Weeks 2

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Week 2 Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4

Day 1 AM Warmup Max Test Finisher Cool Down

Maximus Barbell Overhead Pull Up Ladder Bike - 5min
Row – 10min 5 Sets
1,2,3,4,5,6 Reps
3 sets – 6 Reps per exercise
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
Dumbbell Bent Row
Dumbbell Hang Clean
Dumbbell Front Squat Push Press
Dumbbell Overhead Squat
Push Ups
Dumbbell Overhead Press

Day 1 PM Recovery
Upper Body
50 Push Ups
50 Pull Ups
50 Dips
10 sets of 5,5,5
Day 2 AM Warm Up Time Trial Cool Down
UBD Row Bike
Easy pace Bike – 10min Goal 8000m in 30min 10min
Shoulder Dislocate - 3 sets of 10 reps 37:03
Sandbag Push Press 30 sec immediately
followed by Sandbag Overhead hold
30 seconds (2 rounds then rest for 1min)
Do 3 Blocks
Day 2 PM Recovery
10min jog
30 x 20sec sprint/40 sec rest
10 min walk
Day 3 AM Warm Up Challenge Finisher Cooldown
Interval Warm Up Z Press Test Pull Up Ladder Row
Barbell Z Press 10 min
Bike easy 10min 0-6 reps 5min
Target 200
Row 30 sec rest 30 sec X 6 rounds 5 Sets
Did 170
Day 3 PM Recovery
Fix Your Form
Barbell Deadlift 3 x 20
Barbell Deadlift on Plate 3 x 20
Pushup Position Plank 5min
Day 4 AM Warm Up Death By Finisher Cooldown
Interval Push Ups Row Bike
Bike easy 10min OTMEM Increase by 1 1km 10min
Row 30 sec rest 30 sec X 6 rounds each time Goal Time
Day 4 PM Recovery
100 KB Turkish Get Ups
Day 5 AM Warm Up Challenge Finisher Cooldown
Olympic 2km Row Plank Row 5min

Row – 5min Goal time 7min 5min

Barbell Clean
Barbell Front Squat
Barbell Hang Clean
1 Rep of each every 30 sec for 10 min
(35kg bar)
Day 5 PM Warm Up Circuit-Style Finisher Cooldown
UBD Circus 500 Row Bike 10min
Easy pace Bike – 10min Maximus Goal Time 1:30
Shoulder Dislocate - 3 sets of 10 reps
12 Sets
KB Push Press 30 sec immediately followed
12 x 16KG KB Squat
by Sandbag Overhead hold
Push Press
30 seconds (2 rounds then rest for 1min)
12 x Push Ups
Do 3 Blocks
12 x Dead Lifts 60kg

Day 6 AM Warm Up Interval Cooldown

UBD Row Bike 5min
30 sec work, 30 sec
Easy pace Bike – 10min
rest 6 Rounds.
Shoulder Dislocate - 3 sets of 10 reps
3 Blocks with 4 min
12kg KB Push Press 30 sec immediately between Block.
followed by KB Overhead hold
30 seconds (2 rounds then rest for 1min)
Do 3 Blocks

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