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2C WHAT’S THE MATTER? b Student A Read the conversation, ‘A What's the matter? B Imsad, ‘A Don't be sad. Cheer up. B Thanks. Have four conversations with B. Ask B What's the matter? B answers. Then choose a phrase below Relax, Takea vacation, Open the window. Have adrink. Don't worry, Change roles. B asks you What'sthe matter? You answer with I below. B responds with a phrase. Then you respond, e.g., Thanks, OK. Good idea, et. 1 'mbored 2 T'meold. 3. Vmtired 4 T'mhungry, Cover the phrases and do all eight conversations again from memory PE2 WHAT'S THE TIME? Student A Askand answer questions with B to complete the times on the clocks. Then compare your clocks. Cal lock 1: What's the time / What time sit? 4B NICO’S DAY Student A a AskB the questions below. B must find the answers in the text. 1 What time does Nico get up? (He gets up at 6:30 a.) 2. What does he have for breakfast? (He hasa coffee and cereal) 3. What two things does he check at the restaurant? (He checks the reservations and hs emails) What time doall the customers arrive? (They arrive at 1:30 p.m.) How many customers do they have inthe restaurant at lunchtime? (Theyhave 8S customers) {6 What does Nico ask the customers? (He asks ifthey are happy with the food!) 7 What does Nico do after hunch? (He goes back to the kitchen and plans the food for the evening menu.) ‘What time docs he go home in the afternoon? (He goes homme at 5:30 p.m) 9, What does Nico do at 7:30 pim.? (He goesback othe restaurant and checks that everything is OK) 10. What time does Nico go home? (He goes home at 10 o lock) b Look at the text. Find the answers to B's questions. 4C SHORT LIFE, LONG LIFE? Students A+B Interview your partner. A ask the questions in the questionnaire. Banswer and give more information ifyou can. Then change roles. How often do you..? is STR 1 have breakfast 'b sometimes hare € every day sometimes /usu Bae eto 2 eat rash fruit and vegetables pea 2 barely ever © veryoften bb once aday € three timesa day Howmany..? 3 eatfast food hours do you usually sleep a day a often 2 0to4 b sometimes b 5t06 € hharly ever /never € 18 4 exercise 2 hardly ever/never bb once or twice a week three or four times aweek 5 felted or stressed always /often sometimes hardly ever/never 9. cups of coffee do you drink a day ‘a more than five 'b usually only one or two Idonttdrink coffee 30 Which of these is true foryou? ‘2 Imnotvery postive about life 'b I'musually positive aboutlife. I'malways postive about life. Now calculate your partner's score. a=5 b=7 c=10 Total score~number of years youlive Communication 101 5A DO YOU WANT TO BE FAMOUS? Students A+8 Interview each other with the questionnaire. Ask Can you...? Ifthe answer is Yes, can, ask How well? Do you think your partner can be famous? You want to be FAMOUS - but what can you do? Music VIX Howwell? Words VIX Howwell? sing | CL) mitte short stores [ [ play an instrument J | write poemsorsongiyrics | 2=well dance speak foreign languages ooo not very well | read or write music speak in public 1 art Sports take artistic photos Oo {1 runahalf marathon Oo draw cartoons Oo [5 play ateam sport oO pari ee o Ceara eae I eceteetereer ise (Cl aan tnaividtatscers o 5B SPOT THE DIFFERENCES Student A Youand B have the same picture but with eight differences. a Tell B what is happeningin apartments I-4.and in the yard on the left B will tell you what is different in his / her picture. Circle the differences, b Listen to Belling you what is happening in apartments 5-8 and inthe yard onthe right Look at your picture and tell Bit is the same or different fit is different, tell B what is happening. (Cine the differences. © Whenyou finish, compare the two pictures. 102 5C WHAT DO YOU DO? WHAT 7B STAMFORD BRIDGE Students A+B ARE YOU DOING NOW? Student A Tourist Information ele STAMFORD BRIDGE + Whatare you doing now? ‘Stamford Bridge isa smal vilage inthe North of England, near York. + Are you wearing a watch today? tt is about 230 miles (370 kilometers) from London. It has a population + Do you usually weara watch? ‘F 3500 people. itis famous fora battle between the Englsh and the + What kind ofbooks do you usually read? Vikings in 1086, + Whatare you reading right now? NOTE: Don't confuse Stomford Bridge near York with Stamford Bridge b Answer B’s questions in London, the stadium of Chelsea Football Club! 6A READING IN ENGLISH Students A+B How do you usually read? a onpaperb onscreen ¢ onaneRender What kindof things do you read? 2 books @ websites newspapers € work documents ¢ magazines others what?) When and where do you usually read? 2 at work /schoot when you are on a bus or train € on vacation 4 before you gotobed Do you ever need to readin English? What? 7C ANIGHT TO REMEMBER Student A 7A. WHERE WERE YOU? Student A ASK B the questions about Mehmet’s night. 1 When and where was it? (Last year, in Istanbul) a AskB jons. Ask Where were sua 2 Who was he with? Why? (Hisfriends It was his hest friend’ ‘ birthday) + Setcock yesterday morning 3. What color T-shirt did he wear? (Black) » Desh vesienay eenins 4 What is Cezayir?