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APSY 2-3 (GROUP 3)

Zyron Parong as Zy (researcher 1)
Andrea Louise Elcano as Drea (researcher 2)
Clodine Indita as Clods (researcher 3) and Caretaker
Alyssa Vizcarra as the Ghost and Scriptwiter
Kyla Camantes as the Videographer and Editor

First scene - The researchers are camping beside the Uno Memorial Cemetery to gather
data or experience on the work they are doing, so they plan to stay for 24 hours to see
what happens, but before that they ran into one of the caretakers from where they were
going to stay/camp, who warned them to stay quiet and suggested not staying there for
a long hour and show respect to the place, but they just ignored it and strived to
investigate more. However, one of them has a feeling that something is wrong, but instead
of informing them, he simply ignores it.
DREA: Are you sure about this? To be honest, I’m getting goosebumps
CLODS: Let’s just get it done quickly
ZY: (Feeling uncomfortable while looking at the surroundings)
CLODS: Are you okay?
ZY: (Not responding, Still looking around)
DREA: Zy! Zy, come on! don't be afraid to tell if you're okay or not.
ZY: Huh? Yeah, I'm okay. I’m just speculating about the surroundings.

The researchers continued walking. Then comes in the caretaker, who noticed them
walking towards the place and approaches the researchers. When Zy noticed the
caretaker approaching them, he asked for permission to enter.

ZY: Good afternoon, ma’am. Can we stay for at least one night? Because we’re
conducting research
Caretaker: I suggest you to be quite and not to stay for too long.
ZY: (Tries to get Drea’s attention) Hey!
DREA: (Busy looking for signal) Yes?
ZY: (Points at the caretaker)
DREA: (Confused) What? do you have Tic syndrome something?
ZY: (Looks at the caretaker, but surprised she vanished) Oh, the caretaker is just right
here…I wonder where she goes? Never mind. let’s just get this done fast.

Second scene – They built prepared their camping site. So, they sit there until the
afternoon, when they decide to split up to get what they need for their camping trip, and
then something bothers them one by one.
DREA: (Finished building the tent) I think this is enough.
CLODS: So…Let's divide and conquer our duties so we can just relax later.
ZY: Good idea…Hey, Drea? go collect some branches so we can keep our fire last longer.
DREA: I’m a bit tired…sorry
CLODS: (Sighs) It's okay, I'll just go to your duties. Just stay here and keep an eye on
our belongings.
ZY: Okay, I’m gonna start examining our surroundings so that if there is an emergency,
we can reach immediately for help.
DREA: Okay, good luck and be careful!

Second scene – CLODS is humming peacefully, gathering firewood, when she notices
something strange around her, as if someone is watching her. She dismisses it and
returns to camp. DREA is ordered to stay in the camp and keep an eye on their
belongings, but she has a feeling that someone is watching her, which she ignores until
CLODS arrives.

CLODS: Hey, it’s just me. calm down!
DREA: Gosh… you scared me!
CLODS: Do you get the feeling that there is something wrong in this place?
DREA: Well yeah…Just a few minutes ago before you showed up
CLODS: It's getting late, and Zy is still not here. You should call him.
DREA: (Tries to call Zy) he’s not responding
CLODS: (Sighs) hope he is safe.

ZY is assigned to check the surroundings to see if there is a way to get a quick call for
emergency purposes, but something goes wrong when he sees something running
behind him back and forth and decides to return to the camp and tell them to just go
home and fake their documentation, but before they go home, they take a picture to
prove that they did it realistically.

ZY: (Arrives at the camp, all sweaty)

CLODS: where did you came from? Are you sweating?
ZY: Let’s go home I don’t really feel well. Let’s just fake out documentation.
DREA: And how?
ZY: Let's snap a picture and save it in our file. Gather quickly so that we may get home
as soon as possible.

Third scene - They are in the comfort of their home until Clods becomes curious about
the forest behind the uno memorial cemetery and discovers that there is a woman who
was slayed by someone who resembles Zy behind the cemetery where they stayed and
see a newspaper posted that the killer was caught in hand by the police but he just got
bailed and left the country and no one knows why he killed the woman until Clods catches
the attention that behind the killer there is the caretaker. She schocked by the information
and immediately contacted with Zy and DREA. The other researchers also had previously
felt strange in their home, as if someone was following and observing them. Then they
decide to reunite and go to Uno Memorial Cemetery to apologize to the site and persuade
the keeper that Zy is innocent and not the murderer.
ZY: First, I want to show you this picture of us, in which someone is standing behind me.
(Clods and Drea were shocked with what they saw.)
CLODS: let’s go! we need to end this.
(They finally met up with the caretaker again.)
ZY: Ma’am sorry for interrupting, but we'd want to apologize for what happened the day
CLODS: Also, ma'am…if you're wondering if Zy is the culprit, he's not. He's innocent, and
we already know what happened.
DREA: We do apologize for bothering this place, ma'am…
Caretaker: (sighs) I am really sorry for what she did…Perhaps she was as confused as I
was. She is my younger sister who was slain for no clear reason.

Fourth scene - The white lady arrived very upset, but ZY tried to persuade her to stop
and advised her to move on and be peaceful instead because her sibling is struggling to
go back and forth to the place where she died to prevent someone from disturbing her,
saying it's all in the past and the killer might be dead as well and have punishment in his
life, so there's no need to be violent about it. She laments the existence of such people
in the world and advises her to rest in peace and let go.
ZY: Move on and be peaceful instead because your sister is struggling to go back and
forth to the place where she died to prevent someone from your actions!
(The white lady chokes Zy)
DREA: Stop it! it's all in the past! Stop being violent! Just move on and rest in peace!
(The white lady vanished into thin air.)
They were relieved when the white lady cried and vanished.
Caretaker: I’m so sorry for what happened…
ZY: it’s okay ma’am… may your sister rest in peace.
They are now on their way home, and the caregiver apologizes for what occurred. When
they return their gaze to the area, the white lady is smiling and waving goodbye.
A man was heartbroken and had lost hope in life. He intends to end his life with
the gun he owns while intoxicated. He is slowly losing his sanity and treats the gun as if
it were a toy. After a while, the drunk man was disturbed by a girl with Down syndrome.
He shoos the girl away but the girl thought he was playing with her and teases him. With
that, the drunk man lost his patience and came up to the girl who was running around. He
called out to her and when she turned around….The girl was shot by the man.

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