Effect of Soil-Bridge Interaction On The Magnitud

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Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

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Engineering Structures
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Effect of soil–bridge interaction on the magnitude of internal forces in integral

abutment bridge components due to live load effects
Murat Dicleli ∗ , Semih Erhan
Department of Engineering Sciences, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

article info abstract

Article history: In this study, the effect of soil–bridge interaction on the magnitude of the internal forces in integral
Received 16 March 2007 abutment bridge (IAB) components due to live load effects is studied. For this purpose, structural models
Received in revised form of typical IABs are built by including and excluding the effect of backfill and foundation soil. Analyses
28 March 2009
of the models are then conducted under an AASHTO live load. In the analyses, the effects of the backfill
Accepted 1 September 2009
Available online 18 September 2009
and foundation soil on the magnitude of the internal forces in IAB components are studied for various
structural, geometric and geotechnical parameters such as bridge size, abutment height and thickness,
pile size and orientation, number of spans and foundation soil stiffness.
Integral bridge The analysis results revealed that soil–bridge interaction has a significant effect on the magnitude of
Soil the live load moments in the components of IABs. Including the effect of backfill behind the abutments in
Backfill the structural model is generally found to result in larger superstructure support and abutment moments
Live load and smaller superstructure span and pile moments. The difference between the live load moments for
the cases with and without soil–bridge interaction effects is found to be a function of the foundation soil
stiffness. However, the soil–bridge interaction is found to have only a negligible effect on live load shear
in the superstructure. Furthermore, the equivalent cantilever concept used for modeling of the abutment
piles is found to inconsistently yield either conservative or unconservative estimates of the internal forces
in the components of IABs except for the superstructure shear.
© 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Transportation of Canada recommends a structural model where

the backfill stiffness is totally neglected and an equivalent can-
An integral abutment bridge (IAB) is one in which the tilever approach is used for modeling of the steel H-piles [3].
continuous superstructure, the abutments and the single row of Recently, many transportation agencies in most parts of USA
steel H piles supporting the abutments are built monolithically to and Canada routinely prefer IABs in the construction of their in-
form a rigid frame structure. Typical single and multi span IABs and frastructure network due to their many economical and functional
their details at the abutments are illustrated in Fig. 1(a)–(d). advantages [1,4–8]. Consequently, several transportation agencies
In bridge design, most bridge engineers prefer using simpli- such as New York, Iowa and Virginia Departments of Transporta-
fied two dimensional (2-D) structural models and live load dis- tion in the USA [9–11] as well as Ontario [3] and Alberta [12] Min-
tribution factors available in current design codes to determine istry of Transportations in Canada have developed in-house design
live load effects in bridge components. Although the monolithic guidelines and reports concerning the design and performance of
construction of IABs forces the substructures to interact with the IABs. Special design guidelines and reports for IABs have also been
backfill and foundation soil under thermal and gravitational load developed by some research institutions [13,14] as well as bridge
effects [1,2], the current state of design practice in North America engineers and researchers [1,5–7]. However, these design guide-
and Europe normally neglects soil–bridge interaction effects in live lines and reports generally contain information about the geomet-
load analyses of IABs. That is, the backfill behind the abutments is ric limits (e.g. maximum length and skew angle limits), pile types
not considered in the 2-D structural models of IABs for live load and orientations, abutment design, wing-wall configuration and
analysis and the piles are usually modeled as simple equivalent abutment–backfill interaction in IABs especially under thermal and
cantilevers fixed at some distance below the ground surface. For seismic loading. Moreover, many research studies have been con-
instance, the IAB In-house Design Guidelines of Ontario Ministry of ducted on the effect of backfill and foundation soil on the perfor-
mance of IABs under thermal effects [15–21]. However, research
studies concerning the effect of soil–bridge interaction on the per-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 210 4451; fax: +90 312 210 4462. formance of IABs under live loads are scarce. Accordingly, in this
E-mail address: mdicleli@metu.edu.tr (M. Dicleli). study, the effect of soil–bridge interaction on the magnitude of
0141-0296/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
130 M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

a b

c d
Fig. 1. (a) A typical single span IAB, (b) details of a typical IAB at the abutment, (c) two-span version of the small bridge used in the analyses (d) three-span version of the
small bridge used in the analyses.

internal forces in IAB components (superstructure, abutment and under total load effects and the behavior of the backfill and founda-
piles) due to live loads is studied. The results from this research tion soil is assumed to be within the linear elastic range since small
study is then used to present design recommendations to the en- lateral displacements of the abutments and piles are expected un-
gineering community at large for building simplified 2-D structural der live load effects. This also ensures that potential formation of
models of IABs for estimating live load effects in IAB components a gap behind the abutment due to cyclic thermal movements is
using distribution factors. negligible.
To reach the above stated objective, 2-D structural models
2. Research objective, scope and outline of IABs are built including and excluding the effect of backfill
and foundation soil. In the 2-D structural models studied, several
The main objective of this research study is to investigate the geometric, structural and geotechnical parameters are varied to
effect of the backfill and foundation soil on the magnitude of the cover a wide range of possible IAB configurations. This resulted
internal forces in IAB components under live load effects. in 200 different IAB structural models. The structural models
The presented research study is limited to symmetrical IABs are then analyzed under current AASHTO (American Association
with no skew. The abutments are assumed as supported by of State Highway Transportation Officials) LRFD Bridge Design
end-bearing steel H-piles. A moment connection is assumed be- Specifications’ [22] live loads using the finite element based
tween the piles and abutment as well as between the superstruc- program SAP2000 [23]. Furthermore, to verify the assumption of
ture and abutment. A typical moment connection detail for the linear elastic behavior for the backfill and foundation soil, a typical
pile–abutment and superstructure–abutment joints and connec- IAB is analyzed under thermal, SDL and live load effects and the
tion details over the middle supports of continuous IABs is illus- results from each individual load case and their combination are
trated in Fig. 2(a) and (b). These connection details have been compared with the ultimate soil resistance. The results from these
used successfully by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation over analyses are then summarized and the conclusions are outlined.
the last two decades [3]. Granular uncompacted material typi-
cally used for IAB construction is assumed for the backfill behind 3. Parameters considered in the analyses
the abutments while cohesive soil (clay) is assumed for the pile
foundations. However, the findings of this research study could be A parametric study is conducted to investigate the effects of
extrapolated to cohesionless foundation soil as well. The water backfill and foundation soil on the magnitude of internal forces in
behind the abutment is assumed to be properly drained through IAB components due to live loads for various geometric, structural
the granular material and perforated pipes wrapped with geotex- and geotechnical properties of IABs. The stiffness of the foundation
tile typically used at the abutment bottom in bridge construction. soil (clay) is anticipated to affect the magnitude of the internal
Moreover, the scope of this research study is limited to short to forces in IAB components due to live loads. Thus, an equivalent pile
medium length IABs where the superimposed dead load (SDL) and length neglecting the effect of the foundation soil and four values
thermal effects are assumed to be less significant compared to live of clay stiffness are considered in the analyses. Furthermore, to
load effects. Consequently, yielding of the piles is not anticipated cover a wide range of possible IAB configurations, the bridge size,
M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145 131

