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FINALS acts.

Unlawful questions must be

Employee Recuitment, Selection, Placement, and  Inquires regarding age, marital
Indoctrination status, children, race,
sexualpreference, financial, or
credit cards, race of origin,
 Is the process of actively seeking out or religion = these are deemed
attracting applicants for existing positions and discriminatory.
should be ongoing process.  Interviewing Tips for Applicants:
 Interview (as a selection tool)  Prepare in advance for the
 A verbal interaction between the interview
individuals for a particular purposes.  Obtain copies of the philosophy
 It focuses on whether or not the and organizational chart of the
candidate will be a good team leader organization to which you are
rather than on the candidates applying
caregiving skills.  Schedule an appointment for the
 Purposes of interview: interview
 It seeks to obtain enough  Dress professionally and
informatiom to determine conservatively
applicant's suitability for the  Practice responses to potential
position. interview wuestions in advance.
 The applicant obtains adequate  Arrive early on the day of
information and to make interview.
intelligent decision about  Greet the interviewer formally and
accepting the job should it be do not sit down before she does
offered. unless given permission to do so
 The interviewer seeks to conduct  Shake the interviewers hand upon
the interview in such a manner entering the room and smile
that regardless of the result, the  During interview sit quietly, be
applicant will continue to have attentive, and take notes only if
respect for and good will toward absolutely necessary
the organization.  Do not chew gum, fidget, slouch,
 Types of interview: or play with your hair, keys or
 Structured - requires greater writing pen
planning  Ask appropriate questions
 Semi-structured - requires some  Avoid a question "what can you do
planning the flow is focused and for me?"
directed at major topic although  Answer interview questions
there is flexibility on the approach. honestly and confidently.
 Unstructured - requires little  Shake the interviewers hand at the
planning because the goals for close of the interview and thank
hiring is not clear. him or her time.
 Limitations of Interview:  Send a brief thank you note to the
 Subjectivity interviewer within 24 hrs of the
 Belief that interviewing is just interview
about talking to people  As predictor of job performance
 Belief that interviewing is just and overall effectveness, the
about good conversation. structure interview is more reliable
 Legal aspects of interviewing than the unstructure interview.
 Make sure that the application  Overcoming interview limitations:
form does not contain questions  Use a team approach
that violate various employment  Develop a structured format for
each job classification
 Use scenarios to determine INDOCTRINATION
 Used multiple  The planned, guided adjustment of an
employee to the organization and the work
SELECTION  Purposes:
 Establish favorable employee attitude
 The process of choosing from among towards the organization, unit and
applicants the best qualified individual for the department
job or position  Profide necessary information and
 The process involves: education for success in the position
 Verifying the applicants qualification  Instill the feeling of belongingness and
 Checking for work history acceptance
 Deciding if a good match exists between  Phases of Indoctrination
applicant's qualificatin and the a. INDUCTION
organization's expectation.  Takes place after the employee has
 Note: speeding through th selection and hiring been selected but before performing
process is a critical leadership mistake because the job
it increases the risk for hiring the wrong  Educate the employee about the
person. organization and employment and
 Educational and credential requirements personal policies
 To determine if the relationship exist b. ORIENTATION
between these requirement and success  Takes place in the staff development
on the job department
 Reference check and background screening  To make the employee feel like a part
 Premployment testing of fhe team. This will prevent burnout
 Human resources development give and help new employee become
standardized test to measure skills, independent more quickly in their new
imtellect, personality, or characteristics job
 Physical examination c. SOCIALIZATION
 Provides a record of physical condition of
the applicant at the time of hiring
 This can be used to identify applicants who
are potentially have unfavorable attendanc
record or may file excessive claims aside
from what the organization can provide.
 Making the decision
 Finalizing the selection
 Follow up applocants as soon as possible
 Candidates not offered should be notified
as early as possible, and reasons be
provided when appropriate
 Applicants offered the position should be
informed in writing of the benefits salary,
and placement.
