Proposed Weekly Hebrew Study Routine

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Proposed Weekly Hebrew Study Routine

 Review pertinent chapters for quiz on Monday morning (focus on summary sections)
 Review entire vocab list for quiz and refresh on previous vocab lists
 Complete workbook exercises (if needed)

 Review first half of vocab list for next vocab quiz
 Review the lesson discussed in class earlier that day
 Begin/complete workbook exercises

 Read next chapter to prepare for Wednesday’s class session.
 Review first half of vocab list for next vocab quiz and refresh on previous vocab lists
 Complete one lesson on Biblingo

 Review second half of vocab list for next vocab quiz and refresh on previous vocab lists
 Review the lesson discussed in class earlier that day
 Begin/complete workbook exercises

 Review second half of vocab list for next vocab quiz and refresh on previous lists
 Complete workbook exercises
 Review previous grammar chapters (focus on summary sections)

 Review entire vocab list and refresh on previous lists
 Complete second lesson on Biblingo
 Review previous grammar chapters (focus on summary sections)

 Read next chapter to prepare for Monday’s class session
 Review entire vocab list and refresh on previous vocab lists
 Review previous grammar chapters (focus on summary sections)
 This is simply a suggestion of how to study well to retain what you will learn in this
course. Feel free to adjust or not use altogether if it is not helpful for you.
 On any given day, the above routine should take anywhere from 45-90 minutes
depending on your comfortability with the material.
 Retaining vocab will only occur if you do not cram for your vocab quizzes. If you cram
the night before, you may pass the quizzes, but you will likely not remember the vocab
for very long.
 Utilizing the summary sections in your review of previous chapters will save time. You
will likely not need to consistently re-read entire chapters. However, reviewing the most
important aspects of each chapter will help with your long-term retention.
 Don’t stress about the Biblingo sessions. Complete to the best of your ability and move
on. There may be some slight differences between what you learn on Biblingo and what
you learn in our textbook. For now, go with the textbook because that is what you will be
quizzed on and are responsible for.
 You guys can do this. Work hard for the glory of God and challenge your mind. Pray and
ask the Lord for help in learning Hebrew. For about 5 years while I was learning Hebrew,
I would daily ask the Lord to help me and to let me learn Hebrew well. Take your anxiety
and fears with the language to the Lord, and He will help you.
 One of my biggest goals for each of you is that you will decide at the end of this course to
take Intermediate Hebrew. This year of elementary alone won’t do much for you when it
comes to reading Hebrew and using it in your preaching and teaching.
 Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for any clarifications along the way.

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