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Community Newspaper Publishing

A subsidiary of New Ziana (Pvt) Ltd

MUTARE, MAY 24-30, 2021 ZWL 20
Masasa Windsor House, 107 Herbert Chitepo Street, Mutare. Tel: 0220 202 1487.

President applauds
manufacturing sector Simbarashe Muparaganda pandemic. of the economy, President Mnangag- President Mnangagwa said this
MUTARE -President He said this after touring Wattle wa, exhorted the business communi- development will have a positive im-
Emmerson Mnangag- Company, Willowton group and Mega ty not to mourn about sanctions but pact on sustainable socio economic
wa (pictured) has Market in the Nyakamete industrial leverage on natural resources in the growth, empowerment and employ-
applauded the man- site in Mutare on Tuesday. country, peace and unity that currently ment creation as envisaged in the Na-
ufacturing sector in The three business entities are exist in the country. tional Development Strategy (NDS1).
the country for re- among the few companies that have “Inspite of all these disasters and He said the coming onboard of
maining resilient in managed to wade off the tide of eco- constraints in the growth of the econ- Mega Market has brought health com-
the midst of shocks nomic hardships that the country has omy I say to you forget about illegal petition in the Fast Moving Consumer
presented by impo- experienced in the last decade. sanctions. Focus on the resources Goods sector.
sition of illegal sanc- The visit is part of President Mnan- that are found in our beautiful coun- “The company has grown over
tions, natural disasters gagwa’s ongoing tours to gain an ap- try Zimbabwe and on basis of those years to become one of the largest
and Covid-19 preciation of the state of the country`s resources, basis of peace and unity in distributors in the country whose core
manufacturing sector. the country. We can build our country business is the manufacturing and
Last week, he visited several com- brick by brick, stone upon stone from distribution of fast moving consumer
panies in Bulawayo Metropolitan the basis of our resources,” he said. goods.
Province where he told business He said it’s not the entire world that “The focus on affordable high qual-
community that commitment to con- has shut out the country, adding that ity products and wide range of leading
tinue pursuing a private sector led Zimbabwe still enjoy cordial relation- brands which provide value for mon-
modernization, industriliation and ship with other African states and oth- ey to consumer is commendable,”
growth of the economy remains ers abroad. said President Mnangagwa.
government`s top priority. “Indeed it’s not the entire world He said the companies’ new wheat
“As Government, we applaud that has closed us out we have friends milling plant brings in new technol-
the manufacturing sector for on the continent of Africa. We have ogy which will enhance efficiency in
remaining resilient in the friends outside Africa who support us. the value additional cereals.
midst of shocks presented All what we need is focus as we chart “I congratulate the achievements
by the imposition of illegal our way forward as a united people,” that Mega Market has made through
sanctions, natural disas- said President Mnangagwa various projects being implement-
ters and now Covid-19 “The fact that locally produced ed, such as maize milling and toma-
pandemic,” said President goods now constitute a larger share to sauce production as well as rice,
Mnangagwa. of our country`s supermarket shelves, kapenta, popcorn and sugar beans
Inspite of disaster and should encourage consumers to also distribution,” said President Mnan-
constraints in the growth buy products made in Zimbabwe.” gagwa.
page 02 PUNGWE NEWS, MAY 24-30, 2021


Stop drug abuse

-Penhalonga YDT
Lisa Marianandzo “They are the new generation their colleagues,” said Musiyaz-
MUTASA- Youths in Mutasa dis- and as a Trust we are trying to edu- viriyo.
trict have been urged to stop indulg- cate them about the dangers of drug Some of the drugs that are being
ing in drugs and focus on building abuse,“ said Musiyazviriyo. taken by youths are marijuana, gan-
their careers as they are the future He said by educating youths to ja cake, guka, shisha, bronclear and
leaders of the country. abstain from drugs, they are giv- sniffing of glue.
Penhalonga Youth Development ing them a chance to meaningfully As these drugs are addictive,
Trust (PYDT) director Clinton Mu- contribute to the development of many youths are reported to be
siyazviriyo expressed concern over the country. spending time taking drugs with
a surge in cases of drug abuse in the “We want youths to desist from friends in secret locations and drug
province. social vices such as drug abuse. bases.
Since the pronouncement of the We want them to contribute mean- A youth from Penhalonga who
Covid-19 induced lockdown last ingfully to the development of the spoke on condition of anonymity
year, schools and businesses were country,” he said. said he started taking drugs when from friends. I need help to stop,“ want but there is nothing to do. We
forced to close down, a situation He said of concern is that drugs he was 13 years old after he was he said. cannot realise our full potential be-
that forced the youths to engage in are now being taken by 13 year old initiated in the `world of drugs` by Most youths said they were tak- cause we are being left out in deci-
drugs and use of crystal meth pop- teenagers. friends ing drugs to drown their sorrows as sion making processes.
ularly known as mutoriro or guka- “We are equally concerned be- “I am 27 years and still taking they find themselves with no jobs “We can contribute meaningful-
makafela. cause young boys and girls from drugs. I was initiated in the world and source of income to further ly to the growth of our nation but
“The youth have to stop indulg- high school are now into drugs. It is of drugs by friends when I was 13 their careers or start projects. we are not given the opportunity,“
ing in abuse of drugs as they are now a habit and some are abscond- years old, since then I got addict- “Our minds are idle and we end said another youth who is a holder
leaders of tomorrow. ing from school to take drugs with ed. It was a matter of peer pressure up taking drugs not because we of bachelor in Economic History.

