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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal /
URS Cainta Campus Tel: (02) 359-8776 / 532-0484 / 703-5871

ED 2 The Teaching Profession

Name: ELLINE R. PATAGANAO Date Submitted: November 10, 2021

Year and Section: BTLED IA-2

Activity no. 8

Reflect and write your answers on the following questions.

1. Why is it important for teachers to know the multiple

intelligence profile of the students?

Multiple intelligence theory originally proposed by Howard Gardner, says that there are
multiple types of human intelligence. Each intelligence represents different ways of
processing information. It is for this matter that teachers should be aware of his or her
student’s profile so that he could plan his lessons for more effective, more strategic and data
driven results. Multiple Intelligences is an idea, most famously written about by Howard
Gardner, that argues that each student has a way or “style” of learning that works best for
him or her. There is always debate, but whether the exact facts are true in one theory or not
it doesn’t matter very much. Whether our brains are different, or we are just all lazy in
different ways, or perhaps we learned more often from our parents and picked up their
strengths simply through practice but it works. It makes sense. If you don’t get too overly
concerned about why it works, you can just assume that each student has their own set of
strengths. If you offer a variety of opportunities for students to shine, they will each find their
own spotlight. What I am getting at is that you don’t have to plan very much for each student.
That would be an enormous task and no one person has enough time in the day. What you
do is plan a variety of activities and see which flowers grow. Kids or students do not have
any idea what their “learning style” is. They don’t even know what you are talking about until
you show them. Later on they just going to realize or discover what things they are good at
let’s just wait them to grow and the teachers part is only to guide them in through discovering
his/her intelligence or what are they good at. In general knowing the multiple
intelligences profile of your students is important to know how are you going to
handle your students and most specially is to be more prepared for a different
strategies in teaching that your going to used to make sure that your students can
learned and improve their skills from you and at the same time it isn’t important to
know their multiple intelligences because as what I said above there are other
students that they still shouldn’t discover yet what are the things they are good at,
like flowers let’s just wait them to bloom at the perfect time and also it depends on
you as a teacher on how are you going to handle your class with has a different types
of intelligences for your students to bloom like a shining and beautiful flowers. It
“Nurturing Tomorrow’s Noblest”
URS Angono Tel 651-0346 URS Cainta Tel 359-8776 URS Pililla Tel/Fax 654-
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Binangonan 3481 Morong 1082
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal /
URS Cainta Campus Tel: (02) 359-8776 / 532-0484 / 703-5871

depends on you as a teacher what strategies you’re going to make, to make your
class as an effective place of learning.

2. How can we design a curriculum that addresses the multiple

intelligences of students?

As a teacher, it is important to use multiple intelligences in the classroom, but first

you must understand the multiple intelligence theory and know which intelligences
your students have to be able to teach them in the best way possible. As a student,
it is important to know which intelligences you have so you know the most effective
way to learn. Specially you may have a better understanding of what the multiple
intelligences are and how you can use them to your benefit to help both yourself and
others learn better and faster than ever before. In terms of curriculum, for me we can
design a curriculum that addresses the multiple intelligences of students by
supporting the multiple intelligences students by having a places in the room that
work for each type of intelligence. Like for linguistic intelligence, there should be a
quiet area for reading, writing, and practicing speeches. For logical-mathematical
intelligence, there should be an area where students can conduct scientific
experiments. For visual-spatial intelligence, include an open area for object
manipulation or art creation. For bodily-kinesthetic intelligences, an open area for
body movement could be provided. For musical intelligences, include a separate
area for music listening and creating, perhaps with soundproofing or headphones.
For naturalistic intelligences, an outdoor space or indoor aquarium or terrarium could
be provided. And lastly for interpersonal intelligences, there should be an area with
large tables for group work, while for intrapersonal intelligences there should be
areas for individual activities. Different places for students who has different types of
intelligences can help the student to focus on improving of what things they are good
at. Also it’s more important as a teacher to know what’s best for our learners and
also we should prepare our selves together with the strategies or any plan for our
students curriculum to make sure that we can give or deliver the quality of Education
for our students that has a different types of intelligence. Your part as a teacher is to
plan anything that what you think is good for your students. Planning the curriculum
for students can help you as a teacher, it serves as your guide to deliver the quality
of Education that your learners need and also it helps the students to know more or
improve more their skills it depends on the curriculum that the teachers prepared for
their students.
“Nurturing Tomorrow’s Noblest”
URS Angono Tel 651-0346 URS Cainta Tel 359-8776 URS Pililla Tel/Fax 654-
URS Antipolo Tel/Fax 697-5773 URS Tel 359-8694 URS Rodriguez Tel 997-9765
URS Tel 652-1018; Fax 652- URS Tel/Fax 653-1735; 653- URS Taytay Tel 664-6393
Binangonan 3481 Morong 1082
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal /
URS Cainta Campus Tel: (02) 359-8776 / 532-0484 / 703-5871

“Nurturing Tomorrow’s Noblest”

URS Angono Tel 651-0346 URS Cainta Tel 359-8776 URS Pililla Tel/Fax 654-
URS Antipolo Tel/Fax 697-5773 URS Tel 359-8694 URS Rodriguez Tel 997-9765
URS Tel 652-1018; Fax 652- URS Tel/Fax 653-1735; 653- URS Taytay Tel 664-6393
Binangonan 3481 Morong 1082

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