Flirting in The Cafe

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Flirting in the cafe.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Multi
Fandom: 山河令 | Word of Honor (TV 2021)
Relationship: Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu, Cao Weining/Gu Xiang
Character: Wen Kexing, Cao Weining, Zhou Zishu, Zhang Chengling, Gu Xiang
(Faraway Wanderers)
Additional Tags: Cafe AU, 21st Century, Modern world, ceo wen kexing, barista Zhou
Zhishu, Flirty, Fluffy, gays, Gu Xiang sweetie, Cao Weining’s a blushing
mess, only because he loves Gu Xiang, Zhang Chengling cinnamon
bun, Goofy - Freeform, Silly, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Crack,
my sillies, my childrens, Non-Explicit Sex, Implied Sexual Content, No
Smut, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-12-07 Words: 2354

Flirting in the cafe.

by Rxzaliya


Zhou Zishu placed the cup down, “am I not a human? Can’t I treat myself with
coffee as well.” Wen Kexing chuckled upon hearing his reason.

“Yes yes, you’re correct. Thanks.” He winked, clinking his cup with the

Zhou Zishu is just an average barista.

What happens when he meets Wen Kexing who is a flirty bastard?


I love them

See the end of the work for more notes

“Gu Xiang, what did I say about manners?” Wen Kexing gave a goofy huff while light heartedly
reprimanding his assistant – Gu Xiang.
She crossed her arms, pouting her lips. “It was that barista! His attitude was terrible. I would have
left a one star review on the stupid cafe.” Wen Kexing chuckled upon hearing that.

“Fine, fine. Let’s go back there to apologise.” He got up from his chair, dusting his suit.

Gu Xiang grumbled, “it wasn’t my fault! Why do we need to go back.”

“Come on Miss Gu Xiang, stop grumbling away.” Wen Kexing laughed and dragged her out of the


Zhou Zishu looked up, his smile gradually fading away. It was that arrogant lady again but it looks
like she had someone with her. It was a man wearing a suit, looking quite professional.

“Hello, you must be the barista? Sorry about that, my assistant doesn’t know how to communicate
with people.” Wen Kexing gave a dramatic sigh, propping his elbow on the counter.

Zhou Zishu flicked him a look, “don’t worry about it. Here’s the latte your grumpy—” he shot Gu
Xiang a look, “I mean your assistant ordered.” He pushed the cup towards him. Gu Xiang pouted,
fighting back a retort.

Wen Kexing chuckled, “thanks. Looking forward to coming back.” He placed a one hundred dollar
bill and walked out of the cafe swiftly with Gu Xiang following closely.

Zhou Zishu glanced at the dollar bill and picked it up to throw it in the dustbin when his junior —
Cao Weining, stopped him.

“Ah! What are you doing senior? That’s a hundred dollar bill!” Cao Wenning grabbed his wrist.

Zhou Zishu shook his head, “of course I know it’s a hundred dollar bill. Though what if it’s dirty
money, I don’t want it ruining the cafe's reputation.” Cao Wenning let go of his wrist, frowning.
But he could only nod and give an ‘oh.’

Zhou Zishu gazed at the dollar bill, it would have been a waste to just throw it like that. “Here, take
it and spend it somewhere decent.” He stuffed the dollar bill in Cao Weining’s palm.

“What? But—”

“Do you want it or not?” Zhou Zhishu interrupted him.

Cao Wenning pursed his lips, “.. want.”

Zhou Zishu gave a small smile, “then take it.” Then he went back to work as usual. While Cao
Weining happily kept the hundred dollar bill in his pocket, thinking that he had become rich in no


The cafe bell rang as someone entered inside the door, it was almost closing time so Zhou Zishu
was obviously lethargic from the whole day.

“Cafe’s closed, please leave.” He said without looking up from what he was doing.

“Do you really hate to see me?” A familiar voice rang in Zhou Zishu’s head with a bit of teasing in
He looked up, it was the same guy he saw today.