Gvt to revamp Mutare provincial hospital

VP Chiwenga said although time, those areas that have been tified laboratories’ in the coun-
the hospital has been bestowed mentioned to me, we are going try.
with a provincial hospital sta- to address them with urgency “The hospital is also the first
tus, the medical facility is still and speedy they deserve,” he health institution to perform
lagging behind and there is said. HIV viral load and Covid-19
need to revamp its infrastruc- He also said the province`s test in the country,” said Vice
ture so that it matches interna- growing population demands President Chiwenga.
tional standards. additional development for in- He also revealed that the hos-
“Although it’s a provincial frastructure and replacing aging pital has refurbished the casu-
hospital in name, I say in name equipment to ensure provision al department into a Covid-19
because there are other things of quality health care. isolation unit with potential 14
that are not in place that makes “The growing population de- intensive care unit beds and 14
it qualify to be a provincial hos- mands additional development ordinary beds.
pital. I am aware the 260 bed for infrastructure and replacing “The recently installed 10
Victoria Chitepo Provincial the obsolete with new one to en- 000 kilogrammes oxygen tank
Hospital is not a purpose built sure provision of quality health is now servicing the isolation
provincial hospital, but a gener- care,” said Vice President Chi- centre and wards with plans to
al hospital designated to a pro- wenga. connect it to the whole hospital.
vincial hospital status. Despite infrastructural con- “The intensive care unit is in-
“However, it has been put in straints, Vice President said, the stalled with negative pressure
place to take up responsibilities hospital continues to provide to ensure the protection of pa-
of a provincial hospital,” said tertiary health service in ob- tients, staff and community,”
VP and Health Minister Dr. Constantino Chiwenga VP Chiwenga. stetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, said the Health Minister.
Simbarashe Muparaganda Nyikadzino Chiwenga when he The Health Minister was also orthopaedic, general surgery, Vice President Chiwenga said
MUTARE -Government will do toured Victoria Chitepo Provin- briefed about the challenges the internal medicine, anaesthetic these developments are part of
its best to ensure Manicaland cial Hospital this week. hospital was facing. He said the among others. government wholesome fight
province has a state-of-art pro- The Vice President also toured government will attend to some “The hospital attends to an against the scourge of Covid-19.
vincial hospital to serve its pop- Nyakomba Irrigation Scheme in of the problems as a matter of average of 6 000 ART patients He also expressed his profound
ulation. Nyanga North before visiting urgency. and 1000 admissions a month. It gratitude for being accorded an
This was said by Vice Pres- the provincial health facility. “We are going to do our best provides training to nurses and opportunity to interface with
ident and Health Minister Addressing health workers, to make sure Manicaland has a doctors in general surgery. The health care personal, nurses and
Constantino Guveya Dominic patients and local community, provincial hospital. In the mean- laboratory is on the six ISO cer- people of Manicaland.
PUNGWE NEWS, MAY 24-30, 2021 page 03


Hyena attacks young boy

at church conference
Takunda Ndumiyana hospital in Harare, mother. trying to provide the medical re-
MASVINGO- Eight year old It is believed that the hyena Rodwell was rushed to Mashoko quirements needed for the boy
Rodwell Ngomozana from Bikita attached the boy while he was hospital where he was transferred which then becomes a big cross
was seriously injured in a hyena sleeping with other children at the to Parirenyatwa Hospital in Hara- for her to carry.
attack at a church conference re- church premises. One eye and the re since the situation seemed to be “I do not have anything to pro-
cently. mouth were mauled by the animal worsening. vide for my son’s medication, l
The minor had accompanied his on the night of 7 May. Shamiso Mabika, who is the cannot afford to pay anything, be
grandmother, Martha Sasikayi to a “The boy was sleeping at the mother to Rodwell, was shocked it medication, plastic surgery or
church conference for a passover church with others when a hye- and traumatized by such a tragedy anything which requires money.
ceremony where he encountered na attacked him, people came to which befell her son. I am humbly asking for financial
such a tragedy. his rescue after hearing cries and The situation left the moth- help from you my fellow Zimba-
The boy is currently in the in- it escaped, leaving the boy’s face er searching for answers to the bweans,” said Shamiso during the
tensive care unit at Parirenyatwa severely injured,” said the grand- cause while at the same time interview with a local media.

Party leaders urged to embrace all Govt assists families

members regardless of their positions affected by hailstorm
Alson Sithole DDC Teddius Beto said the cen-
John Chamboko
CHIPINGE -Government tral government responded swift-
League secretary for Administration, through Chipinge Civil Protection ly to the request from the District
Senator Monica Mutsvangwa has Committee has moved in to assist Civil Protection Committee that
called on party leaders in the province families which were affected by nine families were in urgent need
to embrace every member regardless hailstorms that pounded Chimuk- of food assistance.
of their positions or social standing. wakwa area of Chipinge district. “We wrote to our superiors soon
She said this while addressing party The consignment which includ- after the report of hailstorm which
members at Mutare Hall recently. ed maize and rice was handed affected our community in Ward
Sen Mutsvangwa, who is also In- over to affected families by offi- 28 and they responded timeously
formation, Publicity and Broadcasting cials from the office of District to avert a potential crisis by avail-
Service, said embracing members will Development Coordinator (DDC) ing food items.
help promote unity in the party.
in conjunction with department of “As DCPC, we feel we are mov-
“Party leaders in the province must
embrace every member regardless of
Social Welfare recently. ing in the right direction on disas-
their positions or social standing. They A total of nine families in ter response and mitigation,” said
should help promote unity in the par- Chinyamukwakwa area were left Beto.
ty. We all make mistakes because we homeless after heavy winds and Beto said there was still need
were created by God. Let`s embrace rains pounced on the area. for more support in terms of shel-
each other. Minister Mutsvangwa holds a big pumpkin at an exhibition recently Speaking during the handover ter, cooking utensils, blankets and
“What is important is to love one an- my,” said Sen. Mutsvangwa. Western sponsored opposition parties. ceremony, Assistant Chipinge food for the families.
other and have sound focused mind,” The minister also said party members “The opposition was created to push
said the minister. have a role to spread positive messages back the agenda of the liberation strug-
She encouraged the District Coor- about the new dispensation in their re- gle of empowering indigenous people.
dinating Committees (DCCs) to work spective communities so that the party`s Our former colonisers have interest in
hand in glove with ward chairpersons vision will inspire others to join. our minerals and natural resources,”
during the mobilization exercise. She also told the gathering to cherish she said.
“DCCs must work together with unity and peace prevailing in the coun- The minister said the former colo-
ward chairpersons during the mobiliza- try, saying these two elements provide nizers are sponsoring the opposition
tion process. We can’t lose elections in a solid foundation for development. political parties to remove the revolu-
Mutare,” said Minister Mutsvangwa. “Whatever misunderstandings that tionary party from power to create a
She also encouraged members to have existed for long between party puppet government.
defend the party`s reputation from the members, let’s bury the hatchets and “President Mnangagwa is working
adversaries on social media platforms. move forward. Let us sing from the hard to address challenges impacting
“We need patriotic party members. same hymn book of production and de- on our economy and also to maintain
Let us be ambassadors of the party on velopment to achieve our desired goal economic stability. Our President’s vi-
social media platforms and stand for as a revolutionary and visionary party,” sion is to create an Upper middle class
what is right. said the women’s League secretary for society by 2030.
“Don’t exit the groups of those administration. “For this to be achievable, there is
speaking ills about our party. Enlighten She also talked about the economic need to shed acts of indiscipline such The Department of Civil Protection recently toured Old Mutare
them about the stance taken by Presi- challenges prevailing in the country, as corruption,” said Minister Mutsvan- Hospital where WHO Zimbabwe under ZIRP Zimbabwe is supporting
dent in quest to turn around the econo- saying they were brought about by the gwa. laboratory services with IPC materials and a PCR machine
page 04 PUNGWE NEWS, MAY 24-30, 2021

