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(UNIT 4 Away from it all 3 Complete these expressions from the announcements with the words or phrases from the box. Match them with the pictures. { When you are traveling, when and where do you hear public announcements? What do they usually say? 2 When would you hear these announcements? Look at the pictures (a - g) and listen to the approaching » board + delay * fasten » announcements on Track 10, Write the number of . «late + + position » the announcement (7~7) above the appropriate fastened Wiles ae ee gaat proceed + regret + return » running + shouldn't » picture. sorry » turned off This is the _ last call for flight a AA2409. {dl b Please to gate number 35. [] © The train platform A is the 9:30 arrival from King Memorial. [ d We are ready te the aircraft. i) c a se € Amtrak to announce the of the 6:40. tl aehanesn f The train is approximately Seoreugareas Ee v1 emma 8 for the delay rl a h We be here for too long. [| Streit s s Mere i Will all passengers please A to your seats. fal e f i your seatbelts Tal 3AT! k your seats in the upright 1 Please keep your seatbelts OC until the captain has the seatbelt sign. } < Listen to Track 10 again to check your answers. unit four 27 4 Complete the sentences with one word for each gap. a Idon’t “like” beach vacations, It's more than that. 1. hate, them b Tlike to go mountain-biking © When I go on vacation 1 like to go on every day. [like visiting lots of different places. d My hometown used to be quiet, but since they built the new hotels it’s been full of ¢ Another word for vacation is 5 Take the first letter of each answer from Exercise 4. Rearrange the letters to find where Henry is staying “This is much nicer than a 6 Put the letters in order to make vacation and tourism words. a (abdor)_ board. b (aabecgikknp) c (ceinorsux) d (adhiloy) (aadehikimory) (corrst) (cegghiinsst) zene (aacinoty) 28 unit four Read the text on page 29. Are the following sentences True (7) or False (F)? Write T or F In the parentheses. a The writer was woken up by gunshots. |g b The writer loved Mexico City | ¢ Some people in Mexico City advised the writer to travel to Oaxaca, | d The writer traveled by train. I ¢ The writer stayed in a luxury hotel, I £ The shower didn’t work I g The writer had breakfast in the square. | h The writer ordered “huevos revueltos,” orange juice, and coffee i Ie was probably going to be a sunny j. The unfriendly man was the woman’s boyfriend. This extract is taken from the novel The Back; i acke i isa thriller about the adventures ofa travelorin Mondeo, an Twas woken by a noise like gunshots. [ sat up in bed, half asleep and roar of a passing truck, the noise of its rightened. But it was only th engine filling the tiny side street ber where I was. I had arrived in Mexico City two Jays before on a cheap flight from New York. Mexico City is the biggest city in the world, and has more cars and noise than anywhere I had t away Rosa” (the Pink I tried to remen ever been, I had soon realized that I would have to g I met up with some other backpackers in the “Zot ed for souvenirs, They had just come back from the Zone) as they sho south and the place they liked best was a much smaller city ca onounced “Waharka” they said). It sounded fantastic, They Oaxac told me about the pyramids at Monte Alban and the ruins at Mitla. There was even, they said, a place caleld El Tulle which had the biggest tree in, well, that part of Mexico, anyway. That was enough for me. I went straight to the big “TAPO” terminal and got the first long-distance bus I could find. The trouble was that it after a seven-hour trip. [end didn’t arrive until late at night neapest hotel I could find. Even for a backpacker like me, it was basic The noise of the truck disappes old electric fan by my bedside. I looked at my wate Sleep was impossible. I was very tired, but wide red and now all [could hear was the seven in the morning, :wake something that often happens to me when I travel. I got out of bed and had a shower —the shower worked, and the water d the main was hot, I put on some clean clothes and went out toward square which my friends from Mexico City had told me 1 should see. Even at this early hour of the morning it was be It was open. In front of ning to get warm. There was a café on the north side of the square. oup of women walked me I could see a little park and a bandstand. ‘oup of tourists about paskets on their heads. There was a past carrying