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Bicol University

College of Education
Daraga, Albay

Field Study 2 Episode 3

Action Research

Action research is becoming increasingly popular in education. Action research

bridges the gap between theory and practice. It has been called by many names such
as classroom research, self-reflective inquiry or teacher research. According to Guskey
(2000), educational problems and issues are best identified and investigated where the
action is i.e. at the classroom and school level. O’Brian (1998) defines action research
as learning by doing in which a teacher identifies a problem, does something to resolve
it, sees how successful his or her efforts were and if not satisfied, try again. Ferrance
(2000) defines action research as a process in which participants systematically and
carefully examine their own educational practice using the research techniques.

Teachers conduct action researches to improve education practice and learning

outcomes. They engage in deep and critical reflection and significantly contribute to
coming up with research-based or evidence-based programs and projects.

The following features of action research need to be taken into account when
considering its suitability for any given study:

 It is applied in order to improve specific practices.  Action research is based on

action, evaluation, and critical analysis of practices based on collected data in
order to introduce improvements in relevant practices.
 This type of research is facilitated by participation and collaboration of number of
individuals with a common purpose
 Such research focuses on specific situations and their context.

In this learning episode, you are expected to:

1. demonstrate an understanding of what action research is, its framework and

2. develop an initial Action Research Plan
Learning Task 1

This episode will require you to develop an initial research plan related to your
field of specialization/course. Complete the open-ended probes based on your
classroom observations in Field Study 1. (Note: This is an initial plan, accomplish Step
1 to 3 only. The strategy/intervention will be implemented during your Teaching

PURPOSE: To improve student learning.

HOW: - by identifying issues, concerns, and problems that negatively affect student
learning - by developing and implementing a strategy/ intervention to solve the

Step 1. Identify the problem Reading and writing are two fundamental skills that
students should learn early in life because they help
Reflect on your experiences and students broaden their vocabulary and communicate
identify the most critical problem concepts to others more accurately and effectively.
that affects your students’ Increasing their ability to communicate also helps
learning. make them a better worker or student. One of the
most prevalent issues in my classroom that affects
the learning of my students is their difficulty learning
to read. Since they are in 4th grade, it is expected
that they are now able to read words, sentences, and
paragraphs. Their comprehension is also expected to
improve as they experience different activities that
can help them enhance their skills. However, the
students are being distracted, causing them to have
difficulty in reading because of the unconducive area
of learning.
Step 2. Search the literature or The strategies/interventions used before to solve this
interview your colleagues for issue are the following:
strategies/interventions used The research "Improving the Students’ Reading Skill
to solve this problem through Translation Method" was written by Hijril
Ismail, Juang Kurniawan Syahruzah and Basuki that
Refer to previous studies (use was published in year 2017. The aims of this
the internet if you do not have research are to find out how the implementation of
access to journals) and see if translation can improve the students’ reading skill and
there have been efforts done to how the students’ responses to the use of translation
solve the problem or similar method in the teaching and learning process.
Next is "The Effect of Collaborative Strategic Reading
Toward Students Reading Skill" was written by
Ahmad Khoirul Anwar that was published in year
2020. This article aimed to improve student’s skill in
reading an English text. It is used Collaborative
Strategic Reading (CSR). This method consist of 4
steps those are : Preview, Click and Clunk, Get the
Gist and Wrap Up with the purpose is improving
students reading comprehension by working in the
group. The students reading skill before the teacher
aplly the Collaborative strategic raeding was only
50% it because of the students not really know the
pronounciation well but after the implementation of
CSR technique in the class and the teacher aplly the
steps in CSR technique well(preview, Click and clunk,
get the gist and wrap up) the students reading skill
was 100%.