“Last order was 9.30pm, it’s already 9.50pm.” Zhou Zishu patiently explained, tapping on the

Wen Kexing hummed, “just one cup of coffee, please? For this handsome patron of yours.” He
shamelessly said.

Zhou Zishu sighed, “one cup. Then get lost.” Wen Kexing beamed as he went to sit down at the
table near the counter.

When Zhou Zishu was done, he made two cups of coffee instead which puzzled Wen Kexing.

“Why two cups? I thought you said one cup?”

Zhou Zishu placed the cup down, “am I not a human? Can’t I treat myself with coffee as well.”
Wen Kexing chuckled upon hearing his reason.

“Yes yes, you’re correct. Thanks.” He winked, clinking his cup with the latter’s.

Zhou Zishu kept quiet and sipped his coffee. Wen Kexing happily stole glances from him, he
enjoyed looking at Zhou Zishu even if it was from a distance.

“What are you doing, sneakily keep glancing here.” Zhou Zishu deadpanned, putting down the cup.

Wen Kexing gave a hearty laugh, “you’re the good view.” Zhou Zishu should have known that this
guy is such a flirt in the first place. He frowned, tearing his gaze from him.

“Well, what’s your name?”

Zhou Zishu pursed his lips for a moment, “Zhou Xu.” He didn’t want many customers asking
about his personal information so he always used this name whenever someone asked.

Wen Kexing’s lips curved up as he placed his fingers on his lips, “Zhou Xu? That’s a nice name.
Though I think Ah-Xu fits you better.”

“Ah-Xu?” Zhou Zishu furrowed his eyebrow, which sounded like a dog name to him.

Wen Kexing burst out laughing, “yes. I think it suits you,” he glanced at Zhou Zishu, “what do you

“Anything.” Zhou Zishu mumbled, getting up.

“Ah? You’re not going to ask for my name?” Wen Kexing frowned, placing his hand to his chest as
if he was hurt.

Zhou Zishu lowered his gaze, “not interested, too lazy to know.”

Wen Kexing faked a sob, “you’re such a heartless man..”

“…” Zhou Zishu scrunched up his nose upon looking at the man in front of him, sobbing like a kid.

He shook his head, he didn’t want to cause a scene at night. Slumping his shoulder he looked at
Wen Kexing, “what’s your name then?”

Wen Kexing immediately stopped sobbing and brushed his suit. “I’m Wen Kexing, the CEO of

“Okay, I won’t see you out then Mr Wen.” Zhou Zishu turned back and threw the cups in the
dustbin, interrupting his introduction.

Wen Kexing bit back a smile, “so formal? You can just call me Lao Wen.” Zhou Zishu glanced
back at him.

“Lao Wen? You don’t look that old, do you?” Wen Kexing chuckled, shaking his head.

“It’s just a nickname, do I look that old?”

Zhou Zishu scanned him up and down, “yeah.”

Wen Kexing pouted, “Ah-Xu, your emotional quotient is so low! The words that come out of your
mouth are as sharp as a blade!” Zhou Zishu rolled his eyes, not replying.

“Well farewell my Juliet, I’ll be going then.” Wen Kexing smirked, teasing him.

Zhou Zishu crossed his arms, “your role play fantasy is really something, Romeo.” Wen Kexing
smiled and walked out of the cafe.

Zhou Zishu leaned his head on his palm, with his arms resting on the counter. Looking directly as
the man in front of him slowly disappears.


Gu Xiang huffed while walking into the cafe, though today it wasn’t Zhou Zishu who was at the
counter but it was a young barista named Zhang Chengling instead.

“Eh? The grumpy barista isn’t here today?” Gu Xiang casually asked.

Zhang Chengling gave her a puzzled look, “huh? What grumpy barista?” Gu Xiang realised that he
was probably not involved and coughed.