my age sitting at a table to my right. They were eating breakfast It looked incredible and it smelt lovely The woman noticed me staring. She pointed at her plate. “Delicious!” she laughed. “What are they?” Icouldn’t help asking. fried eggs in Mexican sauce “Huevos revueltos”’ ‘They smell fantastic.” Taste fantastic too. You from Britain?” No. Australian. You?” ‘American. From Arizona. This your first time here? “Yep. You?” “Yes, Three days. | at the table—her boyfriend I thought (wrongly, as it turned but she stopped talking when one of the men out later). gave her an angry look ‘waiter came over to my table, He looked as if he hadn't slept much either. It took a bit of time, but I ordered coffee, orange juice, and some of the Mexican eggs the girl had told me about. T looked back at the other table. The “beyfriend” was staring at me and he didn’t look friendly. I turned away 8 Look at the way the words and phrases in the box are used in the text and then write them in the correct gaps. “sbandstand » basic + get away « roar » ruins ‘souvenirs » staring « terminal » turned out. ‘wide awake a Are. is a loud noise, like the noise of an angry lion, b When you from somewhere, you leave it, you escape from it. € Tourists often buy small resents to remind them of places and experiences. d_ Parts of damaged buildings that have survived are called € Another word for a large bus station is a bus £ Something that is very simple and not at all luxurious is often called 8 Ifyou are completely awake, you are h The place in a park or square where musicians play (with a roof, but no sides) is called a i If something happened that you did not expect you can say it differently. j If someone is looking at you for some time, they are at you. 9 Copy and complete the table with the information required. ‘a the first sound in the morning: b the noise next to the writer's bed: ¢ something at Monte Alban: d something at Mitla: e something at Fl Tulle: £ Write the rest of the conversation between the woman and the writer in complete sentences. WWlonsan: They’e dalicious! 30 unit four Cee LeReelul E Lea superlative adjectives (and adverbs) 10 Complete this table. ¢ form Superlative form lest Word ‘Comparat cold colder b angry € honest d pale good f emotional k slowly 1 well mkindly n badly, © often p much q early frequently 11 Look at the pictures and write a sentence comparing the things or people in the pictures. a The white shoes are mare. expensive. than the other. shoes. b The short girl can run JoeTa8) Mine is) Hacry(a) ¢ John is 4 The girl in the T-shirt must be © The house on the left is f The road on the right looks 12 Add one phrase from each of the two columns to make a Sentence. You can only use each phrase once. ‘on holidays as a bit wiser. jotter in December better, more crowded cities in the world, fun than cruises. lore expensive every year, 1¢ of the most famous her sister, as his sister. ve ever had. than going by train, Bet than in July a Brian isn’t as tall as. his, sister, b Camping holidays are Flying is Heat? The hotter In Australia Last year’s holiday & Paris is h She’s not i. The roads are getting more unit four 31 8 lemma San Fransisco ..wordh a visit? b Can you @ good place a vacation? © HRP YOU Boing to this five-star hotel in the mountains? 4 What camping? € I'd prefer something cheaper. f Rio de Janeiro worth ? 8 Well, what of vacation do you want? h That like a idea. i That's exactly what 1 for. i Well, its not my idea fun. k That's not what we thinking of. 1 Why don’t you ie 14 Choose eight of the utterances trom Exercise 13 to complete this conversation, LUCY: (a) saa KiMee(b) ooking for a the city. Lae LL ita 5g eIsn't that rather expensive? J p= Well yes; but the mountain air isyreat and the fantastic. — + think we'd prefer something a\bitmore, wel = He means cheaper. ' Ws it, Cheaper, es. There’s i: No. (e) Oh come on, Jim, it-might be fun if it was me I'd always pret something, but lots of p 32. unit four DUG eRsoisacues 15 Number the paragraphs trom 1~7 to put them in the right order to make a composition. about Christmas Day, For Sarah Merrington, Christmas| is the biggest family celebration’ year. Here she explains what every December 25. (1 After breakfast we gather Christmas tree and open have bought each other, And some complaining, we get ready and set off for my house (1 Driving is OK on Christmas: There are no big trucks om the: ‘ewer cars than usual, $0 We get destination in only about an half. By this stage, i's usually twelve thirty | Every year we say were going tod someting diferent, but every Yea do exactly the same thing! (1) Gradually everyone. and aunts and cousins—and then have something to drink and open some more presents. And then it fora huge lunch, with a large C ‘urkey and pumpkin pie, I's exact! same every year. {1} In my family the biggest family Celebration ofthe year is Christmas Day, 25 of December. Every yea, ven now we're grown up, we get Up and find stockings ful of smal presents ouside our bedroom doo When we were litle we used to belie that Santa Claus put them ther, bit we've known it was our parents for years! 