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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 山河令 | Word of Honor (TV 2021)
Relationship: Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu
Character: Zhou Zishu, Wen Kexing
Additional Tags: Nails of Seven Torments (Faraway Wanderers), Oral Sex, Anal Sex,
Zhou Zishu Is Losing His Senses, and it impacts his ability to feel
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-08 Words: 3179

by bitterheart


"A-Xu," he says slowly, pulling his hand away. "Am I pushing something you
don't want? Are you… not enjoying this?"

"I want this," Zhou Zishu says firmly. He sighs heavily, taking Wen Kexing's
hand into his. "It's the nails. They won't let my body respond. It doesn't change
the fact that I want this."

The nails in Zhou Zishu's body prevent him from experiencing pleasure, but he's not about
to let that stop him from sleeping with Wen Kexing.

Wen Kexing is in his bed.

Zhou Zishu isn't surprised that the first night that Siji Manor is tidy enough for them to all have
their own rooms, Wen Kexing would choose to be in his. He just didn't quite expect this, with Wen
Kexing sitting on the edge of his bed, leaning back on one elbow, long fingers caressing the neck of
a wine jug.

"Lao Wen," he admonishes, after spending a little too long watching Wen Kexing's thumb trace the
lip of the jug. His mouth feels dry. "The table is right there."

"I'm aware," Wen Kexing replies, tipping his head back as he takes a drink. "But…"

"But?" Zhou Zishu prompts, stepping forward until he's standing between Wen Kexing's legs.

He reaches for the wine, their fingers brushing together as he takes it from Wen Kexing's hand.
They hold each other's gaze as Zhou Zishu tips back the mouthful of wine that Wen Kexing has left
for him, then sets the empty jug aside.

Wen Kexing's lips curve into a slow smile as he takes Zhou Zishu's empty hand into his and pulls
him down. Zhou Zishu goes easily, settling into Wen Kexing's lap.

"Much more comfortable than doing this on the table, don't you think?" Wen Kexing asks,
touching their foreheads together.

"Mm," Zhou Zishu agrees, and shuts Wen Kexing up with a kiss before he can keep gloating.

Kissing Wen Kexing is always good. Even with Zhou Zishu's senses dulled, he still enjoys the way
Wen Kexing splays his fingers against his back and keeps him close. He's used to being the centre
of Wen Kexing's focus but it's amplified like this, with the world narrowing down to their lips, their
hands, and every other point that they're touching.

Kissing in bed is new. Travelling with Chengling has meant stolen kisses while he's preoccupied
with his training, or kisses simply for the sake of kissing. Now, with Chengling sleeping in the
disciples' quarters, significantly far enough away to afford them privacy, it's clear that Wen Kexing
doesn't intend on stopping here.

He rolls Zhou Zishu onto his back, settling into the space between his knees without breaking their
kiss once. Zhou Zishu keeps his eyes shut, losing himself to the heat of Wen Kexing's mouth. He
loves the way Wen Kexing hums into their kisses, the way his hands wander until he's undoing
Zhou Zishu's robes.

"A-Xu," he sighs, his hand against the bare skin of Zhou Zishu's stomach.

Zhou Zishu tenses. "Lao Wen—"

Wen Kexing's hand slips lower, settling between Zhou Zishu's legs, and he pauses.

"Lao Wen," Zhou Zishu says again, trying to keep him close but Wen Kexing pulls back with a

"A-Xu," he says slowly, pulling his hand away. "Am I pushing something you don't want? Are
you… not enjoying this?"

"I want this," Zhou Zishu says. He sighs heavily, taking Wen Kexing's hand into his. "It's the nails.
They won't let my body respond. It doesn't change the fact that I want this."

Wen Kexing squeezes his hand gently. He's still frowning. "You don't need to do this solely for my

"Who said anything about that?" Zhou Zishu asks. He palms the front of Wen Kexing's robes,
feeling out the obvious bulge of his erection. He lowers his voice, speaking into Wen Kexing's ear.
"It feels good, Lao Wen. I want to make you feel good."

Wen Kexing exhales shakily, resting his head against Zhou Zishu's and leaning into the touch.
"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Zhou Zishu strokes him more firmly. "Use me for your pleasure, Lao Wen."

Wen Kexing curses under his breath, drawing Zhou Zishu into a heated kiss. He presses Zhou
Zishu down again, rocking against him despite all the layers of clothing between them. Zhou Zishu
is overheating, and there's sweat beading along Wen Kexing's temple as he kisses along Zhou
Zishu's jaw and then down his neck.

