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SOMETHING FUNNY ONLY 30¢ & * \ No. 62 1S GOING aus. Sx ‘nenet MAZAGINE FREE-EXTRA BONUS SEE BACK COVER #E LAST PAGE FOR DISPLAY PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT. “What makes you think I'm for trouble, pardner?" “THE MAGAZINE THAT STARTED FOLKS LAUGHING AGAIN” GIs Courage is a virtue that often disappears in the dentist's chair. —Sylvaster P, Smythe, ROBERT ¢. SPROUL JOE KIERNAN. elie CHARLES FOSTER” production publisher BREN AGAR INES SOHN LANGTON oesce EER WARD DENNY, GEORGE GLADIR. JOE KIERNAN, JAMES GOODWIN, ent REX ALLENGON, MILTON SAUNDERS, ALLAN D ARLENE NEWMAN. prooolredor SYLVESTER. SMYTHE. enor CONTENTS THE STATUS SYMBOL RAT RAC! Or who's got the minklined swimming pool? DER BLACK UND BLUE MAX. Fly high with a CRACKED movie satire ‘THE NUTTY TRAFFIC JAM PICKLE. ACRACKED solution to baffling bumper-to-bumper problems HIP HAPPENINGS........ a 18 Talking pictures BIG BUSINESS OF LITTLE LEAGUE... m4 This old ball game isn't for peanuts! ‘TV TITLES AS INTERPRETED BY FOREIGNERS... 38 Your favorite shows with a strange accent! FUTURE SPECIALIZED BANKS.. Ww (Or monkey business in the me MOTHER GOOSE CONFIDENTIAL 2 A loony lampoon of a kindergarten favori ATT&T BULL SYSTEM. Se The “busy signal” blues jopular CRACKED feature ANNOY YOUR FRIENDS....... ps You can be the most hated person in your neighborhood MERIT BADGES FOR EVERYONE.__. (Or what every good Scout should know GUNS AND GAGS FOR HIRE. Okay, Louie, drop the gun! MAKE MINE WELL DONE! ‘A monstrous occurrence LETTERS PAGE__ NUMBER 62 ‘AUGUST 1967 WHAT'S UP FRON ur Cover Turn the key on a can nowadays, and almost anything ean_pop out, Our famous janitor and enniaou of the ridiculous Syvstr P. Smyth, has opened a vacuum-packed container of the nuttiest nuts that ever left the shel! All this, painted in peanut butter by the Norman Rock- well of the squirel set, John Severin, is brought to you in celebration of "Nuts To You" Week STATUS SYMBOL BLACK UND BLUE RATRACE MAX NUTTY TRAFFIC JAM PICKLE MERIT BADGES FOR EVERYONE MOTHER GOOSE ‘SPECIALIZED BANKS HIP BIG BUSINESS OF HAPPENINGS LITTLE LEAGUE Dear Nut People: “Get with the times) Do a story or print a photo of the hottest group in Show biz, the Monkees! If you do, my nine slelfriends and | will buy a whole bunch of CRACKED’s! “dud Rubin Brooklyn, Nv. Let's see now. . » Ten co GRACKED at 200 a copy Is. . « Dear Clods: Your July issue was a gasser! Ever thing init was very funny. Okay! Woul you believe "Snide Guide To Camping” fand "The &4 Sullenpan Show" wore funny? The rest of the mag wes ool, too. Keop making fun of today’s nutty world, and | promise to keep on buying RACKED. John Ammery Northport, N.¥. Thanks for the letter, John. Today's world is truly crazy. We Just read that CRACKED SUBSCRIPTIONS 108 SO, FRANKLIN AVENUE VALLEY STREAM, N.Y. 11580 HERE'S MY TWO DOLLARS. Please put me on your subscription list real fast. | want lots of lorge laughs! Nome. aa City. ‘State_—_-— Zip. Eight Issuos, $2.00. Outside of U. Doar CRACKED Champs: T took the “CRACKED Intelligence Test” (May Issue), and 1 scored 200 points. What does that mean? at Heatherton Mitwaukee, Wise. ke 1u sent us two copies of Dear Sirs: Please print my gag. I's from the ‘Dot Yourself Captions” you had in the February Issue of CRACKED. | think my Joke's neat! Wayne Garrett Indianapolis, ind. We liked the gag so much, we're sond- Ing you an