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What if there is someone so beautiful I never want to let go?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: 山河令 | Word of Honor (TV 2021)
Relationship: Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu
Character: Wen Kexing, Zhou Zishu
Additional Tags: Genderbending, Cat hybrid Zhou Zishu, Established Relationship, Plot
What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Vaginal Fingering, Strap-Ons, Vibrators,
Double Penetration, Scissoring, Multiple Orgasms, Top Wen
Kexing/Bottom Zhou Zishu
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-09 Words: 3392

What if there is someone so beautiful I never want to let go?

by Auraa02411


Nothing to be said, just two wives enjoying their time together


At first it was just going to be genderbend WenZhou, but then it ended up with a cat hybrid
Ah-Xu along the way.

"I cannot believe it!" Zishu groaned as she walked into the study where Kexing was sitting.

Kexing looked up from her desk and asked, "Did something happen?"

Zishu sat down on the chair in front of her and sighed, her ears lowered to express her displeasure,
"Lao Wen, that collar you gave me last year for my birthday...I think I lost it"

Kexing sat back in her chair and crossed her arms, "There's no need to be so upset just because of
the cat collar, I can always buy you a-"

She was interrupted by her protesting wife: "It's not an ordinary collar, it was so precious to me!
After all, you gave it to me, it even had that cute little bell on it, out of everything I could lose, why
Zishu groaned again and buried her face in her hands that were placed on the table.

Kexing laughed at her dramatic reaction and leaned forward, patting her hair, “It couldn't have
vanished into thin air, if you didn't wear it anywhere outside, it must still be in the house, I'll help
you search when I'm done with the paperwork, okay?"

Zishu raised her head and looked at Kexing with puffy eyes, threatening to shed more tears.

"Don't cry, it's just a collar, ah, come here" Kexing made room on her lap for Zishu to sit on her
and when she did, Zishu immediately wrapped her arms around her neck and buried her face in her

Kexing closed her eyes and rubbed Zishu's back with soothing motions, couple of minutes have
passed without words being exchanged before Kexing broke the silence, "Are you feeling better?"

Zishu nodded, leaning back and looking at Kexing, "I should take a nap and you should finish your

Kexing cupped Zishu's face and kissed her gently, they shared a few kisses before Zishu decided to
get off her, "I'm going now, if I'm still asleep when you're done with all this paperwork, please
wake me up!"

Zishu didn't wait for Kexing to answer, she turned and left, closing the door behind her.

Kexing stared at the door for a few seconds before smiling and shaking her head, continuing what
she was doing before her wife entered.

Some time passed when Kexing was finally done for today, she quickly stood up and stretched.

Looking at the clock in her home office, it was just past 8pm.

She walked into her and Zishu's shared bedroom, where Zishu was still sleeping peacefully spread
out on the bed.

She was wearing shorts and a white t-shirt, she didn't seem to be wearing a bra underneath, so her
nipples could be seen thought t-shirt.

This excited Kexing, as she stood there, watching her wife dream sweetly.

Zishu's fluffy tail and ears stuck out to one side, her skin looking soft.

Kexing loved looking at her, she was so perfect.

Zishu's black hair covered some of her face, her nose looked so cute with that little turned bridge,
her lips were so kissable.

Suddenly Zishu opened her eyes, as if she felt that someone was looking at her.

She squinted around her, dazedly recognizing her lover's presence.

"Lao Wen, why are you just standing there, come here..." she said in a sleepy voice.

Kexing moved closer to Zishu.

"You just looked so cute, I was appreciating the view" she whispered.

"Come here" Zishu repeated and waited for her, when Kexing finally made her way next to her on
the bed, Zishu started sniffing her neck, smelling her scent.

Kexing rubbed her face against her wife's.

Zishu let out a satisfied purr as they hugged.

"I love you Lao Wen" Zishu whispered in her wife's ear.

Kexing kissed the woman's cheek, caressed her soft neck, scratched her chin, all while she softly

"I love you too, Ah-Xu" Kexing's face was a mixture of contentment and joy.

Suddenly, Zishu froze for a second, as if realizing something, "Lao Wen, let's begin the search for

Her words stopped when Kexing pressed her index finger to her lips, "Shhh Shhh, there's time for
that, I need some relaxation right now"

Zishu didn't protest, instead relaxing under Kexing's touch.

Kexing kissed her wife's neck and then her chest, enjoying her soft, warm skin.

She continued down to her wife's stomach, tickling her as she went further down, finally kissing all
the way down to her exposed thighs.

Zishu let out a small whimper as Kexing approached her most intimate part of her body.

Kexing took Zishu's legs and pulled them up, trying to get rid of the clothes Zishu was wearing.