Table 1
Parameters considered in the analyses.
Parameter Description

Bridge size or stiffness Small and Large bridge

Number of Spans 1, 2 and 3 (for small bridge only)
Backfill Including and excluding backfill effect
Soil Stiffness Excluding soil effect (Equv. pile length) and soft, medium, medium-stiff, stiff clay
Pile Size HP 250 × 85, HP 310 × 125
Pile Orientation Weak and Strong axis bending
Abutment Height 3 m, 5 m

a presented in Table 1 are chosen to cover a wide range of steel H-

pile sizes used by many departments of transportation in North
America and Europe. The vertical capacity of the end bearing piles
is 3270 kN for HP250 × 85 and 4770 kN for HP310 × 125. The lateral
capacity of the piles varies between 167 kN and 552 kN depending
on the pile size and undrained shear strength of the foundation

4. Properties of integral abutment bridges considered

Two different existing IABs are considered to investigate the

effect of the backfill and foundation soil on the magnitude of
internal forces in IAB components due to live loads. The bridges are
chosen such that the study covers a wide range of superstructure
and abutment stiffness properties found in practice. The first
bridge is referred to as a small bridge with 20 m span length
and 2.4 m girder spacing. It represents those bridges with a
relatively small superstructure and abutment stiffness. The bridge
superstructure is composed of a 190 mm thick reinforced concrete
slab supported by W760 × 173 steel girders. The abutment
thickness is 1 m The second bridge is referred to as a large bridge
with 40 m span length and 2.4 m girder spacing. It represents
those bridges with a relatively large superstructure and abutment
stiffness. The superstructure is composed of a 225 mm thick
reinforced concrete slab supported by AASHTO Type VI prestressed
concrete girders. The abutment thickness is 1.5 m Please note that
the pile sizes used in this study are adequate for both the small and
large IABs, even when the number of piles per girder is taken as one
b for both bridges. Additionally, the pile sizes are already varied as a
parameter. This variation results in various pile stiffness values per
girder and covers a wide range of design scenarios.
For the 2- and 3-span versions of the small IAB, elastomeric
bearings are assumed at the intermediate supports. The properties
of the 2- and 3- span bridges are assumed to be identical to those
of the small bridge. General details of the 2- and 3- span bridges
are illustrated in Fig. 1(c) and (d). Moreover, the properties of all
the bridges are presented in Table 2.
It is noteworthy that in the construction of IABs, the girders are
first placed on the supports and then the slab is cast integral with
the girders and the abutments. Thus, each span acts as simply sup-
ported until the slab hardens. Accordingly, the effect of the dead
load of the girder and that of the slab is calculated using a sim-
ply supported span while the continuity is taken into considera-
tion only in the calculation of the effects of the superimposed dead
loads (such as asphalt) and live load. Therefore, the extrapolation
of single span bridge to the multiple span bridges is not going to
introduce a large error as far as the superstructure design is con-
cerned. (For example, for an IAB with a prestressed concrete girder,
Fig. 2. (a) Typical pile–abutment and superstructure–abutment connection details,
(b) typical continuity (span-to-span connection) detail for multispan IABs.
the girder size will not reduce from AASHTO type IV to AASHTO
type III just because of the effect of continuity.) Consequently, it is
believed that the effect of this assumption on the outcome of this
the number of spans (1, 2 and 3 spans), abutment height as well research study (especially when studying solely the effect of conti-
as pile size and orientation are varied. Details of the parameters nuity on the distribution of internal live load forces among the IAB
considered in the analysis are given in Table 1. The pile sizes components) is practically negligible.
132 M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

Table 2
Properties of the integral bridges used in the analyses.
Properties Small bridge (1-, 2-, 3-span) Large bridge (single span)

Span length (m) 20 40

Superstructure type Slab-on-girder Slab-on-girder
Girder spacing (mm) 2400 2400
Girder type Steel Prestressed Concrete
Girder size W760 × 173 AASHTO VI
Slab thickness (mm) 190 225
Composite girder, A (mm2 ) 0.661 × 106 1.174 × 106
Composite girder, I (mm4 ) 54 300 × 106 646 000 × 106
Abutment thickness (mm) 1000 1500
Abutment, A (per girder), (mm2 ) 2.400 × 106 3.600 × 106
Abutment, I (per girder), (mm4 ) 200 000 × 106 675 000 × 106
Concrete strength (girder) (MPa) N/A 50
Concrete strength (other) (MPa) 30 30
Type of bearings over piers (for multiple span cases) Elastomeric N/A
Number of piles per girder 1 1

Fig. 3. Structural models (a) with soil–bridge interaction, (b) with equivalent pile length.

