25 million in 2026. In total, the number of
households decrease almost 2 million.

Criminals are born, not made

I agree with the statement that сriminals are born, not made. It is rather predisposition, a certain gene
that affects the psyche and makes a person a killer. Once I went to the movies for the film Assassin's
Creed, in which it's about this, it's certainly a science fiction thriller, but I think that there is some truth
in this. One can cite an example of quite well-known personalities who have become quite famous in the
circles of murderers, many of whom have never been caught and their identities are not established.
Jack the Ripper is a pseudonym assigned to a serial killer who acted in Whitechapel and the surrounding
areas of London in the second half of 1888. The victims attributed to Jack the Ripper were prostitutes
from the slums, with which the assassin cut his throat before opening the abdominal cavity. Cleveland
butcher was also known as the Mad Butcher from Kingsbury-Run, who committed bloody crimes in the
1930s. He is credited with 12 officially recorded murders, but the investigation showed that in fact there
were much more. Sweeney Todd - this dangerous serial killer became the hero of many musicals and
movies. And although some believe that this bloodthirsty Englishman was just a fictional villain, others
say that the maniac nicknamed Sweeney Todd was a real man who worked as a hairdresser and killed
people with a strange chair. Feb 9 Killer (or the Murderer on February 9) - this serial killer deprived the
lives of residents of the Salt Lake District. But most importantly, he did this only on February 9, 2006,
and then in 2008, because of what, in fact, he received such a mysterious nickname. The investigation
into the case of the February maniac in 2011 was at an impasse, and he himself still appears in the
affairs of the police as John Doe.

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