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What is a Nuclear Family?

In simple words, a nuclear family is one that consists of the husband-wife and their unmarried
children. Soon after marriage, the children leave their parental home and establish their
separate households. Hence a nuclear family is an autonomous unit free from the control of
the elders. Since there is a physical distance between parents and their married children, there
is minimum interdependence between them. Thus a nuclear family is mostly independent. The
modern family is a typical example of the nuclear family.

Advantages of Nuclear Family

Today, numerous on the planet trust that there are a few advantages of a nuclear family

More opportunity and security: Being ready to find each other during supper is of
incredible importance for wedded working couples. Protection empowers couples to get to
know one another, comprehend the accomplice’s requirements, and broaden support. In the
advanced nuclear family framework, couples are more liberated to communicate their
assumptions for one another. Additionally, living in a nuclear family implies that couples
partake in more prominent opportunities in settling on choices together and with their kids.

Nuclear Family Advantages and Disadvantages | Pros and Cons of Nuclear Family, 5
Points of Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Family

January 16, 2022 by Prasanna

Nuclear Family Advantages and Disadvantages: A nuclear family, in little terms, includes
a spouse, wife, and unmarried kids. The youngsters leave the parental home later the wedding
and fabricate their own free house. A nuclear family is likewise an autonomous substance,
liberated from the impact of the seniors. There is a decreased association among guardians
and their wedded youngsters.

With change being an inescapable piece of life, nothing gets away from change. Thus it is,
with the changing construction of the family. In India, the joint family framework is
deteriorating and being supplanted by the nuclear family. Peruse on to find out about the
nuclear family framework and see whether it suits your requirements. “A little gathering made
out of a couple and juvenile kids which comprises a unit separated from the remainder of the
local area.” This definition proposes that a nuclear family comprises of guardians and their
children living respectively under one rooftop, without different family members living with
them under a similar rooftop.

Students can also find more Advantages and Disadvantages articles on events, persons,

sports, technology, and many more.

What is a Nuclear Family?

In simple words, a nuclear family is one that consists of the husband-wife and their unmarried
children. Soon after marriage, the children leave their parental home and establish their
separate households. Hence a nuclear family is an autonomous unit free from the control of
the elders. Since there is a physical distance between parents and their married children, there
is minimum interdependence between them. Thus a nuclear family is mostly independent. The
modern family is a typical example of the nuclear family.

Advantages of Nuclear Family

Today, numerous on the planet trust that there are a few advantages of a nuclear family

More opportunity and security: Being ready to find each other during supper is of
incredible importance for wedded working couples. Protection empowers couples to get to
know one another, comprehend the accomplice’s requirements, and broaden support. In the
advanced nuclear family framework, couples are more liberated to communicate their
assumptions for one another. Additionally, living in a nuclear family implies that couples
partake in more prominent opportunities in settling on choices together and with their kids.

Shared liabilities and association: Parents are allowed to settle on shared liabilities in the
family. Finishing tasks and exercises together is an incredible method for holding, expanding
support and being similarly engaged with family matters. It causes everybody in the family to
feel mindful and see how associated they are with one another.

Family holding: Shouldering family liabilities together makes a couple energetic about one
another. For the kids, nothing works better compared to watching their folks have open
discussions, care for, comprehend, and love one another.

Sure ladies: The lady in a nuclear family frequently has a vocation, making her monetarily
autonomous and more emphatic in issues connected with the family. She turns into a key
leader with regards to addressing the necessities of her family and home – choices about the
school the youngsters will go to, arranging the family spending plan, orchestrating parties,
playdates, settling on the stylistic layout of her home. This causes her to feel positive about
her capacities.

Home is family: The sensation of returning home to one’s own family is consoling. For
instance, assuming the average working day has been a burdening one, there isn’t anything
more unwinding than the delight of sitting and having some tea with one’s life partner, talking
with the kids, staring at the TV together. These normal family schedules are extraordinary
ways of loosening up.

Accomplices in nurturing: It is simpler for a couple to co-parent and concoct their own novel
methods of raising their kids. They look for conclusions when they truly need them and they
esteem each other’s commitment.