5. Structural model models of the bridges, the lateral stiffness of the elastomeric bear-
ings is negligible compared to those of the other bridge compo-
Structural models of the IABs considered in this study are built nents. Thus, the bearings are simply modeled as roller supports.
and analyzed using the finite element based software SAP2000. A The abutments and piles are modeled using linear elastic beam
2-D frame model is built for each bridge considering a single in- elements since yielding of the piles under total load effects is
terior girder. Typical structural models for a single span IAB with not anticipated for short to medium length IABs. The superstruc-
soil–bridge interaction and equivalent pile length are shown in ture–abutment joint is modeled using a horizontal and a vertical
Fig. 3(a) and (b) respectively. In the structural models, the trib- rigid linear elastic beam element. In modeling the abutments’ un-
utary width of the slab and abutments is set equal to the spac- cracked section properties are used since in live load analyses of
ing of the girders and full composite action between the slab and bridges, cracked section properties are typically not considered.
the girders is assumed. The stiffness properties of the composite Such refinements are not warranted in practical design applica-
slab-on-girder sections are expressed in terms of the properties of tions due to the lengthy procedure for determining the cracked
the slab using the transformed area method. For the multiple span portion of each component and corresponding moment of inertia,
M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145 133

Table 3
Maximum abutment moment for the cases of cracked and uncracked abutment section properties for the large IAB with 5 m tall abutment.
Cu (kPa) Maximum (Mmax ) abutment live load moment (kN m)
Uncracked case Cracked case

20 1187 1190

40 1256 1259

80 1523 1527

120 1647 1651

which depends on the extent of cracking along the member length. a

However, sensitivity analyses are conducted to investigate the ef-
fect of neglecting cracked section properties for the abutment of
IABs on the magnitude of live load moment in bridge components.
For this purpose, the most critical, large IAB (40 m span length)
with abutment heights of 3 m and 5 m is considered. Since the self
weight of the girder and the slab act on the bridge before the abut-
ment becomes integral with the deck (before the concrete hard-
ens), the bridge is analyzed only under the superimposed dead
load (3.7 kN/m due to 70 mm asphalt), temperature load, live load
and earth pressure to calculate the total moment transferred to the
abutment. The self weight of the girder and the slab is imposed as
an additional axial load acting on the abutment (no moment due to
girder and wet slab weight since no continuity exists at that stage).
Then, the abutment cracking moment is calculated as 923 kN m us-
ing the tensile strength of concrete (2.74 MPa) and including the b
effect of the axial compressive load (1154 kN) acting on the abut-
ment. Then this cracking moment is used to determine the length
of the cracked portion of the abutment (Please see Table 3 and the
figure in the table). The analysis results revealed that the abutment
does not crack for the case of a 3 m abutment height. Consequently,
the cracked section properties are incorporated in the structural
model only for the case with a 5 m abutment height and live load
analyses are repeated. On the average, the cracked portion of the
abutment is calculated as hc = 0.4 m for all the analysis cases con-
sidered. Table 3 compares the analysis results where the cracked c
section properties are included and excluded from the model for
various foundation soil stiffness values. As observed from the table,
cracking has only a negligible effect on the magnitude of live load
moment in the abutment and hence other structural members.
Although the behavior of the backfill and foundation soil is
nonlinear in nature, linear elastic springs are used to simulate the
behavior of the backfill and foundation soil in the model assuming
small lateral displacements of the abutments and piles under live d
load effects. A detailed description of the linear backfill–abutment
and soil–pile interaction modeling is presented in the following

5.1. Soil-pile interaction modeling

5.1.1. Background information and calculation of soil modulus Fig. 4. Interaction between IAB, backfill and foundation soil under live loads (a) for
single span IAB, (b) for two-span IAB (c) and (d) for three-span IABs.
For IABs subjected to live loads, the bridge deforms and
interacts with the backfill and foundation soil as demonstrated in
Fig. 4(a)–(d). Generally, the soil–pile interaction for a particular unit length of pile and Y is the lateral deflection. A typical P–Y
point along the pile is defined by a nonlinear load (P )-deformation curve for soil subjected to lateral movement of a pile is shown with
(Y ) curve or P–Y curve, where P is the lateral soil resistance per a solid line in Fig. 5(a). This highly non-linear behavior is simplified
134 M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

a soft, medium, medium-stiff and stiff clay are used in the analyses
Skempton [27] proposed a method based on laboratory test
data, correlated with field test to calculate the elastic soil modulus,
Es . Skempton [27] found that about one-half of the ultimate soil
resistance for a beam resting on soil (or pile pushing on soil) is
developed at a structure deflection, ∆50 , as follows;
∆50 = 2.5ε50 dp (2)
where ε50 is the soil strain at 50% of ultimate soil resistance. For
Cu = 20, 40, 80 and 120 kPa used in the analyses, corresponding
ε50 values of 0.02, 0.01, 0.0065 and 0.0050 are obtained using the
range of suggested values presented by Evans [28] and Reese and
Van Impe [25]. If the ultimate soil resistance, Qu , is determined,
and the deflection, ∆50 , at half resistance is computed, then the soil
modulus for clay can be calculated using the following expression;
Qu /2 Qu
Es = = . (3)
∆50 5ε50 dp
The estimated values for Qu , ε50 and the pile width, dp are
substituted in Eq. (3) to calculate the soil modulus.

