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Area of Concerns Description Recommendation(s)

 Give reasonable period to recipient(s) to
fully implement the project, specifically
minimum of least 3-6 months to maximum
of 2 years;
 Give an opportunity to successfully
implemented project of the previous grant
cycle to utilize fully the under-utilized
Limited time to fully (100%) implemented remaining project component(s). The full
1 Project Timeline
the Project Proposal benefit of the project can be felt by
beneficiaries if the project is fully
 Conduct Pre-Procurement Activity/Pre-
Canvas to identify appropriate technical
specifications of equipment; and,
 Prepare Detailed Action showing realistic
 Issuance of an Executive Order or
Department creating a Special Project
Management and Implementation Team
should be issued that includes focal
persons to various relevant offices to focus
Limited control of the lead office/team to
2 Project Implementation on the relevant papers of the special
implement the project (e.g., procurement)
project (e.g., accounting office, treasury
office, BAC, Legal Office, Implementing
Office, etc.) to fastrack the papers in
accordance to existing laws and

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