Company Law Notes NLIU

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‘N yo omp me ee 2 Q017 ebihen (ub) a 2 Book. aul sty Fat at TT aponed Wy La! " 4 ply 4 ¢ by baw ve euictence!” Gh oe Fs ea dain” ‘ lac anf aimed” oa) cua ia a Cumutodtve of ng nua oti gm or duties cold, t 70 Leck ayy: ' ) ooh we Wo caneap- 2 peuenstiey, 1 oral eee A 1 yennance | fovexcigh ledo ty creatt an f tubjerls” | o 4, Pore the Me ae oo AS): oeign 3 qub| | ese Cee oA re) te 1 1 po Maciel sone” om ex whos : > Peto lity wor ured t qovenan born ce a citi2ente fousterce . foe cee a fee Ce bis a tet : ahead —— Yo Soyences Oye i) [ sonra eutlen — ee onal wis fe prom 4 1 2 cub) ect} tere af peer] [the frestmout accorded | 2 by the aovercign tothe \ ; qublew 4 enol \ ¥ 4 0, l pile “l 7 eS (satiat Rony tM © aoa od ia oy Tye ies . _ Crono Se faa fe eau q Late | [toner Le (eT le * pa doe i wered 5 hs es “ea thor eopaity wi come uy . Vove dur aro interest ° ou vrould aio Lave corres nda, » whieh is gublautive Qaw> - i Social lutereat Treo incenea| iG “Euonomic tutaae t+ | See i fo enecity et) Finaneial] (sof yertive we pretest Ou inh tw: _ Of blw Turidicot fesouating gw = Povo Colomow v: Selomou- 6] Tut do wment @ cw ue Quotations wlio were a combination 4 ut inal dieole Coming: ey Aue to collective interest - Question ts tan tus Gqeation be vi wu wea legal a es Wecividucalt 0 Uective interest nook lo be prota cPrianqudor opproath dfheory , Jan 1¢ o legal pe! Specs of tho Fone oe rand Be nes. Quao0 49 Problem was -fretm“a rm con undo HW Rett bur ag anailaioe cannot So. it wor opted M4 outifidal | Fj ctiHow entity bak a tego Poems u Se er, ea hee 2 Puapre Tetory. + coneesion ee aT aN pt te - - ais rt @ | : ce it the Sovereign been nen age poenai Gy: oo 2 Aetive 42.3 a aur ‘ ° Brackel- “Theory & Purpose TMeony ] Anediical— Team ‘Codologicas theony: - Eyolukin of Lavo : whens te Aue t0 evolution of godi - Both theoriee tomplimot ear off, “ety | et Brockes : . - Gro: A furidicfal tate it for coltech've Interee & ~ BT war y ck yl “teiek in ik eo \k dig lant L Change with Pe eeoaing, tee Ollowe ite poston te ° & eorporation lea symbolic reprereuntotion ots repesio pooul aie vepred on ig in § purpese. 0 "wonvenience: £ Qo, this treo trol we creafe a Braker be: Limitation “t, opdation othe ated atien pr what it war on the le built \ i 0, individuals ote pak wzitber in the broaker using: oir commons Hee: © elnmne io « intexeay outside the bracker, i ogation works ai oe ca wot be said to be done re a &€ ena enti fo fo cotve Hue , we uk & Umitato rn wt * | oad vars ct the geope of fee wore how they | Tues: [> Cee es we are Goa a caroranon pe oe | ‘ ot ‘ wp Lerten specific object vi orogH it wt wrt the objet | i OH ; | : pause ove Coreen oo meceneaully add | | 2 oo — = | os wo Lorpor: pode porate ate ok Person Q f’ ate ‘ Bofore the wse of golomon, Ca ie t Wak a doy, " Body . | : wad of Solomon ¥* Fa ace became fi's Ureoldrs - Des taimactttn was in the uature of trauefer of leooe: Te ey ascet that A hao was the (ere cgseemank - “the gexord fiadeior poas in the nature ef o faKeoves of A ey X: Go, att the asgels and Ualbiliter evere