5.1.2. Implementation of soil–pile interaction behavior in the struc-

tural model
Horizontal linear spring elements are attached at each node
along the pile to model the stiffness of the soil around the piles.
The lateral soil reactions are usually concentrated along the top 5
to 10 pile diameters [29]. Accordingly, for the top 2 m of the pile,
the spacing of the nodes is set equal to 0.1 m to accurately model
the behavior of the soil. The spacing of the nodes is then gradually
c increased in steps along the length of the pile. A hinge support is
assigned at the bottom of the pile to provide stability in the vertical
direction. In the model, the elastic stiffness, k, of the springs along
the pile is calculated by multiplying the initial soil modulus, Es , by
the tributary length, h, between the nodes along the pile. Thus:
Qu · h
k= . (4)
Fig. 5. (a) A typical P–Y curve and its elasto-plastic idealization for cohesive soils 5 · ε50 · dp
(clay), (b) Variation of backfill pressure coefficient as a function of the ratio of the
abutment movement to abutment height (actual and linear simulation), (c) rigid
wall behavior of abutment.
5.2. Abutment–backfill interaction modeling
using an elasto-plastic curve displayed on the same figure with
a dashed line. The elastic portion is defined with a slope equal Under live load effects, the abutment rotates and hence laterally
to the secant soil modulus, Es , and the plastic portion is defined moves towards the backfill as observed from Fig. 3. For the backfill
as the ultimate soil resistance per unit length of pile, Qu . In this behind the abutment, an at rest earth pressure is assumed when
study, only the elastic portion (Es ) of this elasto-plastic model is there is no abutment movement. In the case of single span IABs,
used to simulate the force–deformation response of the soil due the abutment always moves towards the backfill under live load
to small lateral displacement of the piles under live load effects. effects (Fig. 4(a)). To prove this fact, the lateral displacements of
The calculation of the initial soil modulus Es for clay requires the the left and right abutments of the small and large single span IABs
calculation of the ultimate soil resistance Qu and the pile deflection, are plotted along the depth of the abutment in Fig. 6 for various
∆50 , at 50% of the ultimate soil resistance as described below. foundation soil stiffnesses. As observed from the figure, the abut-
Two types of soil behavior are generally considered in estimat- ment always moves towards the backfill under live load. Accord-
ing Qu for laterally moving piles in clay. The first type of behavior ingly, only passive earth pressure develops behind the abutment
occurs near the surface, where the pile may push up a soil wedge in the case of single span IABs due to live load. However, in the
by lateral movement resulting in so-called wedge action [24]. The case of multiple span bridges, this is not always the case. For in-
second type of behavior occurs at some depth below the ground stance, for a two span bridge, while the abutment adjacent to the
surface, where the soil attempts to flow around the pile. In the case loaded span moves towards the backfill, the other abutment, which
of IABs, the backfill and the embankment soil exert surcharge pres- is adjacent to the unloaded span, moves away from the backfill cre-
sures on the foundation soil and may prevent the wedge action. ating an active backfill pressure condition as shown in Fig. 4(b).
Accordingly, the ultimate soil resistance per unit length of pile, Similar loading conditions that lead to an active backfill pressure
Qu , is expressed considering only the second type of behavior. condition behind the abutment are also possible for the three span
Thus [24,25]; IABs as shown in Fig. 4(c). The active backfill pressure will immedi-
ately develop behind the abutment at a negligibly small displace-
Qu = 9 · Cu · dp (1)
ment [30]; that is as soon as the bridge abutment slightly moves
where Cu is the undrained shear strength of the clay and dp is the away from the backfill. At that instant, the active backfill pres-
pile width. Cu values of 20, 40, 80 and 120 kPa respectively for sure simply becomes a load (pressure) behind the abutment (i.e no
M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145 135

the relationship between the abutment movement and passive

a resistance of the backfill soil (The dashed line in Fig. 5(b)). A
uniform lateral abutment displacement is assumed for simplicity
considering the general behavior of the bridge under combined
loading. A similar approach is also followed in an official NCHRP
document [32] for the derivation of the force deflection curves
behind the abutment, for cohesionless soil, non-plastic backfill
(fine content less than 30%.). Accordingly, first, the variation of
earth pressure, 1P, from at rest (∆/H = 0) to passive state at
∆/H = 0.001 is formulated for an arbitrary location, z, measured
from the top of the abutment as;

1P = Kp − K0 · γ · z .


The above equation is divided by the displacement of the wall

at ∆/H = 0.001 to obtain the coefficient of horizontal subgrade
b reaction modulus, ksh , for the backfill soil as;

Kp − K0 · γ · z

ksh = . (6)
0.001 · H
The values of Kp at ∆/H = 0.001 and K0 for the backfill are
obtained from Fig. 5(b) as 1.125 and 0.4 respectively. Assuming
a unit weight of 20 kN/m3 for the backfill, the coefficient of
horizontal subgrade reaction modulus is computed as;

ksh = · z. (7)
The passive pressure modeling developed above only includes
the portion of the passive resistance (that is, the compression stiff-
Fig. 6. Abutment lateral displacements vs. the ratio of abutment depth (Z ) to
abutment height (H ) for (a) Symmetrical loading case (b) Unsymmetrical loading ness of the backfill) mobilized by the movement of the abutment
case for small and large bridges and for various soil stiffness. due to live load effects since the at-rest (or in some cases active de-
pending on the flexibility of the abutment) earth pressure condi-
stiffness to restrain the movement), which is already taken into tion is already there at a zero temperature state, which is included
consideration (either as active or as at-rest backfill pressure de- in the design of the bridge regardless of the presence of the live
pending on the flexibility of the abutment) regardless of the pres- load.
ence of the live load to incorporate the effect of the backfill pressure It is noteworthy that in some instances, a gap may form behind
at zero temperature condition in the design of the bridge [1]. Fur- the abutment as a result of the cyclic thermal movements of the
thermore, the active backfill pressure condition behind the abut- bridge. This phenomenon is not taken into consideration in the
ment does not restrain further movement of the abutment away modeling of the backfill–abutment interaction since the formation
from the backfill. Thus, it neither affects the lateral and rotational of a gap is generally more pronounced in the case of long IABs
stiffness of the abutment nor creates a true backfill–abutment in- where the backfill behind the abutment nearly reaches its plastic
teraction condition where the resistance created by the soil de- state due to the considerable movement of the bridge towards the
pends on the movement of the structure. Consequently, the active backfill. This is not the case for short IABs considered in this study.
backfill pressure condition is not considered in this study. How- Furthermore, the formation of a gap behind the abutment takes
ever, when the abutment moves towards the backfill as a result of place after several annual thermal cycles over several years and the
the rotation at the superstructure–abutment joint under live load effect of the backfill–abutment interaction without a gap should
effects, the restraining effect of the backfill creates a true abut- be taken into consideration in designs within this initial stage as
ment–backfill interaction condition affecting the lateral and rota-
well. It is also noteworthy that stub abutments are commonly
tional stiffness of the abutment (i.e. it is not simply a load due to
used in IAB construction according to the current state of design
backfill pressure as in the case of active condition). In this passive
practice. For that reason, the deformation of the abutment under
backfill condition, the intensity of the backfill pressure depends on
live load effects may be assumed to be similar to that of a rigid
the magnitude of the abutment displacement towards the back-
wall due to the large flexural stiffness of the abutment. This
fill. The actual earth pressure coefficient, K , may change between
assumption is validated in Fig. 5(c) and 6. Fig. 5(c) shows the
at rest, K0 , and passive, Kp , earth pressure coefficients depending
general deformation of the bridge under live load where the
on the amount of displacement. Clough and Duncan [31] modeled
the variation of the lateral earth pressure coefficient, K , as a func- abutment rotates almost like a rigid wall due to its relatively higher
tion of the ratio, ∆/H, of abutment movement to abutment height flexural stiffness compared to that of the piles and the backfill.
using experimental data and finite element analyses. This relation- Fig. 6 shows the lateral displacement of the abutment along the
ship is presented in Fig. 5(b) for the granular material commonly abutment height under live load effects for the small and large
used behind abutments in bridge construction. bridges and for various foundation soil stiffness values. A linear
Assuming a small, uniform lateral abutment displacement of variation of the abutment lateral displacement along the abutment
the abutment towards the backfill, the secant slope of the solid height is observed in the figure. This linear variation proves that
curve shown in Fig. 5(b), between ∆/H = 0 and ∆/H = 0.001 the abutment behaves similar to that of a rigid wall. Therefore, the
is used to obtain a set of linear spring constants representing derivation of Eq. (7) is appropriately based on this assumption.
136 M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