Govt changes policy on
Students recover from Covid-19 quarantining
Covid-19 – Govt
OVER 300 students casting Services Min- GOVERNMENT on still battling the pandem-
who were infected by ister, Monica Mutsvan- Tuesday said citizens ic and taking preventa-
the coronavirus since gwa (pictured) told returning to the country tive measures to curtail
schools opened nearly
two months ago have
fully recovered, the
a post-Cabinet press
“Most of the cases
would now be required to
meet the costs of quaran-
tining and isolation.
CORONAVIRUS its continued spread.
The country has since
the second wave hit in
government said on
recorded at schools in
Bulawayo Province
Previously, government
provided the services (COVID-19) January, seen a decrease
in new cases in the past

The infections at since the beginning of to thousands of return- two months while vacci-
schools in Harare, the current school term ing citizens as well as nation is underway.
Manicaland and Mata- have also recovered, foreigners at designated As of 16th May, 2021,
beleland provinces sent with very few remain- quarantine centres. 591 808 people had re-
shockwaves amid fears ing active cases.” “In order to ensure en- ceived their first dose
of a third wave of She said forcement of Statutory “Furthermore, those travellers found of COVID-19 vaccines
the virus. government Instrument No. 108 of 2021 in relation to to be positive for Covid-19 will be iso- and 222 450 their second dose across
Schools was roll- the country’s ports of entry and exit, Cab- lated at an isolation centre at their own the country. “Members of the public are
had re- ing out inet wishes to advise that citizens return- expense.” urged to go to their nearest health facil-
opened m o d - ing to Zimbabwe will now be quarantined To avoid being quarantined, citizens are ity to receive their COVID-19 vaccine
among ules for at their own expense,” Information, Pub- required to produce a Covid-19 negative so that the country achieves the required
m i s - training licity and Broadcasting Services Minister, test certificate that is less than two days herd immunity to control the spread of the
givings on how Monica Mutsvangwa told a post-Cabinet old. disease,” Minister Mutsvangwa said.
by some to handle briefing. Zimbabwe, like the rest of the globe is New Ziana

270 Indian doctors died in

stakehold- Covid-19
ers that it was at learning
too early given institutions.
high infection cases, As at 10 May,

second Covid-19 wave so far

but government insist- 2021, Zimbabwe’s cu-
ed measures had been mulative Covid-19 cas-
put in place to contain es stood at 38 433, with
them. 36 208 recoveries and 1
“In the primary and 576 deaths. A total 269 doctors have been lost so per IMA. their lives to Covid this year in India’s
secondary sector, the The recovery rate far in a short period compared to 730 While the IMA says that a thousand second wave.
nation is informed that stood at 94.2 percent.
last year, says Indian Medical Associ- doctors have died due to Covid so far, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana fol-
all Covid-19 positive Government
ation (IMA). the actual numbers may be far higher. lowed in the list with 22 and 19 doc-
cases reported at Prince launched a vaccination
Bihar recorded the highest number The IMA only keeps a record of its tors having lost their lives respective-
Edward, Sacred Heart programme mid-Feb-
and Bonda Mission ruary that has seen over of doctors — 78 — who died due to nearly 3.5 lakh members. India, howev- ly. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Odisha
schools have fully re- 529 000 being vaccinat- COVID-19 in the second wave so far er, has more than 12 lakh doctors. and West Bengal were the other states
covered,” Information, ed so far. followed by Uttar Pradesh (37) and In Delhi’s Guru Teg Bahadur Hospi- where the figures of doctors having lost
Publicity and Broad- New Ziana Delhi (28). tal -- a dedicated Covid specialty, Anas their lives were in double digits. While
Last year, 736 doctors had lost their Mujahid, 26, a junior Resident Doctor Goa and Puducherry reported one death
lives during the first wave. A total of died within hours of testing positive each, Haryana, Kerala, Tripura and Ut-

nearly 1,000 doctors across India have due to Covid. He is identified as the tarakhand reported two deaths each.
lost their lives due to Covid so far, as youngest of 269 doctors who have lost Online

Community Newspaper Publishing SA’s Covid-19 death toll among world’s

worst, official figures understated
(Zimbabwe’s largest Newspaper Publishing Group)
(We cover Manicaland Province)
Manica Chambers, Office No. 25 First Floor, Mutare.
Telephone 020-62573.
A report into excess deaths over the past year suggests more
PUBLISHED BY than 133,000 people in SA have died from Covid-19, far
Community Newspaper Publishing (sbu) more than the official tally of nearly 55,000.
(A Division of New Ziana (Pvt) Ltd
2nd Floor, Mass Media House The SA Medical Research Council (SAMRC) has been
19 Selous Avenue, P.O. Box CY 511, HARARE monitoring excess deaths since May 2020.
Printed by Superprint, Box 66, Gweru, In its latest report, published on Wednesday, the SAMRC
Tel: 054-223188, 226854
said SA had seen 157,000 excess deaths in the past 12 months
PUNGWE NEWS STAFF and estimated that 85% of them were caused by Covid-19,
Editor-in-Chief: which means just over 133,000 people have died from the
Editor: Ramington Jarijari
This compares to an official death toll of 54,968 since the
Reporter: Simba Muparaganda start of the pandemic.
Accounts Admin Clerk: SA implemented one of the world’s most restrictive lock-
downs from March 2020, when cases were still relatively
Marketing & Distribution:
low, and the SAMRC said increases in weekly deaths due to
the pandemic only became evident from May 2020 onwards.
DIRECTORS Excess death figures, which some epidemiologists say are
the best way to measure the true toll from Covid-19 given
Mrs. Rosemary Mazula (Chairperson), Mr. Goodson Nguni
that counting methods vary between countries, surpass offi-
(Deputy chairperson), Mr. Stephen Mpofu, Rtd. Col. Claudious cial Covid-19 death figures in many countries.
Makova, Mr. Douglas Dhliwayo, Mrs. Florence Sigudu Excess deaths are typically defined as the difference be-
Matambo, Mr. Nimrod Chiminya, Mrs. Evelyn Kawonza, Mr.
tween the observed numbers of deaths in specific time peri-
ods and expected numbers of deaths in the same time periods. of the virus included border closures and even bans on the sale of alcohol and
Peter Nyoni.
The SAMRC report said the excess death rate per 100,000 cigarettes. Most restrictions have now been lifted, but a recent rise in infec-
population for SA was 258 over the past 12 months. This tions has prompted fears of a third wave of the pandemic as the southern hemi-
A member of
places the country — on an age-standardised basis — in the sphere’s winter approaches.
top five countries for which excess deaths are measured. SA’s vaccination campaign got off to a slow start but it has now ordered mil-
adma The health ministry declined to comment immediately on lions more doses. The health ministry said on Wednesday around 430,730 shots
the report. had been administered so far, with priority given to front-line healthcare work-
Advertising Media Association
SA’s tough lockdown measures last year to curb the spread ers. Reuters
PUNGWE NEWS, MAY 24-30, 2021 page 05

