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John Mark Recio



I've always love to appreciate and comprehend the beauty in all forms of art. I
first learned to appreciate all forms of art in my Sining class in elementary school. Each
piece of art inspired me to view every aspect from a higher or alternative angle. Every
picture has the power to shift my perspective on the world. Without even recognizing it,
merely gazing at a piece of art can have an impact on how I act and make judgments.
Many pieces of art make me feel things, especially whether they deal with
political, abusive, social, or life themes. Every piece of art always resonates with me
and connects. Art is created to evoke emotions in us, and art works are designed to
connect with people's feelings: they elicit responses, demand emotions, and yearn to be
cherished forever. These emotions can include ecstasy or calm, but they can also
include despair, frustration, or extreme sorrow. Yes, artwork does convey feelings about
life. By utilizing strong imagery, colors, and hues, artists are able to show us what's
going on in society and provoke thought on a variety of topics, such as the safety of
women, political violence, farmer suicide, and climate change. Artists become activists
by utilizing art as a cutting-edge awareness-raising technique and taking on the most
pressing issues of the day. As a result, public art harnesses the influence of socially
conscious art to expose people with social injustice that would otherwise go unnoticed
in their daily lives.
In conclusion, art affects me on an intellectual and emotional level and changes
how I perceive the world. The human experience would not be complete without art.
Even if it doesn't have a significant impact on a person's private life, art has a significant
impact on our environment and practically all of our social interactions. We are all
affected by art, whether it brings us joy or sadness or anything in between. I really
believe that a piece of art has the power to increase our tolerance for difference and for
one another by bringing us together to share and discuss. The interaction with art—and
with others over art—can strengthen our sense of community, broaden our
understanding of who we are as a people, and demonstrate the practical effects of our
individual actions. Because of this, I hope that in the future, discussions of social,
political, and environmental issues will include art more frequently than they do now,
and that artists will be taken into account when decision-makers at all scales, from local
to global, consider solutions to the problems we face in the modern world.

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