a components based on influence line analyses. Structural analyses

of various IAB models are then conducted to study the effect of the
backfill and foundation soil stiffness on the internal forces (mo-
ments and shear forces) of IAB components. The analysis results
are presented in the following sections.

b 7. Verification of linear elastic soil and backfill behavior

In the structural modeling of IABs considered in this study,

the foundation soil and backfill behavior are assumed to be
linear elastic in anticipation of a small lateral displacement of the
abutment and piles under live load effects. In this section this
c assumption is verified.
Fig. 8(a) and (b) show the variation of the ultimate and calcu-
lated soil resistance along the depth of the pile for Cu = 40 and
Fig. 7. AASHTO live load (a) Design truck, (b) Design tandem, (c) Lane load. 120 kPa respectively. The figures are plotted for the HP250 × 85
pile, small and large bridge with an abutment height of 3 m as well
5.2.1. Implementation of abutment–backfill interaction behavior in as including and excluding the backfill effect. It is observed that for
the structural model all the cases considered, the maximum calculated soil resistance
The stiffness of the boundary springs connected at the abut- per unit length of pile varies between 15% and 32% of the ultimate
ment–backfill interface nodes along the height of the abutment are soil resistance. This clearly shows that the assumption of nearly
calculated by multiplying ksh by the area tributary to the node in elastic foundation soil behavior under live load effects is correct for
the model. The backfill stiffness model described above considers short to medium length IABs where thermal effects are assumed to
only the passive resistance of the backfill to the movement of the be negligible.
abutment and excludes the at-rest portion of the backfill pressure Fig. 8(c) and (d) show the variation of the ultimate (full passive
which is not directly related to the loading on the bridge. Conse- backfill pressure with Kp = 4.0) and the calculated backfill pres-
quently, only the resistance of the backfill mobilized by live load is sure (with the at rest portion of the backfill pressure added) along
taken into consideration in the analyses. the depth of the abutment for 3 and 5 m tall abutments respec-
Note that under live loads, since the movement of the abutment tively. The figures are plotted for HP250 × 85 pile, Cu = 40 and
occurs away from the backfill above the superstructure centroid, 120 kPa and small and large bridges. It is observed that the backfill
no spring is introduced between the superstructure top and the pressure due to live load effects increases nonlinearly as a func-
superstructure centroid in the model (Fig. 3(a)). Furthermore for tion of the depth below the deck surface. This is mainly due to the
the two-span IAB model, in cases where only one span of the bridge higher stiffness of the backfill and increasing deformations of the
is loaded to produce the maximum live load effects in certain abutment due to live load effects at larger depths below the deck
bridge components, while one of the abutments tends to move surface. Furthermore, as observed from Fig. 8 (c) and (d), for the
towards the backfill, the other abutment tends to move away from 3 m tall abutment, the calculated passive backfill pressure under
the backfill. In such cases, no springs are attached to the abutment live load effects is relatively larger in spite of the smaller height of
moving away from the backfill. Similarly, for the three span IAB the abutment (compared to the 5 m tall abutment). This mainly re-
models, in cases where only the central span of the bridge is sults from the more efficient compression of the backfill due to the
loaded to produce the maximum live load effects in certain bridge larger bending stiffness of the shorter, 3.m tall abutment. However,
components, both abutments tend to move away from the backfill. for all the cases considered, the calculated backfill pressure due to
In such cases no springs are attached to the abutments in the live load effects is considerably smaller than the ultimate backfill
structural model. pressure. This clearly demonstrates that the assumption of nearly
elastic backfill behavior under live load effects is correct for short
6. Live load model used in the analyses to medium length IABs where thermal effects are assumed to be
The AASHTO HL-93 live load is used in the analyses. The HL- The linear elastic modeling assumption for the backfill and
93 consists of a (a) design truck (b) design tandem, and (c) design foundation soil is further verified including the additional effects of
lane load as illustrated in Fig. 7. The design truck is a model with SDL and uniform positive temperature variation. For this purpose,
a 35 kN front axle, a 145 kN drive axle, which is located at 4.3 m the analyses of the large, 40 m span IAB are repeated under the ef-
behind the drive axle and a 145 kN rear trailer axle positioned at fect of SDL and uniform positive temperature variation. The SDL is
a variable distance ranging between 4.3 m and 9.0 m. The design calculated as 5.2 kN/m per girder assuming a 70 mm thick asphalt
tandem consists of two axles weighing 110 kN each and spaced and typical reinforced concrete traffic barriers used in North Amer-
at 1.2 m The design lane load consists of a uniformly distributed ica. For the analysis of the bridge under thermal loading, the 27 ◦ C
load of 9.3 kN/m and is assumed to be distributed over a width of maximum uniform positive temperature specified in AASHTO [22]
3 m transversely. AASHTO [22] recommends that the extreme live for concrete bridges located in areas of moderate and cold climates
load effect must be taken as the larger of the effect of the design is used. Assuming a typical construction temperature of 15 ◦ C, the
tandem or the design truck combined with the effect of the design positive uniform temperature variation used in the analyses is cal-
lane load. Also the design truck load and design tandem load should culated as 12 ◦ C. For the analyses under uniform positive temper-
be considered with a dynamic load allowance for the design of ature effects, the structural model shown in Fig. 3(a) is modified
bridges. The dynamic load allowance should not be applied to the by adding springs above the superstructure centroid to correctly
design lane load. model the resistance of the backfill to the horizontal movement
In this study, the IABs are loaded with the design truck com- of the superstructure under uniform positive temperature varia-
bined with the design lane load, since larger effects are observed tions. The analysis results are presented in Fig. 8(e) and (f). Fig. 8(e)
under this load combination. The design truck is placed on the shows the variation of the ultimate and calculated soil resistance
structural model to produce the maximum internal forces in IAB due to SDL, temperature variation, live load and total load (SDL +
M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145 137

