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Analyzing a Journal Article

Student 1: Aulia Putri Jabadi 2111604140

Student 2: Adinda Aditya Ladjapa 2111604149

Article 1 Article 2
Name: Name : Journal a review Name : Journal a review
Title of journal article: Title of journal article: Inhalation anesthetics: a Title of journal article : Inhalation anesthetics: a
Volume: review review
Authors: Volume : 2010  Volume : 105
Author : G Torri - Minerva anestesiologica, Author : M.P. Sulbaek Andersen S.P. Sander O.J.
Nielsen D.S. Wagner Sanford T.J. Jr T.J.
INTRODUCTION Because it has not been discovered yet
● the science of anesthesia has still not been
Why does the researcher
conduct the study?

What is the aim of the study? To quantitatively assess the impact of the
● To learn the different mechanical ACTS of
anaesthetics on the forcing of climate, detailed
the agent inhalation and the evolution of the
information on their properties of heat (infrared,
union theory of inhalation anesthesia became
the concept of a dual mechanism served IR) absorption and atmospheric lifetimes are
Research Gap - The three compounds have not yet been
● The study was carried out in an age when
observed in the free atmosphere, and
information regarding inhalation anesthesia
current atmospheric levels are expected to
was inadequate
be small (of the order of part per
METHODOLOGY What is the methodology of the study? : the What is the methodology of the study : We have
What is the methodology of methodology of the study is literature review measured the IR spectra of these anaesthetics and
the study? (kualitative) conducted calculations of their contribution to
Subject/object Subject : Journal (inhalation Anestesi) radiative forcing of climate change recognizing
Location Location : Departemen Anestesiologi, Universitas S. the important fact that radiative forcing is strongly
Time Raffaele, Milan, Italia dependent on the wavelength of the absorption
Instrument Time : 2010 features.
Instrument : library research
pictures and tables
RESULT AND Journal Journal
Data presentation
What is the result of the In conclusion, after the identification of many sites of On the basis of the derived 100 yr
study? action for inhalation agents our knowledge on the GWPs, the average climate impact
mechanism of general anesthesia have evolved from per anaesthetic procedure at the
a “unitary hypothesis” to the more recent concept of University of Michigan is the same
“complex effects and multiple mechanisms”. Despite as the emission of ∼22 kg CO2. We
the development of new techniques and the increased estimate that the global emissions
interest in understanding this area, the exact of inhalation anaesthetics have a
mechanism of anesthetic action remains a complex climate impact which is comparable
and unresolved problem. with that from the CO2 emissions
from one coal-fired power plant or
1 million passenger cars.

CONCLUSION Conclusion : In conclusion, after the identification of Conclusions : On the basis of the
What is the conclusion, many sites of action for inhalation agents our derived 100 yr GWPs, the average
recommendation, and knowledge on the mechanism of general anesthesia climate impact per anaesthetic
implication? have evolved from a “unitary hypothesis” to the more procedure at the University of
recent concept of “complex effects and multiple Michigan is the same as the
mechanisms”. emission of ∼22 kg CO2. We estimate
Recommendation : the result recomendation that the global emissions of
inhalation anaesthetics have a
Implication : the research has succesfully climate impact which is comparable
with that from the CO2 emissions
from one coal-fired power plant or
1 million passenger cars.
REFERENCES several studies and journals several studies and journal
How many references of the
Define the year.

Evaluate and Reflect - The articles read are relevant to the topics
● the articles read are relevant to the topics

● This article is very useful for anesthesia - This article is very useful for anesthesia
students, because it discusses the history of students, because it's explain about
inhalation anesthetic techniques inhalation anesthesia

● yes
- Yes

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