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Write about your experience helping Puan Ramlah, an elderly lady who lives

alone. End your story with “... I learnt a lot about myself by helping Puan
There was a chilling rumour going around in our village. There was an old three-
storey mansion and different weird sounds like old woman’s sobbing, frolicsome laughter of
the children, to name a few, not only in the night, but also morning. I had never been there
even though I have lived here for 17 years due to the elder’s repeatedly warn and my
timidity. My parents had made a business trip and I stayed at home alone. Out of my
curiosity, I go to there in the evening, about 630p.m.
As expected, I saw an old three-storey building. “Thank heavens!” I say out loud. But
at second glance, my relief was chilled by the look of the place. It looked if no one had lived
here for many years. The windows are broken. An old, ripped curtain blows from a third-
story window. The front yard was tangled with overgrown weeds and vines. A pathway lined
with broken stones lead to the old house. Walking warily towards the house and slowly
reached out and grasped the door handle. The handle felt icy in his fingers as he opened the
The door creaked when I pushed it open. As I opened the door to the creepy old
haunted house on my street, I stopped and started to think that maybe this was not such a
good idea. I scolded me for wanting to turn back, and hesitantly stepped inside to explore.
The house's walls showed black decay by neglect. Splotches of original paint hinted at the
house former prosperity. I thought it would be a beautiful building when you look at the
colours of the flaking paint in high resolution photographs. Cobwebs covered the corners of
the doors, tiny black spiders threading towards their prey. Faintly came the frolicsome
laughter of the children from upstairs. I got so scared that my heart missed a beat. I walked
into the hallway and there were many rooms there. Just as I stepped onto the sagging front
porch, the doors of the rooms creaked open and slam shut! Suddenly, I felt that the puff of
breath on my left earlobe and a phantom hand on my left shoulder. I shrieked in fear and
shoved my fist into my mouth, I flinched. What can I do was praying to God.
“Help! Help!” I had heard a loud crash followed by a woman screaming. I thought
someone fell through the floor and it was not my phonism. I asked Leo to help that girl with
me but he was still in his poker-faced. I had learnt some basic first-aid skills before also had
a first-aid training and I could help her.
I went throughout the second floor, occasionally shouting to the woman that I were
going to help her and to stay calm. Silence. I kicked down a few old rotten wooden doors,
pulled back old bed curtains, checked every nook and cranny, then came to a huge hole in
the ceiling. I assumed it was the acoustics of the building that made the girl constantly seem
like she was right around the corner from us and that the sound was traveling from the third
floor down through the hole and echoing through the halls.
I went upstairs carefully because some weird sound came from wooden stairs as if it
would collapse at any moment. I searched all the rooms until I came to one door that was
closed. After trying to nudge it open, it appeared jammed and the woman sounded as if she
was right behind it so remembering my training, I decided it was time to break the door
down. I yelled through the door to the woman and told her to try her best to move away
from the door if she was anywhere near it, because I were going to knock it down. Several
kicks still would not open the door, so I decided to get a bit of a running start and ram it
down together. After getting my running start, I threw my weight into the door which to my
surprise, broke out of the frame like a twig.Appeared a familiar face and she looked
miserable. “Puan Ramlah!” I said out loudly. She stumbled and gave her ankle a painful
wrench. At once, I carried her on my back and slowly went downstairs. Luckily, we got out of
the haunted house safe. There was a doubt niggled me that her presence at the mansion.
Seemed to read my mind, she explained to me. In fact, her naughty son, Leo, went out with
his friends for the whole afternoon but still did not come back home in the evening. Out of
concern of his safety, she came here to find Leo but accidentally fell. I can feel that my
version became blurred to hear a depressed story.
After applying ice-pack treatment, her swelling ankle had gone down significantly. A
teen ran into and went upstairs without concern about her mum who was injured. Patting
gently on her arm, I went back home. Puan Ramlah hugged me tightly and thanked me with
her watery eyes. No one knew that I had been there besides Puan Ramlah. Mother Teresa
once said, “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving
happier.” In life, we should always help others in need if it is within our reached. Try to learn
to think from another reflection of this world and everyone wants help if in trouble. Beyond that, we
should show our mature to our parents when we are growing up. We should take good care of
ourselves and always let them feel gratify of their children. I learnt a lot about myself by helping
Puan Ramlah.

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