“Sorry, I was mumbling to myself. One macchiato, please. Thanks.” Zhang Chengling rubbed his
head but nodded.

Cao Weining walked out, that was when he saw Gu Xiang.

She was pretty, her hair was styled in a bun. She was wearing a black cardigan with a navy blue
tulip. Cao Weining flushed slightly at the lady in front of him.

Gu Xiang raised her eyebrow, “what are you staring at? Never seen a pretty girl before, have you?”

“Not as pretty as you.” Cao Weining slipped out but placed his hands over his mouth when he just
remembered what he said.

Gu Xiang’s ears reddened, “you’re lucky that it was a compliment. Or.. or you’re dead.” She
looked away, suppressing the blooming smile on her face.

That was when Cao Weining really thought that she looked cute.

He quickly went back inside the staff area, his heart still pounding against his chest. Maybe, just
maybe he was falling for that girl.
Maybe he was falling too much.

Zhang Chengling blinked, “are you interested in Weining-ge?” Gu Xiang widened her eyes.

“You little boy, don’t interfere with adult matters.” She chided, still embarrassed from what he

Zhang Chengling bit his inner cheek, “sorry.” Gu Xiang huffed, taking her macchiato, strutting out
of the door.

Cao Weining pushed open the staff door, peeking out. “Is she gone?”

Zhang Chengling jerked backwards, “you scared me! Weining-ge, why are you so scared of her?
I’m sure she’s nice.” He reasoned out.

“Of course I know that, it’s just that.. I don’t know how to face such a pretty lady.” Cao Weining
sighed, closing the door.

Zhang Chengling looked down, adult life is really stressful. He thought.


Wen Kexing went into the cafe, but no sight of Zhou Zishu was seen. Only a boy was standing at
the counter.

“Hi! What would you like?” Zhang Chengling asked.

Wen Kexing smiled, “hello. Do you have a worker named Zhou Xu here?”

Zhang Chengling frowned, scratching his head. “Zhou.. Zhou Xu? I have no memory of such, I
only know that we have a senior named Zhou Zishu.” He answered earnestly.

“Zhou Zishu? Is he the guy that was at the counter yesterday?”

Zhang Chengling nodded.

Wen Kexing chuckled, “thank you. One cafe latte is fine. Thank you little boy.” He knew that
Zhou Zishu was lying with just that tongue of his.

“Wait also, do you know where he is? Shouldn’t he be at the cafe today?” Wen Kexing asked.

Zhang Chengling grimaced, “he was sick today.. Are you his friend? I’m also worried for him.”

“Yeah, I’m his friend. Do you know his address? I’ll check on him.”

“It should be in the staff book, I’ll help you find it, please give me a minute!” Wen Kexing smiled,
he found it amusing how this little guy is so gullible.

Zhang Chengling rushed out of the staff door and gave him a piece of paper with the address
written on it. He also passed him the latte as well.

“Thank you. Also don’t give people addresses so easily,” Wen Kexing gave a light bow and
walked out from the cafe.

That was when Zhang Chengling realised that if that guy was Zhou Zishu’s friend, he should have
the address, why did he need to ask for it?
“Oh no.. I’m screwed.” Zhang Chengling mumbled.



Zhou Zishu yawned, opening the door.

“Ah-Xu! Are you alright?” Wen Kexing asked in a genuine concerned voice.

Zhou Zishu stared at him for a moment and wanted to slam the door but was stopped by Wen

“Don’t be like that, I’m here to take care of you.”

“We’re not close. What if you want to bomb me?” Zhou Zishu eyed him, retorting back.

Wen Kexing gave a humorous laugh, “Ah-Xu! You should be a stand up comedian, come on. I
bought medicine.”

Zhou Zishu gave him a weary look but eventually let him in.

“Who told you my address?” He leaned against the doorframe.

“Oh, I chanced upon it.” Wen Kexing winked and went to the kitchen.