trawseted CS X~ The takeover amouwuU- $o, vow He leove ogreement- betenge ace Ro, dhe - tancelled the licewe, go Wtomal calle, fhe leare ol rodundaut: Y initiated the ease on the baie Hal” trancfer bjo F oud A i valid oud dis ie bread of greemeut: (repudiation a ON Also, +r ew] vo X ond A poag Mot a OA bute A dakeovees ponees both, Hronaattion ae 4ob violative. *6 Ucense ’ Ofeement > yo Clow tok. > aequmenta : 7 PER Ue tieescee The vty log Re ni Oud tue wou Connol- ‘4 dhe = th qire tere Voene . be trawofeied osfe othe, fumiestn i We There woe & -Hancferatot U auce ty ; Yestroin the tranofereatoi li fhe Ucevrte « Qo, its n Public interest be iu lead to a tooplole t& Gre accets te private eati hy. Ub thoutd Ye ‘bean done. Wik the pormiegion of he ae: be ip gon: dwernet know Athen read u OU be Qoek of ey Interne | Te amouu- of takeover ip 4, over Of lease. Taig . ok en, as in inftation 1, lose hp > pe FRESE usted , wrth, ¢ [prove ee ~are Abe looked aoa Prt postive So, at, Pp i] oe oT th meets bene do direek ty For A voc created to “6 Volatin A as g eo > jeer foeluiars 4g the trapofes lage @ “net aud remove the Hose to oe “rey fo, A woos wot Q on, < tHoatler of Licence © Sy wo'e by eontider Crprracte Veil t> trol ible, Accountoble. a AEDS frm: |p Bway a OD it b faken Geel. b eS eeede b enya tug gow made amendments ® the &o, a requiremons- nendmatt - (nee PES, wat ode stougte amen | fy presse hot thawgt the Ceerteng> Stroctute of sempaangs PPE wag. bw +Hindat PF Rene, “Ks ¢ : a ————— nama notice ros to bbe gout by att dhe vrogidalort * eee . Becher . Se 009 the et had wary of Bhowing, o4 to wlak wor eigen State ob OA y. Renuagar Pasco, Company a AWdalro ig a Pubic co Lit floated -the compasses Restos Into an { was Sel owned Oubsidary (uss) « tindalao eutored or eee with uP be Ravoe generation: for © was Chainred toy Hindalan in the name 4 Be there vans Power att ‘ 4anen “ ee oe tion, eh Peraten pr power aoe wat EE fi ger foo eae agrimeat Tne C1) Price Cause ~ Te ogreement will be on arms Ae owt or tandems pe [mask Price) elt tho ee a many a P 2 Lnanciot reed of Romaucgae. bento has v. sero inflwence on the agreement: Control ean be quired throug thaeholling , or theotugn eublootive mechaniem. In Wdian scenaslo, 401. "Toroesa ave Paki busine and there te pomede an influence Of Contiol aud offer the {eeirion mating So, te pacties knew cack other hoxe, co we cal it the Relatec fe Tramwattion: (486 Ace dUdhot have ct in thie a + Tere wae ct nea to stop thig, G opt te ban it eS or r 2 it: Were tramaoh ey tannot be banned ,£° we rebated ie voit, fice our which there trancactions ore te hequtoked: Bue tanno ¥ begoud the market pree: sin tug case, there w043 tro con: t of Related fay pana: Oud we tora to dherk). G, the Price louse Wal “tap added in go fet, : oe : quantity howe war tho \t oa \ easier : oe ot on “ead oleae te quire” 4 R * thay : om er dear about prfit here, we're ot : out” wo the Money AtLOrding , 7 Oboe i hat Rem 8 E : we ce, COE : ( : into ae b is vol Tooting a f be vr bus | uw enoration ehastec| , there ioe Ye dnp, | w! : A q:— Sor a)a Hauamiscion Ucenae to ae Permitcion gem a