autographed copy of the new book, "1,001 Funny Sayings by Andy Warhol.” HELP!! Hertz is, petting me iM Dear Fun Seekers: thedvivers For my dough (30 cents), the best seat the had article "In the. July “CRACKED. was tay = ‘Movie Roles For Actors Who Plan To Go Into Politics." Why not do a story plane fon Ronald Reagan as President of the Usa? ©. George Durland Cambridge, Mass. We have a writer and an artist working fon an article like that. If it turns out OK, we'll run It in a future issue of CRACKED. Dear CRACKED: ‘Where did you get the idea for calling your magazine CRACKED? Donald Fairbanks Kansas Gity, Mo. One day, we were sitting around in the office, and Sylvester P. Smythe took off his capt GET WITH CRACKED, ‘The Magazine That Pours the Fun On! Be where the goodies are! Subscribe to CRACKED Mag- azine today! Send us $2.00, and we'll mail you eight, nut- filled issues of CRACKED that'll keep you in grins for many months to come. Remember, CRACKED is the one mag- azine that lets you in on the fun! TWO NICE WAYS TO START SUNDAY. BREAKFAST IN BED, AND A LONG DISTANCE VISIT WITH YOUR FOLKS. Ten hours later . . - <1 And then I said te Aunt Martha, “George never lived in Boston, You Call a friend on Sunday, hang up on Monday, and ATT&T get a big bill on Tuesday. Bull System ‘THE MODEL MEDAL MUDDLE SECTION: ee N. Your brother hos tee fe recently saw a three-hour movie in which 22 medals. He | re “ rust boo great || opthooterl aif, crude, obsolete objects engaged in aerial : i shorpshooter! ‘combat. We're referring, of course, to the miserable actors; the planes were just fabulous! Here's CRACKED's interpretation of what might have happened if better performers hhad been given a chance to star in. « General, you must get me bck to mein squadron ct vuncel 1 aa. Ve'll award you Worle a You go fight der Blue Max on * for der other “=| I hear dot der Stooges shot | adel down six planes today! von condition. Ringo, don't you see dose ‘enemy planes coming out of der sun? You got a chest vound und it didnt kill you? der most difficult thing pbout vinning your Blue Max? lam Germany's number two rman ven it comes to dogfights! Herr,yousaid you | wonted to toast dor enemy! Vot sun? Vor? A fomily of cowards? Boren von Frankensteint | think von Soupy's Not by @ long shot! ‘ut of ommuniton! Stoy cool, x Fe soupy Tm 30 cool pe Im shivering! Jo, und I'm swearing off schnapps for good! Horr Leuinent Martin, did you see our new plone? You've got a lot of crust! Vy did you join ‘Cause I'm | understand der High Command has fitted our der Air Corps? _ no earthly pon und gadget! Je, und now doce is ust cone problem! fle Hol Hal Ve shot down Baron Jo, but dey have Botmann und his assstont, und [___ dere copes! dey have ne parachutes! | vish | could soy victors! a Levinant Jerry Lewis, | have © good mind to fake eway your commission! dor meaning of your iculous uniform? This ie your te ing heligopter er Dumps ‘wim instead EAT AT JOES- L of Keocl tof So. ye MILE OR TWO AONTHS AHEAD Highway conditions are getting worse and worse. Everywhere one looks, cars are bumper-to-bumper and some are even closer than that! Nowadays, if a person. wants to be a Sunday driver. he has to start out early Thursday. A. chap recently bought a car in a used car lot, and he had to sell it back to the dealer five hours later; he couldn't get the car out on the highway! Knowing beforehand that we'll be ignored, we at CRACKED nevertheless