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A Fresh Aproch To Banking

1st MD Shahrior Shawon Prio 2nd Saimun Silam Supta 3rd Asmaul Husna Rima
dept. name of CSE dept. name of CSE dept. name of CSE
Green University of Bangladesh Green University of Bangladesh Green University of Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract—BankPediaBd is the digital platform for displaying includes all types of information such as the deposit rate,Lone
information about all banks in Bangladesh. Every day, thousands interest rates,Card information’s as well as banks information’s
of people travel bank to bank to get best services for them but
unfortunately it is lengthy and time consuming process for them. II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW
By this website they will get all information and compare the
services in one platform. Individuals are changing, innovation A. Related Work
has carried human necessities and changes with the change of At the point when we notice, we don’t get many site and
period. Presently everything has become online based to make the
android applications about online banking information system.
personal satisfaction more straightforward. We all can agree on
that, banking sector is one of the most used and plays a vital role We searched about our idea, and anything related to it.
on our day-to-day life. In our country it is more complicated. This Somehow, we found a European website [1],
is our project to gather banking information easier and provide which is in different language, and we really don’t understand
the information to customers more efficiently.. Every bank has what they are offering. We also also find some related website
their information on their native website, but we cannot find all
which partially gave idea about stock market and others [2].
the bank information (in Bangladesh) in one website. So, we tried
to build a website where we can get all the information about A website we found [3] which is not up to
banking system in one platform. By browsing all information date and not really more attractive. There is a website name
in one website will save time and energy of a client and by [4] which just show the list of banks and while
comparing all services, it will be easier to find the best service clicking it just takes to the individual website of the bank.
for the individuals. We also created an interaction platform with
a bank employee so that all the remaining confusion would be III. METHODOLOGY
reduced easily.
The Agile technique divides a project into many parts
and uses these phases to manage the project. Continuous
improvement at every stage and ongoing collaboration with
A website is committed to make one’s most difficult ac-
stakeholders are required. Teams cycle through a process of
tivities easier and reliable. Our website gives opportunity
planning, carrying out, and assessing once the job starts. The
to gather information about all the bank and their services.
four core values of Agile software development as stated by
Suppose, client want to take lone with a lowest interest rate
the Agile Manifesto are:
or choose which card of which bank can give him the best
service. In this project/thesis paper the proposed framework • People and interactions come before procedures and

has the capacity of performing work and exercises in web equipment.

developing with working with online Banking information • Working software is preferred over thorough documenta-

system. Presently everything has become online based to make tion.

our life more comfortable with a touch. So, our fundamental • Collaboration with the client before contract negotiations.

reason for making this site is to make a website which can • Following a plan as opposed to reacting to change.

provide banking information simpler. Our project name is 1) Agile in BankpediaBD:

BankPediaBd. So our main purpose is to make the whole • Planning and Requirement analysis.
banking process, that means selection of banks, loans, cards • System Design.
or compare between services more easier. • Implementation and development.
On this website one can compare many options providing • Integration and Testing.
by Banks. By comparing them the client can find which is • Deployment of the system.
best option for him/her.By using this website anyone can get • Review and feedback.
information without going bank to bank and will get more • Launch and maintenance.
information by comparison in a traditional way. BankPediaBD • Process will go through 3 sprint.
2) Tools and Techniques: The tools and techniques we intended to explain concepts in broad strokes without concern
used in our project are, for the finer points of execution.
• Technique we used is called MERN-Stack.
• React.js.
• Express.js.
• Node.js.
• MongoDB for Database.
• Postman for Testing.
• Visual Studio for editing.

B. Project Feature

Fig. 2. Block diagram

2) Use-Case Diagram and Entity Relation Diagram: Use-

case diagrams describe the high-level functions and scope of a
system. These diagrams also identify the interactions between
Fig. 1. Project Features the system and its actors.