NACZ commemorates
National Culture Week
John Chamboko portant and it benefits the province Lady Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa
MUTARE- National Arts Council at large as it puts Manicaland’s cul- for her national cooking competi-
of Zimbabwe (NACZ) Manicaland ture on magnifying lenses. To all tion, saying it’s another way of cel-
Chapter joined the nation in com- intents and purposes it provides a ebrating “our uniqueness in culture
memorating the annual National platform for the marketing of Man- diversity”.
Culture Week. icaland’s culture to the country at The Culture Week is celebrated
The commemorations were held large,” said Makoni. worldwide during the week of May
under the theme: “Resilience in She added: “The Culture Week is 21, set aside by the United Nations
Safeguarding Creative and Cultural meant to coincide with the 21st of Educational, Scientific and Cultur-
Diversity.” May, annually because it’s a World al Organisation (UNESCO) as the
This year’s provincial celebra- Day for Culture Diversity on Dia- World Day of Cultural Diversity for
tions will be held in Chimanimani logue and Development. It`s one of Dialogue and Development.
on May 28 at PORET Permaculture the United Nations brain child. During this day, all nations are
Centre. “We as NACZ, we saw that one encouraged to celebrate the unique-
Minister of State for Provincial day is not enough so we have a ness of their diverse cultures as part
Affairs and Devolution Nokuthula week long celebrations.” of world culture.
Matsikanyire will be the guest of Makoni was pleased by the in- In Zimbabwe, the celebrations
honor at this year’s event. volvement of the First Family in the are marked by seven day annual
NACZ spokesperson Caroline special national event for being con- event that celebrates the importance
Makoni said the celebrations reso- cerned about the Culture Week. of culture diversity in the country
nate well with the quest to Safeguard She said this year`s national event through various cultural expressions
Creativity and Cultural Diversity in was launched in Gokwe by Presi- such as music and dance perfor-
the province and entire nation. dent Mnangagwa. mances, art, traditional medicines
“Sharing culture relations is im- Makoni also thanked the First and craft exhibitions among others.
This year’s National Culture Week was commemorated held
Presley slowly taking rightful under the theme “Resilience in Safeguarding Creative and
Cultural Diversity.”

place in arts industry

HE uncelebrated but talent-
ed are the only words fit the
lieving in yourself, keep dreaming
big and work extra hard to achieve CHIMURENGA
description of a versatile your goal as no one can take that
young and amazing teen from Ma- away from you.”
range - Presley Anesu Murehwa. Presley has worked with big
Manicaland province has no producers both local and in Harare
doubt blessed with so many ver- who include DJ Tha Realbeat, DJ
satile artists, models and actress, Tamuka, C Bleach just to mention
some dabble in variety of enter- but a few. She is currently work-

Do you want to know more about

tainment medium while Marange ing on a new album.
born Presley’s passion is impossi- The young artist wishes to col-
ble to ignore in the arts industry as laborate with established regional

Zimbabwe’s liberation
she has made a name for herself as and international artists such Sha-
an artists and modeling star. tion. Sha, Yemi Alade, Anita
The young and gifted artist has She added as a tourism hub with Jack- son and
managed to record a Afro pop hit natural vegetation and environ- Poptain.
called Crazy with DJ Tha Real- ment Mutare, Nyanga and Vumba
beat, which is currently trending
on various media platforms, intro-
capture attention of many artists.
Presley added: “I want to help Well, get it from those who participated by buying DVDs
from New Ziana provincial offices dotted around the
ducing new style and melody that my city to reach its full potential
are poetic in the music industry. in the arts sector as most artists
The Crazy hit maker has fea- are left behind and marginalized
tured in many production and
has penned many songs that are
or often prefer Harare over their
own city. We want to change
country. In Manicaland province, you can enquire from
making waves in the music cir- that and I want to assure ev-
cles which she feature Double
wekwa Marange, Andy Muridzo,
eryone that you can make it
wherever you are.” PUNGWE NEWS
Jah Master, DJ Tha Realbeat and “I’m very thankful to my
Baba Harare.
In an interview with Pungwe
mother who has been sup-
porting my dreams in the
Masasa Windsor House,
107 Herbert Chitepo Street, Mutare.
Arts Talk, the young and gifted arts from day one and she
Presley said, Manicaland has so has been the pillar in my life
much potential when it comes to
Tel: 0220 202 1487.
and my career,” she said.
the arts industry whether in mov- She added: My advice to
ies production and music produc- the girl child is to keep on be-
page 06 PUNGWE NEWS, MAY 24-30, 2021


Private companies Residents up in arms with Mutasa

RDC over ‘shocking water bills’

