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Being coachable is one of life's most important skills and attitudes, whether or

not you're an athlete. If you're any kind of person who wishes to grow, learn,
improve, excel or peak perform, you should care about whether or not you're
coachable. In other words, being coachable relates to a happy, productive life.
It means you're ready to do what it takes to change, transform, improve or
excel, whatever that means for you and your situation.
People who benefit from being coachable:
Recreational or competitive athletes
Employee at a job they enjoy
Business owner or entrepreneur
Student (of anything at any age)
Public speaker
Fitness instructor
Coach (Yes, coaches need to be coachable)

There're about a million more examples, because being coachable is for

everyone. Being coachable means you're open to listening to feedback, able to
receive constructive criticism without taking it personally, willing to take a
look at your own performance in order to improve it, and generally a super-
badass-enthusiastic go getter type of person.
Let's take a look at the alternative attitude just for comparison's sake.
Someone who's not being coachable will display many different kinds of
behaviors, including but not limited to:
1. Always thinking they're right
2. Not wiling to learn new things
3. Not open to change
4. Negativity
5. Pessimism
6. Eye rolling during constructive criticism (that one's in here for my teenage
7. Inability to self reflect
8. Don't care about improving their life or relationships
9. Disrespectful of others and/or their opinions
10. Generally unwilling to learn, grow or do what it takes to improve
11. Putting other people down
There are so many more...
When you look at the characteristics of someone who's coachable it's easy to
see that they're the individuals who'll succeed in life when it comes to health,
happiness and attitude. The way that coachable people interact in the world
continually helps them when they're striving for growth, learning and success.
The attitude of someone who's coachable is easy going, open and receptive,
making anything they want to do in their life seem doable. They become an
inspiration to those around them because they get results.

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