• Bank Information
– Any one can browse the information.
– Can see different bank information and other details.
– They can compare the banks, fees, interest rate etc.
– By clicking see details client can view the details
about the banks.
• Loan Information
– Here one can see information about different types
of loans banks are serving.
– They also can compare loans of one bank with
• Card Information
– Everyone can see the the information about different Fig. 3. Use case
kinds of Debit and credit card.
– also can check if client is illegible or not.
• Interaction Between agent and client
– After registration one can interact with a bank agent.
– Both client and agent of different bank can share
thoughts with each other.
C. System Design
BankpediaBD is an online-based system where user will
find banks and services of their need-based information.
This site can be viewed as by going to any browser and
looking by typing the name and web address of our website

1) Block Diagram: A block diagram is a representation

of a framework in which the major components or works are Fig. 4. E-R Diagram
represented by blocks connected by lines. Block diagrams are
typically used for higher level, less precise depictions that are
3) Data Flow Diagram: In software engineering, DFDs TABLE I
(data flow diagrams) can be used to represent systems at R ISK A NALYSIS TABLE
different levels of abstraction. A data flow diagram lacks loops, Risk Root Risk Risk
decision rules, and control flows. Using a flowchart, certain Category Cause Response Owner
operations based on the data can be depicted. A single bubble Cyber Security
(i) Security Cyber Technology
Data Prevention
representing the entire system with incoming/outgoing arrows Risk Criminals team
designating input and output data is used. (ii) Unreliable
Unethical Application
Information Product Learn Ethics
users Owner
While searching
Information is Proper
(iii) Product Technology
Product not available Management
managemnet team
or no-one for and update
(iv) Scheduling Deploy the Technology
Maintenance Training More
System application Team
Always take
(v) Sarver machine loses Technology
Development note on the
Down power or data is team


A highly developed set of methods for describing, decoding,
and dissecting mathematical realities using points, lines, areas,
Fig. 5. DFD Diagram Level-0
and other mathematical structures and images are covered
in the Graphical Representation Show. Graphical represen-
tations are very important for working with comparisons of
values, patterns, and relationships, as well as for providing
quantitative information in a straightforward, understandable,
and successful manner. Diagrams, graphs, images, and other
visual representations are frequently used and effective in this
particular case because they may effectively convey some key
informational highlights that would be difficult or impossible
to convey on their own. Below has been exhibited our appli-
cation’s user interface (UI) or graphical perspective.
A. Home Page (Banner Component)

Fig. 6. DFD Diagram Level-1

D. Risk Analysis
An essential project management strategy that guarantees
your project runs successfully with the fewest surprises pos- Fig. 7. Home Page Banner(slider)
sible is risk analysis and management. While accurate future
This is the homepage for BankpediaBD. At the top we can
predictions are impossible, we can foresee project hazards and
see the menu. User can go to different directories using this
lessen their incidence or impact by using a straightforward risk
menu. The menus are home, banks, loans, cards, compare,
management strategy.
login, register, about-us option. User can register direct from
the banner component which is also a slider.
B. Our Services Component

Fig. 8. Our Services

In home page our services represent what kind of banks

are there in Bangladesh as well as what kind services they
provide. Banking industry in Bangladesh started its journey
with 6 Nationalized commercialized banks, 2 State owned
Specialized banks and 3 Foreign Banks after achieving the
independence in 1971. In the 1980’s banking industry achieved
significant expansion with the entrance of private banks in Fig. 10. Type of banks
Bangladesh. Now, banks in Bangladesh are primarily of two
types which are scheduled and non-scheduled.
E. Comparison between banks
C. Popular Banks Component Almost all banks in Bangladesh provide various types of
home loans or credit facilities for helping to make their clients’
life easy and simple. They offer many attractive facilities to
help the customers against minimum interest of charges. All
available offers are listed alphabetically by their names in the
table below.

