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SL Stock Speaker Questions

1. How have you seen God grow you personally in this specific topic?
2. If you could go back ten years and give your past self important advice, what would it
3. What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned from when you’ve started until now?
4. How do you lead within your family? What is the carryover between leading in your
organization and leading within your home?
5. What is the number 1 lesson the Lord has taught you about Leadership?
6. What book have you found to be the most helpful/formative on this topic?
7. What has been the most rewarding part of your involvement in your current ministry
8. What made you passionate about this topic?
9. If you could apply what you have learned in a different context, how would your
strategy change?
10. How can leaders be vulnerable with sin and not compromise the respect of people they
11. What is the most impactful relationship you’ve ever had?
12. How has this topic encouraged you in your relationship with God?
13. What are some resources that you’ve used to grow in the topic you’ve talked about?
14. What is a personal motto that has been helpful in your growth?
15. What was a time you experienced or witnessed failure in this topic and how did you
learn from it?
16. How has this topic changed the way you lead?
17. Is there anything you would change about your path to where you are now?
18. How can we use this principle to excel as a student?
19. How do you keep yourself from burnout?
20. When you think about leadership, what is something that you can only learn from
21. In your opinion, how does a student need to approach seminary? What are the ways
you’ve seen students be successful and unsuccessful?
22. What is one practical skill you would encourage us to learn when it comes to

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