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A. Fill in the blank with correct form of be (am, is are)

1. They ________ studying English in the classroom

2. Dedy ______ playing a kite now.
3. Teacher ________ explaining the lesson
4. You__________writing a letter now
5. I ______ listening to music at the moment.
6. Susan and Riza ______ not watching Television.
7. Mr. Jony and I ______ cleaning the house
8. He _________ dancing at the ball party
9. Nana _______ helping her mother
10. I ______ playing outside

B. Complete the Sentences by using the verb in parenthesis. Number one is done for you!

He ___________ (play) guitar

He is playing guitar

They _____________ (wash) the cloths

She ______________ (sing) English song

They ______________ (watch) TV

I ___________ (wear) blue shirt

LKPD Bahasa Inggris Mei Afriani, S.Pd


Observe the picture below. Complete the sentences about what the people are doing!
Choose the acticity from the box!

1. Wendy and Sophia _____________________ a song together

2. Jenny ____________________ on the sofa

3. Jack and Mia ____________________ their task

4. Emma ____________________ to the music

5. Sam and Bob ___________________ watching TV

6. Mike ____________________ a cake

7. Dave and Charlie ___________________ table tennis

8. Sue and Rosie _________________________ on the chair

9. John ________________________ crisps by the window

10. Joshua ______________________ the Youtube video from Laptop

LKPD Bahasa Inggris Mei Afriani, S.Pd

Answer the question based on picture!

Do like Example

Lili : Are they playing kite?

Danu : No, they are not playing kite
Lili : Are they riding bike?
Danu : Yes, they are riding bike

Dwi : Is the bird swimming?

Jhon : ________________________
Dwi : Is the bird flying?
Jhon : _______________________

Dwi : Is he taking a bath?

Jhon : ________________________
Dwi : Is he brushing his teeth?
Jhon : _______________________

Dwi : Are they watching TV ?

Jhon : ________________________
Dwi : Are they eating pizza?
Jhon : ________________________

LKPD Bahasa Inggris Mei Afriani, S.Pd


 Look at the activity in the pictures!
 Write your own dialog based on the picture, then do role play in front of the class!

LKPD Bahasa Inggris Mei Afriani, S.Pd

 Read the following dialogue and answer the questions!
Rio and Mega are in the school library now.
Mega : Are you busy, Rio?
Rio : Not really.
Mega : What are you doing now?
Rio : Hmm, I’m writing a short story.
Mega : It sounds great. What is it about?
Rio : It’s about a love story.
Mega : Really? Let me read it when you finish making it.
Rio : Sure.

1. How many persons are there in the dialogue above? Who are they?
2. Where is the dialogue happening?
3. What is Rio doing?
4. Is Mega interested in reading the short story?
5. When will Mega read the story?

LKPD Bahasa Inggris Mei Afriani, S.Pd

 Read the following dialog with your group!
 Practice it with your member before you doing role play in front of class

Farah : You look very busy!

Rini : Yes, I am finishing my task. It almost done

Danu : Farah, are you using your dictionary?

Farah : No, I’m not. I’m lending it to Dinda

Dinda : Sorry Danu, I’m using it right now. Can you wait for a moment?

Rini : You can use mine Danu. I have finish

Danu : Thank you Rini.

Farah : Guys, Teacher are asking to collect the task now

Dinda : Really? Okay, I’ll be fast

Anto : Dad, where is mom?
Father : She is in the kitchen.
Santo : okay (go to kitchen)
Mom, are you cooking fried chicken?
Mother : No, I’m cooking tekwan. You like it right?
Santo : Yes, I like it
Father : I’m so hungry, is tekwan ready?
Anna : It’s not Dad
Father : What is Anna doing here?
Anna : I’m helping mommy to chop celery
Mother : Yeah, my good girl

C. Change the sentences into the correct forms based on the symbol given!

1. (+) The man is jumping over the fence.

(-) _______________________________________

2. (+) Arina and Arini are eating meatballs in the canteen now

(?) ____________________________________________________________

3. (?) Is the snake killing the frog?


4. (?) Are the buffaloes eating the grass?


5. (-) Some people are not gathering in the playground.


Read the following dialogue and answer the questions!

Rio and Mega are in the school library now.

Mega : Are you busy, Rio?

Rio : Not really.
Mega : What are you doing now?
Rio : Hmm, I’m writing a short story.
Mega : It sounds great. What is it about?
Rio : It’s about a love story.
Mega : Really? Let me read it when you finish making it.
Rio : Sure.

6. How many persons are there in the dialogue above? Who are they?
7. Where does the dialogue happen?
8. What is Rio doing?
9. Is Mega interested in reading the short story?
10. When will Mega read the story?

Translate the following sentences into English!

1. Galih dan Ratna sedang belajar di ruang kelas sekarang.

2. Pak Syukron tidak sedang mengajar matematika.
3. Apakah Zahra sedang menari?
4. Apa yang sedang Imron lakukan di kamar mandi?
5. Imron sedang mandi di kamar mandi sekarang.

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