 Applicants accept the job offers should be
informed as to the preemployment
 Applicants who are offered positinz should
be requested to confirm in writing their
intention in writing

 Can be used as an interactional or
educational process of socialization
b. Negative Sanction
 Provides cues that enable people to
evaluate their performance conciuosly
and to modify bhevaior when needed
 (Bullying, making fun of a new
graduates awkwardness with certain
skills or belittling new employees to
use nursing care that is appropriate)

Roles and Function of DIRECTING


 the act of issuing orders, assignment,

instructions to accomplish the organizations
goals and objectives
 Nursing care plan is a tool in directing. It
outlines the nursing care to be provided to a
STAFF DEVELOPMENT  is getting work dome through others
by transferring responsiblity for an
 A cost-effective method of increasing activity to another without transferring
productivity accountability for the activity.
 Training - an organized method of ensuring  Accountability - means you are
that people have knowledge and skills for the answerable to an authority for th
specific purpose to perform the dutied of the activity
job.  Responsibility - means you
 Learning concepts in meeting the learning perform the activity
needs of staff:  *The key role of the nurse manager is
 Readiness to learn to delegate responsibilities to a
 Motivation to learn Qualified and Competent Person
 Reinforcement  Delegate: The Right Task, To Right
 Task learning Person, with Clear Direction
 Transfer of learning  Why there is a need to delegate:
 Span of memory  Delegation can save money
 Knowledge of results  Helps building skills of subordinate
 Evaluation of Staff development activities  Motivate people to perform higher
 Learners reaction level tasks
 Behavior change  Train people to prepare for greater
 Organizational impact responsibilities
 Cost effectiveness  Allow next in line staff to do the
 Overcoming motivational deficiencies job in the abscence of the manager
a. Positve sanction  Groom successors since nobody is
 Why Managers do not want to  Nurse practice act and regulation
delegate:  Job description
 Mistakes in delegation is costly  Patient needs
 Failure to delegate wisely increases  Policies and procedures
management cost and contributes  Common Delegation Errors
to personal dissatisfaction 1. UNDERDELEGATING
 Fear on the part of the  Stems from manager's
management to fully comprehend assumption that delegation
the tasks to be accomplished maybe interpreted as the lack
 Fear of losing control of the staff of ability on his part to do the
 Fear of falling to get others do the job correctly or completely.
work  Manager has trust issue
 Fear of critcism.  Insecure
 How to delegate a task  When manager lacks
 Clearly understand the complexity experience on the job,
of the task. Know specifically what there is the excessive need
needs to be done to control and be perfect
 Know the time required to  "If leadership is a journey, then
complete the task. Use an average respect for its constituent is
time, rather than the shortest time the fuel and good stewardship
 Know the skill level required to is its compass"
perform the task. Avoid equating 2. OVERDELEGATING
skills with titles  The culprit is usually poor
 Verify that the staff member has management of time and
the skill level to perform the task insecurity in the part of the
and has experience performing the jurse manager in her ability to
task. perform tasks.
 Determine if the staff member has 3. IMPROPER DELEGATING
the time to perform the task.  Delegation of tasks and
 Develop contingency plan if the responsibilities beyond which
desired outcome isn't achieved the person cannot perform
 Establish a level of supervision properly.
required for the task b. SUPERVISION
 Set criteria for evaluating the  Is the active process of directing
outcome of the task. guiding and influencing the outcome of
 Clearly communicate the task to an individuals performance of an
your staff member activity or task.
 Confirm that the staff member  It entails motivating and encouraging
accepts responsibility to perform the staff to participate in actvities to
the task. meet goals and objectives and
 Determine the support and the personal development
equipment the staff member  Supervision begins once the task is
needs to perform the task. delegated to a member of the staff.
 Activities that Center on Professional  2 types of Supervision
Judgement that an RN CANNOT  Direct Supervision
DELEGATE  May occur when a nurse is
 Assessing the patient performing a procedure for the
 Formulating nursing diagnosis and first time or when a complex
planning patient care procedure that has serious
 Performing interventions that side effects is performed.
require proffesional knowledge  The nurse managers observes
and special skills to perform. and directs the staff member
 Takes that CAN BE DELEGATED through each step of the task
 Indirect Supervision  Continous improvement of
 Occurs when the nurse staff
manager oversees the  Respect from individuality of
performance of a task. each taff member, brings
 Close Supervision is Done When about harmonious relationship
 It has potential for serious harm to and a conducive social,
the patient psychological and physical
 Task is complex atmosphere.