46 Who or what we a turkey b re the following? 17 Think of the main family celebration of the year-or some other annual event that is always the same. Make notes about the information you will include when you write about it Based on your notes, write a composition about the most important annual celebration in your family or your country. 1) inthe UX., the day after Christmas is also a holiday. i's called Boxing day. People used to celebrate i like a Second day of Christmas, but now they are more likely to spend the day shopping atthe Christmas sales 1))18 Listen to Track 11, Circle the word you hear 1) The rest ofthe day usually passes @ b Tor f fat foot ‘Quietly because everyone has eaten hat better wetter foo much, so we jus! sit around and eat iiss ; ¢ cheap sheep plane plan ‘hat or watch television, d nice noise i cruise choose € good wood i sight seat Listen to Track 11 again and repeat the words. 33 BEEFFFTIONS Thinking about learning and language: listening 19 How much do you listen to the following? Circle the appropriate answer in each case. English-speaking radio English-speaking TV channels English-speaking movies (with or without subtitles) English-language rock & pop CDs, mini-disks, etc. English-language Internet sites with audio English-language speakers face-to-face English-language speakers ‘on the telephone English-language announcements in stations/airports Recordings made for English-language students ‘Videos/DVDs made especially for English-language students Something else (describe it here): allthe time | often | sometimes | ‘occasionally | never alte time | often | sometimes | occasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | ocasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | occasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | occasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | ‘occasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | ‘occasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | occasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | occasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | ‘occasionally | never all the time | often | sometimes | ‘occasionally | never 20 Complete the following sentences about you and listening, a I find listening in English easy / difficule because b Listening to a tape is easier / more difficult than listening to a speaker you can see because ‘¢ When I listen to people speaking English, I try / don’t try to understand every word because 21 Choose 3 activities from Exercise 19 where you circled occasionally or never. Say how and when you will do each one in the future, Example: | will order videos and DVDs from the Internet or aste friends for them, | will watth then far 40 eninutts a weele. 34 unit four 1) Usten to Track 12 and check Test your knowledge Which of the following sentences are written in correct English? Put a tick (/) or a cross (X) in the parentheses. 22 ‘a Cell phones are much cheaper than they used to be. 7) b My brother is not as old than me. o) I love modern music; the louder the best. 1 d What kind of vacation are you interested in? it ¢ What about going somewhere in Hungary? [ ] {If it was me, I'd go somewhere with more sun.[ ] § One of the most good movies I have ever seen is Casablanca, ie h I prefer somewhere off the beaten track. [ i The best vacation I've ever been on was a package tour. fi j_ It’s getting more and more hotter every day. [| Rewrite the items which you marked with a cross, to make correct sentences. The phonemic alphabet 23 Consult the table of phonemic symbols on page 123 and then write these words and phrases in ordinary spelling. SightSeaing b /,pwkids'halodet a /santsitjun © /wotaskiyin) d /bwkpekarlend/ © hg'zatik f /an'kamftabol & /ofda bitan'traek/ your answers.

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