And lastly, "Comparing Two Methods of Writing

Instruction: Effects on Kindergarten Students’
Reading Skills" was written by Cindy D'On Jones, D.
Ray Reutzel & Jamison D. Fargo that was published
in year 2010. This is to directly compared the effects
of two prevalent forms of classroom writing
instruction, interactive writing and writing workshop,
on kindergarten students’ acquisition of early reading
skills. This study provides evidence that, when
consistently implemented during the first 16 weeks of
kindergarten, interactive writing and writing workshop
are equally effective in promoting acquisition of early
reading skills.
Step 3. Develop a strategy / Based on my observation and on the researches that
intervention I have read, I will solve the problem by adopting those
methods; Translation Method, Collaborative Strategic
Based on previous studies, Reading, Interactive Writing and Writing Workshop,
along with your experiences, as I can see that this methods are can be use and
develop a strategy/ intervention applicable to my students. Creating also a conducive
to solve the problem. Then, and child friendly learning environment will be help in
implement the honing and developing students reading ability. For
strategy/intervention in your example, providing reading materials, spacious
classroom. library, and other tangible ways.

The data that I will record include the child’s progress,

age group, gender, and the possible areas where the
students might learn because of its conduciveness.
Step 4. Identify findings The data shows that the methods and strategies I
used with my students were effective. Twelve (12) of
Analyze your data- looking for the fifteen (15) students who became my respondents
findings with practical gradually learned as these methods and strategies
significance. If you are dealing were implemented for them. Therefore, it can be
with quantitative data, simple concluded that the translation method, collaborative
statistical tools are enough. If strategic reading, interactive writing, and writing
dealing with qualitative data workshop can improve the students’ reading skills.
(interview, observation,
discussion) then look for The findings show that I have not yet solved the
recurring themes or patterns. problem because there is still room for improvement.
This action research that I conducted can serve as a
springboard for the future development of more
innovative and creative methods of teaching students
to read. 
Step 5. Make a Decision I will continue using the strategies and method
because more than half of my students have shown
Use your findings to make very high scores in reading comprehension tests after
decisions related to the learning 3 weeks. These strategies and methods have been
of your students. effective for their learning process, and through this,
the 4th graders are now able to read
comprehensively as they are expected to. Their
positive responses encourage me to continue using
the methods and strategies that the experts
recommended with the students in order for them to
be able to read comprehensively. 

The approaches and interventions I used worked well

because my students are responding positively.
Based on the results of the tests that I have
implemented for them, it is much higher and better
than the scores they got prior to the tests I have
made. This group of students has grown and
improved significantly as I implemented the strategies
and methods I learned from experts. 
Policy Research and Development Division – Planning Service (PRD-PS) CONSULTANT: Dr. Dennis Alonzo

Learning Task 2

Complete this proposal form to elaborate the action research you would like to study.

This form aims to help you develop the structure of your research proposal and to
ensure alignment of your overall approach to your research problem. DIRECTIONS:
Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have a clear outline of your research
proposal, convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your
research proposal. Note that the parts of the research proposal indicated in the
Research Management Guidelines (RMG) (DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2017) should not
be taken as chapters like in thesis or dissertation, but rather as just subsections of
the research proposal.