 Task requires steps other than  The ultimate goal of good
those thatbare normally followed supervision is to Provide safe,
 Task may have an unpredictable Effective, Quality Care
outcome  Responsibilities of Supervisors
 Task is not performed frequently  Duty to teach and motivate the
 The staff member has not staff
performed frequently.  Facilitate their work performance
 Principles of Good Supervision  Be available for consultation
 Can produce attitude which are  Perform assessment and
both positive and negative evaluation of work performance
 Produces positive attitudes when including environmental conditions
the employee is concious of the and supervision.
benefits to herself which she c. STAFF DEVELOPMENT
attritubes to the influence of the  is planned experience to help employees
supervisor. perform effectively and efficietly and to
 Produce negative attitude when enrich their competence inoractice,
the reaction of the workers is education, administration and research.
resistance to discipline or actual  Functions of Staff Development
fear of demotion or discharge  Maintain staff efficiency and
 Good supervision is focused on effectiveness
improvement of work rather than  Create quality employees
upgrading the worker  Meet staff needs and address their
 Is based on line of authority, problem
organizational philosophy, vision,  Motivate them and improve their self-
mission, job description, policies confidence, knowledge and skills,
and standards, needs of individual. improve performance
 Good Supervision Focuses on  In-Service Training
Development of 3 areas  Is education for employees to help
a. Conceptual - enhance them develop skills in a specific
knowledge through adequate discipline or occupation
information and feedback  Takes place after an individual begins
b. Technical - refinement of skills her work responsibilities
through in-service trainings  Continuing Education Program
and seminars  Is a specific learning activity generally
c. Interpersonal - develop characterized by issuance of a
communication skills through certfificate or (CEU) for the purpose of
constant dialogues and documenting attendance at a
conferences designated seminar or course of
 Good supervision is cooperatively instruction.
planned by both management and d. COORDINATION
staff, and accepts both challenge  Links the different components of an
or change. organization and leads them toward goal
 Good supervision uses a achievement
democratic process to facilitate  Creates harmony to all activities to
 Effective communication facilitate success of work
e. COLLABORATION  Enables the planner to visualize the
 Manager and health care staff together alternative courses of action.
with the other members of the health care c. Queuing Theory
team all participate in decision making  A powerful tool that helps hospitals and
process. clinics uncork chrominc problems in the
f. COMMUNICATION flow of the patient in ER, OPD
 The aim is to have people, stop something  Queuing Disciplines
they are now doing, do something they are 1. FIRST IN, FIRST OUT
not now doing, or change the way they are  Patients are served according to
now doing something. -Anonymous their order of arrival
 The art of conversation is not only the 2. LAST IN, FIRST OUT
ability to say the right thing at the right  The last patient to arrive on the
place and time, but to leave unsaid the queue is the one who is actually
wrong thing at the most tempting serviced first.
 Patients areserviced equally that is..
they experience the ame amount of
d. Linear Programming
 The cognitive process of examining underlying  Uses matrix algebra to determine the best
assumptions, interpreting and evaluating way to use limited resources.
arguments, exploring and analyzing
alternatives thereby developing a reflective
criticism for he purpose of reaching a
justifiable reasoned conclusion and correct
 It is a higher level cognitive process that


 The process of identifyng and choosing a particular

course of action from among several choices.
 Is an end point of critical thinking which leads to
problem solution
 Define the problem
 Assess all options
 Weigh all options against a set of
 Test possible options
 Consider consequences of the decision
 Make a final decision
 Tools in Decision Making
a. Probability Theory
 Design to address the presence of risk or
uncertainty by looking for predictable
patterns based on historical data thereby
reducing the uncertainty.
b. Decision Tree
 Focus on operations before they begin.
Goal is to prevent anticipated
 Example: preparing supplies for the
scheduled surgery, safety system
training programs, budget.