Zishu helped her out, making it easier for Kexing to undress her.

Kexing kissed her way to the area between her legs, squeezing her thighs in the same time.

Zishu moaned sweetly, her legs shaking for a brief moment.

Kexing finally went completely down, burying her face in Zishu's crotch.

Kexing grew more and more excited as she gently licked Zishu and then nibbled on her, causing
her wife to squeal in bliss.

Zishu let out a satisfied sigh as Kexing's tongue moved around, drinking her slick that was leaking
down rapidly.

“Lao Wen, please...your tongue is so good,” she moaned, "Oh, I'm so close" Zishu exclaimed, as
she began to thrust her crotch into Kexing's face.

Kexing hummed and continued licking the delicious taste of her wife.

She stopped for a brief moment and decided to nibble on her wife's clit, causing Zishu to moan
louder and thrust harder into Kexing's face, practically fucking her.

Zishu's hands were busy pinching her own nipples as she tried desperately to keep herself
somewhat sane.

When Kexing noticed this, she smiled, "Naughty little kitty, if you continue like this, you're going
to cum too soon" she raised her face and instead brought her hand to caress Zishu's sensitive pussy,
further satisfying her wife.

"Don't stop...please...more...more...please. Pleeeaaase-!" Zishu panted, surrendering to the pleasure

she experienced.

One of her hands flew down to her wet clit, rubbing herself as Kexing helped her out with sticking
her tongue into her, slurping up her juices.

"Ohhh!" Zishu's body went stiff as she came all over Kexing's face, moaning and whimpering

Kexing kissed the woman on her slick hole and then continued to lick the liquid that was dripping
onto the sheets.

When she was satisfied, she backed up and smiled, "Now...on your hands and knees"

Zishu did as she was told.

"Put your tail up" she heard behind her.

Raising her tail, she revealed her hole to Kexing who just grinned.

"Look at this!" she cooed, "lovely, nice and clean, just for me"

Kexing slowly slipped her index finger into Zishu, enjoying the delicious sensation of her wife's

"You're so wet" she cooed again, "Oh sweet kitty"

She slowly fingered in and out, eventually moving her finger faster, causing Zishu to squeal again.

"Mmmmmm, you look so delicious~" Kexing moaned.

She inserted her middle finger to join the other, fucking her wife's ass with her wet fingers.

"Ohhh….harder….harder" Zishu begged and rocked her hips along with Kexing's hand.

Kexing loved the sounds her wife made, whines and whimpers being her favorite.

"Come for me" she hissed, adding a third finger to the mix.

Zishu writhed in pleasure as she moaned "Ohhhh yes...yes..."

She was so close to cumming again, but furrowing her brows, she decided to hold on as long as she

Kexing stroked her wife's tail, which was in a particularly sensitive stage, causing her to moan even

Zishu's arms gave up and her upper body fell forward, allowing her breasts to grind against the
Kexing watched her intently as Zishu was falling apart, moaning and crying loudly.

"I love you!" Zishu sobbed. Her body felt like it was on fire.

She finally let go and experienced a huge orgasm that made her wildly buck her hips against
Kexing's hand and gasp for air.

Kexing removed her fingers, pulling them out of her wet hole with a 'plop'.

Smiling, she moved up to Zishu's face, rested her head next Zishu's and whispered in her ear "I
love you too"

Zishu lowered herself to take a breath, "Lao Wen, we're not done yet, right? Please..."

Kexing chuckled and patted her on the head, playing with her fluffy ears, "You want more, huh?
Well then, what else would my wife want, I guess I could fuck her until she can't take it anymore?
I'll be right back!" she said and ran out of the room.

Meanwhile, Zishu was taking up position, lying on her back with her legs spread as far as she could
reach, presenting herself on full display.

When Kexing suddenly returned, she was stunned by what she saw.

"My wife is so beautiful" she exclaimed, her eyes running over her wife's naked body, "look at
those lovely long legs" Kexing cooed in awe.

Zishu noticed that Kexing was holding a strap-on in her hand, Kexing saw that she was looking at
it, "My wife wants more and I just know the right treat for her"

But her other hand was behind her back, Zishu noticed that as well, muttering, "What about the

Kexing let out a small "ah" and smiled, "Since you were so good, I decided to bring this too" she
revealed the vibrator in her hand.

Zishu's eyes widened, she felt her slick leaking smoothly down, oozing shamelessly.

Before joining her wife in bed, Kexing finally undressed herself.

She crawled onto the bed towards Zishu, sitting between her spread legs.

Rising to her knees, she adjusted the strap-on between her legs, placing it against Zishu's pussy but
shortly after moved away only to hear Zishu whine impatiently.