What is the title of your research?
- Answer this later.
- Be creative with your title. Make it
catchy and interesting.
What is the issue / problem/ relationship The problem that I want to explore is the
you want to solve / establish / explore? difficulty of the students to read
- What is the general situation / The general situation of the school
circumstance that makes you develop regarding the students' ability to read is
your research proposal? poor. Many of the students per section
are not capable and didn’t read
- Why is this situation / circumstance comprehensively. As a future educator, it
important? saddens me that I see this kind of
situation firsthand. I know that this
reading is very important for a student, as
it is their first step towards a brighter
future. Reading ability aided them not
only in achieving academic discipline in
school, but also in real life.That’s why it is
important that we take action as early as
now to find a solution so that they can
have a brighter future.
- What do you intend to do? The aim of this study is to somehow
o This is the aim of your study. This provide a solution for this kind of problem.
should also be embedded in your main Reading ability is crucial to students'
arguments above. learning. This study can help teachers
adopt new teaching methods and
strategies that they can use inside the
- Significance of your research This study is important because it
o Why is your study important? o Who or addresses one of the problems that the
what industry will benefit? How? educational sector faces. The teachers
will benefit in that it introduces new
methods and strategies that can help
teach students to read. It also helps the
teachers understand why there is a need
to provide solutions to this kind of
problem. Students can also benefit from
this study. Learning will be more
pleasurable and meaningful if students
are inspired and engaged in the process,
especially when reading, thanks to
effective teaching methods. This study is
also beneficial for raising educational
standards and developing the school's
English language program. The
researcher will broaden his
understanding of reading instruction
techniques, gain observational
experience, and utilize classroom action
research in the classroom.
- What would be the potential contribution Students may broaden their knowledge
or insight of my research? via the reading activity, which can also
help them become intelligent and
respected people. The capacity of
students to read must be improved.
Teachers have a responsibility to
advance their knowledge and skills.
Everything teachers do in reading classes
should be intended to increase students'
understanding of the texts' increasingly
complicated material. The effectiveness
of the teaching process and the academic
performance of the pupils will be
influenced by the methods, strategies,
and instructional material that the teacher
selects and employs. According to this
study, effective teaching strategies,
material, and methods for teaching
reading activities are necessary.
Will it solve a particular problem? Many students struggle to comprehend
o Will it offer a new way of thinking? this topic, and they frequently struggle to
o Will it give a new direction towards grasp the reading of texts. Readability is
enhancement of practice? the a crucial subject that should be taught
o Will it prove / disprove something? o in schools. For the purpose of learning to
Will it solve / contribute to a certain read, a learner must comprehend the
debate? text's substance in order to learn from it.
o Will it add evidence to a developing Reading is a method for transferring
body of knowledge? o Will it develop a scientific knowledge from a book to the
new theory, prototype, model, process, reader's brain, and if readers do not
tool, etc.? comprehend the text's substance, they
will not be able to absorb it. The absence
of vocabulary and poor pronunciation are
further reading difficulties. With so many
issues, kids would conclude that learning
English is challenging, especially when it
comes to reading. The pupils are aware
based on their exam results that they
consistently failed the reading text
portion. This topic will diverge from the
purpose of instructing and learning. The
answer to these issues is for the
instructor to be more knowledgeable
about the approach, technique, and
strategy involved in learning English, as
this will help him or her to improve the
effectiveness of his or her teaching and
- What are the current / relevant topics According to Hijril Ismail, Juang
and literature related to this situation / Kurniawan Syahruzah and Basuki (2017),
circumstance? kids' reading scores have improved. The
- What are the gaps in the existing results of each cycle's evaluation may be
literature? observed; cycle I's results show that the
- What makes your study different from lowest is 40. The mean score is 58.1, and
previous studies? the maximum score is 82. The lowest
o These arguments will demonstrate that score obtained in cycle II is 50. The mean
you made an extensive literature review, score is 60.9 while the mean score in
and you have made a critical analysis of cycle III is 60. The maximum score is an
the literature in relation to your proposed 85. 85 is the highest possible score. The
research topic. average rating is 65.8. When the
o The more gaps you have identified, the instructor used the translation technique
stronger your paper is. in the teaching and learning process,
particularly to enhance reading ability, the
students' response was favorable.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Khoirul Anwar (2020)

stated that before the teacher
implemented the Collaborative Strategic
Reading (CSR) technique, the students'
reading proficiency was only 50% due to
the students' poor pronunciation skills.
However, after the teacher successfully
applied the CSR technique's steps
(preview, Click and Clunk, get the gist,
and wrap up), the students' reading
proficiency increased to 100%. In terms
of student involvement, they actively
respond to the exercise's question by
working in groups and paying attention to
the teachers' explanations (feedback).