feel compelled to offer these CRACKED suggestions for solving . . - THE NUTTY TRAFFIC JAM PICKLE For immediate relief, CRACKED suggests . . . Puzzles on billboards to take the driv- ers’ minds off their hopeless situation, “g-a| Movable scenery on the sides of Bil this road give yoined-up chivers Double & triple-decker cars that take up less space on crowded roads. Deer, yu mined | COrs with adjustable hydraulic thet let red htt | wheels that can continue over other cars in lie : EY Wel, whet do you] traffic jams. aia ag leche | mths (ai 7s Te = Folding cars that fold up into their own eee = ee can frunks and become attache cases. toke to the air at any time, [AUTOMOBILES WASHED $1 |VOLKSWAGONS DUNKED 25 t, there's just one thing wrong with the above suggestions. Just as soon as these meas- -ongestion on the highways, more drivers will be tempted to use the roads more often. Ee Re eT ee ae : is that there might not be ANY cars, ‘What the situation calls for are some drastic remedies like... Se i oe | oa : To ae 2444 DRIVERS {| vee youre BA Sn iree oer GIVE HORN SIGNAL WHEN [| APPROACHING YOUR HOME | “Townl AND Becr Witt SHUNT} Super highways that go through skyscrapers g the roads. Super vans fo carry cars between the cities and suburbs. The tri, be to help office workers punch their time clocks on time. Ultimately, to cut down on the time it takes suburbanites to get to work, the cities themselves may have to be moved to the suburbs. Cael NSA Aisa we hae) ANZA TO REALLY ALLEVIATE rae aa OmSUL A OLATE Coty tau Aly THE CRACKED SOLUTION: EVERYBODY GET A TURTLE! TURTLES DON’T HAVE TO JAM UP ROADS. THEY CAN TRAVEL CROSS-COUNTRY. THEY HAVE} ‘SAFE SPEED! LIMIT.tHs ELIMINATES |A BUILT-IN,| | |MECHANICAL FAILURES| TURTLES NEVER HAVE| THAT CAUSE LONG TIE-UPS IN TRAFFIC. TURTLES TAKE UP THAN CARS.| THREE TUR- TLES CAN EASILY FIT IN A HIGH. WAY LANE THAT CAN ACCOMMO. DATE ONLY ONE CAR. NEVER FUMES. TURTLI OFF AIR- POLLUTING ES TURTLES NEVER HAVE FLATS. Wasn't | smart to get rid of our car? TURTLES Do NoT REQUIRE ANTI-FREEZE IN THE WINTER. GIVE THE BOUNCY GAIT OF TURTLES GIVES THE HARRIED COMMUTER MUCH- NEEDED EXERCISE AND PROLONGS HIS LIFE. Yes, dear! With a turtle, Twon't have 40 worry about your driving #0 fast! Will you be home for dinner on Monday cor Friday night? TURTLES HAVE QUICK REFLEXES AND AVOID THE TYPES OF COLLI- SIONS THAT CAUSE TRAFFIC JAMS. 3 NNOY YOUR FRIENDS — wrote irritating commercials pe that are 50 per cent I Late Mov 8, Walk your dog on i i = : : i i a 10, Promise her a mink coat and then give her Arpege. MAKE MINE WELL DONE Now we'll let the lightning finish the job. Quickly, Igor! Lower him. Just “Did you hear somebody yell, Last one “| in the swimming holes a rotten egg?” GET ‘EM WHILE THEY'RE FUNNY SECTION: pacman: 2a “THe PANS oF AMERICA BRING YOU JE Wis WisticSctonce wessace: | BANKY HANKY-PANKY SECTION: ‘Time was when a bank was « bank was a bank, but-no more! Ta this ra of specialization, we now have drives banks for car owners, V.LP. {for anemicypes. Even billiard Wea “CRACKED ar heptay Banking on not osig lou ers th this bankeuptay of an idea on SPECIALIZED TOPDES-IN ee FOR TOTS 1 ive up, When is money not ‘the root of all evi? || ae ny DEY Phas one OEP Dor ot Ths Wile Suton fan eb meets again tommorrow night! . [No wonder they call mor We cash” POW-IN BANK FOR SUPER HEROES SSeS We don't ve bank books to si jLIDE-1 'N RECORDS | sRaTesnncuE, | . SUDEDOWN BANK