Psychiatric Nursing Reviewer

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Psychiatric Nursing Reviewer alcohol detoxification.

To try to prevent
alcohol withdrawal symptoms, Dr. Smith
1. A female client who’s at high risk for is most likely to prescribe which drug?
suicide needs close supervision. To a. Clozapine
ensure the client’s safety, Nurse Mary b. Thiothixene
should c. Lorazepam
a. Check the client frequently at d. Lithium carbonate
irregular intervals throughout the
night Answer: C. The best choice for
b. Assure the client that the nurse will preventing or treating alcohol withdrawal
hold in confidence anything the symptoms is lorazepam, a
client says benzodiazepine. Clozapine and
c. Repeatedly discuss previous suicide thiothixene are antipsychotic agents,
attempts with the client and lithium carbonate is an antimanic
d. Disregard decreased agent; these drugs aren’t used to
communication by the client manage alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
because this is common in suicidal

Answer: A. Checking the client 4. A male client with a history of cocaine

frequently but at irregular intervals addiction is admitted to the coronary
prevents the client from predicting when care unit for evaluation of substernal
observation will take place and altering chest pain. The ECG shows a 1 mm ST
behavior in a misleading way at these segment elevation the anteroseptal
times. leads and T wave inversion in leads V3
to V5. Considering the client’s history of
2. A male client admitted to the psychiatric drug abuse, nurse Greg expects the
unit for treatment of substance abuse physician to prescribe:
says to the nurse, “It felt so wonderful to a. Lidocaine
get high” Which of the following is the b. Procainamide
most appropriate response? c. Nitroglycerin
a. “If you continue to talk like that, I’m d. Epinephrine
going to stop speaking to you”
b. “You told me you got fired from your Answer: C. the elevated ST segments in
last job for missing too many days this client’s ECG indicate myocardial
after taking drugs all night” ischemia. To reverse this problem, the
c. “Tell me more about how it felt to physician is most likely to prescribe an
get high” infusion of nitroglycerin to dilate the
d. “Don’t you know it’s illegal to use coronary arteries. Lidocaine and
drugs?” procainamide are cardiac drugs that
may be indicated for this client at some
Answer: B. Confronting the client with point but aren’t used for coronary artery
the consequences of substance abuse dilation. If a cocaine user experiences
helps to break through denial. Although ventricular fibrillation or asystole, the
the nurse should encourage the client to physician may prescribe epinephrine.
discuss feelings, the discussion should However, this drug must be used with
focus on how the client felt before, not caution because cocaine may potentiate
during, an episode of substance abuse. its adrenergic effects.
Encouraging elaboration about his
experience while getting high may 5. Kellan, a high school student is referred
reinforce the abusive behavior. to the school nurse for suspected
substance abuse. Following the nurse’s
3. A male client who reportedly consumes assessment and interventions, what
1 qt of vodka daily is admitted for would be the most desirable outcome?
a. The student discusses conflicts over b. One who plans a violent death and
drug use has the means readily available
b. The student accepts a referral to a c. One who tells others that he or she
substance abuse counselor might do something if life doesn’t
c. The student agrees to inform his get better soon.
parents of the problem d. One who talks about wanting to die
d. The student reports increased
comfort with making choice Answer: B. A client who gives away
possessions, thinks about death, or
talks about wanting to die or attempting
Answer: B suicide is considered at a lower risk for
suicide because this behavior typically
6. Nurse Penny is aware that the following serves to alert other that the client is
medical conditions is commonly found in contemplating suicide and wishes to be
clients with bulimia nervosa? helped.
a. Allergies
b. Cancer 9. The female client with borderline
c. Diabetes mellitus personality disorder is admitted to the
d. Hepatitis a psychiatric unit. Initial nursing
assessment reveals that the client’s
Answer: C. Bulimia nervosa can lead to wrists are scratched from a recent
many complications, including diabetes, suicide attempt. Based on this finding,
heart disease, and hypertension. The the nurse, Lenny, should formulate a
eating disorder isn’t typically associated nursing diagnosis of:
with allergies, cancer, or hepatitis A. a. Ineffective individual coping related
7. When monitoring a female client to feelings of guilt
recently admitted for treatment of b. Situational low self- esteem related
cocaine addiction, Nurse Aaron notes to feelings of loss of control
sudden increases in the arterial blood c. Risk for violence: self- directed
pressure and heart rate. To correct related to impulsive mutilating acts
these problems, the nurse expects the d. Risk for violence: directed toward
physician to prescribe: others related to verbal threats
a. Norepinephrine and lidocaine Answer: C. The predominant behavioral
b. Nifedipine and lidocaine characteristic of the client with
c. Nitroglycerin and esmolol borderline personality disorder is
d. Nifedipine and esmolol impulsiveness, especially of a physically
Answer: D. This client requires a self- destructive sort. The observation
vasodilator, such as nifedipine, to treat that the client has scratched wrists
hypertension, and a beta- adrenergic doesn’t substantiate the other options.
blocker, such as esmolol, to reduce the 10. A male client approached the nurse
heart rate. Lidocaine, an antiarrhythmic, asking for advice on how to deal with his
isn’t indicated because the client doesn’t alcohol addiction. Nurse Sally should tell
have an arrhythmia. Although the client that the only effective
Nitroglycerin may be used to treat treatment for alcoholism is:
coronary vasospasm, it isn’t the drug of a. Psychotherapy
choice in hypertension. b. Total abstinence
8. Nurse Amy is aware that the client is at c. Alcoholics anonymous
highest risk for suicide? d. Aversion therapy
a. One who appears depressed, Answer: B. Total abstinence is the only
frequently thinks of dying, and gives effective treatment for alcoholism. The
away all personal possessions.
rest are all adjunctive therapies that can prolonged, and the client may lose
support the client in his efforts to abstain control easily.