embrace NDS1
Nhlonipo Chavarike A local labour consultancy com- that the country attains an upper to
MUTARE -As the country is pany, Eve Employment and Con- middle income economy by 2030.
moving towards attaining an up- sultant, has embraced the NDS1 We also want to ensure there are
per to middle income economy by by developing sport and recre- safe playing hubs for the children
2030, local business community ational centres. and the community,” he said.
in province have embraced the The company has ventured in He added that they are work-
National Development Strategy construction of a golf course and ing on a thrust of ensuring safety
(NDS1) which was launched by renovation of basketball court at a among youths and communities
President Emerson Mnangagwa Social Centre in Florida medium against vices such as drug abuse
last year. density suburb. and other social ills.
In line with the President`s 2030 Eve Employment Consultant Eve Academy is currently reno-
vision, the private sector plays manager Caleb Kunze confirmed vating a basketball court and a net-
a pivotal role in contributing to- the development, saying they ball pitch at Florida Social Centre.
wards sustainable development were complimenting government “On top of those projects, we
by engaging in different projects efforts in ensuring Vision 2030 is are constructing a golf course at
such as mining, agriculture and achieved. the same centre contributing to the
construction, which promotes de- “As Eve Employment Consul- country’s National Development
Mutasa RDC Chief Executive Officer, George Bandure
velopment at grassroots to nation- tant we are working compliment- Plan of not leaving anyone or any
al level. ing government efforts of enduring community behind,” said Kunze. By Lisa Marianadzo “The water bills are too high and
MUTASA -Residents and ratepay- inflated by the high volume of wa-
ers are is up in arms with the Muta- ter per household at 0,68 cents per
sa Rural District Council (MRDC) cubic meter,” said Makoni.
over new water tariff regime which Mutasa RDC Chief Executive
was announced recently. Officer, George Bandure advised
Ratepayers said the council residents and ratepayers with que-
hiked the tariffs three fold and new ries to approach their treasury de-
structure was beyond their reach partment for clarification.
and needs. They are demanding “We advise the residents and
that the tariffs be revised down- ratepayers with individual queries
wards. to approach our treasury depart-
Residents said they were ment for clarification. Those who
shocked when they received water have made payments should also
bills with amounts ranging from come forward with their proof of
RTGS$13 000 to $40 000 for two payment,” he said.
months. Bandure explained that residents
“The council just hiked rates should understand items stated on
without notice. We are poor and their bills.
we can’t pay such obnoxious “It is important that residents
amounts,“ said one resident who and ratepayers understand the
complained that she received a items on their bills for example
RTGS$12 000 water bill. fixed charges, actual consumption
Others said the council must be sewage charges, residential devel-
ZCDC Chief Executive Officer Mr Mark Mabhudhu recently commissioned two new Liebherr considerate as most businesses and opment levy and annual lease rent-
locals were still recovering from als which are due in anniversary
976 excavators meant to boost production at Chiadzwa mine
the shocks of Covid-19 induced month of the succeeding year,” he

African Sun occupancy

lockdown. said.
“We don’t have such kind of The council, Bandure said, was
money. We know the council receiving water supply from City
needs to deliver and buy chemi- of Mutare at a cost and urged resi-

slumps to 14% in Q1 cals but we should meet half way.

They should not forget that we are
still in Covid-19 era where most
businesses are still struggling to
dents to pay up as they risk discon-
“It’s also important to note that
we get the supply of water from
Hotel chain, African Sun Resultantly, the group suffered (“NGOs”), corporates and gov-
saw its occupancy slump 26 per- a loss of $165.57 million. ernment business in the short- recover,“ said another local busi- the City of Mutare at a cost and
nessman. if residents and ratepayers do not
centage points to 14 percent in “The 2021 first quarter results term,” the hotel chain said.
Penhalonga Residents and Rate- make good on their payments, they
the first quarter of 2021 as the reflect the devastating impact “We expect the growth to re-
payers Association (PRRA) chair- should not be surprised when sup-
Covid-19 pandemic hit hard on that the Covid-19 second wave main modest on the back of the
person, Westone Makoni said they plies are disconnected.
tourism. induced lockdowns and travel government’s Covid-19 vacci-
wrote a petition to the council re- “Some have not been paying
During the same period last restrictions had on the business,” nation programme, with real im-
questing a reversal of the decision. their bills religiously and have
year, before the onset of the kill- the group said in its first quarter pact likely to be felt in the last In their petition, Makoni said, balances brought forward on their
er virus, the chain recorded 40 update. quarter of the year.” the residents are demanding coun- statements,” he said.
percent occupancy. African Sun said it was bank- African Sun is not expecting cil to maintain water charges that Residents in Ward 21 also com-
The low occupancy resulted ing on the domestic market to to earn much from internation- were stipulated in the 2020 budget. plained that they have not been
in African Sun posting an infla- drive its occupancy up in the al arrivals as “some of our key “Council should maintain the receiving adequate water supplies
tion adjusted revenue slump of outlook. source markets are experiencing water charges that were stipulated from council.
$279.52 million compared to “The key drivers of the do- a resurgence in Covid-19 infec- in the 2020 budget. We therefore Council is charging 0,68 cents
$784.82 million during the same mestic market will remain tions.” deny the current charges in the per cubic meter which residents
period last year. non-governmental organizations New Ziana 2021 budget. complained is “too high”.
PUNGWE NEWS, MAY 24-30, 2021 page 07


Chipinge man Refrain from sensational

reporting -Journalists told
killed for stealing, Brenda Mundozo
MUTARE -Stakeholders in
the legal sector have expressed
concern over the adverse ef-
ing should avoid sensation-
alising or reporting facts of a
crime in a way that inflames
the public against an accused

selling dog
fects of pre-trial publicity on person.
the fairness of criminal cases. “This affects or brings the is-
Speaking during a media en- sue of the court of public opin-
gagement meeting organized ion and it is necessary that the

by the Zimbabwe Prisons and exercise of restraint in order to
HIPINGE -A local man was him a thief,” said Chananda. Correctional Service (ZPCS), avoid situations were you have
assaulted to death after he Tsegure’s body was found the The Justice for Children Trust, language that are truly harsh
sold a dog which he had following day around 6 am by
Legal officer Tatenda Sigauke or more judgmental on what
stolen from a local villager. Bothell Sithole without his trou-
appealed to journalists to re- the facts will be in a matter
Police have confirmed the sers on.
incident, saying investigations Sithole reported the matter frain from sensational report- that is before the court,” said
were in progress. at Chipinge Rural Police Sta- ing which may prejudice ac- Sigauke.
According to the police, tion who attended the scene. cused persons right to a fair Section 51 of the Constitu-
the now-deceased Lucky Investigations were done trial. tion of Zimbabwe indicates
Tsegure (39) of Mukumba and the three suspects are “It is important to take into that every person has the in-
Village under Chief Ma- still missing and they did account the broader principles herent dignity in their private
pungwana is reported to not return to Ndambi’s of the right to a fair trial and and public life and the right to
have sold a dog to Clement homestead after commit- also presumptions of inno- have the dignity respected and
Chibvepi. ting the offence.
cence. The media in its report- protected.
The dog is reported to have Tsegure’s body was tak-
been stolen from a local man en to Chipinge District Hos-
only identified as Chimene. pital for a post mortem, but
Provincial police spokesper- failed to
son, Inspector Luxson Chananda ascertain the cause of his death.
said on May 12 at around 1700hrs, However, sticks used to assault the
Tsegure and Solomon Mudimba deceased with were found at the
Mutisi went to Themba Ndambi site where his body was dumped
buyer realised
homestead to partake illicit beer and taken as taken an exhibit.
he had purchased a stolen dog after
known in the local lingo as sope. Chananda warned members of
he was confronted by the owner.
Clement and brother Christopher the public against meting-out in-
“Clement started assaulting him.
Chibvepi as well as Martin Chite- stance justice.
Ndambi tried to restrain him but
mera Dube (39) of Mwandipfura “People should not take law
failed,” said the police spokesperson.
Village under Chief Mutema were into their own hands as this leads
The other suspects joined the
also at the same homestead drink- to unnecessary loss of life. People
fracas and reportedly dragged the
ing illicit brew. should report to the police who
deceased to Budzi River 3 km
When the trio saw Tsegure, it ac- have the mandate to arrest sus-
cused him of selling a stolen dog to pects,” he said.
“Along the way, they assaulted
him using sticks and fists calling

