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Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages

NAME: Paladines Argudo Jossette Oderay.

DATE: Monday, November 2, 2020.



October 2020- February 2021

EFL Teachers and Students in the Technological Learning Environment

The internet is an important part of our lives, nowadays people connect with the internet
to talk to other people who are in other places or countries, distance study, search for
information, do the shopping, entertainment, playing video games, among other things
we can use the Internet, we currently have several platforms to carry out several of these
activities on the internet. People can even use the internet on smartphones, which was
not possible some time ago and The Internet grows every day because more people use
it to study and develop new information.

Technology has an important space in education, Thanks to this, it is easier to find

useful information than a few years ago, Within roles in a technological environment,
teachers and students can use different kinds of help, for instance, students can improve
their skills with whatever subject that they need help or just to learn a new thing, also
teachers can use platforms to help them in their class as find information that
complements their classes or creating platforms in where their students can work and
teachers can grade the progress of their students.
Teachers and students must play new roles in a technological environment because now
the internet is essential to do things faster, do research, do homework, learn, teach, etc.
In the subject of English, the internet opens more fields to students and teachers. In the
lives of students, the Internet is really important because it is the way they can have all
the information they need instantly with the help of many free websites, both teachers
and students can practice English with help of videos, books and even online games,
education has a special role with the internet and digital technology, at the present time
it is the digital age and for this reason, our society is influenced with the internet and the
education is part of this especially in the English.


Quiñonez B. Ana L. (2020). Technology in the Efl Classroom Guía didáctica. Loja-
Ecuador. Ediloja Cía. Ltda.

BBC. (2020). What is the internet?. Recovered

Learn Computer Technologies. (Producer). (2016). Internet and Its Uses. [DVD].

OnTESOL. (Producer). 2013). Using The Internet In Your ESL Classroom. [DVD].

[AP-STUDENT] Princess Jonna Mae Rangasa. (Producer). (2017). The Impact of

Internet on Student's Life. [DVD]. From

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