"Tell me what you like, A-Xu." Wen Kexing peels Zhou Zishu's robes away, exposing skin as he
goes. He sinks his teeth into Zhou Zishu's shoulder, then runs his tongue over the mark he's left
behind. "Tell me what I should do to you."

Zhou Zishu shudders. Even if he can't feel the pleasure, there are certain types of pain he enjoys.
Wen Kexing must know, because he bites Zhou Zishu again before pulling back so they can look at
each other. Wen Kexing's hair is coming out of its careful styling and there's an intensity to his
gaze that makes Zhou Zishu feel like he's being stripped down to his very core.

When he tries to speak, the words catch in his throat and refuse to come out. Wen Kexing's gaze
softens and he reaches out, stroking his thumb along Zhou Zishu's cheek and pulling him into a
light kiss.

"Tell me again."

"My mouth," Zhou Zishu says against Wen Kexing's lips. "Want you to use my mouth."

"Is that so?" Wen Kexing asks, and that dark intensity is back in his eyes. He drags his thumb over
Zhou Zishu's lips and pushes it into his mouth, rubbing it back and forth across his tongue.

Zhou Zishu closes his lips around it, sucking gently, and it earns him a shaky exhale. Wen Kexing
withdraws his thumb, smearing spit across Zhou Zishu's lips and his chin. Then they're kissing
again, as Wen Kexing undresses them both. Zhou Zishu barely has the chance to register the cool
night air before they're pressed together, skin to skin. Wen Kexing is gratifyingly hard against him.
Zhou Zishu wishes he could be the same.

"Oh, A-Xu," Wen Kexing says softly, already repositioning them both. He gets off the bed,
standing at the edge of it. "How should we do this?"

"However you like," Zhou Zishu answers with a fond smile. He kneels up on the bed, so that he can
wrap his arms around Wen Kexing and kiss him. "My mouth is yours."

"Your mouth?"

Zhou Zishu smiles wider, kissing him again. "Not just my mouth."

"Like this," Wen Kexing says, guiding Zhou Zishu down onto his hands and knees. He takes his
cock in one hand, and uses the other to brush the hair back out of Zhou Zishu's face. He gathers a
fistful of it but doesn't pull, just resting his hand at the crown of Zhou Zishu's head and using it to
guide him closer. "That's it, A-Xu."

Zhou Zishu sucks on the head of Wen Kexing's cock, looking up at him and holding his gaze as he
takes more. Wen Kexing is heavy on his tongue, already leaking precome. Zhou Zishu seals his
mouth around him, swallowing around him. It earns him a soft grunt and another thrust, as Wen
Kexing slides deeper into his mouth.

"A-Xu," Wen Kexing sighs, pulling back just so he can thrust into his mouth again. "You're perfect.
You feel amazing."

He keeps going like that, his thrusts shallow and even, and it leaves Zhou Zishu wanting more. He
leans forward, taking more of Wen Kexing, until the head of his cock hits the back of Zhou Zishu's
"O-oh," Wen Kexing gasps out as Zhou Zishu keeps going without pause. His grip on Zhou Zishu's
hair tightens, using it to pull him off entirely.

Zhou Zishu comes up for air, panting softly, unable to hold back his pleased grin. Wen Kexing
doesn't look impressed.

"Who taught you to do that, A-Xu? Give me names, so I can start killing them."

"Did you want me to choke on you, Lao Wen?" Zhou Zishu asks with a smile, his voice hoarse.

Wen Kexing's cock twitches in a way that means, yes. He tenses his jaw. "Names, A-Xu."

"I haven't done this with anyone else, you ridiculous, jealous man," Zhou Zishu tells him. "I've
never had a problem swallowing things before. I wanted to try it with you."

"Oh," Wen Kexing says, sounding mollified. "Is that so?"

The truth of the matter is that Zhou Zishu has spent half his life trying all kinds of medicines and
antidotes before they were refined into smaller and easier to swallow pills and beyond that, his
sense of touch is dulled enough that even if he was the type to gag, he isn't sure that he still would.
It doesn't matter right now.

"You can really take all of me, A-Xu?" Wen Kexing asks. "No matter how deep?"

"I told you to use my mouth," Zhou Zishu replies. "I was expecting you to be rougher."

"I can fix that," Wen Kexing promises, taking hold of Zhou Zishu's hair once again. "Open wide
for me."

This time, Wen Kexing doesn't hold back. His careful, measured thrusts from before are gone,
picking up pace as he tests Zhou Zishu's limits until he's all the way in to the hilt, biting back curses
as he grinds forward.

