ED 255 - Human Behavior - 1st Course Output

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ED 201 – Basic Inferential Statistics

An Assessment Paper
Presented to the
Dr. Elizabeth M. Malonzo
Professional Schools
University of Mindanao
Davao City


In Partial fulfilment
of the Requirements for
Degree Masters of Arts in Education
Major in Educational Management



June 12, 2021

ED 255 – Human Behavior in Organizations

ED 201 – Basic Inferential Statistics

1. Are statistics a necessity or a luxury in behavioural science?

Statistics are necessity in any field of social science because statistics play an important
role in the society where we are in. It could be in politics, business, organization, population,
education and the like. Everything is an influence of statistics.
To put it simply, statistics gives us information on what is happening around us. For
instance, covid-19 which is very timely - statistics keeps us updated and informs us with
mathematically and scientifically correct data.
In addition, to some students like me it helps me to be ready on the field that I am taking. In
fact, this is a prerequisite in conducting research and a great help to me in my future
undertakings in the making of my thesis study. Hence, statistics makes me ready now on
my quantitative skills.

2. What are the students’ aims in studying statistics?

Studying statistics is essential to the students because in real life, the society frequently
organizes and expresses data numerically. There are three (3) primary aims of the students
in studying statistics. First, to be able to read and understand the various stastical studies
performed in the field where they are inclined with. Studying statistics enables students to
have a good grasp of the symbols, concepts, and statistical procedures used in these
studies which can be applied in the field. Second, to be able to conduct research and
communicate the results of the study. Statistics is basic to research - collecting, organizing,
analyzing, and summarizing data; and drawing out conclusions and inferences for future
use. Through the use of statistical procedure, the results of the study will be presented
appropriately. Lastly, to become better consumers and citizens. Studying statistics is useful
in making wise decisions on what products to purchase based on market trends and
studies, and allows being knowledgeable on government expenditures based on budget
utilization studies.

3. What are the two main uses of statistics?

Statistics have two (2) main uses, first is for describing the properties and characteristics of
a set data or descriptive. When we talk about descriptive statistics, from the word itself
‘describe’ it tells or shows something through data presentations. It also deals with methods
or tools that systematize the collection, classification, and presentation of data.

ED 255 – Human Behavior in Organizations

It organizes and summarizes data using numbers or graphs. In short, descriptive statistics
is a data summary that can be shown through bar graphs, histograms, and pie chart.

On the other hand, when we talk about inferential statistics – from the word itself ‘infer’
which means to derive as a conclusion from data, facts, or premises (Merriam Webster.)
Hence, inferential statistics uses sample data to make an inference or draw a conclusion
based on the gathered data.

For example, a survey group wants to know the prevalent opinion among Filipino people
regarding a certain issue. Interviewing or providing a quationnaire to all Filipino would be
time-consuming, expensive, and impractical. Instead of that, a sample of the entire
population is scientifically chosen. The data gathered from the sample group is used to
draw a general opinion of the overall population.

4. Why do you think statistics are important to research?

Statistics are fundamentals of research specifically in quantitative research paradigm. The

process of conducting research involves statistics, starting from gathering of data down to
drawing out conclusions. These are statistical procedures used in obtaining, analyzing, and
presenting information. Furthermore, statistical procedures are used for Mathematical
treatment of variability in the context of the research endeavor. With these, there is an
accurate result of the research. Essentially therefore, in order for the research be more
accurate, reliable, and valid, it must be done scientifically through the aid of statistics.

5. Arrange the following types of numeric scales in order, from the least to the greatest,
in terms of the amount of information or precision they provide. (Number the least
precise 1 and the most precise.)

Ordinal ___ 2 ___ ratio ___ 4 ___ interval ___ 3 ___ nominal ___ 1 ___

6. What is the significance of determining the level of data measurement in relation to

statistical testing?

There are four levels of data measurement, namely, nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.
Determining the level of measurement of the variables is important for two main reasons.
First, it allows the researcher to know the differences of the cases on a variable and to
understand more what its being measured, because each levels of data measurement
provides a different amount of information or level of precision. Second, it allows the
researcher to identify what type of statistical testing or analysis is suitable for the variables.

ED 255 – Human Behavior in Organizations

Variables that are nominal and ordinal (with few categories) are classified as discrete
variables or nonparametric data which are analyzed using binomial class of statistical test.
For example, for nominal level data, it can be test using chi-square.
Meanwhile, variables that are ordinal (with many categories), interval, and ratio are
classified as continuous variable or parametric data which are analyzed with the normal
theory class of statistical test such as ANOVA, t-test, regression, and correlation. By that, if
the level of measurement of the data is incorrectly determined and used the inappropriate
statistical test, the hyphotesis will not also be appropriately tested. Hence, the research
conducted will not be reliable and valid.

7. Give examples of population that can be used for statistical investigations.

Examples of population that can be used for statistical investigations are the following:
In the filed of Education
* Dropped Out Students
* Members of the Faculty of a School
* The Graduating Class in a School Year
* Enrollees of a School
* Scholars of a School

8. Give two (2) examples each of population suitable for

a. Cluster Sampling
a1. Private School Teachers in the Philippines
a2. DepEd Administrators in a Region
b. Stratified random sampling
b1. Indigeneous People in a School District
b2. Junior High Students in a School
c. Systematic random sampling
c1. Scholars in a Higher Institution
C2. Senior High School Graduates in a School
d. Simple random sampling
d1. Grade 8 level students with Social Media in a School
d2. 4P’s Beneficiary in a Community

ED 255 – Human Behavior in Organizations

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