(l’san old building with restaurant) 1 Sotclock yesterday afternoon 5 What did they do after dinner? (They had some coffee and then + 12ovlocklast night they went tothe beach to svi) 6 Was the water cold? (No, twas warm) + To'clock this morning 7 Why did he go home in his friend's car? (Because he couldn't 1b Answer B's questions. find hiscar keys) 8 Whactime did he gethome? (Really late, at five o'clock in the morning) + 6:30 yesterday evenin Useful language at home / work / schaol Inbed / the library / my car / college i on the bus / the train /the street Answer B's questions about Maggie's night © Whose memory is better? Communication 103 ~ Communicat Comr unication 8A POLICE INTERVIEW Student A xe} Etel] INTERVIEW FORM Work in pairs with officers. There was a robbery last night. B and B are two friends. You think they were [What responsible. They say that they went out for | on el other A. You are police Name: More dinner and went to the movies last night. You (pect! want to know if this is true a Lookat the police interview form and prepare toask the Bs the questions. Think x the evening, e.g, What did you wear? What did you eat and drink? What movie was it? b Interview one of the Bs. Write down his / Leet her answers in the form. (Your partner interviews theother B.) ¢ Compare with your partner. Did the two Bs tell exactly the same story? Ifnot, arrest them! What do after che movies? What time get home? ee 8C THE GHOST ROOM Student A a Look at the picture fora minute. Try to remember what'sin the room. b Ask Bthe questions. + Ja TV? (No, there wasn’t) + Jadoubleorasingle bed? (There was a single bed) + | amirror? Where was it? (Nes, there was. twas on the bie} + J any plants? (No, there weren't) + J any books in the room? (No, there weren't) + How many windows |? (Phere were two} © Close your books, Answer B’s questions. 104 9C QUIZ NIGHT student A a Complete your sentences I-8 with the comparative of the bold adjectives. 1 small Bravil than the US. (Crue, Brazilis3.3 million square miles and the USis 3.79 million square miles) 2 Jong. The Amazon Riveris River. (Fale The Amazomisabout 4,000 milestong and the Nileisabout 4130 miles tong) 3 old Oxford University is ‘Cambridge University (True, Oxford University was founded in 1167 and ‘Cambridge 43 years later) 4 short The English alphabetis Arabic alphabet. (True, There are 26 leitersin the English alphabet and 28in the Arabicalphabet) 5 dangerous K2is Everest (Truc, 25% of climbers who get to the top of K2 dic, but only 9% of climbers of Everest dic) 6 large A gigabyteis than a megabyte (True. A megabyte is 1,000 bytes, but a gigabytes 1,000 megabytes) 7 dry The Sahara Desert is ‘Atacama Desert (False Sahara Desert average rainfall = 0.79 inches; Atacama Desert average rainfall = 0,004 inches) 8 far New Zealandis south than Australia, (True. I’sahout 1,242 milessoutheast of Australia) than the Nile than thanthe to climb than Mount thanthe 1b Play Quiz Night. You are the host. + Read your sentence I to B. B saysifit’s true or false. + TellB if se / seis rightand give the extra information in parentheses. + IFBisright,he / she wins 500 dollars, Then read sentence ? for 1,000 dollars, sentence 3 for 2,000 dollars, sentence 4 for 4,000 dollars, ete + IFB getsa question wrong, he /she loses the money, but continues to play. The prize startsagain from 500 dollars. © Play Quiz ight again, You are the contestant 10A CITIES QUIZ student A a Complete your questions with the superlative of the adjectives in parentheses, 1 Whar'sthe city in the world? (noisy) a Tokyo b Madrid Santiago 2 What'sthe city in the world? (hot) a Riodejanciro b Bangkok c Nairobi 3 Which city hasthe __ monumeatin the world? (poplar) a NewYork Paris c Istanbul 4 What's the _city inthe US? (wes) 2 Chicago b SanDiego © New Orleans 5 Which city hasthe (bad) 2 Sa0Paulo b Beijing c Mexico City trafficjams in the world? b AnswerB's questions. © Ask B your questions. Doeshe / she know the answers? (The correct answers arein bold.) ( What’ the noisiest city inthe \ workd—Tokyo, Madrid or Santiago? La 10B WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Student A Ask B the questions below Tonight + What / do tonight? + [study English? Why (aot)? Tomorrow + What time | get up tomorrow? + Where / have lunch? Next weekend + / goaway next weekend? Where to? + What /do on Saturday night? b Answer B's questions. Communication 105 TH 1B WHERE ARE THEY FROM? 1C WHAT’S HIS/HER REAL NAME? Student 8 Student B i Topksarthommesetyoornurponpleive arevidired ames a AnewensAln questions aliourperson i and two aren't, Putan X by the names you think are not their real names, Name |Maseko | Carlo Erica From | Japan| Peru ‘the US ws . - 7 oe «tm — foeven “iudeLaw, | Tina Turner, Eminern, Scarlett Johansson, actor singer singer actre’ b Ask A the questions about person 4. + Where's Ali from? + Where in (countey)? b Answer A’s questions, TomHanks, | Marc Anthony, | Angelina Jolie, | Katy Perry, actor ser actress singer. Cojo C5 vals — Zreainame Marca Mamiz —¥cealname Katheryn dson Repeat forthe other people “P peor © Check youranswers toa, Tell A shink ___ is isnt his her real name. IEA says No, it isn’ ask A What's his| her real name? How do you spell it? and weite the name under the photo. 2C WHAT'S THE MATTER? Student 8 a Read the conversation, ‘A What's the matter? © Have four more conversations. Ask A What's the matter? A answers. Then choose a phrase below B Imsac, ‘A Don't be sad, Cheer up. Close the window, Bienes. Havea sandwich, 1b Have four conversations with A. A asks you What's the matter? Read a book. sit down, You answer with I below. A responds with a phrase, Then you respond, ¢.g,, Thanks, OK, Good idea, ete spond, e.g OK, Good a Cover the phrases and do al ei 1 mbot, 2 F'mthirsty. 3 mworried. 4 I'm stressed. cotaversacionsa'ayain foot taetnny, 106 PE2 WHAT'S THE TIME? 4B NICO’S DAY Student B Student B @ Lookat the Father & Daughter text. Find the answers to A's questions Ask and answer questions with A tocomplete the times on the clocks, Then compare your clocks. (C Clock 2: What's the time /What time is it? 1b Ask Athe questions below. A rmust find the answers in the text. 1 What part ofthe newspaper does Nico read? (He reas the sports section) 2 Where does he go after breakfast? (He goes tothe market.) 