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Group List For: Comparison Paper 5:30 p.m.

Six Groups of Four and 1 Group of 5

Comparison Paper Due November 29, 2021 (late submission will not be accepted)
First - Four groups to do PRESENTATION on November 29, 2021 (required for 50 percent of grade)
Second –Four or three groups to present on December 1, 2021(required for 50 percent of grade)

Be prepare to do your presentation on the date assigned or you will forfeit your points/grade
1. Rhaven Leinfesta
Diana Welch
Gwen Tulcey
Uwin Armstrong

2. Shanika Leslie
Fracisca Hower
Latisha Gonzalez
Timara Pandy
Shomac Banks

3. Kiowa Alvarez
Sheterica Hernandez
Shadayia Collins
Shamieka Pollard

4. Clarette Barton
Kellyn Neal
Francis Gonzalez
Avant Baptist

5. Diana Allen
Sherri Hemmans
Jalian Hemmans
Cecil Ramirez
6. Kareem Jones
Renee Hamilton
Sharlene Yarde
Kanika Usher
7. Catherine Cobo
Keisha Coye
Amber Edwards
Jason Tingling
For Comparison Research Paper

Write a: Comparison Research Paper on social justice using the three men lives as

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Marcus Garvey
Nelson Mandella

Essay should be no longer than 2 to 2 ½ pages – written document will receive 50 points and
Presentation by every student with receive the other 50 points for a total of 100 points for this

Presentation time line is four minutes per student - your choice of informal or formal presentation.

Your informal verbal presentation must be superior to a formal presentation which will require a

All three men fought for social justice

Paper must be written in ESSAY form. An essay should have a single clear central idea. Each
paragraph should have a clear main point or topic sentence. Each paragraph should support or
expand the central idea of the paper. The idea of each paragraph should be explained and illustrated
through examples, details, and descriptions.

Unity: Every paragraph in an essay should be related to the main idea. Each paragraph should stick
to its main point.

Cohesive: Every paragraph in an essay should be related to the main idea and coherent. Each
paragraph should stick to its main point.

Students must include:

 What was the three men goal or objective
 What were the various challenges or obstacle they encountered?
 In what ways did they overcome their obstacles?
 What did each one achieve?
 From a theological perspective, how did they use their passion and faith to achieve their
 In your opinion which of these men was more passionate?
 What legacy did they leave, and How did each make the world a better place
 Which of the three men impact you the most, how?
 What specifically did you gain or learn from this research paper?

Finally - Correctness: Your essay should be written, with complete sentences, and be relatively

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