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 8. Calculated and ultimate soil resistance along the pile for (a) Cu = 40 kPa, (b) Cu = 120 kPa, Calculated and ultimate backfill pressure distribution for an abutment
height of (c) 3 m, (d) 5 m (e) Ultimate and calculated soil resistance due to SDL, temperature, live load and total load, (f) Ultimate and calculated backfill pressure distribution
due to SDL, temperature, live load and total load.

temperature + live load) along the depth of the pile. Fig. 8(f) is Table 4
Longitudinal position of the design truck (m) to produce the maximum girder
similar, but it shows the variation of the ultimate and the calcu-
moment (Md+ ) for SSBs and for IABs with various foundation soil properties.
lated backfill pressure. In the plots of Fig. 8(f), the at rest portion
of the earth pressure is added to the results obtained for each load Number of spans Longitudinal position of the design truck’s
middle axle from the centerline of left
case considered. The figures clearly show that even if the effects of
support (m)
the SDL and uniform positive temperature variation are included
in the analyses, the maximum calculated soil resistance per unit
Cu = 20 Cu = 40 Cu = 80 Cu = 120
length of the pile and the calculated backfill pressure are consider-
ably smaller than the ultimate soil resistance and ultimate backfill 1 (Small bridge) 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.7
1 (Large bridge) 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.7
pressure respectively. This further confirms the assumption of lin-
2 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.7
ear elastic soil and backfill behavior under live load effects for short 3 (Truck is in mid-span) 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.7
to medium length IABs. Furthermore, using linear elastic proper- 3 (Truck is in side-span) 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.7
ties for the foundation soil and backfill as described here, facilitates
the modeling of soil–bridge interaction behavior for the analysis
to generate the maximum internal forces in the superstructure,
and design of short to medium length IABs in practice.
abutment and piles. The location for the maximum span (positive)
moment (Md+ ) is chosen under one of the truck axles when that
8. Influence lines versus soil stiffness axle is as far from one support as the center of gravity of all the
axles on the bridge is from the other support [33]. Although this
Influence lines are used for the IABs considered in this study to approach seems to be suitable for only simply supported bridges
determine the location of the design truck on the bridge producing (SSB), influence line analyses conducted for IABs have revealed
the maximum internal forces in IAB components. a truck longitudinal position for maximum girder moment (Md+ )
To investigate whether the shape of the influence lines and similar to that of a SSB as shown in Table 4. This is mainly due
hence the position of the truck on the bridge is affected by to the small base length of the truck relative to the total span
the stiffness of the foundation soil, the influence line analyses length and the symmetrical composition of the bridges. The plots
of the large IAB for various foundation soil stiffness values are of the influence lines for various soil stiffness ranges are compared
conducted. The location of the internal forces for which influence in Fig. 9(b)–(g). Fig. 9((b) and (c)), ((d) and (e)) and ((f) and (g))
lines are plotted, are shown in Fig. 9(a). These locations are chosen show the influence line plots respectively for the superstructure,
138 M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

b c

d e

f g

Fig. 9. (a) Location of the calculated maximum internal forces for various bridge components. Influence lines for various soil stiffness (b) Superstructure positive moment,
(c) Superstructure shear, (d) Abutment moment, (e) Abutment shear, (f) Pile moment, (g) Pile shear.

abutment and pile bending moment and shear. As observed from the influence lines remain similar and the influence lines for
the figures, although the maximum amplitude of the influence the superstructure shear overlap for all the soil stiffness ranges
lines changes as a function of the soil stiffness, the shapes of considered. In other words, if the influence lines are normalized
M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145 139

b c

d e

f g

h i

Fig. 10. (a) Location of the calculated maximum internal forces for various bridge components. Influence lines for 2 span IAB with HP 250 × 85 pile and medium soil stiffness
(Cu = 40 kPa) (b) Superstructure positive moment, (c) Superstructure shear, (d) Superstructure negative moment at abutment, (e) Superstructure negative moment at pier,
(f) Abutment moment, (g) Abutment shear (h) Pile moment, (i) Pile shear.

with respect to their maximum amplitude and plotted, those change as a function of the soil stiffness. Thus, for the remainder of
obtained for various foundation soil stiffness values will all overlap. the study, the positions of the truck to produce the maximum live
This clearly demonstrates that the position of the design truck load effects in IAB components are fixed for all the foundation soil
along the bridge to produce the maximum live load effect will not stiffness values used in the analyses.
140 M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

b c

d e

f g

h i

Fig. 11. (a) Location of calculated maximum internal forces for various bridge components. Influence lines for 3 span IAB with HP 250 × 85 pile and medium soil stiffness
(Cu = 40 kPa) (b) Superstructure positive moment, (c) Superstructure shear, (d) Superstructure negative moment at abutment, (e) Superstructure negative moment at pier,
(f) Abutment moment, (g) Abutment shear (h) Pile moment, (i) Pile shear.

Influence line plots for the 2 and 3 span IABs are respectively maximum girder, abutment and pile moment as well as maximum
shown in Figs. 10 and 11 for medium clay (Cu = 40 kPa). The pile and abutment shear. Nevertheless, to obtain the maximum
AASHTO truck’s middle axle (145 kN middle axle) will be placed girder shear, the rear axle (145 kN rear axle) should be placed on
on the maximum point of the influence line plots to obtain the the maximum point of the influence line plots (near the support).
M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145 141

Fig. 12. Superstructure internal forces, vs. Cu for small and large single-span IABs
with an abutment height of 5 m and strong axis bending of various piles.
Fig. 14. Superstructure internal forces, vs. Cu for small and large single-span IABs
with an abutment height of 5 m and an HP250 × 85 pile oriented to bend about its
strong and weak axes.

Fig. 13. Substructure internal forces, vs. Cu for small and large single-span IABs
with an abutment height of 5 m and strong axis bending of various piles.
Fig. 15. Substructure internal forces, vs. Cu for small and large single-span IABs
with an abutment height of 5 m and an HP250 × 85 pile oriented to bend about its
9. Effect of foundation soil stiffness on internal forces strong and weak axes.

