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1. What elements can you have in the header of an HTML document?

2. What does the meta tag do. Please provide 3 different examples of metas and their usage.
3. Why HTML semantics are important?
4. What can we do for concerning SEO for a web page?
5. How does an HTTP request work?
6. What are the main 4 HTTP verbs and what are them used for, what does each of them express?
7. What is difference between HTTP 400 and 500 class response codes?
8. Difference between block-level and inline-level elements in HTML.
9. Difference between Div and Span tags?
10. What does the srcset attribute do in case of images? Why should we use it?
11. What is an iframe? What does the sandbox attribute do for an iframe?
12. Describe the canvas tag and its usages.
13. Why are SVGs useful?
14. Difference between progress and meter tags?
15. What can be done in order to increase the performance of how an HTML document is rendered?
16. Should you use classes or IDs in an HTML document? Why?
17. What does the async and defer attributes do, difference between them? Where are they used?
18. Order the following selectors in the order of their specificity: tags, classes, ids, pseudo-elements, pseud-classes, attribute
selectors, style tag
19. What is the !important rule? Should we use it at all? Why?
20. What is the box model of an element composed of?
21. Explain the differences between display: block, display: inline and display: inline-block. How does each of these behave?
22. What is margin collapsing?
23. How can you easily center a block-level element that is having a width of 200px?
24. What is the float property used for?
25. Describe all types of positioning in CSS.
26. Describe the background-attachment property and its values.
27. Describe the outline property in CSS.
28. Describe the overflow property in CSS.
29. Describe following CSS units: em, rem, %, vh and vw.
30. How does % behave in the context of position: fixed, but in the context of absolute or relative positions?
31. Describe the vertical-align property and in what contexts can it be used (what display types)?
32. What does box-sizing property do in CSS?
33. Which of the following selectors is more specific? [class=”button-cool”] or .button-cool?
34. How can you define CSS variables and use them? Why are they important?
35. Describe the usage of ::after and ::before pseudo-elements?
36. Describe the usage of :nth-of-type vs :nth-child pseudo-classes?
37. How can you do a CSS animation that when you over a button It moves to the left by 15 pixels? The animation must take
0.5 seconds.
38. What does display: flex mean?
39. What does flex-wrap do?
40. Briefly describe flexbox and in what contexts it can be used.
41. Briefly describe grid and in what contexts it can be used.
42. What can someone do in order to ensure responsiveness across various screen sizes?
43. Please explain what does mobile-first and desktop-first mean and how is that achieved in CSS?
44. What is SCSS used for? What are its advantages and main features?

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