11. A parent brings a preschooler to the 14. A male client tells the nurse he was
emergency department for treatment of involved in a car accident while he was
a dislocated shoulder, which allegedly intoxicated. What should be the most
happened when the child fell down the therapeutic response from Nurse Julia?
stairs. Which action should make the a. Why didn’t you get someone else to
nurse suspect that the child was drive you?
abused? b. Tell me how you feel about the
a. The child cries uncontrollably accident
throughout the examination c. You should know better than to
b. The child pulls away from contact drink and drive
with the physician d. I recommend that you attend an
c. The child doesn’t cry when the alcoholic anonymous meeting
shoulder is examined
d. The child doesn’t make eye contact Answer: B. An open- ended statement
with the nurse or questions is the most therapeutic
response. It encourages the widest
Answer: C. A characteristic behavior of range of client responses, makes the
abused children is lack of crying when client an active participant in the
they undergo a painful procedure or are conversation, and shows the client that
examined by a health care professional. the nurse is interested in his feelings.

12. A client whose husband just left her has

a recurrence of anorexia nervosa. The
nurse caring for her realizes that this 15. A 25- year old client experiencing
exacerbation of anorexia nervosa alcohol withdrawal is upset about going
results from the client’s effort to: through detoxification. Which of the
a. Manipulate her husband following goals is a priority?
b. Gain control of one part of her life a. The client will commit to a drug- free
c. Commit suicide lifestyle
d. Live up to her mother’s expectations b. The client will work with the nurse to
remain safe
Answer: B. by refusing to eat, a client c. The client will drink plenty of fluids
with anorexia nervosa is unconsciously daily
attempting to gain control over the only d. The client will make a personal
part of her life she feels she can control. inventory of strength