9.1. Effect of foundation soil stiffness on internal forces for various pile
The effects of the foundation soil stiffness on the magnitude of sizes and orientations
the internal forces in the components of IABs due to live load are
illustrated in Figs. 12–21 for different pile sizes and orientations as Internal forces in IAB components due to live load are plotted
well as abutment heights and number of spans. The analysis results in Figs. 12–15 as a function of the undrained shear strength, Cu ,
are discussed in the following subsections. of clay for various pile sizes and orientations as well as for the
142 M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

Fig. 18. Superstructure internal forces, vs. Cu for small multiple span IABs with an
Fig. 16. Superstructure internal forces, vs. Cu for small and large single-span IABs
abutment height of 3 m and strong axis bending of various piles.
with an HP250 × 85 pile oriented to bend about its strong axis and various abutment

Fig. 17. Substructure internal forces, vs. Cu for small and large single-span IABs Fig. 19. Substructure internal forces, vs. Cu for small multiple span IABs with an
with an HP250 × 85 pile oriented to bend about its strong axis and various abutment abutment height of 3 m and strong axis bending of various piles.
Fig. 12 displays the internal forces in the superstructure as a
small and large single span IABs considered in the analyses. The function of Cu . It is observed that the stiffness of the foundation soil
figures are plotted for an abutment height of 5 m Since the clay has a remarkable effect on the positive (Md+ ) and negative (Md− )
stiffness is directly proportional to its undrained shear strength, superstructure moments in single span IABs regardless of the pile
the figures also demonstrate the relationship between the internal size. The figure reveals that larger clay stiffness values produce
forces and the foundation soil stiffness. The location of the internal smaller positive, but larger negative superstructure moments. This
forces plotted in Figs. 12–15 (for the superstructure, abutment and is mainly due to the increasing stiffness of the pile–soil system
pile moments and shears) are shown in Fig. 9(a). that produces larger rotational resistance at the ends of the bridge
M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145 143

Fig. 20. Superstructure and substructure internal forces including soil effect with
Fig. 21. Superstructure and substructure internal forces including soil effect with
various Cu and equivalent pile length concept for the an HP250 × 85 pile oriented
various Cu and equivalent pile length concept for the an HP310 × 125 pile oriented
to bend about its strong axis.
to bend about its strong axis.

superstructure. For instance, in a large IAB with HP310 × 125 clay. The rotation and displacement at the pile top are respectively
piles, 5 m tall abutment and considering the effect of the backfill, 0.00180 rad and 0.00725 m for soft clay and 0.00164 rad and 0.0066
Md+ is 3290 kN m for soft clay whereas, it is 2734 kN m for m for stiff clay. Note that the calculated pile moments are much
stiff clay. Similar differences are also observed for the negative smaller than the 267 kN m plastic moment capacity of the pile in-
superstructure moment. For instance, Md− is 1236 kN m for soft cluding the axial load effect (1051 kN) due to dead plus live loads.
clay, whereas, it is 1793 kN m for stiff clay. However, the variation This difference becomes even larger for a larger pile size and/or
of the positive (Md+ ) and negative (Md− ) superstructure moments for a small bridge. Furthermore, the calculated pile moments and
as a function of the foundation soil stiffness is not as much in the rotations/displacements are for a full truck load. In reality, a part
case of the small IAB when the backfill effect is included in the of the truck load is also distributed to other piles supporting the
structural model. This results from the large stiffness of the backfill abutments. In live load analyses, this is taken into consideration by
relative to the stiffness of the small bridge that imposes a rotational using a live load distribution factor which is smaller than 1 (usually
restraint on the superstructure–abutment joint and hence reduces varying between 0.5 and 0.8 depending on the bridge configuration
the effect of the foundation soil stiffness on the response of the IAB and number of piles). Hence the actual live load effects are much
to live loads. As expected, the effect of the foundation soil stiffness smaller than those calculated by 2-D analyses.
on the positive (Md+ ) and negative (Md− ) superstructure moments Fig. 14 displays the internal forces in the superstructure as a
of IABs becomes more pronounced when the effect of the backfill function of Cu for HP 250 × 85 pile oriented to bend about its strong
is excluded from the structural model. However, the foundation and weak axes as well as for the small and large single span IABs
soil stiffness has no effect on the maximum superstructure shear as considered in the analyses. Fig. 15 displays similar information
observed from Fig. 12. For the calculation of the maximum live load but, for the internal forces in the substructure components. It is
superstructure shear, the design truck is placed near the abutment. observed from the figures that the foundation soil stiffness has a
This particular position of the design truck produces smaller remarkable effect on the magnitude of internal forces (except the
deformations in the abutment and the piles. Consequently, soil maximum superstructure shear) in IAB components regardless of
bridge interaction effects become insignificant in the calculations the pile orientation.
of the maximum superstructure shear.
Fig. 13 displays the internal forces in the substructures (abut- 9.2. Effect of foundation soil stiffness on internal forces for various
ment and piles) as a function of Cu . It is observed that the stiffness abutment heights
of the foundation soil has a remarkable effect on the bending mo-
ment and shear in the abutment (Ma and Va ) and piles (Mp and Vp ) Fig. 16 displays the internal forces in the superstructure as a
in single span IABs regardless of the pile size. The figure reveals that function of Cu for HP 250 × 85 pile oriented to bend about its strong
larger clay stiffness values generally produce larger internal forces axes, for abutment heights of 3 m and 5 m and for the small and
in the substructure components with only a few exceptions in the large single span IABs considered in the analyses. Fig. 17 displays
case of the small IAB. For instance, in a large IAB with HP250 × 85 similar information but, for the internal forces in the substructure
piles, 5 m tall abutment and considering the effect of the backfill, components. It is observed from the figures that the foundation
Ma is 1158 kN m for soft clay whereas, it is 1647 kN m for stiff clay. soil stiffness has a remarkable effect on the magnitude of internal
Similar differences are also observed for the pile moment. For in- forces in IAB components regardless of the abutment height except
stance, Mp is 79 kN m for soft clay, whereas, it is 165 kN m for stiff the maximum superstructure shear.
144 M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145

