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Question 1 (1 point)

Information systems help in ________ costs of operations and thus ________ a low-cost
competitive position. 

Question 1 options:
reducing, gaining
gaining, reducing
balancing, figuring
figuring, balancing

Question 2 (1 point)

________ refers to a specific skill or set of skills which an organisation possesses, for making a
product or doing business in a unique manner. 

Question 2 options:
Technology integration
Core competence
Production analysis

Question 3 (1 point)

Firms that compete on differentiation adopt the stance of 

Question 3 options:
low cost, limited quality
high costs, high quality
low cost, high volume sales
high costs, limited quality

Question 4 (1 point)
Firms generally partner to lower transaction costs, with

Question 4 options:
utility firms and vendors only
banks, service providers, utility firms, and parts vendors
vendors only
banks, utility firms, and vendors

Question 5 (1 point)

Information goods are ________ to produce, very ________ to reproduce. 

Question 5 options:
cheap, cheap
expensive, expensive
cheap, expensive
expensive, cheap

Question 6 (1 point)

A combination of ________ and ________ gives rise to tippy markets, where eventually only
one product survives the competition. 

Question 6 options:
market share, production
Goodwill, capital
logistics, marketing
Network externalities, positive feedback

Question 7 (1 point)

________ help overcome technology lock-in 

Question 7 options:
Transaction costs
Switching costs
Exchange costs
Licencing costs

Question 8 (1 point)

which module is responsible for managing inventories of consumable and non-consumable items
in the firm?

Question 8 options:
Production planning and control
Material management
Enterprise compensation management
Plant maintenance

Question 9 (1 point)

_____________module helps keep track of salary trends within the industry to help management
attract and retain the best skilled and talented employees. ______________module helps with
analysing the structure of the organisation in terms of its reporting and functional hierarchy, and
helps analyse how different structures could be evolved and how they could be staffed. 

Question 9 options:
Enterprise compensation management, Organisational management
Organisational management, Enterprise compensation management
Organisational learning, Workforce process management
Workforce process management, Organisational learning

Question 10 (1 point)

_____________is a place to record all the business transactions occurring across the
organisation. ______________is a place where the data pertaining to vendor payments is
recorded, along with cash and monies received from customers. 

Question 10 options:
Asset accounting, Funds monitoring
Accounts payable and receivables, General ledger accounting
General ledger accounting, Accounts payable and receivables
Funds monitoring, Asset accounting

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