Answer: B. The priority goal in alcohol

13. When planning care for a client who has withdrawal is maintaining the client’s
ingested phencyclidine (PCP), Nurse safety.
Wayne is aware that the following is the
highest priority?
a. Client’s physical needs
16. Nurse Mary is caring for a client with
b. Client’s safety needs
bulimia. Strict management of dietary
c. Client’s psychosocial needs
intake is necessary. Which intervention
d. Client’s medical needs
is also important?
Answer: B. The highest priority for a a. Fill out the client’s menu and make
client who has ingested PCP is meeting sure she eats at least half of what is
safety needs of the client as well as the on her tray
staff. Drug effects are unpredictable and b. Let the client eat her meals in
private. Then engage her in social
activities for at least 2 house after a. Coronary artery spasm
each meal b. Bradyarrhythmias
c. Let the client choose her own food. c. Neurobehavioral deficits
If she eats everything she orders, d. Panic disorder
then stay with her for 1 hour after
each meal Answer: A. Cocaine use may cause
d. Let the client eat food brought in by such cardiac complications as coronary
the family if she chooses, but she artery spasm, myocardial infarction,
should keep a strict calorie count dilated cardiomyopathy, acute heart
failure, endocarditis, and sudden death.
Answer: C. Allowing the client to select Cocaine blocks reuptake of
her own food from the menu will help norepinephrine, epinephrine, and
her feel some sense of control. She dopamine, causing an excess of these
must then eat 100% of what she neurotransmitters at postsynaptic
selected. Remaining with the client for at receptor sites. Consequently, the drug is
least 1 hour after eating will prevent more likely to cause tachyarrhythmias
purging. than bradyarrhythmias. Although
neurobehavioral deficits are common in
neonates born to cocaine users, they
17. Nurse Harry is developing a plan of care are rare in adults. As craving for the
for a client with anorexia nervosa. Which drug increases, a person who’s addicted
action should the nurse include in the to cocaine typically experiences
plan? euphoria followed by depression, not
a. Restrict visits with the family until panic disorder.
the client begins to eat 19. For a female client with anorexia
b. Provide privacy during meals nervosa, Nurse Rose plans to include
c. Set up a strict eating plan for the the parents in therapy sessions along
client with the client. What fact should the
d. Encourage the client to exercise, nurse remember to be typical of parents
which will reduce her anxiety of clients with anorexia nervosa?
Answer: C. Establishing a consistent a. They tend to overprotect their
eating plan and monitoring the client’s children
weight are important for this disorder. b. They usually have a history of
The family should be included in the substance abuse
client’s care. The client should be c. They maintain emotional distance
monitored during meals- not given from their children
privacy. Exercise must be limited and d. They alternate between loving and
supervised. rejecting their children

Answer: A. Clients with anorexia

nervosa typically come from a family
18. A male client recently admitted to the with parents who are controlling and
hospital with sharp, substernal chest overprotective. These clients use eating
pain suddenly complains of palpitations. to gain control of an aspect of their lives.
Nurse Ryan notes a rise in the client’s
arterial blood pressure and a heart rate
of 144 beats/ minute. On further 20. Nurse Alice us caring for a client being
questioning, the client admits to having treated for alcoholism. Before initiating
used cocaine recently after previously therapy with disulfiram (Antabuse), the
denying use of the drug. The nurse nurse teaches the client that he must
concludes that the client is at high risk of read labels carefully on which of the
which complication of cocaine use? following products?
a. Carbonated beverages Answer: C. Bulimic behavior is generally
b. Aftershave lotion a maladaptive coping response to stress
c. Toothpaste and underlying issues. The client must
d. Cheese identify anxiety- causing situations that
stimulate the bulimic behavior and then
Answer: B. Disulfiram may be given to learn new ways of coping with the
clients with chronic alcohol abuse who anxiety.
wish to curb impulse drinking. Disulfiram
works by blocking the oxidation of
alcohol, inhibiting the conversion of
acetaldehyde to acetate. As 23. The nurse is aware that the outcome
acetaldehyde builds up in the blood, the criteria would be appropriate for a child
client experiences noxious and diagnosed with oppositional defiant
uncomfortable symptoms. Even alcohol disorder?
rubbed onto the skin can produce a a. Accept responsibility for own
reaction. The client receiving disulfiram behaviors
must be taught to read ingredient labels b. Be able to verbalize own needs and
carefully avoiding products containing assert rights
alcohol such as aftershave lotions. c. Set firm and consistent limits with
the client
d. Allow the child to establish his own
limits and boundaries
21. Flumazenil (romazicon) has been
ordered for a male client who has Answer: A. children with oppositional
overdosed on oxazepam (Serax). defiant disorder frequently violate the
Before administering the medication, rights of others. They are defiant,
Nurse Gina should be prepared for disobedient, and blame other for their
which common adverse effect? actions. Accountability for their actions
a. Seizures would demonstrate progress for the
b. Shivering oppositional child.
c. Anxiety
d. chest pain