Fig. 9. Popular banks

In popular bank section we have all the popular banks in

Bangladesh. It is created with bank card. We will advertise
the top trending banks in all sectors like private, public, Fig. 11. Comparison
specialized, and foreign banks.We collect those list from both
online and offline. [5]
F. Register page
Our sign-up or register page is very simple and user friendly
D. Types of Banks
for all kind of users. The field sets have username, email,
Whenever user hover over the banks, loans, cards option password, and role. Now, in the role field there are three
it drop down and shows the categories like wise. There are different roles to choose from the field which will drop down
four types in Bangladesh. Public banks, Private Banks, Foreign whenever the mouse is clicked. The roles are common user,
Banks and specialized Banks are the types which represents a a bank agent and admin (which is accessible only by three
long history in banking sector. They all have different types of of us). If user don’t have an account, user can create account
services, fees, interest rates even we have bank that got Nobel from the log in page. We also have forgot password option.
peace prize for micro-crediting. This simple register process gives user a reliable sign up and
log in experience. The data that has been entered in the field in database. It is a very user-friendly process, and anyone can
is automatically sent to the database, which creates a nice register by this optimized system. Yet we have other plans
structure in JSON format. about bank agents.

G. Types of Loan schemes

Different types of loan schemes will be displayed here.Like

Business loan, home loan, education loan.We haven’t imple-
mented the page yet. But we have plan to make more compa-
rable and accurate data when we the interest rate calculator.
we have same kind of plans for card, loan and even comparing
individual services with different types of banks. Business

Fig. 14. Loans

Fig. 12. Sign Up page

loans are a great option for many small business owners,

especially with the current interest rates available (SBA loans
have even lower interest rates). Education loans cover 100
percent of the education expenses. However, full coverage may
only be provided for expenses under a certain limit. Lenders
have a margin if the expenses go above the limit.

H. Log-In Page

We added a simple log-in page which can give user full

subscription of the web page and opportunity to get feedback
from a real bank agent. User will give his/her email address
and password and its done, you are logged in. When user will

Fig. 13. Sign Up success

Here, From the figure 12, we can see that we filled the field
of username as “green”, then in the email “” Fig. 15. Log-In
a random password just to verify. Now, in the role field we
choose “User”. User has to select a role in this part. be logged in we will give several plan to select options for
The above figure 13, shows that the user is successfully him or herself. Our plan is to make a subscription package for
registered. That means the data in the field sets are stored the user so that it would be easy for them to react.
I. Disclaimer Page/ About-us R EFERENCES
Last but not least, the about us page, we just mentioned Same name as ours [1]. The Share banking stock and related
that, this website is created mainly for educational and non- information and refer, [1] [2]. Cover many parts of our work
commercial use only. It is a partial completion of final year [3].
project offered in Green University of Bangladesh. We do All bank list in Bangladesh [4]. Papers Data collection from
not represent the business entity. The content of the pages Wikipedia [5].
of this website might be inaccurate, thus, we do not take any R EFERENCES
responsibility for incorrect information. If anyone believe that
information of any kind on this website is an infringement [2]
of copyright in material in which they either own copyright di-bancaborsa-e-finanza/?lang=en
or are authorized to exercise the rights of a copyright owner, [3]
then just please contact with us. we can see the developer [5] of banks in Bangladesh
information in the footer of every page.

Fig. 16. Disclaimer


Alhamdulillah, all praises to the almighty Allah. Most ex-

treme thankfulness to the all-powerful Allah for giving us such
gift which assists us with completing our venture effectively.
My genuine thanks and appreciation to the individuals who
have been associated with this venture and who have helped
and energized us in different ways. we would like to express
my deepest gratitude most importantly to our supervisor Ms.
Shifat Ara Rafiq, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, Green University of Bangladesh, for tutoring
us throughout B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering
Program. Her knowledge led to the first proposition to in-
spect the chance of reevaluating the awareness of the whole
undertakings on the work. She has helped us through very
troublesome times throughout the span of the investigation and
the composition of the exposition and for that we genuinely
say thanks to her for putting her trust in us. We want to thank
the other employees of CSE division who have helped us
straightforwardly or by implication by supportive of providing
their significant help in finishing this work.It is an honor to
learn from them.
At long last, we really want to expand our most profound
appreciation to our team members without their adoration,
backing and figuring out we would never have finished.

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