Advantages (Merits) of An Extended Family System

The following are the advantages of an extended family system:

1. It is Economical: An extended family system is economical as it helps saves resources and
promotes pooling of resources thereby reducing the financial burden on one person as all
adults in the family contributes in one way or the other to the livelihood of the family.

2. It promotes Unity: When people are living together and sharing a good relationship with
one another, there is usually peace and unity and this is fundamentally the case in an extended
family system, unlike a system where Families live apart from each other, misunderstanding
usually sets in and this results to normal fights amongst relatives common in many countries
of the world today.

3. Building Family Bonds: An extended Family system does not only promote peace and
unity in the family, but it also builds a strong family bond amongst each and every member of
the family.

By living together, cooperating with one another, effectively communicating with one
another, helping one another, working towards a common goal and maintaining a good
relationship the bond between the members of the family naturally tightens.

Describe a family member you really admire
Sample cho đề Describe a family member you really admire dưới đây đã được
review bởi 1 examiner ở Anh nên các bạn có thể yên tâm lưu về làm tài liệu để ôn
luyện IELTS Speaking nhé.

Well, it’s really hard for me to choose one family member that I admire because, you
know, I love and admire them all equally. But if I had to choose one, it would have to
be my dad.

You know, my dad is a very hard-working person. He gets up pretty early, at about
5 and 5:30 every morning. He often has quick breakfast and then goes to the farm.
He normally works 10 or 12 hours a day on the farm. You know, farming for a
living is hard work, especially during summer time, when the temperature can go up
to nearly 40 degrees which is extremely hot. Working outdoors in this condition is a
nightmare. Although my dad has to work super hard to support the family, I’ve
never heard him complain about hard work or things like that. That’s the first reason
why I really admire him.

And the second thing that I want to talk about is that my dad is a very dedicated
husband and father. He always puts his family first. I feel like he’s willing to do
everything to make his wife and children smile. Although he has to work super hard
during the day, he always makes time for me and my brothers and sisters.

I’ve learned a great deal from my dad. You know, being a farmer’s daughter, I
understand the value of hard work. My dad is always a good role model for me.
Actually, there are so many things that I could talk about, but I know that I don’t have
enough time for it. So if I had to choose one family member that I admire the most, I
would talk about my dad.

Is it possible to get along with everyone?

The short answer is mostly  yes. Certain relationships can just be more inherently
challenging than others. Perhaps you have different communication styles, have
had conflict in the past, or just don’t see eye-to-eye. Perhaps you feel you have a
fundamental difference in values. Any of these factors can make it more difficult
to get along. 

More difficult, but not impossible.

There may be times when you don’t get along with someone and have the
flexibility to choose not to spend time with them. But there are also times we have
to find ways to get along with family members, coworkers, neighbors, and other
acquaintances because they are going to remain in our lives. In most cases, it is
possible to improve these relationships and make them more positive. 

Doing so will make your life easier. It might also reveal hidden value: a unique
perspective, insight into sources of resistance, greater self-awareness and
growth, and possibly a rewarding relationship.

Why is it important to get along with others?

The answer to this question lies in our understanding of how important
relationships with others are to each of us. Because we are social
animals, a significant part of our lives is based on interactions with
others. This is true whether we are in school together, work on the same
team, or simply live in the same neighborhood. Our ability to get along
with others can help us succeed both personally and professionally. 

There are individual differences in the number and types of relationships

we seek out for our lives. Some prefer to surround ourselves with fewer
people with whom we have deeper connections, while others seek to
build a broad network of friends and acquaintances. Either way, it’s still
important that we build these relationships and get along with others.  

In our professional lives, having one or more friends at work has been
shown to have tremendous benefits , to you and to your company. For
instance, women with a best friend at work are more likely to have a
positive experience during the day, including enjoying what they do and
being recognized for success. They are more engaged at work, so they
are willing to go above and beyond in their roles, and may take greater
risks that lead to innovation. Not to mention, when you spend more of
your waking hours at work than you do at home, it’s nice to have a
strong connection with someone who understands you personally and
Final thoughts on getting along with others
We know that our relationships with others are important, but that
doesn’t always make them easy to build or maintain. Exploring ways to
get along with others can help facilitate these relationships and make
them healthier and more positive. Making friends and getting along with
others enriches our lives and enables us to thrive. 