Answer: A. Seizures are the most 24. During postprandial monitoring, a

common serious adverse effect of using female client with bulimia nervosa tells
flumazenil to reverse benzodiazepine the nurse, “You can sit with me, but
overdose. The effect is magnified if the you’re just wasting your time. After you
client has a combined tricyclic sat with me yesterday, I was still able to
antidepressant and benzodiazepine purge. Today, my goal is to do it twice.”
overdose. Less common adverse effects What is the nurse’s best response?
include shivering, anxiety, and chest a. “I trust you not to purge”
pain. b. “How are you purging and when do
you do it?”
c. “Don’t worry. I won’t allow you to
purge today”
22. Nurse Tamara is caring for a client d. “I know it’s important for you to feel
diagnosed with bulimia. The most in control, but I’ll monitor you for 90
appropriate initial goal for a client minutes after you eat”
diagnosed with bulimia is to:
a. Avoid shopping for large amounts of Answer: D. This response
food acknowledges that the client is testing
b. Control eating impulses limits and that the nurse is setting them
c. Identify anxiety- causing situations by performing postprandial monitoring to
d. Eat only three meals per day prevent self- induced emesis.
25. Nurse Mary is assigned to care for a disorder is characterized by a
suicidal client. Initially, which is the preoccupation with impulses and
nurse’s highest care priority? thought that the client realizes are
a. Assessing the client’s home senseless but can’t control. Narcissistic
environment and relationships personality disorder is marked by a
outside the hospital pattern of self- involvement, grandiosity,
b. Exploring the nurse’s own feelings and demand for constant attention.
about suicide
c. Discussing the future with the client
d. Referring the client to a 27. Clonidine (catapres) can be used to
clergyperson to discuss the moral treat conditions other than hypertension.
implications of suicide Nurse Sally is aware that the following
Answer: B. The nurse’s values, beliefs, conditions might the drug be
and attitudes toward self- destructive administered?
behavior influence responses to a a. Phencyclidine (PCP) intoxication
suicidal client; such as responses set b. Alcohol withdrawal
the overall mood for the nurse- client c. Opiate withdrawal
relationship. Therefore, the nurse d. Cocaine withdrawal
initially must explore personal feelings Answer: C. Clonidine is used as
about suicide to avoid conveying adjunctive therapy in opiate withdrawal.
negative feelings to the client. Benzodiazepines, such as
chlordiazepoxide, and neuroleptic
agents, such as haloperidol, are used to
26. Kevin is remanded by the courts for treat alcohol withdrawal, and treat PCP
psychiatric treatment. His police record, intoxication. Antidepressants and
which dates to his early teenage years, medications with dopaminergic activity
includes delinquency, running away, in the brain, such as fluoxetine (Prozac),
auto theft, and vandalism. He dropped are used to treat cocaine withdrawal.
out of school at age 16 and has been
living on his own since then. His history
suggests maladaptive coping, which is 28. Which of the following drugs should
associated with: Nurse Mary prepare to administer to a
a. Antisocial personality disorder client with a toxic acetaminophen
b. Borderline personality disorder (Tylenol) level?
c. Obsessive- compulsive personality a. Deferoxamine mesylate
disorder b. Succimer
d. Narcissistic personality c. Flumazenil
Answer: A. The client’s history of d. Acetylcysteine
delinquency, running away from home, Answer: D. The antidote for
vandalism, and dropping out of school acetaminophen toxicity is
are characteristics of antisocial acetylcysteine. It enhances conversion
personality disorder. This maladaptive of toxic metabolites to nontoxic
coping pattern is manifested by a metabolites. Deferoxamine mesylate is
disregard for societal norms of behavior the antidote for iron intoxication.
and an inability to relate meaningfully to Succimer is an antidote for lead
others. In borderline personality poisoning. Flumazenil reverses the
