Market Entry Strategy Plan

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Department of Education

Ilocos Norte National High School

Laoag City

Market Entry Strategy Plan

Presented by:
Aganon, Lovelyn N.
Agoto, Keith Lorenz A.
Alipio, Junel
Brin, Maryrose P.
Honorio, Jhonalyn A.

Crissa Mae Paningbatan

Subject teacher
Table of Contents

I. Summary/Background of the Project ........................................................................ 3

II. Business Objectives .......................................................................................................... 3

III. Product Overview ............................................................................................................. 4

Name of the Product: Caseosa Tuna ............................................................................... 4

IV. Target Market .................................................................................................................... 4

V. Competitor Analysis ......................................................................................................... 5

VI. Product Strategy: Features, Advantages, and Benefits .................................. 6

Features: .................................................................................................................................. 6

Advantages: ............................................................................................................................. 6

Benefits ..................................................................................................................................... 6

VII. Analysis of the Five-Forces Model by Michael Porter .................................... 6

Barriers to Entry.................................................................................................................... 6

Rivalry ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Substitutes .............................................................................................................................. 7

Buyer Bargaining Power...................................................................................................... 8

Supplier Bargaining Power ................................................................................................. 8

VIII. Bibliography/ List of References Materials ...................................................... 9

I. Summary/Background of the Project

The tuna cheese is widely known as tuna melt. According to research, tuna
melt was accidentally invented in the 1960's at Woolworth’s lunch counter in
Charleston, S.C., when a cook didn’t notice that a bowl of tuna salad had tripped
over onto a grilled cheese. But rather than cleaning it up, the cook discovered
the magic of these two flavors (tuna &cheese) combinations. With that, the iconic
tuna melt was born. And became a classic American dinner food. Tuna cheese
is already a well-known product in the market industry, not just in America but
almost all over the world. Many have also invented different flavors that can be
combined with tuna and cheese, like lettuce and mayonnaise. And many
businesses have succeeded in selling tuna cheese. This became our motivation
to make innovation of tuna cheese product. Although at first, we doubted if we
could make it.

We firstly changed the product name, from "Tuna Cheese" to "Caseosa

Tuna" to make it unique. Caseosa is a Spanish word means cheesy. The next
thing we changed is that we added new ingredients. We added vegetables like
carrots and potato, and butter, nestle cream, mayonnaise and it is wrapped in a
white wrapper. Our aim is to introduce a new flavor and new look of a cheesy
tuna. Our product has many features, advantages, and benefits. One of its
features is, it looks like and size like a regular lumpiang shanghai. The advantage
of our product is not only for snack, but it can be a dish accompany with rice. It
is beneficial for the health because of the vegetables added.

We have also a lot of objectives or goals. First is to introduce our product

to the buyers. After that we can gain customers and then gain profit. Until our
product stablishes its name and identity in the industry. And this will be the
beginning for us to achieve our short-term and long-term goals. But our primary
goal is to provide customers' needs and wants. And our mission is to give the
satisfaction of our customers. Our primary target market as a beginner in the
market industry is within our school, Ilocos Norte National High School.
Specifically, students who are studying on the main campus. Our estimated
target market size is about 25% of the population of INNHS main campus. And
our primary indirect competitor is the school canteen who sells different goods.
In conclusion, our innovative product, Caseosa Tuna, will be easy to be
introduce in the industry because of its new features and uniqueness.

II. Business Objectives

1. Short-term Objectives
• To gain customer, about 500-1000 a year
• To gain profit of P500.00 a month
• To create a creamy white sauce for the product about 3 months
2. Long-term Objectives
• To gain about 500 loyal customers for 2 years through good service and
product innovation
• To promote the product through social media (Facebook and Instagram)
after 1 year
• Return of Investment (15,000-20,000) for about 5 to 10 years
• To have food booth after 3 years at Puregold, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
• Supply about 2 seller per year at supermarkets within the country

III.Product Overview

Name of the Product: Caseosa Tuna

Caseosa Tuna is a type of tuna salad mixture that includes vegetables and
is then combined with grated cheese and wrapper in a regular wrapper. Our
product is not the typical tuna cheese in a bread, but it is wrapped in a white
wrapper that’s make it unique. The size of the Caseosa Tuna is about 4 inches.

When we decide to create this product, caseosa tuna we considered it to

be the most basic kind of cheese lumpia found in Filipino cuisine. It is typically
smaller and thinner. The outside of the Caseosa Tuna is white and it is the same
size as a typical shanghai that we typically buy in the market.