And lastly, according to Cindy D'On

Jones, D. Ray Reutzel & Jamison D.
Fargo (2010), students in the interactive
writing group and the writing workshop
group both showed significant
improvement over time for each of the
three outcome measures. At any point in
the study's timeline, there was no
statistically significant difference between
the groups for any of the outcome
measures. This study demonstrates that
interactive writing and writing workshop
are equally helpful in fostering the
development of early reading abilities
when used consistently over the first 16
weeks of kindergarten.
- This section sets the restrictions of you The data collection will be only limited to
study due to time, budgetary the 39 students of grade 4. They are the
requirements and your capability. people who do not have reading ability,
o What are the parameters of your study are not comprehensive readers, and are
(data collection method, analysis, slow readers.
discussion, etc.)?
What is the design of your study? The research data were gathered in two
- Descriptive - Evaluative ways: first, other researchers conducted
- Theoretical / Philosophical? observations to gather information about
- Etc. students' activity while the action was
occurring; and second, a test was
administered at the conclusion of each
cycle to determine whether or not there
had been any improvisation. The item
test was composed of 30 questions in the
five types of improvisation. The third
question used questioners to get student
feedback on the technique used while
teaching and learning is happening, and it
has several choices and lasts for around
90 minutes. A self-reflective spiral of
planning, acting, observing, reflecting,
and re-planning was employed as the
research procedure to help understand
how to take action to enhance education.
- Who or what will be the sample for your The respondents to this study are my
study? grade 4 students who do not have
- Why did you choose this / these reading ability, are not comprehensive
sample/s? readers, and are slow readers. I chose
- How many? these respondents because they are the
- How will you select your sample? focus of the problem. They are the
perfect samples to show that these
methods and strategies are effective
enough for the students to be able to
learn to read. There are 39 students that
will be selected through random
What tool will you use in gathering your Action research in the classroom served
data? as the research. As a result of their lower
- Document analysis reading proficiency, the research's 39
- Interviews / focus group discussions participants in grade 4 were chosen as
- Assessments the study's topic. It may be inferred from
- Surveys the results of the researcher's pre-
- Case studies reading comprehension exam, where the
- Observations lowest score was 35 and the highest
- Statistical datasets score was 55. The writer's research tool
- Etc. consists of an observation checklist, an
exam, and questioners. The observation
Briefly describe your methods supported checklist is primarily used to periodically
by references to research applying the record the kids' progress. One crucial
methods in similar situations. component of the research is the test,
which will determine whether or not the
translation technique implementation
would enhance the students' reading
Think of the circumstances in which your As this study seeks a solution through
respondents/samples’ participation will acquiring samples to see if the adoption
compromise their rights to privacy and of methods and strategies is effective, it
confidentiality. Also, consider the data is needed to acquire the important
gathering method. Avoid intrusion and do personal information of the students. As
not put them at risk. Consider your we obtain their information, the
respondents: researcher is responsible for maintaining
- Do you need to obtain informed consent the confidentiality of the information.The
from the parents, DSWD, and other samples are protected by the Data
agencies? Privacy Act, and the researcher must
- Do you need to get the name of your comply with and apply this act.
respondents? - Do you need to label your Permission from the students that will be
subjects (schools, barangays, region, the sample for this research is needed.
How would you analyze your data? Reading is undoubtedly one of the four
Briefly describe your data analysis skills that must be developed from the
technique supported by references to very beginning of the teaching-learning
research applying the analysis in similar process. As a result, it is not difficult to
situations imagine that it contains a significant
individual component, that is, that it has
primarily to do with those inner
characteristics popularly known as
Multiple Intelligences (Gardner). It should
be noted in this regard what is described
in the following paragraphs. Gaines and
Lehmann (2002) demonstrated that the
use of MI theory increased students'
reading comprehension and improved
their academic achievement.
Policy Research and Development Division – Planning Service (PRD-PS) CONSULTANT: Dr. Dennis Alonzo
Bondoc, Victoriana P., (2014) Action Research Made Easy, Quezon City:
Lorimar Pub Inc.

DepEd Order No. 16, s.2017


s.2017 – YouTube

Action Research.


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