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Keselamatan, Keamanan dan Safeguard Nuklir (TKN 3413)

Program Studi Teknik Nuklir
Departemen Teknik Nuklir dan Teknik Fisika Universitas Gadjah Mada
Hari dan Tanggal : Juni 2021
Waktu : 2 minggu
Beban matakuliah : 3 SKS
Nama Dosen : Susetyo Hario Putero
Sifat ujian : Buku Terbuka

(CPL 3, Enrichment plants are usually divided into several MBAs. The first includes areas for shipment
CPMK 1, and storage rage of feed; the second includes the process area (the cascade and the blending
100%) and homogenization station). The third MBA is composed of the product and tails collection
(CPL 9,
station, storage, and shipping area. A typical set of SPs is as follows:
100%) MBA-1 :
Inventory KMPs : receiving and storage locations for feed UF 6/feed UF6 loading station/emptied UF6
Flow KMPs : receipt of feed UF6 and shipment of emptied cylinder/transfer of vaporized feed UF 6 to
C/S-SPs : storage area as appropriate.
MBA-2 :
Inventory KMPs : process area, verifiable material/intermediate storages/desublimers for
products/desublimers for tails/cascade area/analytical laboratories, waste treatment area.
Flow KMPs : receipt of vaporized product UF 6 feed from MBA-1/transfer of product and tails UF 6 to
MBA-3/measured discards.
C/S and other SPs: process area as appropriate (measurements, calibrations, etc.).
MBA-3 :
Inventory KMPs : product stations/tails stations/product storage and shipping stations/tails
storage and shipping stations.
Flow KMPs : receipt of product and tails UF6 from MBA-2/shipment of product and tails cylinders.
C/S-SPs : storage area as appropriate (ASVS, sealing).
1. Gambarlah aliran bahan nuklir dalam suatu instalasi pengayaan uranium berdasarkan
deskripsi di atas beserta BMA dan KMPnya! (Nilai 50)
2. Jelaskan bahan nuklir apa saja yang terkena aturan safeguards yang berada dalam gambar soal
nomer 1 beserta bentuknya (bulk/item)! (Nilai 25)
3. Jelaskan metode akuntansi pada soal nomer 3 (item,bulk)! (Nilai 25)

Disetujui untuk diujikan oleh:

Direview oleh: Disusun oleh:
Kaprodi S1 TN Kaprodi S1 TF Kaprodi Magister TF

Dr.-Ing. Awang Noor Dr.-Ing. Singgih

Indra Wardhana Hawibowo Susetyo Hario Putero
Dr.-Ing. Sihana

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