IV. Target Market

The target market of your business is the ideal customer based on the
product or services a business is offering. Depending on the business there may
be more than one target market but it is important to establish your primary
target market. Our primary target market is within the school, 12-60 yrs. old,
young adults- to adults. According to Target-Market- Article from University of
Rochester that prioritizing the audiences can help focus on your product
strategy. The futures economic power is thought to be the students, they are
going through a transitional period in their lives where they are discovering
independence and making decisions and this will build a fervent customer base
over time.
1. The target market size is 25% of the population of INNHS main campus.
The possible consumption rate is twice a day, its either break time and 3-4 pm.
Since our target market is within the school, the sociodemographic profile can
be a prospective student but it is too broad so it can be undergraduate students,
graduate students, part-time students, transferee students and we can also
include as secondary audiences the following, parents, faculty staff, and
members of the community. This might be challenging but taking a risk in
business can result to progress. In the next 3 years the target market size is 75%
of the population of INNHS.
2. The Physical and emotional factors that drive people to buy from a
business and maintain their loyalty to it are known as customer needs. We
believe that our product will assist our customers satisfy their cravings and it is
also a budget-friendly option because, as we all know, individuals rarely open
their wallets to spend money if they don’t expect to receive something in return
or feel satisfied. This product is healthier than shanghai roll, it may be consumed
by vegetarians, which is a good impact that this product will have consumers
health. While this has drawback in that some individuals dislike vegetables I
their snacks or their foods, this would be one of our product or business

V. Competitor Analysis
Our competitor for our product is the canteen and street vendors, they are
both indirect competitors. Their strength is that they have a large product range
and they are now well established. The street vendors weakness is that they can
just sell outside the school.

There is still a portion of the market we can make as target market. And
there is also a neglected part of the market our competitors don’t offer products
to that we can make our target market. Those who don’t like shanghai that much
and also to those who have allergies with chicken and seafoods like shrimp and

First, get to know the target customers well to know their wants and needs.
It is very important to provide customers with that will satisfy their cravings to
win their hearts. Second, is to identify our strengths and weaknesses so that we
know how to maintain and avoid them and of course also to know our
competitors, what are their strengths and weaknesses so that we know what can
be improved in our business.

We think our weakness is that we are not skilled enough in creating new
products. Like our product, Caseosa Tuna, we are not sure if we will perfectly
make it because it has a new ingredient. So, if we won’t make the product good,
we would gain customers. Then, we plan to correct the impact of our weakness
by giving our best to try and try until we make it perfect but to be sure we will
ask for advice to elders who knows a lot in manufacturing products like this.
And if there is a training opportunity, we will grab it to gain more knowledge.

VI. Product Strategy: Features, Advantages, and Benefits

• Shape and size are like shanghai
• Wrapped in a white wrapper
• Healthy food
• Cheesy
• Creamy

We listed five (5) features that distinguish our product as new and
distinctive, but we chose to specific because we believe it to be one of its strongest
points. We refer to our product as a "healthy snack" because it contains
ingredients that are beneficial for people with anemia, reduce their risk of heart
disease, and aid in weight loss.

Tuna is one of the most consumed types of seafood in the world, as state
by WebMD Editorial Contributors. Tuna is abundant, has a meaty flavor, and is
also very nutrient-dense. The article claims that tuna is a great source of vitamin
B12, which is essential for the formation of DNA, new red blood cells, and that
needed in prevention of anemia. On the other side, it also claims that it lowers
the risk of heart disease since it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which have
been linked to a lower risk of heart attacks and other forms of cardiovascular
illness. Lastly, it aids in weight loss because tuna is a lean meat that is high in
protein but low in calories, which simply means that it keeps you full for longer
and prevents overeating.

Our product is unique since it represents a fresh invention. We are all

familiar with lumpiang shanghai and tuna cheese, but not with tuna cheese that
has been wrapped in a shanghai wrapper. Our product's ingredients differ
slightly from those found in typical tuna cheese. Century tuna, grated potatoes,
carrots, and other vegetables, along with nestle cream, mayonnaise, and cheese.
Our product has vegetables, so we can already state that it has health benefits,
but the tuna makes our product healthier than it would be. Due to these
components, our product is unique.