Zhou Zishu relaxes around Wen Kexing, trusting him fully. Wen Kexing's grip tightens in his hair,
pulling sharply, and the prickle of pain along his scalp is almost as good as pleasure. He hums
around Wen Kexing's cock, shutting his eyes as he swallows around it.

"A-Xu," Wen Kexing gasps, and it's his only warning before he starts fucking Zhou Zishu's face in
earnest, fully focused on his own pleasure as he chases his orgasm.

Zhou Zishu's jaw aches and he loves it. Wen Kexing gets sloppy the closer he gets to coming and
there's desperation in the way he chants, A-Xu, like he can't hold back.

"A-Xu, I'm going to—" Wen Kexing warns, and whimpers when Zhou Zishu makes no attempt to
pull away.

He shakes through his orgasm, coming down Zhou Zishu's throat until there's nothing left to give.
He's shaky on his legs as they finally pull apart, and he goes gladly as Zhou Zishu wraps both arms
around him and pulls him back down onto the bed.

They lie there for a moment, with their arms still wrapped around each other. Zhou Zishu rests his
hand against Wen Kexing's chest, feeling the way his heart races. He can feel his own doing the
same. A clear reminder that he's still alive. That he wants to be, if this is the kind of life he can
"A-Xu." Wen Kexing takes Zhou Zishu's hand into his own, pressing kisses to the back fo it, to his
palm, to the inside of his wrist. "Are you certain that there's nothing I can do for you? I want you to
feel good too."

"I told you," Zhou Zishu rasps, "doing this felt good to me. I like being at your mercy, Lao Wen.
Trusting you like this."

"A-Xu," Wen Kexing breathes, pulling him in. He kisses Zhou Zishu breathless, chasing the taste of

Wen Kexing rolls onto his back with Zhou Zishu on top of him. He's insatiable but Zhou Zishu
knew he would be, and can't deny that he likes it.

"Lao Wen," he says with a smile, rocking their hips together as he feels Wen Kexing grow hard
again. "Are you still unsatisfied?"

"With A-Xu? No, never, I—" Wen Kexing tips his head back with a low moan as Zhou Zishu
grinds against him deliberately. "Have mercy on your Lao Wen. I'm not a saint like you."

"A saint." Zhou Zishu laughs, kneeling over Wen Kexing and taking him in one hand, guiding the
head of his cock until it's pressed against the pucker of his entrance. "Is that what I am?"

Wen Kexing's hands go to Zhou Zishu's waist, fingers digging into his skin hard enough to bruise.
He's trembling hard enough that Zhou Zishu almost feels sorry for him. Almost.

"Don't tempt me," he warns softly.

"Why not?" Zhou Zishu asks. "Have I not been clear enough about this, Lao Wen? I'm yours. My
body is yours to use however you want. I want it too."

"But A-Xu—"

"Lao Wen," Zhou Zishu interrupts, and reaches for the vial of oil that he's kept by his bed for
exactly this purpose. He presses it into Wen Kexing's hand. "I want."

"Oh," Wen Kexing says, so quietly that he barely says it at all. He weighs the glass vial in his hand
and with it, the knowledge that Zhou Zishu would have sourced it deliberately and placed it within
reach of the bed. Knowing it would be used. Wanting for it to be used. He looks at Zhou Zishu and
believes him.

Zhou Zishu has spent months pretending not to want Wen Kexing. Refusing to name the feeling
that threatened to come loose in his chest whenever Wen Kexing would stare at him for too long.
Now, Zhou Zishu tosses all of that aside. Realises that there's one thing he hasn't said yet tonight,
and immediately sets about fixing it.

"Lao Wen, I want you," he says, resting his hands on either side of Wen Kexing's face. He's still
somehow embarrassed to put it into words despite their state of undress, and everything they've
already done tonight. "No one else will do."

Wen Kexing's smile is gentle, like the first light of dawn. He draws Zhou Zishu close with a hand
against the small of his back, resting their foreheads together. "So you admit it. Was that so

"Excruciating," Zhou Zishu replies flatly. He smiles when Wen Kexing laughs and for the second
time tonight, kisses him to shut him up.
Their kiss quickly turns heated again. Zhou Zishu pulls back to the sound of Wen Kexing
unstoppering the vial and pouring the contents into his hand.

"Like this," Wen Kexing says, guiding him closer. He's gentle with Zhou Zishu, sliding a slick
finger into him and distracting him with kisses until he relaxes enough for another. He repeats it
again, until he has three fingers curling in Zhou Zishu, seeking out—

"Oh," Zhou Zishu cries, his fingers digging into Wen Kexing's shoulders. It's unmistakably
pleasure that shoots through him, quick to fade as it is. Even if his body doesn't respond the way it
otherwise would, there's still the tightening in his chest, the pressure at the base of his skull.

