PG 0014

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FreeFEM Documentation, Release 4.

– MPICH is compiled by PETSc if no MPI is detected during configure, see

– PETSc version 3.13.5
– force –with-cudac=0 in make petsc-slepc, see
– change DSL keyword P1dc3dL->P1dcL and P1dc3dS->P1dcS
– rename view, hasType, changeSchur to respectively ObjectView, HasType, and ChangeSchur
• Deprecated
– rename changeNumbering, globalNumbering, originalNumbering, changeOperator, destroyRecycling,
and attachCoarseOperator to respectively ChangeNumbering, GlobalNumbering, OriginalNumbering,
ChangeOperator, DestroyRecycling, and AttachCoarseOperator
– Nt the normal vector of the current (wrong on meshL) use Ns or Tl
• Removed
– augmentation routine from the PETSc plugin
– MPIF77 variable
• Fixed
– lot of mistake in MeshL element add a example o check lot of thing tutomesh1d.edp
– fixed problem of change of mesh when rebuild 2d mesh with buildmesh, . . . . (Thank to P. Jovilet to points
this problem)
– missing METIS library when using SuiteSparse compiled by PETSc
– missing -fno-stack-protector when building PETSc on Windows, see
– fixed ffglut for the plotting of FE array solution
– fixed ffglut bug on MacOS Catalina , draw inn only half windows screen (Apple Bug ???)
– correct P0VF finite element
– abs function of array

1.4 Version 4.7-1: new features

• Changed
– change the language definition to use type as a construction function with named arguments for bem plugin
– PETSc version 3.14.0
– ARPACK compiled by SLEPc
– Mmg version 5.5.0
– -std=c++14 instead of -std=c++11 when possible
• Removed
– plugins thresholdings, symmetrizeCSR, and fflapack and associed example
• Fixed
– problem compilation with gfortran-10 of arpack and mumps (add -fallow-argument-mismatch flags)

8 Chapter 1. Introduction

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