3 What time does he start cooking the food for lunch? (He tarts cooking at 10:30am) How many cups of coffee does he have in the morning? (Hehas three cups of coffee.) ‘What time does Nico have lunch? (He haslunch at 3:30 pm) Why doesn’t Nico enjoy his hunch? (Because he doesn't have time to relax.) How long does he spend with the children in the afternoon? (He spendsa couple of hours two hours with them) What do Nico and the children do between 5:30 p.m.and 7:30 p.m. (The children do thei homework ant Nica makes their dinner) 9 Whatis the firstthing Nico does when he gets home? (He takes ashower) 10, Whatrime does he goto bed? (He goesto hed at 11 olock.) 5B SPOT THE DIFFERENCES Student 8 ‘You and A have the same picture but with eight differences. a Listento A telling you what is happening in apartments 1-4 and in the yard ‘on the left. Look at your picture and tell Aifiis the same or different. Iricis different, tell A what is happening. Circle the differences 1b Tell A what is happening in apartments 5-8 and in the yard on the right. A will tell you what isdifferent in his /her picture. Cirelé)the differences. ‘When you finish, compare the ewo pictures. Communication 107 108 tion SC WHAT DO YOU DO? WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? Student B a Answer A’s questions, b Ask A your questions. + Do your parents work? What do they do? + What do you think they are doing now? + Doyouwatchaserieson TV? + Whar TV series are youwatching right now? + Isitraining now? + ows itrain alot at this time of year? 7A WHERE WERE YOU? Student 8 a Answer A’s questions. [A Where were yout nine ) tlock yesterday moming? ) ( B Iwasinbed b Ask A your questions. Ask Where were you at...? + 8:30 yesterday morning + 6:30 yesterday evening 11:30 yesterday morning o'clock last night + So’clock yesterday afternoon + 6:30 this morning Useful language at home / work / school Inbed / the library / my car / college on the bus / the train the street 7C ANIGHT TO REMEMBER Student B a Answer A's questions about Mehmet’s night. 1b Ask A the questions about Maggie's night. 1. Where was she with her family? (In New York City) 2 Who did she want to see? (Her favorite actor, NickJonas) 3. Who got the tickets for the Broadway show? (Her father got the tickets) 4 What color coat did she wear? (Red) 5. Who opened the door for them? (A theater worker) © Why wasshe excited? (Because Nick Jonas spoke to her) 7 What else happened? (Nick took some pictures with themand wished her sister a happy birthday) 8 What was the weather like? (ewasa cold, cloudy night). 9 What time did she get back to the hotel? (Ateleven otelockin the evening) © Whose memory is better? 8A POLICE INTERVIEW Student B Work inpairs with another B. You aro friends, Last night you met, had dinner, and went to the movies. There ‘was a robbery last night. A and A are police officers. ‘They think you were responsible, and they want to interview you separately. If you both tell the same story you are innocent! a. Prepare your story. Use these questions. Think of extra details, e.g, What did you wear? What did you eat and drink? What movie wasit? + What time / where did you meet? ‘+ What time / where did you havedinaer? ‘+ What time / where did you go to the movies? + What did you do after the movies? ‘+ What time did you gethome? b Answer A's questions, © Did youand your friend tell the same story? 8C THE GHOST ROOM Student 8 a Look atthe picture fora minute. Try to remember what'sin the room, b_ Close your books. Answer A’s questions © Ask A the questions. + J aclock? Where was it? (Yes, there was. twas next to the window) + J arugon the floot? (No, therewas't) + Jalamp or light? Where was i? (Nes, there was. twas on the wall) + [any pictures on the wall? What of? (Nes, therewasone, twas of awoman.y + J any cupboards? (No, here weren't) + How many chairs J ? (There was one) 9A GET READY! COOK! Students A+B Jack's Meal Liz's Meal Appetizer Appetizer 1 " paper Caerior feu Main course Main course A ¥ fees "ceed | agentes Dessert Dessert a Tele \' Dancakes nithcnocoste sauce 9B SUGAR AND SALT Students A+B How much sugar? ‘According to the American Heart Association, ‘a woman should have no more than 20g (grams) of sugar a day (= 5 teaspoons) and a ‘man no more than 36g (= 9 teaspoons). + can of Coke has approximately 39g of sugar * an apple has approximately 23g of sugar * a small (40g) bar of dark chocolate has approximately 7g of sugar + an egg doesn't have any sugar How much salt? According to UK Goverment studies, an ‘adult should eat no more than 6g of salt a day. ‘+ a small bag of potato chips has approximately 15g of salt + a slice of white bread has approximately 0.5g of salt * a bottle of water has approximately 0.0023g of salt + a botlle of olive oll doesn't have any salt Communication | 109 110 tion 9C QUIZ NIGHT Student B a Complete your sentences I-8 with the comparative of the bold adjectives, 1 old. The pyramids in Egypt are than the Parthenon in Greece (Frue.The pyramidsare about 4,500 years ald and the Parthenon's about 2,500 years od) 2 short World War Lwas than World War I (True. World War [lasted four years (1914-1918), but World War I lasted six years (1939-1945)) 3 high ‘The mountains on Barth are than the mountains on Mars. (False Olympus Mons on Marsis 16 miles high: Everest isaboutS miles high) 4 big Chinai: than Canada (False. Canada isabout 3,800,000 square miles; Chinas about 3,700,000 square miles) 5 popular Coffeeis inthe US. (False. On