 Concurrent Control
 Refers to processes as they are
 This include any type of material or
supplies for therapeutic use which
requires direct supervision
 Feedback Control
 Focus on the result of operations
which guide future planning, inputs
and process designs (weekly, monthly,
Controlling Roles and Function annual reports)
 Phase of management process, performance is A. Establish and specify criteria and performance
measured against predetermined standards, standards
and actions is taken to correct discrepancy 1. Standards
between the standards and actual  Any guideline established as basis for
performance. measurement
 The use of formal authority to assure the  Precise, explicit statement of expected
achievement of goals and objectives. results for a product, service, machine,
 The control or coordinating function of individual or organizational unit.
management can be critcal determinant of 2. Time Control
organizational success.  Relates to deadlines and time constraints
 Functions of Control  Material Controls - relates to inventory
 Serves both as a means and an end and materials needed
 Effective use of resources  Cost Controls - help ensure that cost
 Provides professional reinforcements tandards are met.
 Maintains actvity and expectations  Employee Performance Control -focus
 Principles of Controlling on the actions and behaviors of
There must be: individuals and groups of employees.
1. A Critical Few, meaning that fewer people (Ex. Tardiness of employee, abscences,
is involved in control. Brings anout the best accidents, quality and quantity of work.
result. Unity of direction/Unity of  Budget Control - refer to cost or
command is at play expenses related to standards
2. A defines Point of Control, or a  Identify the quantity of materials
centralization or decentralization of used and production output.
authority. The level of ARA (Authority, 3. Financial Control
Responsibility, Accountability) designated  Facilitates achieving the organizations profit
to the nurse leader or manager in terms of (ex. Budgetting)
problem solving and decision making. 4. Operations Control
3. Self-Control or Discipline, which translates  Assess how efficiently and effectively an
to personal acceptance of responsibility organization's transformation processes
and accountability. create goods and services. This include
 Types of Control: TQM (Total Quality Management) and
 Feedforward Control inventory management control
5. Statistical Process Control
 Is the use statistical method and  Provides a standard or point of reference in
procedures to determine whether measuring or judging such factors as
production operations are being performed quality, values and costs.
correctly. D. Enact Remedial Measures or Steps to Correct
6. The Just In Time System Deviations or Errors
 The timely application of mayerials for use  Correction of deviations or errors
in case nueses need it for patient care  Better selection and training of
 Communication, coordination and subordinates
cooperation are required from supervisors  Changing the number of personnel
and employee to deliver the smallest  Adding more materials or resources to
pissible quantities at the latest possible minimize or eliminate errors
date at all stages.  Use of the master control plans
B. Monitor and Measure Performance of Nursing depicting its functions, goals nd
Care Services and Evaluate it against the ibjectives
Standards through Records, Reports, and  Take necessary plan
Observations  Supervisor takes immediate corrective
 Techniques Monitoring and Measuring Service action
 Nurses pay particular attention to 1. Control process is cyclical which means it is
issues of patient care and nursing never limited
practice. 2. Controlling often leads to management
 This will also find out if the needs and expecting employee to change
problems of patient are met or unmet 3. Control is both anticipatory and
2. Quality Assurance retrospective
 Monitors compliance of nursing 4. Ideally each person in the health care
personnel with established standards in delivery views control as his or her
terms of nursing care given to patients. responsibility
3. Nursing Audit 5. Controlling builds on planning, organizing
 Consist of documentation of the quality and leading.
of nursing care in relation to the  Elements of Controlling
standards established by the nursing 1. Performance Appraisal
department.  Is a method of acquiring and
 Purposes of Nursing Audit processing information needed to
 It prioritizes nursing care by improve the individual's performance
promoting optimun nursing care and accomplishment
 It can identify differences in the  It consist of setting standards and
organization and administration of ibjectives, reviewing progress having
nursing care, and may be used to on going feedback between the
correct such differences through appraiser and the one who is being
continuing education and appraised, planning for reinforcement
administrative change. deletion of identified behavior as
C. Compare performance with Standards, Models or necessary.
Criteria to determine deviations or differences in  The purpose of evaluation is to assess
Performance the appropriateness, adequacy,
1. Program Evaluation and Review Technique effectiveness and efficiency of the
(PERT) services
 Employ a matrix that uses a network of  Performance Appraisal Tools
activities represented in a chart, including a. Trait Rating - this method of rating
time management, budget, goals or a person against a set standards
product desired which may be the job description,
2. Benchmarking desired behvaior and personal
 Seeks out the best so as to improve its trait.
b. Job Dimension - it focuses on job  Occurs when rating an
requirements and the quality work employee very low because of
c. Behaviorally Anchored Rating error committed.
