Piranha - Taylor Trumpets

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This is the flagship model in our range of trumpets. 

Huge sound, flexibility, super wide dynamic range and
such a cool look.


Raw Brass: £3,550

Lacquer: £3,950

Price includes a mouthpiece (extra gold plated mouthpieces

are £160 each)

US Dollar and Euro prices will be held at the conversion rate

on the day of confirmation of your order.

Import duties may apply and are the responsibility of the


To order or ask a question please email us at

info@taylortrumpets.com and we will do our best to help.

Learn More Get in touch

This is the flagship model in our range of trumpets. 

Huge sound, flexibility, super wide dynamic range and
such a cool look.  Its an ML bore horn that sounds and
responds like the very best large bore trumpets
without needing an Olympic athletes lungs capacity to
play it for any length of time!  As if that wasn’t enough,
it does all this at an impressively light weight.  In a
nutshell, all the power, projection and presence of a
heavy large bore horn in a comfortable lighter ML easy
to play package.

This is probably the most versatile ‘commercial’

trumpet on the market today (from any manufacturer). 
Maybe you’re thinking, surely there must be a
downside?  Well, you might get some strange looks
from the other smartly dressed ladies and gentleman in
the Symphony Orchestra!

Es el modelo insignia de nuestra gama de

instrumentos. Gran sonido, flexible, amplísimo
rango dinámico y un diseño muy de moda. Es una
trompeta de calibre ML que suena y responde
como los mejores instrumentos de calibre L pero
sin necesidad de tener la capacidad pulmonar de
un atleta olímpico. Por si esto fuera poco, este
instrumento es realmente ligero. En un sólo
instrumento tendrás toda la potencia,
proyección y presencia de una trompeta de gran
calibre y peso, en una trompeta confortable,
ligera y fácil de ejecutar.

Este es probablemente la trompeta comercial

más versátil que existe en el mercado
actualmente (de cualquier fabricante). Seguro
que estás pensando que tiene que haber algo
que no sea totalmente perfecto con esta
trompeta… Bueno, quizá recibas extrañas
miradas de tus elegantemente vestidos
compañeros de la sinfónica.

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Discover more about our previous creations or discuss
a custom project wih a member of the team.

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 info@taylortrumpets.com

 +44 (0)1603 417436

 3 Elvin Way, Sweetbriar Ind. Estate, Norwich


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Website by West Norfolk Web Design

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