Zhou Zishu sighed, it must’ve been Zhang Chengling. This kid is always that gullible to trust
anyone he sees. He sat down on the sofa, silently cursing his life.


By the time Wen Kexing finished brewing medicine, Zhou Zishu was sleeping soundly on the sofa.
His knees were tucked in, with his hands on the cushion.

Wen Kexing smiled, wanting to cover him with his coat but he was pulled by Zhou Zishu instead.

Wen Kexing looked at his position, he was beside the sleeping Zhou Zishu, who cuddled him as if
he was a soft toy. Wen Kexing laughed softly, pushing away his fringe.

He shut his eyes, enjoying the warmth radiating from the latter’s body.


Zhou Zishu woke up first, the first thing he saw when he woke up was man’s face, very similar to
Wen Kexing.

“Fuck! Why are you..” Zhou Zishu rubbed his head, which woke Wen Kexing up as well.

Wen Kexing smiled, “morning Ah-Xu, good sleep?”

“.. it was okay.” Zhou Zishu mumbled, his face seemingly crimson red.

Wen Kexing laughed, pinching Zhou Zishu’s cheeks, “you were so cute yesterday, keep pestering
me to sleep with you.”

Zhou Zishu coughed, “sleep.. sleep with you?” He pushed Wen Kexing’s fingers away.
Wen Kexing nodded, “you took advantage of me! Now you need to be responsible for me!”

Zhou Zishu smiled softly, “are you a lady? I doubt so.”

“What lady or not! We still slept together..” Wen Kexing wriggled his eyebrow.

Zhou Zishu chuckled, “okay. Then Lao-gong will take care of Lao-po.”

“What Lao-po? I’m obviously Lao-gong!” Wen Kexing chortled, attacking Zhou Zishu’s lips.

Their bodies were close in contact, Zhou Zishu hooked his arms around Wen Kexing’s neck,
deepening the kiss. Zhou Zishu lips were soft and plump, as Wen Kexing took the opportunity to
slip his tongue in when they parted slightly.

Zhou Zishu gulped, “wait.. I need to work..” he huffed against Wen Kexing’s lips, still breathing

“One round..” Wen Kexing whispered, going down to Zhou Zishu’s neck, nipping it.

Zhou Zishu squirmed, holding Wen Kexing’s arms, “wait! I do not want to lose my job as a
manager, Lao Wen.”

Wen Kexing pouted, taking a quick bite on Zhou Zishu’s nape, leaving a mark. “Fine, fine. We can
continue tonight.” Zhou Zishu hummed, getting up from the sofa.

“Seriously, this is such a huge hickey.” Zhou Zishu glanced at the mirror, with the reflecting bite

Wen Kexing shrugged, “I think it looks good on you.” He gave Zhou Zishu a wicked smile.

A laugh escaped from Zhou Zishu’s lips.



Cao Weining gulped, “Miss!” Gu Xiang stopped on her tracks, turning around.

“Oh.. it’s you,” she looked at him shyly.

Cao Weining smiled, “I.. I want to ask you out on a date!” Gu Xiang smiled foolishly.

“Really? You don’t even know my name, silly aren’t you.” Gu Xiang teased him.

Cao Weining’s face fell, “oh.. I’m sorry.. I won’t bother you then..”

Gu Xiang huffed, “who said I was rejecting you. My name’s Gu Xiang.” She gave him a beam.

Cao Weining blushed, “o-oh.. my.. My name's Cao Weining.”

“Here’s my number, I’ll text you the time and place.” She swiftly placed a peck on Cao Weining’s
cheek, stuffing the paper in his palm and hopped away.

Cao Weining reddened even more, a big smile plastering on his face.
End Notes

UGHHH I have always wanted to write a fic for them, I love them smmm

Also feel free to support my patreon

Also just a note, Lao-gong is husband while Lao-po is wife. :]

Kudos + comments appreciated!

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