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FreeFEM Documentation, Release 4.

– add code of intallfaces to do Discontinous Galerkin formulation in 3d (in test FH.)

– add dist function to a mesh , meshL, MeshS or mesh3
– signeddistfunction to a meshL or meshS
– add buildmesh functon to build a 2d mesh from a meshL (same as buildmesh see exam-
• Changed
– Now the order to find MPI in configure is first if you have PETSC then take MPI from PETSc otherwise
use previous method
– on MeshL defined with buildmeshL now the default label are 2*k-1 (resp. 2*k) for the begin (resp. end)
of curve where k is the order of curve use in buildmeshL. So if you have one curve the labels are 1 and 2.
And new the element label are te region number not the label. This element are not really test so be carfull.
– PETSc 3.15.0
• Fixed
– bug in Find triangle contening point in 2d (border case), int Mesh::DataFindBoundary::Find(R2
PP,R *l,int & outside) const the parameter l not correclty return due to local variable.
– set CFLAGS=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration to complie with Apple clang version 12.0.0
(clang-1200.0.32.29) to remove following error: implicit declaration of function correct
:freefem:`3dCurve/basicGlue.edp`and add missing test
– bugs in SLEPc SVDSolve() with a rectangular Mat
– bugs in nElementonB for DG 3d formulation.

1.7 Version 4.10: new features

• Added
– ridgeangle named parameter in ExtractMeshL in msh3 plugin
– DG formulation in 1d : add integral of all border of element : intallBE(ThL) and unified the notation
by adding intallBE(ThS) , intallBE(Th2), intallBE(Th3) nuVertex of now the vertex number
of element in intallBE0d integral BoundaryBE, InternalBE to know if border element (BE) is on true
boundary of not. update nElementonB in case on no manifold data (value greater > 2) in meshL, MeshS
case .. add code to use jump, mean of test functuon on MeshL case. ( not in mesh3 ) to compute RHS.
– add getcwd() function in shell plugin to get the current working dir
– add nuVertex to get the vextex on element in some int?
• Changed
– PETSc 3.16.1
• Deprecated
– SLEPc and SLEPc-complex have been part of PETSc and PETSc-complex for multiple releases and are
now deprecated
• Fixed
– examples/potential.edp correct problem in times loops and BC
– tutorial/mortar-DN-4.edp correct problem of region number in meshL

10 Chapter 1. Introduction

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