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Research Design

- This study utilized Phenomenological Research Design method to seek for reality from
participant experiential narratives.

Research Locale

- The research study was conducted within the vicinity of Leyte Normal University (LNU) because
it is one of the universities that has opened its institution for the school year 2020-2021 despite
the emergence of a pandemic.

Research Participants

- According to Ellis (2016), a sample size of 15 people is sufficient for conducting

phenomenological, Therefore, there were 15 participants in this study
- The study's participants were Leyte Normal University (LNU) fourth-year Bachelor of Elementary
Education (BEED) students.
- The researchers utilized purposive sampling, which is widely used in qualitative research and is
commonly employed to identify and select information-rich examples linked to the topic of

Research Instruments

- The study utilized a validated researcher-made semi-structured interview guide questionnaire

consisting “open-ended” questions relevant to the research problem of the study.

Data Gathering

- Written informed consent is given to participants prior to interview and the validated research-
made semi-structured interview guide questionnaire consisting “open-ended” questions was
used in the study. The collected data was interpreted to ensure that the data result was not

Analysis of Data

- In analyzing the data, the researchers used Thematic analysis together with word cloud.

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