average, men drink 19 cups of coffee a day andwomten drink 1-4 cups of coffeea day) with women than men 6 warm The Mediterranean Se the Red Sea. (False, Mediterranean Sea average temperature = 75-78°F; Red Seaaverage = 78-86 °F) 7 good It’s to do exercise in the morning than in the afternoon, (Fale. In the afternoon between 4 and 5 p.m. the body temperature isat its maximum, which means itisthe perfect time to exercise) 8 hot The carthis than the moon, (Fale.The average temperature of the moonisabout 25°F during the day: the average temperature ofthe earthis S562") than 1b Play Quiz Night. You are the contestant. + Avwill read you his/her sentence 1. You say if’ truc orfalse + Awill tell you if you are right, and give you extra information. + IFyowace right, you win 500 dollars. A then reads yousentence 2 for 1,000 dollars, sentence 3 for 2,000 dollars, sentence 4 for 4,000 dollars, etc + Ifyou get question wrong, youlose all the money, but continue to play. The prize starts again from 500 dollars. ¢ Play Quiz Night again. You are the host. Use your questions I-8, 10A CITIES QUIZ student B a Complete your questions with the superlative of the adjectives in parentheses, } Ask A your questions. Does he / she know the answers? (thecorrect answers arein bold.) 1 Which city has the quality of life in the world? (good) a Tokyo b Copenhagen ¢ Miami 2 Which US city has the population? (big) a NewYork b Chicago © San Francisco 3 Which city has the airport in the world? (busy) a London b Atlanta © Singapore 4 What'sthe capital cityin the world? (high) a LaPaz, Bolivia b Kathmandi, Nepal Lima, Pera Which city has the __ public transportation in the sworld? (expensive) a Seoul b Mexico City ¢ London © Answer A's questions, (/ Which city has the best quality of fe in \ the worid—Tokyo, Copenhagen, or Miami? 10B WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Student B a Answer A's questions b Ask A the questions below: Tonight + What J have for dinner tonight? + Whar | do after dinner? Tomorrow + / gotowork (or school) tomorrow? + What | do in the evening? Nextweekend + / go out on Friday night? What | do? + What jdo.on Sunday? =< 1 COMPLETING A FORM 4 Lookat the information about capital letters D copia teers Ingnglsh these words start witha CAPITAL letter. + Tistondlast names Meliss Rogers + countries natenaiies and languages Jepan Japanese ‘+ towns and cities New York City 1 doysof the week Monday 1 theft wordin a sentence Har father fom Miami 1 the pronoun! She’ Vietnamese and Mexican b Complete the form with your information. © Write chis text again with capital letters where necessary. ‘my name's alberto. im from salvador in brazil, and speak portuguese, english, and alittle french. my teacher is ‘american, her name's kate, my english classes are on mondays and wednesdays, d_ Writea similar text about you. Check the capital letters are correct, Then check for any other mistakes, dolls, Receptionist Sitdown, please. the receptionist and my mame’ Mack, just, sing roask you a ew questions Darly OK. Receptionist Great. Whirsyour fist name? Darly Datly. Receptionist How do you spel hat? Darly D-A-RLY Receptionist D-A-R-LY? Darly Yes chars right Receptionist And what's yourlast mame? Darky Bererra Receptionist Bezerra Ischat B-E-Z-E-R-A? Darly BEZERRA, Receptionist [-E-7-F areyou fem? Darly Ta from Beas Receptionist Wherein bexzl? Darly From Rio Receptionist And host vldare you? Darly T'n 20, CIA. OK. Where Recept Darly ta Rio? Whar'syour adress? Receptionist Yes. Darly I¢5 350 Avenida Princesa Isabel Receptionist Thats 350 Avenida Princesa Tsibel Darly Yes. Receptionist What's your zip code? Daly Sosy? Receptionist Thesipcode, youknow,3 ‘number? Or postcade? Darky ‘vb, yes. I's 2201 1-010, Receptionist 22011-010. Great, What's your email addeess? Darly 1's Receptionist nd what's your phone ‘number? Darly My cellphone mumber ormy home ‘numberin Rio? Receptionist Both~homeand cell phone. Darly My phone numberin Rin 55 thats the code forBrazil-219 560733, Receptionist $5 219560733, Daely Yos,thar's right. Andaxy coll phone ‘numberis 970-595-3784. Irsan American call phone Receptionist 970-555-3784. Thats great, Datly Thank you. OK, s0 youre in vel 6 ‘Your fist class is on Monday. (aay) Rob Hi. My same’ Rob Walker. Ilivehere in London, tworki London, and! write hour London! {wok Fora magazine called London 24seven, [write about Hie ia Londoa. The peopl, the theater the restaurans.1es fan! Tove London. Wa agreatcity Jenny Hi. My names Jonny Zielinski. I'm from New York, The number one city in the world. 'm the assistant edtorofa magazine, New York sever. 'mthe new assleranteditor Butthieweck, mona bousinestrip to Londoa, This is ny fest fimeinthe UK. lesvery exciting! (a8) Wairess Isyourten Ok? Jory, Ye ou pa ey Gus malta ‘Waitress Yes, ver rlaxing! Areyou on tly? Jenny: Nom heeonbusiness Waitress Whereare you rom? Jenny Tan ftom Ney York Whatsboutyou? Waitress I nsrom Budapest, unary. Jenny Relly?Oh sory Waitress No problem Jenny Hello? Rob Is that Jennifer? Jenny Yes. Rob Thisis Rob, Rob Walker, From London Deven? Jenny Oh, Rob yes, of coarse. Hi Rob Hi. How are you? Jenny Oh, mine, thanks. lle ied hata Rob [can cet you st the hoteltomorsow ‘morning Isnine OK fo you? Jonny That's pertect. Rob. Cireat. OK, see youtomorrow at ane Waitress. Good night, and enjoy your stay Jenny Goodnight 55») 1 Thaveaigtableandonthetablethavea onypter anda priate, pens ad pieces of pape ub, plots amt amp. Lots things My ble iso neat It's very messy. ‘Onmy desk haves lamp. phone, books laptop photo of my fal pensand pencils eda lotof pieces paper ebiok ny desk seat Noevery neat, bur