disorder, the client exhibits mood sedative effects of benzodiazepines.
instability, poor self- image, identity
disturbance, and labile affect.
Obsessive- compulsive personality
29. For a female client with anorexia 31. A 24- year old client with anorexia
nervosa, Nurse Jimmy is aware that nervosa tells the nurse, “When I look in
which goal takes the highest priority? the mirror, I hate what I see. I look so fat
a. The client will establish adequate and ugly.” Which strategy should the
daily nutritional intake nurse use to deal with the client’s
b. The client will make a contract with distorted perceptions and feelings?
the nurse that sets a target weight a. Avoid discussing the client’s
c. The client will identify self- perceptions and feelings
perceptions about body size as b. Focus discussions on food and
unrealistic weight
d. The client will verbalize the possible c. Avoid discussing unrealistic cultural
physiological consequences of self- standards
starvation d. Provide objective data and feedback
regarding the client’s weight and
Answer: A. According to Maslow’s attractiveness
Hierarchy of Needs, all human need to
meet basic physiological needs first. Answer: D. by focusing on reality, this
strategy may help the client develop a
more realistic body image and gain self-
30. A 14- year- old client is brought to the esteem.
clinic by her mother. Her mother 32. Nurse Helen is assigned to care for a
expresses concern about her daughter’s client with anorexia nervosa. Initially,
weight loss and constant dieting. Nurse which nursing intervention is most
Kris conducts a health history interview. appropriate for this client?
Which of the following comments a. Providing one- on- one supervision
indicates that the client may be suffering during meals and for 1 hour
from anorexia nervosa? afterward
a. I like the way I look. I just need to b. Letting the client eat with other
keep my weight down because I’m a clients to create a normal mealtime
cheerleader atmosphere
b. I don’t like the food my mother c. Trying to persuade the client to eat
cooks. I eat plenty of fast food when and thus restore nutritional balance
I’m out with my friends d. Giving the client as much time to eat
c. I just can’t seem to get down to the as desired
weight I want to be. I’m so fat
compared to other girls Answer: A. Because the client with
d. I do diet around my periods; anorexia nervosa may discard food or
otherwise, I just get so bloated. induce vomiting in the bathroom, the
nurse should provide one- on- one
Answer: C. Low self- esteem is the supervision during meals and for 1 hour
highest risk factor for anorexia nervosa. afterward.
Constant dieting to get down to a
“desirable weight” is characteristic of the
disorder. Feeling inadequate when
compared to peers indicates poor self- 33. A female client with anorexia nervosa
esteem. Most clients with anorexia describes herself as “a whale”.
nervosa don’t like the way they look, However, the nurse’s assessment
and their self- perception may be reveals that the client is 5’8’’ (1.7 m) tall
distorted. and weighs only 90 lb (40.8 kg).
Considering the client’s unrealistic body
image, which intervention should nurse
Angel be included in the plan of care?
a. Asking the client to compare her manage a physically aggressive person
figure with magazine photographs of alone.
women her age
b. Assigning the client to group therapy
in which participants provide 35. A female client begins to experience
realistic feedback about her weight alcoholic hallucinosis. Nurse Joy is
c. Confronting the client about her aware that the best nursing intervention
actual appearance during one- on- at this time?
one sessions, scheduled during a. Keeping the client restrained in bed
each shift b. Checking the client’s blood pressure
d. Telling the client of the nurse’s every 15 minutes and offering juices
concern for her health and desire to c. Providing a quiet environment and
help her make decisions to keep her administering medication as needed
healthy and prescribed
Answer: D. A client with anorexia d. Restraining the client and
