Handout Arvo Jan Leonard Jannik

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Artificial intelligence

Arvo, Jan, Leonard, Jannik


Important terms

Narrow AI

Is capable of performing a single simple task

General AI

Is capable of performing many different tasks and “has an IQ” on par with a human.

Artificial superintelligence:
Exceeds the human intelligence.

The ability of an AI to change/enhance their own program code.

Supervised learning:
Advantages: Very precise
Disadvantages: Not able to solve complex tasks

Reinforcement learning
Advantages: Similar to human learning
Disadvantages: Requires a lot of data

Unsupervised learning
Advantages: Can be used for complex tasks
Disadvantages: Difficult to work with

Our stand
Jan: I think it should only be used to make life better and only as a support.

Arvo: I think AI is an important part of the future but shouldn´t be used for violence or
anything similar.

Leonard: In general, I’m for the further development of artificial intelligence, but it
shouldn´t be used for war!

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