FOR FIREME! oes 1h ‘out your balance! | | ||| Quick! T need some hot cash for 2 Vil fire sale! Certain We always have money to burn! } STUMBLE-IN BANK FOR BUMS Tan only give you two {So am wei] ‘Dats of Bourbon. [L___Money is tight! V SS 7 tape iL BENCH] eatisenl BANK FOR MONSTERS __ ‘ssoysodas 0} uaUNLHOD Aj aisqu wo dn Suny [fe w.y ay ‘Uepy,, sty sem ‘aay Asoxa1y 8 49A0 wDIA paditeaq “suounay3, Sid S1WALs NOS S.Uddid ZZve *hop 19440 owos 1065 euioy “homo 06 ups “uoy 2HOo}HNG 494409 osoonp ‘aug ybnosyy sedodsmou piojqos usopou ayy 04 woyy o2nposyu! Of 51 S14} OP OF ADM BQ, -[pa4 240w b yyIM wWayy guasoid pjnoys 2M ‘2905 04 2ADY [IM AYE P]LOM 4[NPD Oy4 40} UOAPI!Y> ano aandaud Of ym sorpmoz jo Sued e Aq paws uaredues sadsiym snorprsur 2aSdVTIO9 40 39UIA __NO-3901ua NOONOT 420q 494 Abd 1,I—VHOTY suay21y> 2244,—DIHD SAUL ojos Aw 5,417—O1N O10S O Nt NI ONNOS NAW 33uHL zea ~“—« \ MOHS N3GUV9 SNIM WONWY SNNY 30N018 Lvaa440 SYOWNY OL AUVYLNOD 341M S.U3aWuvd ‘puvqanyy sompoyy asurede 4 ajareq sem “pavoqdno 308"T uayM, aoua8ydou —uIuED jo oBxeYD jour Po e Surdpms Aysng 97am “ye stip Voasv 3SV9 103793N 900 SALV9ILSIANI VOdS (PON Pu woqulta “WoqUAM) € tUOHDINDI;D TWILNAGIIZNOD ™ HoOw.LLONWM +++ 51 a4ay ‘ajdwpxe sog ‘owAys Asasanu sDjtuing oy yo wmpou 0 Bucs Er “hy jue] ay2 ut BuLAIo sem J asne: "2q ysnf,, “suou paarsoar ay ‘904 -nfasd oy anp yng ‘suo 303 owec 494 © 5.410194 OSA! sbop 944 0} C9—9V4 FIND auios pue 8 sasey am po -unvya ax “doays ye00] woss joom jo sileq sant Jou ur Aepoy_uoneurus Pleyyym aq aueH oy sBeuD9} BuLyIeB—joom y SI9UVHO NOLLVNINIHOSIO SONTYG NVA ONNOA caimaida Siy 3040” Asapout asjey ou shed stp oym somo “f JoyD YorduEYD, p-uinjd jo adtApe. Jo} ay, esumjd Aamnl ayy Furey MOA yey} AioAUS os ard 1 & BuLyeur Jo Suyweorq ao04 91303 BUr}994,, JO 09 se dung 4 up Buta -er ye dwone a]yny e ul ous pue sosioy aqepreae [Je quas Ajdwosd Bury ay, “de9] aproms payoodsns v Ur HTeMapis Sjassmig B aAoqe y99 Ayy yosed v wos; X Adumpy pens: S310 ‘TIVM J0VHYaL WOW STIV4 OV3H 993 ikaw Suns ay UDA §30P— 00} ‘Avjd 0} quem Aay2 apap s[s13 ay ueA, ‘sdy uayjoms Aynjuted nos “asoqeq NZ nz WIsKEd pawejoxe ,jfi025 10q, “Pa> Aoyy [Hun ‘Souvinqapysod wades Zusss1y sMFe os010W 1q JO no ues ‘TIT Aduippng 91810g-2181095 ‘roy deopew sqeuoneusawuy 2ye> TAMSN19X4 aiOp 0} Vey MoU > Aueus 08 aAey T, UpIP 1 wasp] ‘pautejdxa ajos st oym 10 00g & Bul renyoe -wiom plo ue punoy oyse s: Aq Kepoy pouruexa som ue uorendod ay} £q payears we|qosd Buisnoy 941 0) Jomsue ajqissod y J0HS NI ONAN ATIWVS ON S3LLIVOHLAY SNISNOH UOHeAIISqO JO} 12 areig oy OF paysns 4] yg Mod & UL JTP spp 124 J2ApIS PUE S|IaYs 2>}209 WHIAA,, :panides Aineaq stsiuea0 al ‘Maud uopse8 soy Moy paxse WoyA “S10 -uoy doy num yo paxyem pue mous somopy [enuuy oy} 03 quinyy uaals B uBIy asoW Surpawos IysNOIq Aseyq paureu apuojq aanoenye uy Aan] ouy p22d—UNOF 30 dNOS ppsouny a9 Y—3IG 37738 INN -uo poBenno us pau ur 3421s © yons mes sanaw ],, 19214 quom SumpAione ‘soy z9y7e ues Te ayy vaya rey pares oyimasnoy Aq pauonsand “apluy Burase9 ase] e pum sor puyq sayy jo ster ayy Yo pa quam A\uappns 2} 0} a0uaqore Jo 3p yo pue 34508194 souse} e ‘AED yaqano mau B Uy 921 € HO SHIEL S42°H | At ast ve “aie save 1 have the utimate im! (Sup | in status symbols: a Re ‘ swimming pol filed \e wth champagne! Poor Cynthia! he’s the only one in ‘ur crowd who doesn't have a pool | of caviar to go along. with the 1 [ champagne! Yeah! Get me a glass! the main purpote of possessions