Instead, Kexing took the vibrator and first circled it around, to tease Zishu, then increased the

Kexing moved the vibrator aimlessly and eventually ended up rubbing the tip against Zishu's clit.

Her fingers came up, rubbing her pussy while the vibrator was still turned on, pressing into her,
now together with fingers, causing Zishu to mewl.

"You like it?" Kexing muttered and moved the vibrator around again.

Zishu trembled, “Yeah! I need...I need..." She gasped, her face blushing immensely.
She cried out as Zishu teased her, now sliding the vibrator in and out of her hole, then pulling it out
of her before pushing it into her other hole.

Vibrations caressed Zishu's walls, making her eyes roll back in her head.

“Hold it there for me” Kexing left the vibrator doing its thing and instead placed the toy that was
attached to her right against Zishu.

Before penetrating her she looked at Zishu and said "Don't worry my dear, I'll start slowly"

Zishu gasped as Kexing slowly inserted the toy into her.

Kexing leaned back, pushing it bit by bit, until the toy stopped.

"Ready?" Kexing asked.

"Yes..." Zishu breathed out and raised her legs, she was completely wet by this point.

Kexing slowly pushed back and slid out before slowly reentering, harder.

Zishu cried out as the toy reached deeper inside her.

Kexing continued to thrust at a slowly increasing speed, and soon Zishu could not control herself.

Her body shook, one hand was gripping the sheets under her while the other gripped the vibrator
still inside her, moving it in and out in rhythm with Kexing's movements.

Kexing gasped as she looked down, "That's right, lovely Ah-Xu"

Zishu shuddered at the tenderness and buried the toy deeper into herself, screaming as Kexing in
the same time thrusted harder into her.

The feelings that both toys sent to her body were overwhelming.

"Does it feel good?" Kexing panted.

Zishu's body arched and she shouted "Yes!"

With each thrust forward, her breasts bounced violently, and Kexing's eyes focused on them.

Zishu wrapped her arms around Kexing's neck and hung on tightly, abandoning the vibrator that sat
snugly inside of her.

"Ah-Xu, let's switch positions, how about you sit on top of me and fuck yourself on me?"

Zishu stared at her in a daze, unable to speak.

She suddenly came back to herself and nodded, "Sounds good, but what about…" She looked
down and Kexing's eyes followed hers, their gazes falling on the vibrator that was still stimulating
Zishu inside.

“We don't need it any more” Kexing said and quickly pulled it out in one go, making Zishu

Kexing moved back and sat on the bed, waiting for Zishu to climb on top of her.

Zishu didn't hesitate, she immediately climbed on top of Kexing, right away positioning herself and
sitting on Kexing's toy.

Zishu's eyes were filled with passion and lust as she slid down onto it.

Kexing's eyes watched her intently.

Zishu mewled as she lowerd herself further, the toy finally reaching as deep as it could go.

She gasped as it slid in and out of her, her back arching, and Kexing slowly began to move.

Zishu yelped and moved with her, slowly bouncing on the toy.

"Oh God!" Zishu cried out as the toy continued to move inside her.

“So hot…” Kexing muttered, staring at her.

Her eyes were fixed on Zishu as she rode the toy. She took a breath and slid her hands down
Zishu's hips, squeezing them tightly and pushing up mercilessly.

Zishu closed her eyes as her head fell back.

Kexing looked down, watching the toy slide in and out of Zishu's pussy.

Kexing tightened her grip on Zishu's hips as she began to thrust into her, each thrust hitting her just
right and making her moan louder and louder.

"So deep... Ah! Fuck!" Zishu cried out as she felt her orgasm approaching.

Kexing's eyes continued to watch her intently, not missing any second of her beloved enjoying.

"Come on my sweet kitty, cum on me" Kexing moaned, thrusting up and down inside her, making
Zishu cry out.

"Oh, ah…ah…!" Zishu panted.

Her body shook and her muscles tightened, she couldn't hold back any longer.

Zishu cried out once again and Kexing watched her closely as her wife came, gripping Kexing's
hair and making soft mewls.

She lay down on Kexing, breathing heavily.

"You should rest" Kexing hugged her, but it quickly broke when Zishu raised herself on her elbows
to look at her, "But you didn't come" she whispered.

Kexing chuckled and reassured her, "Don't worry, this was enough for me, as long as you're happy-

"No!" Zishu pouted, raising herself to her knees above Kexing again, "I'll make sure my wife
enjoys it too!"

The next thing Kexing knew, the strap-on was removed, instead Zishu was sitting on top of her
grinding hard against her.

Kexing took a deep breath, her lips parted slightly and she closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling.