gan: b) kequlrement of poriff duly Be they ate ving yo Veroprces Oud making & peer Suk op its Sojrve. gov dervaided FES MAT Prom Reus i + Rowe tad, ae gome GUEASIEN BE Wot made fe OY f ‘for a thu = Cope hTA PANRT Sina pa Arqomeat of State baa Renus woulelit Lave my be ee bocuq of divcaoh 6, renuiege 7) : lea Le vdten bere core veil woulda hoe ~~ | imal be Mindatyo is the sole reason er emstence of generate powen one $227) $2 (ee) Conkaol Pee ie Se Wendt be remusagan Cannock be conaideeat as tuo ag a ko, we Up tthe +Porate veil aud —— Yemsngaoy wit be T aaden Of are Quer Bo theres no "funckional dipg.” bio Remunai 2 +t the ¢ramoaction Krould uot be \ntee preted in Line vith Corporate 3 vel ata go there i uo Hird par congumptien « Pt the cety coneumption be ttt Ue one f pion one Quatity » So, it’s up lable ty ei ee > twat to decide if they are one ont or vol, court urceded to look at ia fun cH mati aud! to a ede enkorete i agreed with the axqumenty 1 2 0} REnucagar Pub ie Atatveh oe trowmoction Reraas is eble to dlow: Uk looked at shee eo 0) License — etna acquired i | % then gave it to &) Ascota - fenens raguired power qeucsted were gene If tt choos qencrekér fon ey own Ren HU bea ss e ent but Rowus oo ro clurce jt pewes Generation ~n We own +20 not a efecto et entity Reus was oO Ms oeaves oe ene ty aud quived aD from Lo -+Rey oe one ont =k woos $Rindatga's Cun fouce oP pow Cour Looked at the intent & 2 eh -the fac, Ws mt dir rd pay sonal! be i made for safe @nrgor aon: T AUK ee fer te (io ose are wide ne A need _ pffices in deh Goer 260) yogtusive Uist * wea 403 whole time noe \ v) ne m eon. ne °) directors quttrorgod by frend % Given tig “Soo a) immediate authonnd of board, / e) A On abe Wwhro.c shane ad “ae the ‘board 14 Gcertomedt “to - COngeng, ~ go exttang ro He direclor: wn vot be Asay reiponcib “le for every minor migiatge lout the Ate cay! eae die one - Who ie io wonBol will be Weld Linble- Contiol— Ue ie the infoewce Bete ated hey & 2 ot * Powe to Wtter, modify or Ld a decteien ‘t bp Bev a (24) - MEAS - Tere was to semblence contyol- top oot Varl War abocoLe © owstrenever it Upted 1qqa_ 4142: — nay Meta ho-ppeucd: Cutire a wag oe ¢o we need 8 regutoues at athe took marks — Merce, S60) nar faked. 16 |tut. oo Contaol — 8.2 (60) ~ opfiear ss dyaute =e : ¥ : : j a cae will be Uobole ip ther a in ovdinany courte \ * eee ipthe qefosett i ag Aint athe ordi oouree 7 v ° ba The wrporae vail will be pierced - ' Y 4 (nbviduals Leh Uable voko ate wor worst in COnkonasee. with the couective will of te co- "t | v Pied owt ‘iy -the individuals Lave a in dein maaking, or inpluence ie decieion i v “T Uy 40, the. individual with Pe neld Loble those 2ue axe In position a onbol° ‘ We is whee Iden wutiol omer i & tontrol ie wpluence erected by a porticuton auon oF Tee >} jet jrvteame Of sthe ing dee ap determine the : desicion mati uo ee ee wale at b wher vow bod at the manner in wliels private and (ooo { Que fun ignineg , whos coukr eneretsi tontol can be seen Wo - © \n Prt: Ltd: Co, 2 eam to deciplrer the }- ‘\, { ahosebio Ala oul ee gbuutie — Umited ero self ve A goals lev'r ase Att Known te