seat 3 Onay dest ihaveatumpasaleatara Spanish-English ditomary,aomperes, DVDs andsome pens, Ob andtiscs ight now, ny desks vety net 70) Receptionist Goat evening sc. Good Seats Dad Goo evening Canwehave reo double heen plete Receptionist Doyouhavea reservation? Dad No,sedont Receptionise Theor Moen Oh! Dad Cons on.Let' go. Thnow another bot near here. Polis flea Excess nis yoorca? Dad Yes tts Whats the probe? Policeoffcer Thisismoparking st Look athe ign, Dad Tevet. Police officer Can seoyourdrivr'sicence, pit @10)) Announcer And acwon WKOT, Hijo, hetjob, Host Gooid evening and welcome againto the jabs quiz, Hisjob, hee job. And our team tonight is Davida teacher. David Hello Host ...Kate, who's unemployed. Kate Hi Host and Loraa, who's awrite Lorna Good evening sl. Host And out fst guest tonights Wayne Wayne, Host Hello, Wayne. Welcome tthe show, ‘What's your wifesname, Wayne? Wayne Her name’ Tanya Host Tanya? Nice name, OK team, you have ‘one mince to ask Wayne questionsabowt hisjob and then one minutetoask him bout Tanyasjob, starting now: Letshave your first question David Hi, Wayas, Doyouworkin sa office? Wayne No, doa. Lorna Doyou workin the evening? Wayne Itdepends Yes, sometimes Kate Do you make things? Wayne No, dont. Lorna Doyou wear a uniform orspecial ‘clothes? Wayne Uh, yes— I vearspecial clothes, Kate Do youdriveinyour job? Wayne No, Idont. Lorna Doyou work withother peop? Wayne Yes, Ido, Tea people, Kate Do youhave special qualifications? Wayne Qualifications? No, ldoa'. David Doyou speak fonsigolanguages? Wayne No, only English. Host You only havetime for onemore question tim. David Uh, doyoucarn alot of money? Wayne Yes, Io Host Your tine up. 12) Host Now you hives mine to ask Wayne Stout Tagasjoh Kate Wayne. does Tanya wok outside? Wayne Irdeponds Outside andinsde Lorna Does sie workon the weekend? Wayne Yeu she dows. Kate Does she work with computers? Wayne No si docs David Doors went sar or etl lohes? Wayan Vokes Si wentgoca ches Kate Docsshetrvel? Wayne Yesshe does Abb Lorna Does enn larof money? Wayne Yesshe does Alo Hose Thaestime, OK eam @12)) Host OK team, So, what's Wayac job? Kate OK, s9 you wear special lathes, you ‘work with en other people, yosearn alot ‘of money: Are you asoceer phiyer, Wayne? Tam. ry good! And Tanys'sjob? Letssce She worksontside and inside. She works onthe weekend, She ddoesn'e work with computers, She wears specialclathes, She riavslsa lt. She eazas alorof money. Werhink she'sa flight attendant. Hose leh vighs, Wayne? ‘Wayne No, that’s wrong, Tanyaisa model (219) Kevin Doyoulite Star Wars? Samantha Noon Kevin Why ot? isa taticmovie. Samantha I donlike since ition, Kevin Whatkindot moves o yout? Samantha Ilove foreign movies, Pench, Tralan, Spanish Kevin Oh Samat My id’ vey good Kevin Ob, My burger’ good. Samantha What kind of masiedo yous? Kevin Music love eary metal What bout Samantha Oper. Kevin Oper tha'sooreally my thing Kevin Whatdoyodo on the weskend? Samantha Igo co restaurants, cook lve food Andy Kevin ‘Wel don't cook! meet frends we playvileo games. Samana onion Beil py ideogames, Wows yi De yon vance i? Samantha Ohyexcuseme. i, Oh? Wiy? Nam? OK Seeyow in amine Sorry Kevin Lnsed ogo. ice mart you By. Kevin Oh. tye Waiter Hones your check Kevin Thecckt Hey, Samantha, Wait @25)) Rob Uns eof Jenny Roi? Rob Yes halle Nicetomeet you Jenifer Jenny Calle fenny. Good omoet yo, too. Rob Wekcometo London. lat? Jenny Um. usta Rob Whattimeisie Jenay Ninefiienn Robin telly ory, Thetaficeterile ody. Jenny No problem Rob How are you? How'sthe ote? Jenny The hoes very nice, Butbreakist ist great Plies goodcup ofcofee, Not tote cof, alc Rob OK rset ache Jenny Dot have tine? Ihave mectingst n-th Rob With Danke Jenay Yes Rob Doat worry. Wehavelots of time, the ‘office very near So, ey where do you Tvein New York? 228») Rob Herewe are. Thisisthe office, Andthis isKaren. Jenny Hello, Karen, Rob Karen, thisis Jennifer Zictnski fom she New York aifice Karen Hello, jennifer. Jenny Nicetomect yon Rob Karen isour administrator. Weall dependon ler, Karen Doa' listen Rob, Rob Buritstrue! Karen Tsthis you fist imei the UK, Jeanifer? Jenny Ys, itis Burivis't my festvimein urope-Thave family in Poland Karen Really? And where do you livein New ‘York? Jenny Iu Manhattaa, Doyouknow New ‘York Karen Yes. My ssterlivesin Brooklyn Jenny Ihave family in Brocklya, too, Where ‘does your sister ive? Daniel Jennifer! Jenny Daniel? Daniel How nice ro meet you, ar ast. Would Yyoulike something odrink? Tea, coffe, Jenny No, Tn fine, thanks Daniel Great-Oh, Karea, What imeis my next mocting? Karen Atrssivedclock Daniel That's ood, wehavetime. OK, come intomy office, Jenifer. Jenny Thank you. Daniel Talkoyoulrer: Rob. Rob Yeah, Sure @35)) Anna Who'sthoe Isabel That boyfriend, Alex ‘Anna Hes good locking How odishe? Isabel Twenty si ‘Anna What does he do? Isabel Hesapolce officer. Anna Real}? Doeshelikeit? Isabel Yes, he loves it And hissy dad, Anna. He looks ary young. Isabel Wl, es fifty-five thisyoae ‘Anna He doesn lookfiftyfive! Is tharyour Tsabel No, that's Gloria, my stepmother Anna Isshenice? Isabel Yes, she's great, She'sa hair stylist she does my hai for Fre! Anna Hov nice! Who's that? Isabel That’ Natali, Anna Who'sshe? Isabel My brother’ gilfiond. ‘Anna She’ prety! Isabel Do youthink so? Anna Yes, Doo'cyou likeher? Teabel Nor sty ach, She thinks she's very intelligent, bat she isn rally. ‘Anna What does she do? Teabel She's3 student. She sts Spanish — ‘nt se cant speak it very wel (2400) Interviewer Whattimedoyou get upinthe ‘morning? Amelia. Melevantoalasseisy media. Nona ‘me quiero evantar porque estan temprao. Tgstup