Govt lightens burden on

examination candidates
The Zimbabwe government has allocated ZW$1.7 billion to
the Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council for the adminis-
tration of examinations this year, a move which will see parents
and guardians contributing only 45 percent towards examination
fees for their children.
Primary and Secondary Education Minister Cain Mathema
said the funding would ensure the affordability of public exam-
“Government has committed a grant of ZW$1.7 billion for the
administration of public examinations in Zimbabwe for 2021.
This commendable gesture will go a long way in ensuring the
affordability of examinations.
“The contribution ratio of 55 percent for government and 45
percent for parents and guardians for pupils in public schools
will ease the burden on parents and guardians whose incomes
have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,”
he said.
“This timely intervention by Government paves way for the
registration of all eligible school candidates in public schools
for the 2021 ZIMSEC examinations.”
Mathema said efforts would be made to continue smoothening
the examination exercise.
“The continued support by government in the running of ex-
aminations is highly appreciated as it has enabled the Ministry
over the years to conduct the public examinations smoothly,”
he said.
New Ziana
page 08 PUNGWE NEWS, MAY 24-30, 2021


Community Newspaper
(Zimbabwe’s largest Newspaper
Publishing Group)

Zhombe family
appeals for assistance
Kwekwe put on
for son’s surgery 14 days lockdown
Staff Reporter “Travellers through Kwekwe that were contacts.
KWEKWE District has been are strongly being advised to The Kwekwe District Covid-19
placed under a 14 days lock- spend as little time as possible Taskforce also recommended that
down with immediate effect after in Kwekwe during the next two all health workers who are in-
the new Indian Covid-19 variant weeks. volved in contact tracing, active
B.1.167.2 was detected in the city. “No visitors to all boarding case finding, treatment, lab tests
This was confirmed by Vice schools and all day schools to and risk communication must be
President and Health Minister Dr. observe strict COVID-19 school tested for COVID 19.
Constantino Chiwenga in press protocols.” “On discharge of all those
release. Business operating hours will who will have tested positive
The two weeks lockdown, VP run from 8am to 5pm, while all to the COVID19 virus and have
Chiwenga said, was necessitated bars, drinking places, beerhalls completed 10 days, they will be
by a localized case of Covid-19 and bottle stores will be closed. mandated to be tested again with
that occurred in Kwekwe during Gatherings that include wed- PCR before they are finally dis-
the period May 8-21. dings, church services and all oth- charged.”
The virus has already killed one er public and private groupings Kwekwe General Hospital is
person – Kwekwe businessman are all banned. expected to avail doctors and
Robson Kadenhe (76), and linked The VP said all funerals must nurses to help with sample col-
11 other cases. be supervised by health personnel lection.
“The Genomic sequencing done and should not exceed 30 people. The taskforce recommended
on the viral strain in Kwekwe de- Some of the control measures the scaling down of all peoples
tected the presence of B.1.167.2 include case investigation and markets operations and ensure ad-
strain. This is a sub-species of contact tracing, health education, herence to COVID-19 regulations
the strain that was first identified disinfection of supermarkets, religiously.
in India. The last case was on 14 OK Mart, Amaveni dumpsite, The district has activated all its
May 2021,” said the Health Min- service stations, Kadenhe home, quarantine isolation and treatment
ister. Old Gokwe Road, Amaveni, Junk centres with immediate effect and
As a control measure, the gov- Yard pavement, National Test- these include Bell Medical Cen-
ernment has imposed a 14 days ed Seed pavement, quarantine of tre in Reddcliff, Kwekwe General
lockdown in Kwekwe with cur- positive cases and close contacts Hospital and kwekwe City Isola-
few running from 7pm to 6am. and screening of school children tion Disease Hospital (IDH).

ZINWA meets resistance to

install prepaid meters in Insiza
Isabel Zulu installing prepaid water meters said, “We were caught unawares
INSIZA -The Zimbabwe National in Insiza from June beginning in by the news of prepaid water me-
Water Authority’s (ZINWA) plan ward 15,” revealed the source. ters. Currently we don’t even know
Duduzile Khumalo (18) of Chief Gwesela in Zhombe to install prepaid water meters in However residents who have got how these gadgets work, let alone
Insiza district has been met with wind of the development did not their efficiency and convenience as
ZHOMBE -A Zhombe man is appealing for assistance from well-wish- resistance from the residents who have any kind words for ZINWA. compared to the traditional meters.
ers who can help him raise US$1 500 to take his 18-year-old son for an have demanded the national water Residents interviewed expressed We think dialogue is necessary,”
emergency surgery in South Africa. authority to consult them first and their displeasure saying it is key lamented Mkhululi Ncube.
Takesure Khumalo from Chief Gwesela in Zhombe said his son Du- also educate them on the pros and for them to be consulted before Efforts to obtain official com-
duzile (18) is not able to eat owing to a gum growth which has been cons of the project. taking such a bold decision. ment from ZINWA public rela-
giving him problems since 2009. A highly placed source at ZIN- “As a concerned stakeholder tions department were futile at the
“In 2009, he was diagnosed with a growth on the left jaw and from WA who spoke on condition of and resident of Insiza, I strong- time of going to press.
then up to this day, he has been reeling in pain and has difficulties eat- anonymity confirmed the develop- ly feel that ZINWA bypassed us, There are fears that installation
ing. He relies on liquids after the growth has been swelling and now ment and said the water authority there is need for engagement be- of smart meters will prevent con-
affecting the whole left side of the face,” he said. body intends to begin installing fore they implement the project,” stant flow of potable water and this
Khumalo said for the past 13 years, his son has been suffering with water meters in Insiza from June. said Lameck Ndlovu. will also introduce major health
local doctors failing to treat him and referring him to neighboring “All I can say is yes we will be Another resident from Insiza risks to communities.
South Africa for an urgent operation.
“I do not work and there is nowhere I can get the money; I am there-
fore asking for any well-wishers who can assist me to help me raise
the amount needed for transport and the bills. The money can amount
COVID19 spreads when someone with the
to US$1 500 and I can be grateful if I raise the money on time so that
I can serve the life of my son,” he said.
virus coughs, sneezes or talks.
Khumalo has been relying on food handouts from the government
through the department of Social Welfare. To protect yourself and others:
“We have been assisted by Social Welfare to cater for Dududza’s * Wear a mask
medical expenses since 2009 under the Assistance Medical Treatment
Order (AMTO) up to this date, but it’s unfortunate they do not cater * Cover your mouth and nose with your
for international expenses, hence our appeal,” he said. elbow when you cough or sneeze
Those who want to assist can contact Takesure Khumalo on
0774896243 or 0712796874. * Wash your hands
PUNGWE NEWS, MAY 24-30, 2021 page 09