cath ono - ee ee 2 ee © (n Subic lor ahere ia Adijforont & cleci plrer whether the veil iets foe uyted - lb Contiol ie 4 tee ye © Potitive Control e Neyasive Contro | ee a WF ae ato for abt the public. “04 SERL g0ig that we need Ao be epboific about the of freer in dpe Aud cli Lotd othou ip uit Giable other than tha Clreoteu . Hence, Re idea o| lead . Qo, tontiot voos defi neq Qs ~ . PT Whe wan proveut a decicion from bbaing 4aKen Lo, ae ake en'teria of moe {Lan IL), feople vata ure than 26), will be shovel ~eu in Lo rt. le } ‘ eck od the oo oe volo Aericions Celmpiem Oty (486 — To resolutions — (801. needed) « Orde i ti eat neg = day te daw dealings of Lompasey je deci bios ef grigting Spe“ ~ Stbstantiol nafs affected, te , retold : Ghareholden direition. epetaleis” ford Hat we know beaut ig the one Who init! ateg On action lout it is the shaselolders coho Lave the contre | of Or ovnesshriy of the o. &o, ml Le mech, QC}. are in contro and. con vefura | & resol on: Mepastve Driet- “The control you are exerciti wiich anoles spurte proveur the reeolution 0° ot parted. => Shubhakam Vature V- SEBI: orfaut- to Retd deve Individual Csaba 13] rus. Sec (60) ie i : gu. Key maiigatod vost 3 Those usho execute +he reins of the board 9% renters , = Perse weet whoge directsrs| advice ' Board ic Acexsa domed “an ofl Dopined in Seo2(27) 'ConUot/ - Need uot ty ai ofietae sole in the oo : + The’ critevon tt ne wD ascertain Ps - Lt should be «poet more of praetive - directors were old Liable . So, : = onbyy’ : na ate = pi pees in eet 7 : t Ten: and r the Lat. “4 compore, . come ints ple equtatort : : Seal on bible Pin 44eult 86, came ip , Hed § our : te mae Chor 2&5]. shore be CAN eaai a apa werolution from ap Bed, i} prebaan"F g sol resolution be the eubstantiol a 1 i) it tas On the a 1 ~ dos interese = ytnegative eonGol’ be you Axe preventing 4 derision bom et aed gee Tt em ~ ar cameo cnceph tf POH Cont came nie ce Chulkkonn | VonTure v. Seal + Posirive Control — The threshold war Tparasendl ts eeateG to © oy. avd thin, the goriol thon pewsen On § Cingie “handedly, partthe orain YeroLLHm *« ~“ * lb Qkeo athows ae prevent eet viens (rer being made- * Scope wor broadened to pose O voell os prevent % resolu prom loa mode - . Se, cthex'u be gual raiponei ble be you made “ if the deusisn. ° Pea Koutld rave tay ove, at the maths Ve. Prdinan os wot Yas a resorting ¥ (sud. Fen, = fotittve MOLh was vy. toutitative in ily pen Onl it Cedame o problem in Public Listed Compan So, i} no over fomwitre, gaid if we look at In flwence Fen dowt ook 5 i oe hi : i tate Ihttvence a & log q ALIVE Cares can give es ure crop ‘conlelt noe Bu fakes thar +, Meeayy £0, we Lave Malis fatine ~ Appoi . he a c Ament °F maponty + ecto is Nominee — ~The nominee | f Oppeinted by Mk | to -HRe fecition ie a dacken ty A, Adeerit matter ik ito era Phanebolder, 05 rol. ees ee ee AmOURE te cnntsiot ! wn © aQ dexicisue?- — ye then gous ee eee bave the le the ae of Vote. : a = Gover the board - i | oe hy be Hoo Of) ‘ve vets then he can ure tea : | we ofa “dead lock He atta har a cash Cae! | He tan allow it or digadloes ié- oS e------=-ss “Toe “aed va eas by Kinds a ome duaces 4 me obboted ceitain, attri bula ’ 4 depenai a oo attifbutes te Kind of tompace divided. *WNolme oe divicon of o# ed . © Owneuhip Sources on ie 1 ° roma! ee 4 attr Liter. 