Scale - focuses on desired
behaviors to improve performance
d. Checklist - cpmposed of behavioral
statements that represents
desirable behavior
e. Peer Review - a collegial evaliation
of the performance done to
promote excellence in practice
amd offer information, support,
guidance, criticism and direction to
one another.
f. Self-Appraisal - this tool allows the
employee to evaluate his own
performance, this will remind your
boss all the good things you did.
 Common Errors in Appraisal
1. Halo Effect
 Tendency to overrate the staff
based on tge rater's first
 Evaluation is based on the
good traits or good things one
sees in a person.
2. Logical Error
 The first encounter may
provide the rater the qualities
or specific traits which serves
as bars to the quality of
performance of the rate.
3. Central Tendency Error
 This rates the staff average,
usedby rater when the
feedback tools are inadequate TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT
and there is no sufficient time
for the rater to observe the  Is based on the premise thatbthe individual is the
rate. focal element in which production and service
4. Leniency Error depend (that is.. it must be a customer-responsive
 There is the prospensity to environment) and that the quest for quality is an
overlook or observe the ongoing process.
weaknesses and mistakes of  It is identifying and doing the right things, the right
the person being leading to way, the first time, and problem-prevention
inaccurate picture of the job planning - not inspection and reactive problem
performance solving - lead to quality outcomes.
5. Hawthorne Effect  TQM is also referred to as Continuous Quality
 Behavior of the rater changes Improvement (CQ), a philosophy developed by Dr.
simply because he is observed Edward Deming.
by the rater.  It assumes that production and service
6. Horn's Effect focus on individual and that quality can
always be better.
 *A critical component of TQM is the 4. Make clinical decisions based on
empowerment of employees by providing the comparison
positive feedback and reinforcing attitudes and 5. Communicate the new list to
support quality and productivity. appropriate caregivers and to the
 TQM patient.
 is aimed at embedding awareness of  Medical Errors: Ongoing Threat to Quality of
quality in all organizational process Care
 A management approach for an  Medical Errors - adverse events that could
organization, focused on quality, based on be prevented given the current state of
the participation of all its members and medical knowledge.
aimed at long-term success through  Medication Errors - event that ay causeor
customer satisfaction and benefits to all lead to inappropriate medication use or
membersbof fhe organization and society. garm whole the medication isin the
 Basic Principles of TQM compntrol of the health care professional,
1. Focus on achieving customer patient and or consumer
satisfaction  Measures:
2. Seek continuous and long term  Reporting and analyzing errors
improvement in all the organization's  Need to increase both the
processes mandatory and voluntary reporting
3. Take steps to ensure the full or medical errors
involvement of all the enitre work  Organizational culture must be
force in improving quality. created that remove blame from
 TQM Paradigm the individual
 TOTAL - involving the entire  Focus on how the organization
irganization, the entire chain, and/or itself can be modified to reduce
product or outcome life cycle the likelihood of such errors
 QUALITY - with its usual characteristics occuring in the future.
with allits complexities tomeet total  *Ignoring the problem of medication
client satisfaction errors, denying their existence, or
 MANAGEMENT - the system of blaming the individuals involved in the
managing the organization with steps process does nothing to eliminate the
like Planning, Organizing, Controlling, underlying problems.
Provisioning and the like.
 Who should be involved in TQM? Factors that Determine Quality Health Care
 Everyone in the organization because
 Effectiveness
each individual is a recipient of the
 Relates to providing care process and
achieving outcomes as supported by
 Engagement of frontliners staff
scientific evidence.
appears to be especially critical when
 Efficiency
sustaining Quality Improvement efforts
 Relates to maximizinb the quality of a
such as Transforming Care at Bedside.
comparabls unit of health care delivered.
 Engages leaders at all levels of the
 Equity
organization, empowers frontline staff
 Relates to providing health care of equal
to improve care process and engages
quality to those who may differ in personal
family members and patients in
characteristjcs other than their clinical
decision making about their care
condition or preferencez for care.