arsixthiry:aever want ogetup Decauseie's vy etl. Interviewer Do youbave break ist? Amelia Yes,aquick breakfast, nd theal go toschool Interviewer How doyougo w school? Listening 117 Amelia Bybus. Wehave these yllow school buseswe call them liebe Incerviewer Whaetime doyou startschool? Amelia AtSo'dock nthe is class everyone is telly sleepy Interviewer How many classes do you have? Amelia In the morning we stall have five ut sometimessix. Interviewer What time doyou have lanch? ‘Amelia At Ioidock. Interviewer That a very long moraing! Amelia. Yes,tis. Wee very hungry at Tunchtime. Incerviewer Where do you huve lunch? Amelia We have lunch at echool inthe ‘cafeteria, Weanly have fifty minates, so we don have much time orelix, We ust eat ‘our fod and then run tothe nex class Interviewer How many lasses doyouliave intheafternoon? Amelia On good day only thre, on abd day five. After the second class everybody is tiredand we don't concentrate on what the teacher telling ws. Incerviewer Whaetime does school finish? Amelia Atfivethiry Interviewer Doyo gohome then? ‘Amelia Tedepends. On Mondays and ‘Wednesdays gotoexta classes to prepare forcollegeentrance exams, andon Tuesdays and Thursdays have baskesbal practice Interviewer What do youdo when you get home? Amelia Ijustwant to relax, buti’s “impossible, Ihave homework and exams, so need to stay! SoTsitdownat my desk and start working again. After dinnet 0 back my room and study until 11 eelock, dorsometimes ter Interviewer Wht time do yougotobed? Amelia Abouteleven tity. livin bed and ‘think abous the next day andthe classes Ihave. Luckily it's Friday today! No school 57) cary Gary (sings) Judge 1 Verynice Gary Judge? Yer, like Good jo JusTN Justia sings) Jirdge 1 Ina woed.*oeriblet™ Judge Justin, you have very prety face, ber’ sorey youcan sng! NAOMI Naomi (ings) Judge 1 Think you, Naomi ory nice. Judge Naomi, youkave a beautiflvoice, rca hos the fling Judge 1 OK. Justin and Nsoosi Thank yn ser ch, bueno thank you Gary, Congratulations, Seoyouanthe show next week Gary. Awesome! That'sgreat Thank you 118 Listening 7) Interviewer Doyou havea problem with noisy nughbors, Rebecca? Rebecea No, don noe aeal. Bu sometimes ay aighboes have probes vith me! ive in an apartment ung nthe house rules heres ell ct Interviewer Whit kindof house ries do yoouaver Rebeces Well forexample during the week yor can'emake noise between 12:30nd Thvoo'dack bocausethisis when young chuldeenaessleep andthe same strae Sfeer ten ilockat night. So, forexample, ter ten lock youcan listen to loud ‘music without eadphoae,opa'a ‘sical netament.Iehink shocause people in Sw tzerland getup eal inthe tnoiig so they gota Sed very eae Interviewer Can youwateh TWatterten dock? Rebecea Yes, you can, just not ell nly So, T watch TY, bat with che volume ow auudthe windows closed that's ot probes, Butte problem is Leas use fay bathroom, because the water makes Ssnoisg anny baboon = nex tomy beighbors heoom Interviewer So youcsattake shower ora bath? Rebecea No,n0taftr tn slack This isa rein allapsrtments in Switeesand, bt inay apartmenticis Maybe because the apartments are sal Interviewer What about onthe weskeod? Rebecea On Saturday, the rales arethe sme ‘Nonoiseaftrten ociok inthe evening. Interviewer Wit happeasityon wantto aves purty? Rebecca os can have party bucthemsic cant eld ater, Interviewer Whit happensifyou make alot of nose afer en? Rebecca Well the asighbors complain and if itsrealy loud they canal the police Interviewer What about oa Sunday? Rebecca Sundayisa day ofrstin ‘Switrerand so you can make any ois ia Your apreeat tall Fr example, inany bualing yoo cant mevefurnicue,o petaceon che wal, orturnon the washing mnachine Incerviewer What do youthink of these woes? Rebecca Well, ike theres hat concal noiseduring the week and on Sunday 1 think tsa good ides. Bu think they aed robe moc flexible on Saturdays. mean if 2 party istll alle oud aftertn, Ident fhakeyou need roche pice. Interviewer Doosthse realy happen? Rebecca Yes it happened ome 10) “The hesrthingaboutthe weather in New ‘York City isthare'salwayschanging Tn the ‘sume, i's sally hor and sometimes sunny and sometimes don, wth emperatures of about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. And ofcourse it nthe winger, che temperatsteis usually between 50 degrees and 40 deprecs. can be ‘windy and cold, burt doesnt snow often Tnthespring andin the fallthe weathers votychangetble~you cam baveall the four Seasons ia one day! Irean be sunay or foggy inthe morning, cloudy at lunchtime, ening inthe afternoon, andthen cold and windy ia the evening. Labways tll ouriststo rake these smglsses and thesejackers when thy go out 15) Roby Hey, Jenny! Jenny Oh, hi, Rob. 1s tha coffe for me? Rob Yes. A double espresso Jenny Ch, wor, thanks That'll ice of Rob No problem, Doyoubives mosting ‘with Danis? Jenny You snothermesting. And you? Rob Tin going to the office, too. [have a Jenny Oh really? Withwwho? Rob Atheter director Jenny Sounds interesting Rob Whactimeisyourmesting with Daniel? Jenny’ Athalpastaine Rob Usht Jenny Oh, no. Are you OR? Fn so sorry Rob Tinfine! Jenny In scaly sry. Youcaut wearthat ‘hit roan interview! Rob Dente worry thre acothes shop over ‘there. T can haynes one Jenny: OK. Teanhelp you choose one Jenny Ob, that's phone. Sorry. ‘act this See youinthere? Rob Ok @19)) Ede So Jenny. wat do youthinkofLondon? Jenny Tove ii! Isso col! Eadie Whuaboutth peopl inthe oie? Jenny Theyealy nie, Andthey D Eddie Whit areyon doingright now? You arentin the office, Lean het taf Jenny Righeaow? am sanding outside ‘men'sclothing store Eddie You'te what Jenny Tm waiting for Rob Eddie Who's Robi