2 Nabe [eit in » athe ‘Aejree or the a Oh Matteietcors - one ome. te ls 4 two qt" eo fublic Co. | Puke Co. *? Public LN : 4 Ope gor genet alo " ee pubte. & Armin of ui mambes Xe5 b tina Mente oie : Mini mum rea. ed ond manimum 200, b Subjected wr [2 & “The amt: of ecrutin. - ey bo. Wee ingee! 1 Ld. Ket, 103 ‘ 3 Pubtia to- Based on bat reg uirernest- Public Onusted Rube Listest, Tle cory Oration je wok like Public co bak Hocutt 6 wn We sisting proved List in 2 etek exch a a WYP axe Ueber . “ny ed &y ary Licks eo, r Qo, there i Uo direrf- (PO herein an ens at fn be bor 204 oy , spade c Nateagg MOTE trae otf, ui) Associate Op, io teums | eon&o], ee Tele +, - A Powe or opt tr by) \ Gteet nf S ( Motor Gu, i 4 \ ie ‘ 5, s i ; ) 85 S $y wos ' | 0 Here, Tape Tass 2 Wes, Vac tic on close -Lrotdi ie oy bo. deci si a ae a we able te idlocres f “ ce + the ee eG. = tn solace toe (Manas a4 o- 8 therey g Yom ourad wilets, anda. ee Se +h ‘e Loh zontay | rele rece — hoe an indi roct~contro| \Y an ei \ ms tharedeotding in oe they are Rodiate uty sot aabiu “t a 7 \ — a er more Hhroschotd; Yh they [att under one Ce r eOtrol and ree t Coat t Lf Or Yoviaordtal «4 oe lalg aan be vertical be there ip one commen en Cio 1. F) navi toulol over bork there od) eu which are aes to enol tres, Situation 1 i Tol Trunk LOE be conei Jered at a brotds ib how a ae becasese sean Mtoe in tata Power, re he Trust i 1 Uotor & Tac hk Vol oempowy or o bedi eo *porate. Now Tots Powe — $~$.~-G Wos, nar vertical rel” find vel blo €ceys wo se =~ They don't nowe vetical rel, quath clear. = rave DO ehrarw lro (oli in WOS, be ta o ssl ood subi ve d Gruation & ——_——f, gud os boo [oo/, Sharelroldieg ip WOY + 60, an uth. ausociate eo vel” cannot be ( establicgey. C Bo, we coe where WOK Aud Ce draw the;, | Neo, ys - Sor : | ~ wos, is vada eonliol 4 S24 S) has a Cae in « aud Talk Power in 65 aug TOR Trust a = late on TolR Power . = So, talk Thue in Away will Lave tye Conk! on dog Tata Trust bas majonny crate in Too moan, i Totx prods hav many lake in ce. ~ Both We, and Se ie onder-the conor of | ei — 80 tve cont, Sieation 3+ 4 Ss has 204, 9, PLOY hare lrolote in sae : by arelh oye aseoeloke to. j¢ eatt, ¢ es del | Ady TASK Pouser tras pny sharebolding lire. PLOF elrareticl ae 4) annel rear ay » tomeovre Valie peo oup of Hore g I of Se hoo 20), dlaseuoldt then currigcae 7 loetome anouate vo, We Go, Se WI be anodate Corto eoulk otlrer , SLA en aie : Yay, TAR Motore don't Lave “ny areloldng {xso7 ) andl io wallzative ewontol oyep oe. : whether [there g reln Of Uleciate two. y w Se aud o,. Pee fe ee eo & oibrer to. be Tate mots dock have quatitative tve contol over Ss Ue (ete Hoan Coy ctaredeua or abils ts int loence pou ediciens) - ”q t fo VOLK Trust wit have wntrol 9 til Tale (rotors ¢ Not beyond UWal-, $0, S¢ ang uy 0 i v. dolTut eodute LV pik vr imbeeat are Wot bein Ns, : 1 Hrancial source ; f tbe tp wil { a W Can be 4 ken ree © Public On; wb