 Ex. Medication Error
 Patient Centeredness
 TQM identified 5 steps in medication
 Relates to meeting patient's needs and
preferences and providing education and
1. Develop current list of medication
2. Develop list of medication to be
 Safety
3. Compare medications in two lists
 Relates to th actual or potential bodily  Rsponsibility of the moment you breech the
harm. law
 Timeliness  3 common type
 Relates to obtaining needed care while 1. Criminal Liability - when someone
minimizing delays. performs a mala insi and mala prohibita
with 3 elements:
JURISPRUDENCE a. Intent - gusto, free willingness to
perform the wrongful act.
RA 9173 - Nursing Law (2002)
b. Knowledge - you know what you did, a
LAW criteria for criminal liability
c. Freedom/Free will - your free but
 Set of rules and regulation that maintain peace ginawa pa rin
and order. = IMPRISONMENT
 2 origins:  Felony other term of Crime (number of
 Divine Law - law of God years of prison
 Holy scriptures a. Grave Felony - being impriosn of
 Halal 12-20 years
 Religion  Reclusion Perpetua - 20-40
 Mankind thinks this law is insufficient years
 Human Law - Law of Men b. Less Grave Felony - imprisoned for
 4 Fundamental 6 -12 years
1. Constitution - fundamental rule of c. Light Felony - 1-6years
the Land 2. Civil Liability - the moment you violate
 title: 1987 Phil Constitution personal property or slander
2. Criminal Law - law that protects us  Torts - damages of the property that
from crimes cause negligence
 Mala Insi - crime that consider  Damage -
naturally evil and wrongful = PAYMENT in the form of MONETARY
 Mala Prohibita - wrongful and 3. Administrative Liability - happens the
prohibited actions moment you breach the RA 9173. Penalty
3. Civil Law - law that protects our is suspension that categorized in 3 levels:
property, our ownership, our a. Oral Reprimand - sasabihan and
dignity and our being as a person. ipapatawag
Damages of property. Regulates b. Memorandum/Written
the torts (negligence) and Admonishment
damages. Torts = Damages c. Suspension - a max of 6 months
(monetary) d. Terminated - if utrohon.
4. Administrative Law - law that e. Revoke - not permanent license for 4
regulates government offices, years. Temporary cancellation of
institutions, professional license. It can release earlier due to
regulations, board of nursing, own payment is done
of the government, CHED, (All  Reason: Remove
government owned)
 RA 9173 - Nursing law CIRCUMSTANCES
(regulates the practice of
 Article 14 of the revise Penile code of
nursing) discusses the scope
and practice of the nursing
1. Aggreviating Circumstances - it increases
 RA 7160 - local government
the degree of penalty, being an
code (budget of CHN) nursing
profssional nurse
approach of Nursing.
a. Power/Authority - using the authority
LIABILITIES to commit a certain wrongful act
b. Profession - to perform a wrongful act 1. Attempted - the action was not completely
by profession done and the goal is not completely met
c. Pwersa Mayor/Force Major - instead (action (-) = goal (-))
tabangan gikawatan. You take 2. Frustrated - the action was completely done
advantage of the situation in the acts but the goal is not met (action (+) = goal (-))
of God 3. Comsumated - the action was completely done
d. Planning /pre meditation - plan the but the goal is met (action (+) = goal (+))
act of crime
2. Mitigating Circumstances - decreases the WITNESS and EVIDENCE
degree of the penalty
 Burden of proof is necessary we need to
a. Minor Age - 15-17 yrs old
consider the witness that can satisfy the court.
b. Disability - Raped by PWD
 The court will issue a document SOBPOÉNA (a
c. Senile - 70 yrs old above very old
doucment that act as witness) - to invite
d. Voluntary Admission - admit of guilt
someone that could bring an ecidence to tne
3. Justifying Circumstances - there might be
injury, damage property, offended, and
1. Ad testificandum - a legal document issued
death. But the person is not held liable
by the court to testify the court. Legal
because hes justifiable.
