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Topic Outline:

A. Kinship by Marriage
1. Family Types based on marriage systems:
 patrifocal and matrifocal, monogamous, polygamous, and extended
2. Residency patterns:
 patrilocal, matrilocal, avunculocal, neolocal, natalocal, matrifocal, and andambilocal
B. Politics of Kinship
1. Political dynasty
2. Compadrazgo system


 “socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and
obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws” (Haviland
et al., 2011).

Functions of Marriage:
a. It regulates mating and reproduction.
b. It creates a system that allows for sexual division of labor.
c. It provides for a family dynamics that ensures the provision of needs of children.

Family Types based on Marriage:

1. Patrifocal and Matrifocal

 is focused on one parent: a father (patrifocal) or a mother (matrifocal)
 Patriarchal- the rule of the father; Matriarchal- the rule of the mother
 It does not solely imply that there is only one parent.
 In some situations, one parent is deemed more important than the other due to the economic or
political positions he or she holds in the family and in society.
2. Monogamous

 consists of a couple and their child or children

 referred to as the nuclear family
 Serial monogamy occurs in societies where remarriage is allowed after a divorce or death of the other
3. Polygamous

 consists of several parents and their children

 types of polygamy: polyandry and polygyny
 Polyandry - marriage pattern wherein a woman is allowed to marry several men
* fraternal polyandry- woman + husbands who are brothers
 Polygyny - marriage practice that allows a man to marry several women
* sororal polygyny- man + wives who are sisters
4. Extended Family

 has several married couples and their children living in one household
 can consist of the married parents and their married children living in one house
 Filipinos and other Asian societies are known to practice extended family arrangements as a form of
securing care for the elderly members of the family.
Other type of family based on marriage:

 Reconstituted Family
 In this type of family, the current spouses were previously married and had children.
 Upon the dissolution of their previous marriages, these individuals remarried and created a new family
by bringing in their children from their past marriages and often birthing their own.
 Concepts such as stepmothers, half brothers, and stepsisters are all part of the existence of
reconstituted families.

Postmarital Residency Rules:

a. Patrilocal Residence

 Upon marriage, the woman is expected to transfer to the residence of her husband's father.
 Her children will be raised by her husband's family and be integrated to their lineage, allowing for the
creation of a patrilineal descent.
 Virilocal residence- focuses only on the transfer of the woman from her parents' residence to that of her
husband's without consideration for the creation of a patrilineage.

b. Matrilocal Residence

 Upon marriage, the man is expected to take residence with his wife's mother's area, where they are
expected to raise their children and integrate them to the maternal line, creating a matrilineal descent.
 Uxorilocal residence- requires the husband to move in to his wife's mother's household without
consideration for the creation of a matrilineage.

c. Neolocal Residence
 requires both spouses to leave their households and create their own at times even in a different
 This supports the creation of nuclear households and is commonly experienced in developed and
industrialized societies.

d. Avunculocal Residence

 requires two residence transfers

 Upon marriage, the couple raises their children in the household of the husband's father.
 However, upon reaching adulthood, these children will have to be relocated with their mother's
brother and live with him and his household which may consist of his wife and young children and the
other adult male offspring of his sisters.

e. Natalocal Residence
 allows both spouses to remain with their own households after marriage.
 The couple will have to arrange for meetings as the two are not living under one household.
 Their children are allowed to choose which household they would join.
 father's household- patrilineal descent
 mother's household- matrilineal descent

f. Matrifocal Residence
 arises when the father is economically and physically unable to provide support for the family, thereby
giving the role of sole provider and caregiver to the woman
 All of the children reside with their mother who is part of her mother's household.

g. Ambilocal Residence
 allows the couple to choose to live either with the wife's mother's area or the husband's father's area
 This often creates an extended family, as several married children and married couples may cohabit in
one household.

Other Postmarital Residency Rule:

 Transnational Families
 families tend to practice alternative forms of residency patterns that are not based on lineage
perpetuation, but more so on economic reasons such as job offers, educational advancement, and job
 families whose members reside separately across territories
 For OFW families:
- families whose members reside separately across territories.

a. political dynasty
 refers to the continuous political rule of one family.
 This can be in the form of the succession of rule or in the occupancy of several political positions by one

Kinship does not only create social ties among individuals. In some cases, politics and kinship are
interrelated, allowing for the creation of political alliances and dynasties.

b. compadrazgo system
 political alliances are also created, which is based not on agreed political ideologies or platforms but
more on a pseudo-kinship basis
 Pseudo-kinship:
o individuals unrelated by birth or marriage who label or treat one another as kin

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