f { Pit hos better cexufh Or righer level of requtatioua be W involver the interculT a the ie. pit Ig involvecl in wrong trade hen she ‘io will of Loxe- - 80, the Core 4| ‘public inteseat! Vs alway, there” [ Re ed Pramenrork, ~ Companies Ack, 204 TRuter + seal. ~ Winimum 1 fle ave ‘appar to form a Ue lonpauy No mauimuns numbex fer cprivete pubee compan . Ye cay Miu anencise dhe Veto when ye Lace aher veto: 4 afgerted thea sro Veto. os rave intacort » 7APfirmative 44 ‘0 ration foumenstp mined « eee ta the alive of the eee reguttertions ( © Puiyale Com are very those -kani F Units The minimum number is 2 stoneholders aud AME marinuun is 100 dhaselo Uden. th ie at the clage Oy initiated. ~ (vohu mele governing rte tompunres Act + Co oe mo ~ further sub-colty of prvte cmon © Smpaut tom: ° cofasn ities ge al8s) omni? oe Crporste Sole. fe ee The 2014 Ree had of Less gave aie once han Q or OY -pee with a tumover ~ \Omin fnreshold~ Of Boer or lease — individual Identety con be Sued, Qu the bark 4 Mabitiey. ® Untimited © United « XU be Pyne “the entire —— — 4 oy { ity sbarobuldon. | 29 + j olf we hove an nuttandig irae _(uasoutes » Lin teers + ae) | by HRe erp of 40 debt & we have 20 sacks Moin lt Cy coon, -then ‘h there ia f000r. ee — pag S}- 222d then ioocr./ for et vomrend apna _ din or - Qnstantee. « Lei sy aoc @ Com of 190 a "u * a alt pro-ralé (Calsdiabioys eee ee co crores, — oe _ “ene 1. A_wrt compat wg 1 gag wg ype ge ler_ _Urporate easel oud “goordlaldors Will be ak dfaust “Concept 0 __ WSU be SELL there xo ee fe a ; _ _ “Lt deserming: a tituation where _ — a ne : are te foot yosort Crorele : 7 oo] Ides aro fre Low resort + So, oS - : Kesretrolfpn can be maze Uable : : - (Or cake anak but a wx cot be} eonape te oo Limited bey ; — Walt lity yotlt alu 220 Auteiming|! en opedon the — . ’ oat Aebt ~ With glorelroters, yor ——_—_—— : wt ge be Conus - $0, & with be Liable ——— a - \O Uovee . en lus: | ; ? y * lags “% _w — Modute— ees » - = 7 7 % : Covcatgian Theory : Be pone Bee Patiasion fen fevered gan > _ - » Ancorporation bag 3 “er ‘s » 7 . * Promotion Comutation these 3 we morn / + Registration | oF > - _¢ _ ommencement- “Psion: ) So a = - 2 7 7 You _9i eet | : ive. conevekenets tp ¢ a pattiewtar 4 tide I An ideo copoble _ Sh wialle fave buninese : + Ik Wo two a ——___— Commercial = te a = a . o + commenntal a Ank then but both ove / a biagih by Deitimninasion bi Mf. apes —_. oe of ' Teehnicay - b ace . — in_terne “ih rye i — a Jae = ie Shoals Ta 1 Logiction | 7 es at oe ad Catnat at the sutsloahl othe aN — burines tomes prom & the DAngek eda tna etek iad, Vantage — Cpleabiar Fina, Investment Bautcs) - =e puctone a late, 2 t then you ave Vetiie Copiaatict fe eu tome in tthe y. “a bgintiog. aud “t with wo til i 1G , Ay CEoeuoceeyvbLeyruUVUugy wes & able to tay oe WE oun phen ilF Anget Investors * Dyce Seq Wi rit it Adkieved esl” Cua be any Ain fine foome. Fdi ates Gor it do be series Hnanaing or owy offer trondeg- People who tome 5 ghor, gauk for Serica Hinancing. ik sarnar a fater sae when ip have utabliahad (pe wo (2).