 Contributory Negligence - the cause of
2. Duces Tecum - invited by the court to bring
injury towards himself
a legal document
4. Exempting Circumstances - presence of
injury and the person is guilty but the EVIDENCE
person is not held liable the person lacks
the person discernment (the capacity to 1. Prima Face Evidence - the primary evidence in
know what is right or wrong a case. First evidence that was seen. Not
a. Minority - the person is less than 15 considered absolute or personal because of
years old foul play. Needs to scrutinize by the court.
 "If the mind is not guilty then the
action is not guilty WILLS and CONTRACTS
b. Embecile - "isip-bata"
 Sedimentary capacity
c. Insanity - buang/baliw, the person
 WILL - a testimantary capacity. Vested to the
does not know wrong and right
person with judicial capacity (legal age, sound
 Lucid Interva - state of normalcy
mind and not limited by law) who transmit its
5. Alternative Circumstances - impossible
ownership to his spouse, children, relatives
amd friends with a use of legal document.
CONSPIRACY Properties such as business, money, car etc. A
legal procedure that will transfer your
 Two or more people to agree a crime ownership to another individual.
1. Principal - 1. Last Will and Testament - notorial will. A
a. Inducement - the person is the will created by the lawyer and sugned with
mastermind (motivate, and reward, 3 witness
encourage to do a wrongful act) 2. Holographic Will - autographic will.
b. Direct paticipation - execute the crime Created by the stater himself and signed.
c. Indispensable cooperation - the  Procedures under the cintext of WILL
participation of the necessarry (ug dili 1. Divestment - process ng pagbibigay ng
mutabang dli mahitabo) ariarian
2. Accomplice - (before and during) helps a. Decedent - giver (maghatag sa prperty)
performance of the crime but dili = testator (pagnakagawa will) =
necessary intestate (wala nakagawa ng will
3. Accesory - (after) person that hides the  Testator - nakabuhat ug will
elements or evidence  Testatrix - babae ang gumawa
 Intestate - wala nakagawa ng will
b. Devesee - Receiver  Physical - lock sa room
 (Heir / Successor)  Chemical - sedentation
 Legaltee (anak paingun ug wala d. High Crimes
kabuhat will) 1. Abortion - termination of preggy and
 Escheat (Doctrime) - sa illegal to phil
government padulong (if no  Therapeutic
relatives, children legaltee or  Save mother
receipeint)  Terminate the baby
c. Devise - Gift (donation/property) 2. Infanticide - child is killed less than 3
 Needs to sign the acceptance of days
ownership 3. Paricide - killing of direct to keen
 Probate Proceedings - a procedure (mama or papa)
To validate the legalty of the will 4. Homicide - unplanned killing,
2. Contracts - when two or more peopl that unintentional
agree something. Its necessary that the 5. Murder - planned killing
object shoukd be specified. Forms are 6. Euthanasia - mercy killing under
importants. (Legal Age (judicial capacity) murder
Sound mind, Not prohibited by the law, 7. Robbery - with force
Free will and freedoem) 8. Theft - w/o force and aggression
 Forms: 9. Forgery - copying the signature of
1. Formal Contracts - that are written others
and signed by the lawyer 10. Perjury - false under oath, asked and
2. Informal Contract - created by the failed to answer the right answer
two agree parties only but not 5. LATIN MAXIMS
notarized a. Respondeat Superior - let the head or
 Classification master to be answerable to the liability of
a. Express Contract - the object is the subordinate (the master is held
soecifed and express, clearly liableby the doings of employee)
specified. b. Res Ipsa Loquitor - the thing speaks itself
b. Implied Comtract - the object is c. Force Major - act of God or naturally
not specified. (Treatment consent calamity
form) (Assumptions)


1. Negligence - (action) a commision or omission

of an act by a prudent person that resulting
into an injury to another person.
2. Malpractice - (case) proffesional negligence : it
is a commision or omission of an act by
imprudent proffesional that results to an injury
of another person
3. Defamation - paninirang puri
a. Oral Defamation - slander
b. Written Defamation - libel
4. Intentional Torts
a. Assault - a sin, oral threat or verbal threat
b. Battery - unlawful touching or giving
physical harm and relative to giving
intervention and medication. (Ex. You gave
the med even though wala musugot and
c. Illegal Detention - false imprisonment

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