She wrapped her arms around Zishu's waist and coaxed her: "Ah-Xu, you are so beautiful, let's
come together"

Their wetness slid over each other, Kexing's slick covered them both, making it much easier.

Zishu looked at her and nodded as she continued to grind, gasping from time to time.

Meanwhile Kexing helped her by also trying to grind against her.

Zishu's ears twitched as she moaned and Kexing smiled and said, "I like that sound, your noises are
so cute, I like it!"

"Lao Wen, Lao Wen, I'm coming!" Zishu shouted and threw her head back, her mouth open, her
fingers tightly gripping Kexing's shoulders.

Her body trembled as she shook with pleasure.

"Ahhhhhh-! Please don't-!" Zishu moaned, trying to delay her orgasm for a little longer, but it was
no use, it hit her with immense strength.

Seeing it whole in front of her, Kexing couldn't help herself neither, crying out as she also came
shortly after.

Zishu's pleasure came in spasms and Kexing put her arms around her waist to hold her up as she
moaned loudly.

"Fuck, look at my precious wife" Kexing said hoarsely, seeing Zishu close her eyes in sheer
pleasure, she continued, "You're so beautiful~"

"Mmm~" Zishu whined as she felt weakness in her legs, she decided to lower herself on Kexing.

Kexing welcomed her body and immediately hugged her, "Now will you listen to me and rest?"

The answer she got was a shake of Zishu's head, “No, I still have to find it…"

Kexing's expression was confused for a moment, but she immediately remembered, "Oh, you mean
the collar? Nonsense, you need to get some sleep while I find it for you"

Zishu tried her best to get up, getting help from Kexing as well.

"Ah-Xu, can I take you to the guest room? I should clean this up" Kexing lifted Zishu into her

Zishu nodded a little too late, Kexing had already left their bedroom with her, carrying her to the
guest room.

She yawned the moment Kexing put her on the bed.

Kexing helped her covering herself with blanket, "You need to sleep now, after I clean everything
up I'll take you back to the bedroom, I'll try to be as gentle as possible so I don't disturb your sleep"

Zishu nodded and fell asleep within minutes.

She woke up only the next morning, the sun woke her up.
She covered her eyes to protect herself from it, thinking of last night,

She remembered Kexing telling her that he would take her back to the bedroom, and when she
removed her hands from her face, she was indeed in their bed.

But Kexing was nowhere to be seen, looking at the clock it was already 10am.

She slowly got up, pressing her feet to the floor, and headed towards the toilet, which was
connected to their bedroom.

After she brushed her teeth, fixed her hair, took care of her tail and ears, she left to find out where
her wife was.

And suddenly her ears caught the sound of the bell, her eyes immediately widened and her smile

Kexing had already prepared breakfast, she put their plates on the table, that's when she heard
hurried footsteps approaching her.

When Zishu entered the kitchen, she looked so happy, "Lao Wen, you found it!"

Kexing smiled and nodded, picking up the cat collar from the counter, "Mhm I found what you
were looking for"

Zishu smiled and hugged her wife, "Lao Wen, I'm so glad, thank you!"

Kexing hugged her back, "No need to thank me, I would do anything for my darling"

Zishu stepped back and asked, "But where was it, I swear I searched every corner, closet, drawer..."

Kexing laughed at her, “Well you see, it somehow ended up behind your nightstand, I found it
yesterday while I was cleaning and changing the sheets"

Zishu let out a soft "oh" and then added, "I guess it somehow fell behind when I put it on the
nightstand, ah, I'm sorry for bothering you..."

Kexing smiled and said, "Don't worry dear, it's okay, I'm glad you got it back"

They finally sat down to eat, enjoying their breakfast.

"Lao Wen, how about we go out today, if you're not busy with work even on Sunday"

Kexing looked at Zishu, asking, "What would you like to do outside?"

Zishu smiled and suggested, "Maybe you could take me to the park, after all I'm your little kitten~"

However, the reaction she wanted to cause wasn't there, Kexing instead frowned her eyebrows,
looking at her like she was about to yell at her.

"I've told you this a million times throughout all these years, just because you're a cat hybrid
doesn't mean I see you as my pet, you're my wife and I'll never treat you like that. I love you and
you're not an animal, understand?"

Zishu lowered her ears and looked down, as if someone was scolding her, "Yeah..."

Despite acting like she had just been lectured, she was extremely glad that Kexing saw her as a
person and not an animal.

Kexing noticed her sad expression and softly said, "But of course, we can go for a morning stroll, it
sounds like a good idea, eat first, then take a shower"

Zishu raised her head and smiled widely, "You are such a good wife!"

Kexing laughed and began to eat together with Zishu, occasionally looking at her and smiling and
thinking to herself; "Ah, such a life, I wouldn't trade it for any other"

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