isto serve as status possessions also happen to perform some usel ce ar provide soos iloaree CRACKED render arent free from ie vce of datus symbole, Everyone knows that « copy of CRACKED marke the awo the leading nut in the nuthouse! THE STATUS SYMBOL RAT RACE A+ 0.0 Shean This is how the status symbol rat race works... — Sa ~ What do Automatic. ile Sahn BR ile youselt jp] danas! Aan has to mooulight no dahwcstor : Pe Roscoe Smith is only 0 84,000-3e0r bank clerk, but he's one of the tcho's fee ofthe rat race «provid. ing that he continues to embeszle his usual $400,000 a year! Jonathan Jefersn i « $30,000-ayear doctor, but he needs handouts from his mother-in-law 40 that he can keep up with his neighbor, J. C. Koolbus. J.C, Koolbux is a $50,000-ryear stockbroker, but he has to donate blood on the sly 40 that he ‘ean keep up with his neighbor, Roscoe Smith. Ti. #1 status symbol is a person's home. But how does one go about making a home reflect one’s “true status?” ‘CRACKED reveals how various individuals solve this problem . . . My daughter's in the ENS - | “suo tate! Jeremiah Jones is a ALUMINUM SIDING newly-established TV — repairman. His house has to tell everyone that 14 os he’s “made it,” so Jones What a coincidence! | goes in for Rashy and Warsinte ie expensive gimmicks. op IT en Saas, AIR-CONDITIONED P ‘DOGHOUSE fe Bie a cimaemianincaidonanaen Is your family “old Yankee,” Mr. Mashuginah? FSM . \ Hantington J. Mashu- ; ny on my fate’ sie! ginah is an old, estab- lished TV repair " His house has to tell "gu Doge ore everyone that he's NOT “nowveau riche,” so Mashuginah goes in for old, phony trappings around his home. Bruce Leland Kowalski is still « student at a TV repairman’s school. Since he’s without any income, poor Brace has to fake it. 28: NAR Myre, are my polo clubs in ‘the bedroom? = Bruce, how many times must tll you to refer ‘to our bedroom as the “sleeping chamber!?” Okay! Are my polo clubs inthe i sleeping chamber? ZF maw Wits bedroom! of... worst thing about the status symbol game is that the ante gets higher and higher SN a People were content to put their names on a simple mailbox, ANG ‘they put Pome mc etl anes ined ; whens sen tena ca LN So what! My dad Only the nobility had family crests, ye 5 Ps Peau g ime hanging ‘ Picasso hanging ‘from our wails! ‘on our walls! om i) roo ea intent on having a family coat of arms. Ssaibashisiiasnpsibirrd ARE THERE NO ALTERNATIVES TO THE STATUS SYMBOL RAT RACE OTHER THAN BANKRUPTCY AND THE POORHOUSE? It wo'e going to the | poortous, nan you to see ‘that we're driven there ina Cadac! | AS A PUBLIC SERVICE g ED MAZAGINE OFFERS A SOLUTION TO THE STATUS SYMBOL DILEMMA. TURN TO NEXT PAGE . Everybody should be able to tell at a glance what everybody ele is earning. ‘This automatically eliminates the need to buy objects one eannot afford. ‘This is how the CRACKED solution ‘would look in practice SOLUTION BE PUT INTO OPERATION? * FOR EACH $1,000 A PERSON EARNS, A STRIPE IS WORN. * FOR EACH $10,000 A PERSON EARNS, A STAR IS WORN. * FOR EACH $100,000 A PERSON EARNS, A DOLLAR SIGN IS. WORN. $20,000. YEAR SALOON KEEPER '$3,000-A-YEAR ‘MAIL CLERK Benefits that will he derived from the CRACKED solution . . . People will be able to ee atc glance who's “puting on the dog.” ys y cicceemecuna hat $2,000 year 7 Whom does he think prongs dee & aa Royce! he's kidaling? Of course, there may be one, slight problem with the CRACKED solution