Foreign Affairs Minister

embarks on regional tour
Zimbabwe’s Minister of For-
eign Affairs and International Trade,
Frederick Shava on Tuesday set
out on a three-nation tour aimed at
meeting regional counterparts and
strengthening bilateral relations.
Ambassador Shava, former-
ly, Zimbabwe’s representative to
the United Nations, took over the
portfolio in March following the
death of then minister, Sibusiso
Moyo in January.
The minister’s first introductory
tour will see him visit Botswana,
then Namibia and South Africa
from May 18 to 21.
“The visits, a first in his capac-
ity as the foreign minister, will
accord the minister the opportu-
nity to exchange views with his Dr. Fredrick Shava
counterparts on the status of, and
Giant frog ‘size of human baby’ strengthening bilateral relations,” Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Dr. Shava
said Foreign Affairs spokesperson, “The minster will sign the and the other two countries – Bot-
leaves villagers stunned Constance Chemwayi. agreement on the establishment swana and South Africa – is al-
“They will also exchange views of a Bi-National Commission,” ready at BNC level.
VILLAGERS in the Solomon Islands were left stunned after coming on regional, continental and inter- Chemwayi said. “The visits are affirmation of the
across a giant frog, described as being as big as a human baby. national issues of common interest.” “This agreement will change the government’s policy of engage-
A photo taken by Honiara resident Jimmy Hugo shows a young boy During the Namibia visit, Sha- Joint Commission to a Bi-Nation- ment and re-engagement and are
holding the frog up for the camera - and it has created a huge buzz on va will co-chair the Sixth Zim- al Commission (BNC) which is also a platform to seek trade and
social media, sparking new interest in a species that is facing a decline babwe-Namibia Joint Permanent chaired at the Heads of State and investment opportunities for Zim-
in population. Commission with his counterpart, Government level.” babwe,” the spokesperson said.
Mr Hugo, the owner of a timber milling operation, said that mill work- Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah. Cooperation between Harare New Ziana
ers came across the frog while hunting for wild pig in April. He then

Government respects the Courts

shared a photo of the giant frog - a Cornufer guppyi - on Facebook.
“Where I come from, it’s called bush chicken,” Mr Hugo wrote while
sharing the pic.

– Ministry of Justice
The pic has gone viral on Facebook, collecting over 800 ‘shares’ and
thousands of reactions. “Amazing,” wrote one Facebook user. “That’s
the largest water frog in Solomon Islands and probably in Melanesia,”
another remarked.
“At first, I thought only a few people would see it and then suddenly I
saw lots and lots of people commenting,” Mr Hugo told ABC News. “I
was very surprised to see how people reacted to the picture.”
In the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, the Cornufer guppyi
frog is also known as “bush chicken” or as the giant webbed frog. It is
hunted by locals and prized for its meat.
“That’s the expression, it’s bush chicken and it’s more delicious than
chicken,” Mr Hugo said.
While social media users have been left amazed by the huge frog frog
- dropping stunned comments on Mr Hugo’s photo - even experts are
surprised by its size. “I’ve never seen one that big. It’s quite uncommon
for them to get to that size so this one must have been quite old,” Jodi
Rowley, the curator of amphibian and reptile conservation biology at the
Australian Museum, was quoted as saying by the National Geographic.
These frogs are today facing a decline in population due to habitat loss
and pollution.
111-year-old Australian recommends
THE government said on Tues- at the weekend after the ruling. bwe therefore recognises the
eating chicken brains day it respected and believed in Government has since appealed importance of the judiciary as
CANBERRA -Australia’s oldest-ever man has included eating chicken
the independence of the judiciary against the ruling at the Supreme a dependable interpreter of the
brains among his secrets to living more than 111 years.
Retired cattle rancher Dexter Kruger on Monday marked 124 days
as “a dependable interpreter of Court. law where various opinions may
since he turned 111, a day older than World War I veteran Jack Lockett the law.” However, Ziyambi’s criticism, arise.”
was when he died in 2002. This follows a recent outburst in which he claimed he had ev- Lawyers in the case said on
Kruger told Australian Broadcasting Corp. in an interview at his nurs- by Justice Minister, Ziyambi Zi- idence some judges had been Monday they had written to the
ing home in the rural Queensland state town of Roma days before the yambi who accused the judicia- bought, ruffled feathers. Judicial Services Commission,
milestone that a weekly poultry delicacy had contributed to his longevity. ry of being captured following a Ministry of Justice Secretary Judge President and Registrar
“Chicken brains. You know, chickens have a head. And in there, there’s High Court ruling that blocked Virgina Mabhiza said govern- of the High Court reporting the
a brain. And they are delicious little things,” Kruger said. “There’s only government from extending the ment respected the High Court’s Justice Minister for contempt of
one little bite.” tenure of Chief Justice Luke Mal- ruling although it did not agree court.
Kruger’s 74-year-old son Greg credits his father’s simple Outback life-
aba by five years. with its findings in the case. In criticising the High Court de-
style for his long life.
Nursing home manger Melanie Calvert said Kruger, who is writing his “The situation now in this coun- “The Government of Zimba- cision, Ziyambi claimed to have
autobiography, was “probably one of the sharpest residents here.” try is that there is a risk of judicial bwe strongly believes in the inde- evidence which he was going to
“His memory is amazing for a 111-year-old,” Calvert said. capture where the Judiciary has pendence of the judiciary and re- use “to expose” some High Court
John Taylor, a founder of The Australian Book of Records, confirmed been captured by certain elements spects the principles of separation judges whom he said “were not dis-
that Kruger had become the oldest-ever Australian man. both within and outside Zimba- of power as set out in the Consti- pensing justice according to what
The oldest-ever verified Australian was Christina Cook, who died in bwe who want to destabilise the tution of Zimbabwe,” she said. they are supposed to be doing.”
2002 aged 114 years and 148 days. (AP) Second Republic,” Ziyambi said “The Government of Zimba- New Ziana your company
getting a Fair Share PUNGWE