* ao thts aoe determination ferme he cornmercial Hep Then cf ae soaping document = Financing fare a dot of time - S21 i, bey Lneoth aud gel nt cthen you ave cherokee lise wb. 12 east, ct tr then yout vempouy will pecome A-darn dest Lompoc: > wa: ; oo le pe“ pe hanie featire ey costo Ligheg the | kasha tonpurade— three * a le. Qo, it oe he + name 4 eo ee + Ipeatiom % ARe Co: Srostue [Co- _Bhjective of cthe O- —_|____— — Shacboldi a - : — basi af feces : 7 _ “he bok “ar etates dhe intecaction 9 -the © with the outride world, Ue — Abromacs hw _% Brq_pesron views ‘the a Lo, Hare ig need by = heemony, oud. _wuikorml of — _ = Wea — Ht deat with intenetastion Of coo 0th its_membor. ; co. with 9h li merborg , their right, Mosiltioa, how Aco» usll Sen. | = _pocedaue = Mok dereomines - Tus ‘es ceonpeteti Qn intemal prec Quad {i9 outive prwceag SHAS Quen lod the Oultide pyocedie Starta . Lo, nok olaclo with the internal arratuite Bf, Rewt Ack ¢ disn tn to te crafted aud Kepr — pr {Pr reaispation . oe of & Perm eo 40 Trangoet — ete MoA + Enables ~ JoA.- < dea Mot rave a Pine Written v Btoft ed BC “Lo tho poets 3 Ae & Corporate Retro nus — Aver, co. Loo a 4 porent requirement : thus Ao tonnr be pectin Ac , feed «AA cheuld wot Og alma the alas o) the ¢ : a meee ae “ _——— tsi Formation of a Com Module-TV> - ly Coneeuion “Theory — State makes a Gow aud a perton incorporates a companys wilh he bete of, the You: b formation %} A C0. j4 Vaumuleties a culmination °4 3 eee * © Promo + Registration ftuo ration # Commencement- a Pyriuineds- 9 Bidar Promotion’ — + Brananciat cu poete fils ‘h doce ate, Cre included but wot el “T « Roating a co: (prior t «the legal proces) involves aclting the a f Legal proce) vy * Promotion has $00 aspocti , at it ie a -term of wide import wa bshen bom connotes ' the on steps 4 ey eo. » Rete comied owt prior to incorsin hou two palenee ‘ (@-) Commer ciag b) Ls : ww &) aa "eon te the {cation proces ¢ oditcoveuy of oun idea’ leading to «ther ‘on or © Investigation of the wear ration of company « fonsthitity ° Plaming- * Flooring Pirancing By rei \py che Promoters: ateps for Pormacion : t) Diseov of aiden: © Retivi ropored to be carried oul by the future eutidy. o finding out the area wh openation oR iden which will be prime fice of the co: 3) Investigation 9} feosbilidy « tt three arent 0) teshnidatl b} Economic ' ©) Logistical cupects technical foaribitity — a ww 94 wialte fechnologa, curd Ghat Aatociaked wsith it woheth ot peopl ple rave uate, acquaintance WH -the amo 1 teehnicok environment of o wontra, technical re 4 neue + ay) * &ononie iy ~ tow “1 1004 Con the co. qo usith econo “© fogrer 2 AU Reonomic decicion Hho tt tan make Pah ln a jiu aia * Logistical Pensibili tn the Long. wun ix 1C giceden > yun Goding the co 04 to whether Powtible 40 sustain -the business. Allows & butine ova point of time $0 Avo LUgiti woue Lowes 1 raw port et “het eed : businese in 44} tug. su. 3) Rrane Can be done b tovertment- bankers, angel invertors , yout e : ae & seed Pinaneé twweetore — Thoee ; i in the begiontn ange 7 aud ey aaet cate ‘tour cee Y Veutrir e ite 7 bet in mig to: \n e+ They are Conerned > Seed Nata Py te founelers tf thee Y Lal powats furtain Low over a lo re burn ne iqieas ' a are funda Ge Ying the douumauty - es Gos Woh both deat With different ie a 1th Be intec— ey framework: Mel deato un “elation 4 aie es with on outrider- ; jad ausl els eect’ oh ean Brocket Teor | 8 applied Wipres wi ig uted: ———_F | ——]y a, condi tomate tb define a promoter. we dined” pe frol A”, “oath quests hve ae - pative- Promoters 2 Pros pected / Mravat Repo (2 (643) © Directax or Incdiract- tonto! os Aircctor sharehota ee (2.