Doyouhavea new boyfcicad already? Jenny Don'the silly He'sjusta guy fsomthe ‘office, He's buyinga new shit. Eddie Waitaminute Soyou're waiting for ‘ puy-mamed Rob ouside men’s clothing yy Stopit. Idow'thave dinero explain it allnov. Ob here he is aow. have to go. Eddie OK. Hive tan, Jenay tye, Eide. Love you. Rob So, what do youthink? Jenny You cannot besatious! Rob What's wrong? You don likemy new shiee? Jenny Noway! Youcan't wear that wo an ‘interview! Comeon, let go hack intorhe storeand changeit Rob OK. @)33)) Interviewer Whar'syour fivorite diy? Martin Tedepends, Duving the week ‘seveninthe evening, because that's whea gethome fromworkand whea leanselax. But onthe weekend, sy favorite tenis babfast time, Ihave wig breakfast, and Thave time toread the papereand isten to theradio, Interviewer Whac's yous favorite day ofthe week? Martin My favorite day ofthe week sFiday, ‘because chen know the weekendisneat Interviewer What's your favorite month? Martin Profably May. es when he weather sfartetoget arm and theevesingsateloag. Interviewer What's your favorite season? Martin Spring, because itmeanstharwincer isfimlly over. lloveridiag ny bike, and pring ica great rime foe bike riding not too hot and noeto cold Interviewer Whac’s your favorite holiday? Martin. Probably Nev Year's Eve, because ‘you don’t need to worry about buving presents or cooking big hunch, and everybody's ina gond mood @49)) 1 Hewasan English weer Hewat hornin the lth century Hoewas married with three childeen He was horn in Stratford-upon. Avon, Heis famous for his pays, forexample, Hamnlerand Macheth. ‘She was born in London in 1932.0 American parents ‘She was famousactees, ‘She was darkthsired and very beautiful ‘She was bes frends with Michael Jackson. ‘She was famous for her dark blu ees, @s2)) sand finally onthe news today the story of ‘hm socee fans who missed the big match Last woek, Chelsea played Arsenal at Chiles’ famous stadium, Stamford Bridgein west London, Iewasthe match that soccer fans allover the world wanted co watch. Charles Spencer’ daughter and a friend were amoug the licky people wth ickets The girls were fi Aldhorp, whichis about 85 mils from ‘London, nd they decided t goby taxi But when the taxi stopped in a small villag, i was lear that something was wrong. They were in Stanford Bridge, butnot a he Chelsea stadium, Thedriver had eyped Stamford Bridge into his GPS, Bue untor Staniford Bridges algo a sna ‘north of England and tha'swhore they were! ‘Ofeeourse they missed themateh. eof 60)) Interviewer When wasyoarmenerbl ge ‘Devi Te pusdo decicexacameat, fe nce den del dos en dream tellyou exalt, 2070 Interviewer Why doyou remember the ‘i David Becusitvathe fina ofthe World Cup, Spain ogana land Interviewer Where vere yoo? David Wola figtatendatandat hy Latin Acp doin exe Inuerviewer Wht were yeu wii? David las vithte cer Spanish ight Interviewer Whore didyou go watchthe mache David We didnt go out. Wewatchedthe chinthe htlceurat Interviewer And what you weat © wach ticoata? David We wore Spanish soccer shisthat we Dapisich acest wens ddSod seller sates Inicevicwer Tellme abou the night. What iilyoudo? Dovid Wall thematch was on athe einen Meson We went outta thetecrestauranteadtogetagood sea "Tes wali higaean hese et falof Spank uriss There wasagreat atmosphere Inservioer And Spain wore mate of David Yes. trvasna good sate, burwhen Spang hcirwioninggalercrybdy shouted andjumped pt wasaming ‘When the match nisha weal went bate Wevwamed:ocsebrate We ret D Archer reeauran nears beac, andit wis fulof punt people reper wa really happy. Wehada grea part Interviewee Wha asthe wear ike? Do Foatecntct David Yen rasaarmigh. out 20 Ghgrees Cekus think Inersiewer Whitime didyou get acto Farber David Tea remember exaciy but ery ate bout hein theme Laci, hada fot ment dagen gt pear Intebvlower Why was this night 0 imenorblt David Fir of coi, becuse Spun won Tic first Won Cup, bt slsobeaus of adorei peeetrepnniey ffom$)ain thousundseF tometer awey isanotber county bt weal ery Spon har ght 364) Ro So, Jenny, wehavea fee morning What so you wantin dar Jenny Wel, you're the expert on Lonsln life ‘What do you suggest? Rob Well,wecan gocve Jenny Tdon'thave bike Rob Wecun entbikes. It's easy Jenny That'scool Rob OK, great. Sowecancyclerhrough the ‘parks and you cansces bit of London. Ob, hhangon. Uh of. i's Daniel. Daniel hit Daniel Hi, Rob, Youneed dos imterview ‘this morning, with an artist, Hes ac the ‘Tate Modern Rob Can Ido theinerview on Monday? Daniel Sorry,he cin only dothis morning. Rob OK, send me he details, Daniel Thankyou very much, Rob Rob lin sorry Jenny. That's OK, Funderstand, Work iswork! Rob Butl can mee: you Tater, outside the Tate ‘Modern. I's om the South Bank. Jenny Ieanfind ft Ihave amap,leancyde there. Rob Lars mest atewelve cock chen Jenny Great mg (@s8)) Rob Sorry aboutthe weather: Jenny Yeah... ucwhata view! Tesi great bridge too, Rob IU the Millennium Bridge I'S not for ‘cars, oly for people, Kewas the first aew bridge over he Thamesin 100 yeas, Jenny You sound like tour goide! Rob Sorc. interviewed the architect ast year, So what would you ike tovist? Jestay Whatischereto see? Rob Well,we could see the Tate Modera fest ‘aswe'tchere, an then wecould goto the ‘Globe Theatre. Do you ike Shakespeare? Jenny Notreally Istudied toomich Shakespearein college. I's Danie. Sorry Hi,Datiel. Daniel Hi, Jennifer, How's your free day? “Areyou enjoying London? Jenny Absolutely: e's fantastic Daniel Liste, Ihave some rec timetoday ‘Would you like to sneer lunch? Jenay Thar'sreally nice of you, Dansel, bur msorry: laa’ as teally faraway from the office right now. Daniel