Phony! You wanted the prestige that comes from wearing a star status symbol! Sonim mee ee he [ee | Tit et you kr 00 TB "A aa | his: @ "Who ya buyir Scout cookies from, pal?” TRIGGER HAPPY SECTION: GUNS GAGs || ‘ HIRE! | Salas A Humphrey Bogart starred in some of the greatest gangster movies ever produced. CRACKED now takes a fun-type look at some of his hit thrillers . . . fell, if you put it that way Charles, I'll go to the pi with you instead of Arti Ly % . sy i iy id a i the Maltese Falcon let you plucked “Gus isn't town. He's spending a few ago. No, Boston! Hey, Gus! Where'd you go apole? Crone “SYMBOL SIMON SAYS" SECTION: ERIT ‘ ei : for EVER pact BL “itll QUALIFICATIONS: CRC toc QUALIFICATIONS: Must support at least three in- Must be the one who's always stuck with the check. Must be an avid fan of all gas- line and supermarket contests as well as « trading stamp col: lector. eee Ree Re Pern Rey aoe eed Pee eee or ee ee nes Peet ets 1, At 0 yards, must be able to dis- corn whether or not a girl is @ natural blonde. 2. At3 leot:must be able to identify correctly the sex of a long-haired individual (at least 50° of the time). diel ‘ATUS SYMBOLITIS LOW FINANCES CAR atol Uo ce Chaco ba Colcd eee ae ca ret eee Pos ee eee ey as cael QUALIFICATIONS: 1, Must have gone at least five years without a raise or allow- ‘Must have raided a piggy bank and found only an old, Gold water button. Must have gone on at least one Christmas shopping spree in Care Re caod + Color TV set Semen ea ec eects eer Oona eee ce Rete Sees ea cee the best cop The other one’s Piast wrod QUALIFICATIONS: 1, Must have soloed on a skat 1. Must be able to holler “police board for at least five minutes. brutality” and be heard at « dis- Pe eee ee tance of 250 yards, three blind dates. 2. Must be able to burn a dratt card Preece neice beer) Pe eee ren cae cy even when no matches are Susskind’s namé Pore ae eC ie available. Se ee one 3, Must be able to identify 250 min- Dene ority groups, including the ESSE ea smallest minority group of all— Yankee fans. ABOMINABLE TASTE PARTY POOPING QUALIFICATIONS: CENA SCo) wo) QUALIFICATIONS: 1, Must make a habit of turning on Pare oe) the TV when the party is at is eee ead high poin copy of Reader's Digest. 2, Must choot c rll of lm at every ae ee ey Any reader of this magazine auto- party and, whenever possible. photo of Ruby Keeler, George matically qualifies! make everybody freeze while errs en ooking for some misplaced 3, Must have seen at least one fin- pioce of camera equipment. Pear ere cece) si N.Y.C. subway qualifies; MORE MERIT BADGES WATER CONSERVATION BACHELORHOOD a Ty we, 4 \y Y iy" CONFORMING TS CUNY | VILLE a) BUN ‘SHOPPE BARGAIN MERCHANDISE HAND! $2.00 Ee. [Netura-looking ruber han. A startling cre effect! IGE CREAM $1.00 Ea, ‘Qcey-Gooey! The perfect practical joe fn heary plastic! NUTTY GATSUP BOTTLE mee FAKE FAUCET $2.00 Ee, "Water om the brain?” That whet fiends wil ask when | Presethe sof, plastic esp they an, the tel bottle, and out shoots what looks ethereal Meoy! Tick is that a catup-elored aly for wacky suit VENUS FLY TRAP $1.28 FOR THE WORLD'S MOST TERRIFYING HOUSE PLANT! This plat achualy eats bits of ‘oot fet and insnct! Nowerk! Exry to. gtow!, The. Vora Fly rap bulbs grow expecially wel info home. Plante thee. in Slate containers and wil dove Opin 3 fo-4 weeks, Exch order inches 3 Fy Tope pla ‘pecil material packed in plo. fe bag. ONLY $1.25. FEED iT RAW