(21)) © Unded whore abraction [advice qe BOD ie accurtoma| & work (s- & (ce) bo dler) — A i wsue t Yormmoten will be an officer in & it the Asuise. 6 4 5 b b ‘Srarotrtder’— Any shareholding you bee, you will be r a 4 promoter’, even ; job have So, prdmotecs irreep active % Shavelotol Contiol in the of r ega lod miniscule shareloldiug - ° Bo, Prowetets gh attothed f it: & S219) Wm to be read igh oman et tee leary wil Love zomel Wing, Las contol $+ 2(60) aud &. 2(37), e Uabilities aro Converting themmetver te be Co and the co. hoe won- promoter 3 rachddi “Y: Boin us cove eee ghorelrotding cannot be lretd Lable dir. UR dad co-tk doing to ide Promoters es 1 are ratd Liable. b “4 d & The BOD WiLL be beld Liable one shen thay Lave taken o Aeeigio or aaa 8 in decision’ a whe promotes by you Are uot Liable unfét 6.960 lriadtd Liable- & Sharebotdi will be Uable ), the ete cant be & promote: in @ tor is novera prevequitite for tossing U tow Love Of. strou ae and sHU be a nnd EOe~ b ye thee’ a profescional vel" map nicd withe the Lo. Gwill snot bo &@ Promoter vader the 3 eeegyeny ' . sd for it E49: ub you are a t aaaen aud guittug Po You will nol be vow ges cad a te, witlrn the prom to. ad you are dendeni by Promoters, Airestors , CMH trolder will ber. Servicer in yetun of moner eatas position, jonty shove ed 04 Jre control wert! bor So [= jou dedlaraify gouuelf A4 momoter jthe def” of nomoter. will aot be ease lout you wi su past unger p on ie tonbel group, those poses Onerccige ong qualitative contiol ow tehe | tte at SeBl recommend Hat the idoa of Pe the perrono ip control ed be cord at a Ceo, eibensileres vometeu es A one 207). : fontrol under Sec: Tune are Contacts ba the nee e Ceci “4 dhe poundens or the promoters Here we need te gee the Ladin and the native of the lonbiact. Vlontract- Beneficial Contract- (no financial Uabti be void) & Promotess ange ed about 6-127 thab — to: is the oe cad romoter yous the thos- r . defer , Cy the = Promoter unl be Reld Uable. So, to: derives boueftG if ik fefetts , the prom oten hao 3 a the S$ 4 In ey e Specific Rebieh hee came tnd batted about the pes! ° pre- incorporation” dontiooh — ‘straupent “at gle te gue’, a chauod wor there: a ln case OF ard f aT le COM be a to: oy an indidervidusat: ry cud sp UabiLity aaiser, iF weutd a“ ney of tontract- “The perms Q condi Hon Wi bea che a the = Vabitin . yeu ey i I besefiial cana convhler . WL fre (46a. there was an issue. with coeh benef there were uo financial obliga tiovro ond Vf ObUgatios hen they lca i go, ‘pyomoteu es sald pre- ineorpovasion eontsioe wlio having a le at finantiaf-t piabilty . 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