nervosa has an unrealistic body image measuring blood pressure every 30
that causes consumption of little or no minutes
food. Therefore, the client needs Answer: C. Manifestations of alcoholic
assistance with making decisions about hallucinosis are best treated by
health. Instead of protecting the client’s providing a quiet environment to reduce
health, options A, B, and C may serve to stimulation and administering prescribed
make the client defensive and more central nervous system depressants in
entrenched in her unrealistic body dosages that control symptoms without
image. causing over sedation. Although bed
rest is indicated, restraints are
unnecessary unless the client poses a
34. In the emergency department, a client danger to himself or others. Also
with facial lacerations states that her restraints may increase agitation and
husband beat her with a shoe. After the make the client feel trapped and
health care team repairs her lacerations, helpless when hallucinating. Offering
she waits to be seen by the crisis intake juice is appropriate, but measuring
nurse, who will evaluate the continued blood pressure every 15 minutes would
threat of violence. Suddenly the client’s interrupt the client’s rest. To avoid
husband arrives, shouting that he wants overstimulating the client, the nurse
to “finish the job”. What is the first should check blood pressure every 2
priority of the health care worker who hours.
witnesses this scene?
a. Remaining with the client and 36. A male adult client voluntarily admits
staying calm himself to the substance abuse unit. He
b. Calling a security guard and another confesses that he drinks 1 qt or more of
staff for assistance vodka each day and uses cocaine
c. Telling the client’s husband that he occasionally. Later that afternoon, he
must leave at once bigns to show signs of alcohol
d. Determining why the husband feels withdrawal. What are some early signs
so angry of this condition?
a. Vomiting, diarrhea, and bradycardia
Answer: The health care worker who b. Dehydration, temperature abouve
witnesses this scene must take 101 F (38.3), and pruritus
precautions to ensure personal as well c. Hypertension, diaphoresis, and
as client safety, but shouldn’t attempt to seizures
d. Diaphoresis, tremors, and despite knowledge of having a
nervousness persistent or recurrent social,
occupational, psychological, or physical
Answer: D. Alcohol withdrawal problem caused or exacerbated by
syndrome includes alcohol withdrawal, substance abuse or recurrent use in
alcoholic hallucinosis, and alcohol dangerous situations.
withdrawal delirium (formerly delirium
tremens). Signs of alcohol withdrawal
include diaphoresis, tremors,
nervousness, nausea, vomiting,
malaise, increased blood pressure and
pulse rate, sleep disturbance, and
irritability. Although diarrhea may be an
early sign of alcohol withdrawal,
tachycardia- not bradycardia- is
associated with alcohol withdrawal.
Dehydration and an elevated
temperature may be expected, but a
temperature above 101 F indicates
infection rather than alcohol withdrawal.
Pruritus rarely occurs in alcohol
withdrawal. If withdrawal symptoms
remain untreated, seizures may arise

37. A male client is brought to the

psychiatric clinic by family members,
who tell the admitting nurse that the
client repeatedly drives while intoxicated
despite their pleas to stop. During an
interview with the nurse Linda, which
statement by the client most strongly
supports a diagnosis of psychoactive
substance abuse?
a. I’m not addicted to alcohol. In fact, I
can drink more that I use to without
being affected
b. I only spend half of my paycheck at
the bar
c. I just drink to relax after work
d. I know I’ve been arrested three
times for drinking and driving, but
the police are just trying to hassle

Answer: D. According to the Diagnostic

and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 4th edition, diagnostic criteria
for psychoactive substance abuse
include a maladaptive pattern of such
use, indicated either by continued use

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