Why do I have a hard time getting along with others?

The answer to this question can vary for each relationship, or each
person. For example, you may not get along with a family member who
has a different sense of humor from your own. You may feel resentment
against a colleague who passed off one of your ideas as their own. Or
you may have a hard time getting along with other parents at your child’s
school because you have a different parenting philosophy. 

Getting along with others in these cases can feel like compromising

yourself. It can help to remember why  you need to get along with them in
the first place. Maybe you need to get along to make it through
Thanksgiving dinner without upsetting your grandmother. Maybe you
need to work with a colleague to meet a client deadline. Maybe you need
the participation of other parents to create a rich learning community for
your children. 

You don’t have to accept or even approve of all of the other person’s
attitudes or behaviors. But sometimes we lose focus of what we have in
common and forget the why of getting along in favor of all the why nots.

How can I make friends more easily and get along better
with others?
All relationships require work, though it may not always feel like work.
That could mean a date night with your spouse, calling a friend, or
getting together with your family for the holidays. Professional
relationships require work too, whether that means inviting a new
colleague to lunch or chatting about your personal lives with colleagues
before a meeting.

Here are some tips to improve your relationships and get along better
with others in both your personal and your professional lives:

1. Listen to others. The most important skill in communication is

the ability to listen to others. Rather than doing all the talking,
take the time to stop and hear what others have to say. Refrain
from interrupting or talking over other people. 
2. Be polite and positive. When you are the one speaking, do it in
a way that considers others’ feelings and leaves a positive
impact. Think about what you want to say before you say it, and
don’t be afraid to apologize if you say something unintended. If
you’re responding to someone, say something positive if you
agree and offer an encouraging word. Doing this early in your
relationship sets a healthy precedent for future interactions. 
3. Be honest and sincere. Another critical communication skill is to
make sure you speak with honesty and sincerity. You will build
relationships with others when you tell them the truth and they
can trust the things you’re saying. When we trust people, we
know that “they say what they mean, and they mean what they
4. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. People want to know who you
truly are: the good and the bad. When you present yourself as
perfect, people will doubt whether they’re getting to know the real
you. Displaying some vulnerability to others tells them that you
are willing to open up to them and let them in. For example, share
something you’re struggling with or a mistake you’ve made. 
5. Show interest in others. Showing interest signals that you care
to know them. Ask (and really listen to what they say) about their
interests, experiences, and the things that are important to them.
Building familiarity leads to greater comfort and trust. Reference
these details in future interactions. For example, if you know your
friend’s daughter recently started a new school, ask how she’s
adjusting. Or if you know a colleague recently had a performance
review, ask how it went.
6. Keep an open mind. Listen with respect for other people’s
perspectives and experiences. Look for opportunities to listen to
them, even if you disagree with what they are saying. Be open to
changing your mind or understanding things in a different way.
For instance, if your boss decides to move forward with another
colleague’s project, rather than yours, take the time to learn more
about that project. You may also want to ask for and receive
feedback  on your own project. A different perspective provides
you with the opportunity to grow and learn. 
7. Strive to understand. Tune in to what is important to other
people and what they value. Ask questions that help you
understand them more deeply. If you’re not sure why they said
something or acted a particular way, ask them about it. For
instance, if you have a colleague that leaves at 4:55 pm, when
others may be staying late to finish a project, try to understand
why. They may have a child that needs to be picked up from
daycare or a parent that needs help to prepare dinner. 
8. Seek common ground. Look for the interests or experiences that
you share. This should come naturally as you show interest in,
and listen to, others. You may find you listen to the same kind of
music, both enjoy volunteering, or have similar professional goals.
Use those common interests as the foundation of your
relationship, and you are bound to find more over time.
9. Repair small issues. Issues can arise in any relationship. Rather
than allowing them to build, address issues while they’re small.
This could mean apologizing or spending time talking about how
you’ll both try harder in the future. 
10. Follow the Platinum Rule. As children, a lot of us learn the
Golden Rule: treat others as you would want to be treated. But a
higher standard to which we can hold ourselves is the Platinum
Rule: treating others as they would want to be treated. When we
get to know what’s important to other people and then treat them
accordingly, we’re letting them know how much they mean to us
and how important the relationship is.

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