9.3. Effect of foundation soil stiffness on internal forces for various orientations as well as for the small and large single span IABs
numbers of spans considered in the analyses for the cases where the effect of the
backfill is included in and excluded from the structural model.
Fig. 18 displays the internal forces in the superstructure of the As observed from the figures, all the internal forces in the
two and three span versions of the small bridge considered in the bridge components, except the superstructure shear force show
analyses with HP 250 × 85 piles oriented to bend about their significant differences when the presence of the backfill is taken
strong axis and an abutment height of 3 m, as a function of Cu . into consideration in the structural model of single span IABs
Fig. 19 displays similar information but, for the internal forces in regardless of the pile size and orientation. Including the effect
the substructure components. of the backfill in the structural model produces smaller positive
It is observed from Fig. 18 that the effect of the foundation (Md+ ) and larger negative (Md− ) superstructure moments for all
soil stiffness on the maximum positive (Md+ ) and negative (Md− ) the cases considered (Figs. 12 and 14). This is mainly due to the
(at the intermediate support) superstructure moments loses larger stiffness of the abutment with the presence of the backfill
its importance in the case of multiple-span IABs. This mainly that produces larger rotational resistance at the ends of the bridge
results from the much larger rotational rigidity provided at the superstructure. For instance, for a small bridge with 5 m abutment
superstructure ends over the inner supports due to the effect of height and HP310 × 125 pile driven in soft clay and oriented to
continuity, negating the effect of the pile–soil system. Similar to the
bend about its strong axis, the positive superstructure moment,
single span IAB cases, the foundation soil stiffness does not affect
Md+ is 772 kN m when the presence of the backfill is included in the
the maximum superstructure shear force due to the reasons stated
model however, it is 1050 kN m when the backfill is excluded from
earlier. However, Fig. 19 reveals that the stiffness of the foundation
the model. Similarly, the negative superstructure moment, Md− is
soil has a considerable effect on the abutment and pile moments as
calculated as 813 kN m in the structural model with the backfill
well as shear forces regardless of the number of spans.
but it is calculated as 527 kN m in the structural model without
9.4. Equivalent pile length versus foundation soil stiffness the backfill. Moreover, it is observed that including the effect of the
backfill in the analyses, reduces the sensitivity of the internal forces
In the analysis of IABs under live load effects, the pile–soil in IAB components to the stiffness of the foundation soil regardless
system is usually modeled as an equivalent pile with a length equal of the pile size and orientation.
to ten times the pile diameter and the effect of the foundation Figs. 13 and 15 display the internal forces in the substructures
soil and backfill is neglected [1,3]. To investigate the effect of this (abutment and piles) as a function of Cu for various pile sizes and
simplifying assumption on the magnitude of the internal forces in orientations for the cases where the effect of the backfill is included
IAB components, the IABs considered in this study are analyzed in and excluded from the structural model. It is observed that in
using the equivalent pile length concept (Fig. 3(b)) excluding the the substructures, the abutment moment (Ma ) and shear force (Va )
backfill effect and the analyses results are compared with the becomes larger and the pile moment (Mp ) and shear force (Vp )
cases where the foundation soil is taken into consideration and the becomes smaller when the presence of the backfill is considered
backfill is included and excluded. The analysis results are presented in the structural model regardless of the pile size and orientation.
in Figs. 20 and 21 for the internal forces in superstructure and
substructure components of the small bridge with HP250 × 85 and
HP310 × 15 piles respectively. 10.2. Effect of backfill on internal forces for various abutment heights
It is found that the analyses performed using the equivalent
pile length concept inconsistently yield either conservative or Fig. 16 displays the internal forces in the superstructure as a
unconservative estimates of the internal forces in the components function of Cu for abutment heights of 3 m and 5 m and for the cases
of IABs except for the superstructure shear where the results of where the effect of the backfill is included in and excluded from
the equivalent pile length model coincide with those of the models the structural model. Fig. 17 displays similar information but, for
including soil–bridge interaction effects. The discrepancy between the internal forces in the substructure components. It is observed
the analysis results of structural models built using the equivalent from the figures that the internal forces in the bridge components,
pile length concept and more complicated soil–bridge interaction except the superstructure shear force show significant differences
modeling techniques increases for stiff foundation soil conditions when the presence of the backfill is taken into consideration in the
and larger pile sizes. Thus, in live load analyses of IABs, the structural model of single span IABs regardless of the abutment
equivalent pile concept should be used cautiously especially in the height. Nevertheless, the effect of the backfill becomes more
cases of stiff soil conditions at the bridge site. However, generally in pronounced for taller abutments.
stiff soil conditions, pre-drilled oversize holes filled with loose sand
is provided along the top portion of the pile to reduce the resistance 10.3. Effect of backfill on internal forces for various number of spans
of the surrounding stiff soil to lateral movements of the pile. Thus,
in such cases the equivalent pile length concept may yield more Fig. 18 displays the internal forces in the superstructure as
reasonable estimates of the internal forces in IAB components due a function of Cu for two and three span versions of the small
to live load effects. bridge considered in the analyses considering and neglecting the
10. Effect of backfill on internal forces effect of the backfill in the structural model. Fig. 19 displays
similar information but, for the internal forces in the substructure
The effects of the backfill on the magnitude of the internal components.
forces in the components of IABs due to live loads are illustrated As observed from the figures, the presence of the backfill does
in Figs. 12–19 for different pile sizes and orientations as well as not significantly affect the superstructure moments in the case
abutment heights and number of spans. The figures display the of multiple-span IABs. This mainly results from the much larger
analysis cases considering and neglecting the effect of the backfill. rotational rigidity provided at the superstructure ends over the
The analysis results are discussed in the following subsections. inner supports due to the effect of continuity, negating the effect of
the abutment–backfill system. However, in the substructures, the
10.1. Effect of backfill on internal forces for various pile sizes and
abutment moment (Ma ) and shear force (Va ) becomes larger and
the pile moment (Mp ) and shear force (Vp ) becomes smaller when
Internal forces in IAB components due to live load are plotted the presence of the backfill is considered in the structural model
in Figs. 12–15 as a function of Cu , for various pile sizes and for multiple-span IABs
M. Dicleli, S. Erhan / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 129–145 145

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