VII. Analysis of the Five-Forces Model by Michael Porter

Barriers to Entry
1. There are no government policies that may hamper our entry into this
industry because our product is just an easy entry.
2. In operating a business there is always a cost disadvantage, the cost
disadvantage of our product compared to our competitors is that maybe
they offer cheaper prices or use excess profits to bolster promotion.
3. As result of distribution there will always a cost or what we call expenses,
so in our product since our target market is in school and we plan to
supply the school canteen then it would fall in to cost of packaging and
cost of handling.
4. The cost will our business encounter in encouraging our customer to
switch from their current brand to mine and vice versa is that a promotion
cost or expense. Promotion expense is included free samples, or other
promotional gimmicks to help boost sales and revenue.
5. To make our product different from other brands we think we need a
capital of P1,000 only.
6. To achieve a reach and economies of scale we need a volume product. On
this as we increase our production, we will lower the cost.


7. The rivalry present in the industry is equally balanced since we have rules
and laws to follow, but in some point, it is favoring some over the others
specially to those who have money.
8. The growth scenario in this industry depends on how good your product
is and how people patronize it so it can be slow or at rapid pace. This can
be also applied to the competitors. And what I expect with the growth of
our business is at rapid pace because I believe our product is delicious
and new so people will patronize it.
9. They are differentiated based on the combinations of the ingredients. Our
product is different because it has potato and carrot. It is also creamy and
10. For first timers like us in this industry, it is just low risks. Yes, we can
afford to take these risks because we know creating new product is a risk.
11. We have 2 competitors, and we have different products to sell.
12. It is just easy to exit in this industry because it is also easy entry industry.


13. There are 3 close substitutes that we are considering to our product,
namely the lumpia, shanghai roll and a sandwich tuna cheese.
14. As looking and identifying our product there’s a lot of products that are
not so close substitutes to our product since this is new innovative
15. The close substitutes that being mentioned above are different to our
product in many aspects first the name itself which is derived from
Spanish, secondly the ingredients and the benefits of this products.
16. The advantage of our product to the close substitutes is that this a new
innovative product while the disadvantages of this is that it is a little bit
expensive than those close substitutes.
17. Again, as we have mentioned earlier our product is different, different from
the origin of name of the product, the taste/flavors, and the benefits of it.

Buyer Bargaining Power

18. It is having a strong bargaining power for if buyers are more concentrated,
then buyer power is high.
19. I believe our buyers or customer will buy in volume for the price itself you
can see that it is budget friendly and I believe that the price of a product
can influence consumer perception.
20. I think they more prefer the differentiated products because the first and
foremost important reason for any new products is to offer new value to
the customer. Without this, there is no other reason for them to invest
their money for the new products or services.
21. Though it is almost a same price to the lumpiang shanghai I think they
will experience a high switching cost because of the quality of the product
and since high prices can also give the impression that the product is of
high quality.
22. Since it is our time to do this product and this is new to every buyer, I
think it can experience a low profit margin but when this product will we
be known to everyone we will gain profit that is beyond our expectation.
23. The product is important to the buyers since this kind of snacks is very
familiar to us as a Filipino and it is important for this is a healthy food to
individuals of all ages.
24. As we market our product through social media platform specifically in
Facebook and Instagram, we give them the true information such as the
price, flavors, location, and the benefits of this product.

Supplier Bargaining Power

25. Yes, those suppliers are the one who has been in the industry for a long
time. They can easily dominate the industry because they are already
26. Those suppliers are more concentrated than the buyers because they are
the one who are providing the needs of the customers. They are focus on
how to give the best product for the satisfaction of the buyers.
27. There are always a lot of substitutes for suppliers because in one's
industry they are not the only who are providing the needs and wants of
the buyers. There are always other suppliers who are producing the same
product as them.
28. All customers are important in a business industry. If there are no
customers, there is no one to be supplied of. And the more the customers
are, the more chances of suppliers to be successful as well as the business
29. Yes, supplier’s contribution is critical to the industry because they are the
one who are supplying the products from the manufacturer to buyers.
Without them, there might be a big problem in the delivery of the needs
and wants of the customers, with that it has a big impact in the industry.
And that's how powerful the contribution of suppliers is.
30. We can't say if it is high or low because it depends on the suppliers. There
are suppliers who want a high amount in return of their service. Mostly of
these suppliers are the one who are already well known in the industry.
That's why it depends on suppliers because they are the same.

VIII. Bibliography/ List of References Materials

Sachdev, Pooman ( Sept. 21,2022). Health Benefit Tuna.

Wagner, Eric ( Mar8, 2019). Price or Value: Which One Will Compel Customers
to Buy from You?.

Messenger, Leah ( Jan 8,2021). Volume discount pricing: Benefits, types &
real-world examples.

Bunch, Hannah( Aug. 20, 2011).ESTABLISHING YOUR TARGET MARKET.

Heuck, Lidey(1836). Tuna Melt.

Kokemuller, Neil. What Is a Cost Disadvantage?.


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