Thats OK. No problem. Maybe ‘another time? Jenny Definitely. By. Rob Whatdidhe want? Anythiog important? Jenny Noratall, Hey let's goinside the Tate ‘Modern now Rob Yes, of course. Thee'sa great restaurant ‘onthe top floor. The view is fantastic The ‘Tate Modern wasa power sation wail 1981. Did you now that? Jenny Taidn't Do yorknow anything ese about the Tate Modern? Rob Thank you forasking Tknowa lot about ‘actualy. Jenny Oh, grestt Listening 119 Ge) Then the detective questions Barbar Travers Detective What dil youd afer dinner strc evening? Barbara Aor dinner? playedcards with ‘Gorton and then went ed Detective Wha ime wastha? Barbara Irwisaboutclven hit. emoniter loved army watch Detective Dil youhearsnychingin your fae sro Barbara No. didn hear anything Detective Miss Travers, di jouaveany problema wth your father? Barbara Nol did't hme way problems Svihhim all My father rae wonderfl tans wondrfl fate im ory, Detective Detective Dost wory. Mis Travers. No hore questons. 47) Next thedtecie questioned Gandon Sich Detective. What you doaftr dinner, ‘Gonion? Gordon 1 payed cards with Barbar Then shewenniobed. Detective Did yougotobed tha? Gordon No Istayedinthelvingroomandt Tad cup ofa, Then went ts be Detective Whattimewasthat? Gordon | dor ememberexat did oka thet. Detective Di youheat2aythiagduriog Gordon No, {dda 1was ery tnd slot very wal Detective You and Mr. Travers were Caeeet party yon? Gordon Vert sigh Denactive And itsavery good business] vnerstan Gordon Yer,Dewcive te Detective And now itsyourbusines, Gordon Listen, Detective dior ecu Hevruumypecnerend bey my frien. Gey) inaly, the detective questioned Clawtia Simeone Detective Whatdid youdo yeswerday ‘evening, after dinner? (Claudia Tent oany enom and ttook a bath and wentiobed Detective Whattimewas that? Claudia About I osiock Detwetive Did youhear anything? (Claudia Yes, heard somebody goinco Teeemy'sroam.tcwas abot 12 oclock fe Who wasic? Jewas Amanda his wife fe Are yousts? Did yousec her? ‘Wall, o, [dida'tsee het. But Tin sreit was Amanda Detective You were Me. Travers’ assist, ‘Claus Claudia Yes, was 120 Listening Detective Were you justhisassistat? ‘Claudia What do you mean? Detective Were you in hve with Me “Travers? Claudia No,I wasnt. Detective The truth please, Claudia ‘Claudia Fine, Detective. Yes, Iwasin love With him andhe said he was in love with tne. He sid he wanted t leave his wie Amanda and marry me. Iwas suid. 1 believed him, He used me, Detective! Iwas woayangey wih him. Detective Did you kill hi? (Claudia No, Detective, loved remy 4») Before ner Gonton me with fermyin the mary Gordon Happy biethday, ere Jeremy Ah, thanks, Gon Gordon Liste, Jeremy, want oak 1 you aout Bach. Jeremy Barbara What she problem? Gordon fest exictya problem. Tam in Tove wither andl wan to marry he. Jeremy Marry Barbara? Marry my daughter! ‘Areyoucrary? Neve You doa ove Barbar, You only anther money! Gordon ‘That's not ruc, Joemy Hove her Jeremy Listen rome. Ifyou marry Barbara rion Ideal ny esoany goes taal Gordon To Claudia? Toyour assistant? Jeremy Yes. Gordon {stat you last word. Jeremy? Jeremy Yes,tis ‘Amanda Dinner everybody! Reader At midnight, Gordon wasin the Tving rom, He fished here sad went Jeremy Whoisie Gondoa? 1a) Barbara Lets goupsiairs Follow me. Be tefl Theceilingis very low here Leo Tesayeryoldhorne Barbara Yes, thehouseisthrechundeed ‘yours old, My family live heve for nearly Cighty years There are sx bedrooms, This svasmyFither'shedroom Kim Isthere heat in the house? Barbara Yes, there i, Why do you ask? Ave youcold? ina Yes i very cold in here [Leo Thats because we' from California, Barbara Lets goandscethe ther bedrooms Leo Yes, of course ‘Leo Wall, shat do you think, Kim? Hoveit Don't you? Tmnot sure, There's something about thelwse I don lik. Leo kisn it's perfst for the kids, Think of the yard. Andi sa eal autheatic country house, What dayousay? Kite Teuppore so, Ifyoute sure, Leo Tam sure! Mes. Barbara, Wewant it Wewantto rentthe house. Barbara Eveclent, ‘Leo When can we movein? Barbara Assoomas you like Gs) Leo Hla ‘Waiter Good evening, sir madaca, What can Tgeryour How about a coffee? im stilcold. ter Yes madam, And your? bp Leo Youknow, mold, t00.[alsohaves coffee thanks, Waiter Here youre! Leo Well here'sto ou new house! Kim Yes! Waiter You're new around here, aren you? Leo Yes tharsright We just rented the big house on Dacwia Road. Waiter Which house? The Travers familys house? Leo Yes Waiter Oh, Leo Is something wrong? Waiter Who showed you the house? Kim Barbara, The olady who lived there before ‘Waiter hb, Boshara, OLIMr.Travers’s daughter. Some people thoughtthat she ‘wasthe one who didit. She never married, ofcourse, Jim The one who did wht? What Ihappened? Why dida'eshe mary? Waiter Dida’tshe tell you? Leo Tell uewhat? ‘Waiter. Ahoutthe murder Leo Kim Murdee?? Waiter Yes, Mr Travers was murdered in thac house ia 1958... i his bed Jim Oh, hovwhorvibe! Waiter Tlheman win killed Me. Travers was Barats lover The family never lived there again, They tied ro sel the hows, but nobody wanted 1obuyit. Notafters ‘nurdes, Tha? why thar liouse is always rented Leo kim Kim Yes. [Leo Are you thinking what Tm thinking? Kim Yes Idon'twantto slep i shouse re somebody was mutdered. Come on Ter’ goto hore. Waiter Hey, your coffee! You dda drink your coffee! Ab, wll a) Torvedt Gosford Hallaeineheevening tern eke sthe oer Poteiciyaddomtacwarnon Tita es coorecteee sone as tocar Thee wenly ea a theomge sal alien meses Desierto Tenia ri cee eet roc Tas Hewcoeyion ipceaaa domanduanetnte ise a epee yaar pera see ena tomedonthe

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