BEEF! AMAZING i the sword for thi staring, arp ing plot. CRACKED FUN SHOPPE 108 South Franiin Avenue Valley Steam, Li, NY. 11580 Spook Hand Nutty Catup Fake Faucet Venus Fy Top Name Address City Stat ORROR WEREWOLF MASK, $3.00 Eo. “Gruesome to Behold FRANKENSTEIN'S 4, MONSTER MASK. ?s0s. Be the "Death oF tho Party. ‘SHRUNKEN HEAD $2.00 fa, HORRIBLE HANDS, Only $3.00 per Pair. : FRANTIC. FEET, oly abylutly “rat Tel [ME Only $3.00 per Pe. ‘your friends you picked itup $3.00 per er tl cla A rd pol RAT IN THE BOX. BLACK WIDOW SPIDER. $1.00 Ee. A real horror, but great fun HORROR HOUSE 108 South Frenlin Avenue Valey Stream Li, NY, 11560 I enclose $.__for: CoaUcK wow sPioce [ALL RUBBER MASKS $5.00 coer MommaLE nan 1 WEREWoUF Cswmuwennean | OMMMROMARS 5 DEVIL nar eos S vaMenne Cl reanensteoes (rani eer lMonmitewowsren wonsTeR [MONSTER FROM ‘MERCURY Name. Addross seed Once upon a time, kids used to play baseball just for the fun of it. This was before adults moved in and turned a simple pastime into the. . . LIeTrLee LEAGUE BASEBALL BEFORE LITTLE LEAGUE: BASEBALL TODAY: EQUIPMENT : Umpire, throw Boy! Look what I this ball out of 8 : x he found! Tt ain't hardly een used Okay, men, these are the for today's game. T seratch my-noce, is Tim protesting Boy, Tain't gonna thie game, One lide into eecond! iE balb's blown out! How can my men see 3 i The parents of these Little Leaguers rt died a eee a ae Se Pe me ill ‘wani te. eerie earl Series is already televised, Prey yer ery is Paerd ere re Pe ee ead eae i, spots fans! i gives anc great please to intr. dice Mickey Margy Pitched to consccative ms you Ps rg PO Sports fans, Lwant you to meet Morris Rogers, who's cur- rently leading the Lengue in homers, Morris, Em sure all the kids would like to know what you eat for breakfast 40 give you all that energy. 1 dreamed pitched « nohiter fn my Modern Fim Jockey Shorts, ) NETWORKS BID FOR RIGHTS TO TITTLE LEAGUE GAMES! i [NG GARTER **** JE WINNER LOTAEEY BADE RUTH LEAGUE EET B. WINNER IN SUPER BOWL! There will even be Little League baseball cards .... LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL STAR #789. Milton “Wrong Way” Kriegel, outhelder, Plain- field Dodgers. Only player in LL. history to hit a home ran that resulted in a triple play. He ran the bases backwards, third to first, passing the ranners who were declared oat. Milton was quoted as say. ing: “All bases look alike!” LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL STAR 3519. Tommy “Tiger” Milhouse, pitcher, Walden Wildcats. Holds record for most ‘games as starting pitcher. Also holds record for most consecutive defeats—13! Father owns Walden Base- ball Uniform Co. Hornrim, did you see the latest rating? The Little League games reached a new low, and the sponsors want out! We'll replace them with quiz game! ‘That's good thinking there, Horurim! ‘That's the way the ball bounces! LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL STAR #306, James “Diamond Jim” Glockenspiel, infielder, Sydney Green Sox. Top base runner in league, Once last a tooth when sliding into second, and found a dime under the base. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL STAR #464. Erwin “Shorty” Snerd, pinch hitter, Flushing Fal- cons. Record holder for most walks in season (35). Shortest player in Little League (2 ft.,2in.). Was suspended when it was revealed he is a 29-year- old midget. 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