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For maximum results and
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Delta Beverages unveils

US$3m PSL sponsorship
ZIMBABWE’S top flight league winner of the main Castle Lager Pre-
the Premier Soccer League (PSL) miership and the Chibuku Super Cup.
received a timely boost ahead of the The new season will get underway
resumption of local football next next weekend with the Chibuku Super
weekend following the unveiling of Cup which will be played under a new
a sponsorship deal in excess of U$3 format where teams have been put in
million for the next three years with groups in an effort to manage a safe
traditional sponsors, Delta Beverages. resumption of football after a year of
The new sponsorship deal, which inactivity due to the coronavirus pan-
was unveiled at a ceremony in Harare demic.
on Thursday, will see the PSL receiv- The previous format was a direct
ing US$$1 130 000 per season for the knockout but the new format will see
PSL Championship and the Chibuku clubs meeting in round-robin matches.
Super Cup. The top two teams from each group
The money will be payable in local will proceed to the quarter-finals.
currency at the bank rate of the day. The semi-finals will be paired by
The sponsorship package was an- the public drawing of the lots. The
nounced by Delta Corporation Gen- tournament is expected to run for six
eral Manager, Patricia Murambinda. to eight weeks.
She told guests at the launch cere- The Premier League season is ex-
mony in Harare Thursday that Delta pected to get underway in July.
were committed to seeing the re- PSL chairman Farai Jere (left), Delta Beverages General Manager, Patricia Murambinda The sponsorship launch comes after
sumption of domestic football after a (centre) and Delta’s Sparkling Beverages general manager Moses Gambiza the PSL signed a broadcast partner-
year of absence due to Covid-19. 2023 period. 2021 will be an exciting cia Murambinda (centre) and Delta’s League will get the lion’s share of ship agreement with Zimpapers Tele-
The sponsorship package will be season for all, with various activities Sparkling Beverages general manager US$700 000 per season while US$375 vision Network (ZTN)
channelled towards three competi- lined up to restart our game in Zim- Moses Gambiza pose with a dummy 000 has been set aside for the Chibuku Under the arrangement, ZTN are
tions up to 2023. babwe despite the Covid-19 challeng- check during the unveiling of a three Super Cup that begins next week. expected to broadcast PSL matches,
“Delta is excited to announce the es,” said Murambinda. year sponsorship deal for the PSL in Another US$55 000 will go towards by livestreaming them on their online
Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League PSL chairman Farai Jere (left), Del- Harare on Thursday the season-ending Castle Challenge television platforms, in a pay-per-
sponsorship package for the 2021- ta Beverages General Manager, Patri- The Castle Lager Premier Soccer Cup. The Challenge Cup features the view model.

Chibuku Super Cup roars into life

By John Chamboko The PSL has previously set May Chibuku Super Cup to be covered

MUTARE- THE inaugural Chibuku 16 as the day for resumption; how- by Zimpaper Television Network on
Super Cup roars into life this week- ever, the day was pushed to May 22 Saturday at 3pm.
end at Sakubva Stadium after one for the 2021 season to start. Group 2 consists of Bulawayo
year absence of football due to the Local soccer fans said they were teams namely Bulawayo Chiefs, Bu-
... is your company getting a Fair outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Football, which commands a
happy with the resumption of the top
flight league although they will not
lawayo City, Chicken Inn and High-

Share of the market? It is a known

huge following in the country, was be allowed to watch their teams in This will be a group of derbies
allowed to resume by Sports and action. with four teams.
Recreational Commission (SRC) Givemore Tsuro, a staunch foot- Group 4 has both platinum min-
fact that many people read following the easing of Covid-19
lockdown restrictions by govern-
ball supporter said: “We are happy
with the resumption of the world`s
ers within their ranks namely Ngezi
Platinum, FC Platinum, Triangle and
PUNGWE NEWS every week. ment.
The much anticipated football
most populous game but it’s unfor-
tunate we cannot be on the terraces
action will kick-off this weekend in to watch our favourite teams locking Bulawayo City v Chicken Inn at
Manicand Province capital Mutare horns. Probably they can screen on Barbour Fields Stadium 11am
and other three cities namely Harare, television for the benefit of support- Whawha v FC Platinum at Man-
To get to the people advertise in the Bulawayo and Zvishavane.
Sakubva Stadium will host group
Another football fan Leonard Chi-
dava Stadium 1pm
CAPS United v Yadah at the giant
newspaper that goes places, and three matches with four teams name-
ly Tenax FC, Black Rhinos, Manica
ro echoed the same sentiments say-
ing: “I missed local football. I don’t
arena National Sports Stadium 3pm
Tenax v Black Rhinos at Sakubva

get your Fair Share.

Diamond and Cranborne Bullets. have money to buy data bundles to Stadium 3pm
The debutants Tenax FC will host live stream the match, why can’t SUNDAY
army side Black Rhinos on Satur- they allow us to attend live match- Ngezi Platinum v Triangle at
day at Sakubva Stadium at 3pm and es in small numbers say 100 to 200 Mandava Stadium 11am
Contact Cliff on on Sunday the Ngoda Boys will lock
horns with another debutant side
supporters to allow social distanc-
Harare City v ZPC Kariba at Na-
tional Sports Stadium 11am

Cell: 0777 380 875

in the group Cranborne Bullets at Meanwhile, group one for Hara- Bulawayo Chiefs v Highlanders at
Sakubva Stadium. re has six teams namely Dynamos, Barbour Fields Stadium 1pm
The top flight teams adopted the CAPS Unites, ZPC Kariba, Heren- Herentals v Dynamos at National
proposal from the Premier Soccer tials, Harare City and Yadah. Sports Stadium 3pm
League (PSL) board to play in a CAPS Unites will clash with Ya- Manica Diamonds v Cranborne
mini phased league. dah in the first round fixture of the Bullets at Sakubva Stadium 3pm

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