"You felt that," Wen Kexing says, delighted, and proceeds to do it again, rubbing his fingers
against that place inside Zhou Zishu that sets him alight and makes him shiver, even if it's not

"Lao Wen," Zhou Zishu pants, pushing at his shoulders. "Lao Wen, enough. I need…"

"Yes?" Wen Kexing encourages, when he trails off. Even though he clearly knows. He's going to
make Zhou Zishu say it, because he's a bastard.

Because he's the only one Zhou Zishu has ever wanted like this. The only one Zhou Zishu has
thought about, with such frequency and which such longing that it's reshaped itself into a need.

Zhou Zishu, for all that he has hated the thought of continuing his life, and even more so when it's
at another's mercy, wants nothing more than to lay his heart at Wen Kexing's feet and call it

"I need you inside me," he says, feeling his face burn at such honesty. "Fuck me, Lao Wen."

"Yes," Wen Kexing says, holding him by the hips to reposition him, and, "yes," and, "yes," and,

He keeps Zhou Zishu where he is, kneeling over him, and draws him down slowly so that Zhou
Zishu takes a little of him, then a little more. He keeps Zhou Zishu on the right side of
overwhelmed, until they're as close as their bodies will allow.

"A-Xu," Wen Kexing says breathlessly. "One day, we will do this and you'll feel everything the
way I do."

"Yes," Zhou Zishu replies, and he means it as a promise. One that he's terrified to keep, when this
—being full with Wen Kexing the way that he is—already feels like so much.

Wen Kexing starts to move, guiding Zhou Zishu up and down, and it's enough to make them both
moan. Zhou Zishu is immediately glad for their position because sitting astride Wen Kexing like
this, he can see every reaction playing out on his zhiji's face. He's open and honest in a way that he
rarely is elsewhere; the way his brows draw together, the way his eyes go unfocused, the way his
peach blossom lips part, Zhou Zishu drinks in every detail of Wen Kexing's pleasure, cataloguing
it, memorising which movement gets him which reaction.

He isn't expecting it when Wen Kexing reverses their positions, flipping Zhou Zishu onto his back
and fucking into him deeper. The change in angle comes with the same burst of pleasure as from
before, as Wen Kexing finds the perfect angle. Zhou Zishu tries to say Wen Kexing's name but it
comes out a garbled mess, pleading and urgent. Wen Kexing does his best to maintain the angle,
panting into the curve of Zhou Zishu's neck with exertion, his touch skirting along the edges of the
nails in Zhou Zishu's chest as his hands slide down to grip at his waist.
It's too much, and it's not enough. Zhou Zishu tips his head back with a cry, wrapping his legs
around Wen Kexing tighter to keep him thrusting deeper. He isn't going to come like this. He can't
and he knows it, but it doesn't stop him from wanting more as the pleasure surges and recedes. It's
torture. It's driving him insane. Zhou Zishu doesn't want it to end.

"You'll drive me mad like this," Wen Kexing growls against his skin.

"Lunatic Wen," Zhou Zishu laughs, "you're already mad."

"Madder, then." Wen Kexing's voice is shaking. His entire body is, and Zhou Zishu realises that
with every spark of pleasure he feels, he's been clenching tighter around Wen Kexing. Pulling him
closer to the edge. "A-Xu, I'm—"

"Come inside me," Zhou Zishu decides, and Wen Kexing treats it like a command.

They tremble against each other, riding the wave of Wen Kexing's orgasm together. Their hands
find each other, fingers interlocking and holding on for dear life until they're both still again save
for the heaving of their chests.

Wen Kexing laughs then, a blissful sound into the small space between their mouths. He follows it
with a kiss, his lips lingering against Zhou Zishu's as if he could spend a lifetime like this. Zhou
Zishu is inclined to hold him where he is and find out.

Instead, Wen Kexing pulls away, going to the basin kept in the corner of the room so he can wipe
them both down with a damp cloth. Zhou Zishu submits himself to it without getting up, earning
him a fond huff as Wen Kexing rolls him over and continues his task.

"Will you kick me out of your bed?" Wen Kexing asks once he's done, already settling back where
he was. "Or will you permit me to stay?"

It's a dangerous precedent, Zhou Zishu knows. One that Wen Kexing will take full advantage of.

And yet, he winds his arms around Wen Kexing again and allows himself a wide smile.

"Who's permitting you to go anywhere?"

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